• Auditing: Audit records are not always
maintained throughout the lifecycle of a system.
However, it is inherent in the FTMDA that a
complete audit history of the data is maintained
in order to facilitate the temporal data
management aspects.
• Aged Data: an alternative to data rollover is
other selective data pruning based on aspects
such as the age of data or in terms of its
relevancy based on how often it is accessed.
The FTMDA can rollback to access the full and
complete availability of data.
• Upgrade Reversion: not all aspects of
application fixes, patches or upgrades are
desirable in terms of features or even
application stability. A temporary session
rollback to when the desired functionality was
available can be provided by the FTMDA for
that user.
With the higher Temporal Application Effectiveness
of the Full Temporal Meta-Data Application, there is
a greater ongoing continuity of system access and
usage, and thus a greater potential for minimising
the cost of maintaining that application due to the
greater operational stability and seemingly static
nature of an operating application within that period.
The ready availability of historical data and
access, reduces information turnaround times, and
minimises maintenance costs of separate historical
environments. High costs that are typically incurred
due to major (and even some minor) upgrades or
generational changes, both in real financial terms as
well as potential accessibility disruption until the
revision system has been bedded down and is
operating effectively, can be greatly reduced due to
the automated update capability of the meta-data EIS
application as well as the full temporal rollback
capability for data and application logic, if required.
The very nature of the meta-data EIS application
further acts to greatly reduce these upgrade costs as
the update of meta-data and any upgrade of the
runtime engine is relatively seamless and incur only
minor migration downtimes (if any).
Adding the temporal meta-data management to
temporal data management provides a key benefit to
the implementation of meta-data EIS applications
over traditional code based EIS applications.
Combined with the additional benefits of meta-data
EIS applications they provide a significant
opportunity for lifecycle savings as well as
previously unexperienced end user flexibility and
interaction that cannot otherwise be readily
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Execution Capabilities throughout the Meta-data EIS Application Lifecycle