metric segmentation based on gaussian multiscale ag-
gregation. This method is able to isolate hand from
background in different situations, simulated by an
own synthetic public database, with a total of 408000
The results highlight the fact that hand is isolated
with a competitive accuracy, providing a good result
for a posterior feature extraction, independently on
the background of the hand image.
Applications of this method are very suitable for
mobile applications, since hand mobile biometrics
must be able to identify individuals everywhere, with-
out no constrains on the background. However, more
efforts must be done to adapt this approach for mo-
bile biometrics, since its temporal performance is far
at present from being adequate for real-time applica-
tions. In addition, the time performance is still low
(18 seconds), when compared to other similar ap-
proaches in literature, and considering the challeng-
ing backgrounds to segment.
Future work regards an improvement and refine-
ment in implementation, together with a mobile ori-
entation, so that mobile hand biometrics could benefit
of a reliable segmentation algorithm, and therefore,
increase their identification accuracy.
This research has been supported by the Ministry
of Industry, Tourism and Trade of Spain, in the
framework of the project CENIT-Segur@, reference
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