Kiczales, 2002; Pawlak et al., 2006). This solution,
however, closely follows the original definition, and
likewise Composite, it introduces aspects to repre-
sent the observer pattern, requiring a partitioning into
subjects an observers. The AOP representation did
not achieve unified representation of patterns like we
point in this work. The representation of Observer us-
ing software architectures was also proposed (Oder-
sky and Zenger, 2005; Sreedhar, 2002). These ap-
proaches, however, leads to a complex description of
the pattern that is quite similar to the original one.
Event-based programming has been used as the
basis for some software architectures (Luckham and
Vera, 1995; Taylor et al., 2010). However, EBP is
based on the Observer pattern, one star in the pattern
galaxy, being obviously unable to provide a unified
pattern representation.
Design patterns provide solutions to overcome some
limitations of object-oriented programming. Patterns
however, are not based on simple and sound princi-
ples, leading to an explosion of their number. This
was the case of Observer and Composite patterns that
albeit considered very different under OOP, are ex-
actly the same under the software topology paradigm.
Patterns provide no meaningful insight on how appli-
cations can be partitioned and organized becoming an
irrelevant construct for developing software topolo-
gies. Our current work has shown that most of the pat-
terns defined in (Gamma et al., 1995) are actually spe-
cific topologies with small differences between them.
Future research is required to extend our results to a
larger number of patterns.
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies