N. Parimala and Vinay Gautam
School of Computer & System Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Keywords: Data warehouse, E-Metadata, Ontology.
Abstract: We are concerned with providing support for identification of changes to the data warehouse schema. The
approach involves, building an extended metadata, E-Metadata, using which we identify changes. In this
paper we show the manner in which E-Metadata is built. E-Metadata consists of the technical metadata and
an ontology. In the E-Metadata Development Process (EDP), first, the technical metadata is extracted from
the metadata of the warehouse schema. In the next stage of ontology development process, the schema
terms are extracted from the technical metadata. The data warehouse administrator is asked to provide
business terms for the schema terms. We, then search the WordNet for synonyms, hypernyms etc. for these
terms. Using this information we build the ontology.
The Metadata is physical data and knowledge
containing information about technical and business
processes, rules and structure of data. It is a key
success factor of data warehouse projects. It captures
all the information necessary to analyse, design,
build, use and interpret the data warehouse contents.
It is widely used to improve effectiveness and
efficiency of data warehouse environment. Typically
metadata has two categories of data - technical
metadata and business metadata. The technical
metadata includes schema definitions and
configuration specifications etc, which is used by the
developer and technical people. Business Metadata
contains the information for end user. Nowadays,
organizations have started to use standard meta-
model for defining the metadata. Common
Warehouse Model and Open Information Model are
two metadata standards developed by OMG & MDC
respectively to represent and enable interchange of
metadata. (Thomas Vetterliy, Anca Vaduvaz and
Martin Staudty, 2000).
In our earlier work, we defined a system, called
Change Identification System (CIS), for
identification of changes in the data warehouse
schema. (Parimala N., and Vinay Gautam, 2010).
Once the changes are identified by CIS, the Data
Warehouse Administrator (DWA) may incorporate
some of these changes in the data warehouse schema
and its metadata. The corresponding changes must
be now available for CIS. To support this, in this
paper we define an extended version of the metadata
of the data warehouse schema. This extended
metadata, E-Metadata, is constructed using technical
metadata and is enhanced with an ontology.
Ontology has been widely addressed in literature.
The ontology is a specification of a
conceptualization. The ontology specification is
formally described. (Ahlemnabli, Jamel Feki and
Farez Gargouri, 2009) (W. L. Lacy et al., 2005).
Facts, features of the real world and their
relationships are described with the help of a
language in a document file. These expressions are
in machine readable collection of terms. OWL (Web
Ontology Language) which has been standardized
by W3C has been adopted by many researchers.
(www.w3.org/2004/ OWL). We define our ontology
of E-Metadata using OWL.
The example used in this paper is the Insurance
data warehouse schema shown in Figure 1. The
metadata for this schema is contained in five files,
Policy_holder.xsd, Policy.xsd, Claim.xsd and
PolicyRevenue.xsd containing fact information
Time.xsd containing the dimension information and
Policy_Period defined as dimension attributes.
Claim.xsd contains the information about the
type of claim. Time.xsd contains the time hierarchy.
1.1 Related Work
Data warehouse metadata is used for building,
maintaining, managing and using the data
Parimala N. and Gautam V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003468202540259
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2011), pages 254-259
ISBN: 978-989-8425-57-7
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Insurance Schema.
warehouse. It is widely considered as promising
driver for improving effectiveness and efficiency of
data warehouse system. The metadata is used to
support data warehouse developers and business
people. It is managed by metadata repository. (Anca
Vaduva, 2001). As brought out above it consists of
business metadata and technical metadata. The
business metadata is defined to support end-user.
Some examples of systems that use metadata.
(Guotong Xie, Yang Yang, Shengping Liu,
Zhaoming Qiu, Yue Pan and Xiongzhi Zhou, 2010)
(Veronika Stefanov and Beate List, 2006) (N. L.
Sarda, 2006). The business metadata is used to
provide flexibility to data mart deployment from
data warehouse. (Guotong Xie, Yang Yang,
Shengping Liu, Zhaoming Qiu, Yue Pan and
Xiongzhi Zhou, 2010). The business metadata is
used to integrate data warehouse and enterprise
goals by building a model to provide links between
enterprise goals and data warehouse. (Veronika
Stefanov and Beate List, 2006). Temporal object
oriented business metadata model is developed to
provide context to business management and
decision support. (N. L. Sarda, 2006). The technical
metadata, on the other hand, is defined as consisting
of schema definitions and configuration
specifications, physical storage information, access
rights, executable specification like data
transformation, plausible rules and run time
information like log files.(Won Kim, 2005). The
technical metadata is defined to support developer
and technical people. Some examples of systems
that have used technical meta data (Wita
Wojtkowski, Gregory Wojtkowski, Stanislaw
Wrycza and Joze Zupancic, 2010) (Wua, Millera
and Nilakantab, 2001) (Katic, Quirchmay, Schiefer,
Stolba and Tjoa,1998). The technical metadata is
used to provide support to incorporate the changes in
data warehouse. (Wita Wojtkowski, Gregory
Wojtkowski, Stanislaw Wrycza and Joze Zupancic,
2010). It is used to design data warehouse and
generate the required sets of relational queries in
(Wua, Millera and Nilakantab, 2001). The technical
metadata is used to provide a security model for data
warehouse. (Katic, Quirchmay, Schiefer, Stolba and
Tjoa,1998). Here, the technical metadata contains
the information such as access rules, classification of
security objects or clearances of security subjects.
We use the technical metadata to build E-Metadata.
The ontology is a specification of shared
conceptualization. The static as well as dynamic
ontology is used in information systems. It is
expressed using many approaches and languages and
has been studied in detail. (Igor Jurisica, 2004) (
Paulheim and Probst, 2010). Ontology has been used
in different applications. The ontology is developed
to support OLAP operations for analysis in a
multidimensional system. (Kurze, Gluchowski,
Bohringer, 2010). The ontology is combined with
database metadata to construct a data space to tackle
the issues of data management in complicated
scientific studies. (Ting Wang, 2010). We use the
ontology with the technical metadata for
identification of changes in a data warehouse
The layout of the paper is as follows. Section 2
deals with the E-Metadata development process. In
Section 3 an example is considered. Section 4 is the
concluding section.
In our earlier work, Change Identification System
(CIS), we defined an ontology to help in
identification of changes in the data warehouse
schema. (Parimala N., 2010). To support
identification of changes and evolution of the
ontology along with the evolution of the data
warehouse schema, we define and build, in this
paper, an extended metadata of the data warehouse
schema. This extended metadata, E-Metadata,
consists of the technical metadata of the data
warehouse schema and an ontology. The ontology
itself consists of data warehouse business terms,
domain terms etc. The ontology is built starting from
the terms that exist in the technical metadata. The E-
Metadata development process is explained in
section 3. Formally, we define E-Metadata as
EM : <O,M>
EM: E-Metadata
M: Technical metadata for data warehouse.
O: Ontology
It maybe queried as to why the technical metadata is
maintained in E-Metadata. When changes are made
to the warehouse schema, the corresponding
metadata will also undergo a change. We extract the
new technical metadata and the difference identifies
the changes. This drives version management of E-
Metadata. Version management is, however, not
addressed in this paper.
2.1 Building the E-Metadata
The data warehouse metadata consists of technical
metadata and business metadata. The E-Metadata is
built by first, extracting the technical metadata. In
the next step, the technical metadata is used to build
the Ontology. To start with the names of facts,
attributes and dimensions in the metadata are
extracted. These may not necessarily be business
terms. The corresponding business terms have to be
identified by the DWA. These can be enriched with
other terms. These other terms are additional domain
terms. Once this information is available, we search
the WordNet to add synonyms etc.
The E-Metadata Development Process (EDP) is
a two stage process as shown in Figure 2. In the first
stage, the technical metadata is extracted from the
metadata of the data warehouse schema. The second
stage is the Ontology Development Process (ODP).
Stage 1: Technical Metadata Extraction Process:
Technical metadata (data warehouse schema
definition) is imported from metadata definition.
Figure 2: Metadata Development Process.
Stage 2: Ontology Development Process: ODP
with a base ontology and the output from stage
1. Base ontology contains the core concepts or
classes of data warehouse such as fact, dimension
and attribute etc.
A. Extraction: In this step, Java API is used to
extract data warehouse constructs from technical
metadata expressed in XML format. In this process,
each extracted construct known as ‘token’,
represents a small piece of information.
The base ontology is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Base Ontology.
ODP consists of three steps as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Ontology Development Process (ODP).
B. Conceptualization: The ‘conceptualization’
is an important step in ODP. Here, the base concept
for each ‘token’, from among the base ontology
concepts, is identified. Subsequently, the domain
concepts are added. The two steps are shown in
Figure 5.
a) Identify Base Concept for each Token:
The ‘token’ is identified as an instance of Fact,
Dimension and Attribute among base ontology.
The following rules are used to identify the base
concept for a given token.
Rules: To identify base concepts for each token
ENASE 2011 - 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
R1:If (fact) then “Base Concept of
token is the Fact”
R2:If (dimension) then “Base Concept
of token is the Dimension”
R3: If (simple element) then “Base
Concept of token is the Attribute”.
b) Identify Domain Concept for each Token:
The token represents data warehouse schema
term. So the DWA is asked to add a business term
corresponding to each token. The domain concept
consists of this business term and other
information extracted for this business term from
the WordNet. For a given word in the WordNet
we look for the following information:
Figure 5: Conceptualization.
Synonyms – words with similar meaning.
Hypernyms-Hierarchical relationship of a
Meronyms- Contains Partof relationship of a
The above information can be added provided
the business term is found in the WordNet. If the
business term is not found in the WordNet then the
DWA is asked to specify an equivalent term.
WordNet is searched for this equivalent term. If
found, then as before the synonyms etc are picked
up. If it is not found then the DWA is asked to
specify some synonyms if possible. The approach of
asking for an equivalent term was prompted by
studying different example schemas. (http://merc.tv
/img/fig/ Adventure WorksDW2008.pdf, http://
www.information-management-architect.com /star-
schema .html). The schema term CalenderYear has
no entry in WordNet. However, the word Year is
present in WordNet. If the DWA can specify Year as
an equivalent term then it enhances the ontology.
The extracted concepts and base concepts are shown
below in Table 1.
C. Ontology Update: The concepts extracted in
the previous step are new concepts, which are added
as instances of base concepts among the base
ontology concepts. A token or a business terms
refers either to a fact or a dimension or attributes
thereof. The business term, therefore, is added either
as an instance of Fact or Dimension or Attribute.
The synonyms are added as instances of Synset; the
hypernyms are added as instances of Hierarchy and
the meronyms or part-of are added as instances of
Term in the base ontology. Table 2 below shows a
few examples.
Table 1: Instance and base concepts.
Concept Base Concept/Class
Business term
Synonym Synset
Meronym Term
Hypernyms Hierarchy
Table 2: Instance and base concept.
term/WordNet term
Instance of Concepts
Policy Dimension
Policy Revenue Fact
Holder name Attribute
City Term
Customer is synonym of
Policy Holder
Year-> month-> day
WordNet hierarchy
Year, month, day Level
There are different types of relations defined in
the base ontology as shown in Figure 3. After
identifying the concept to which a token belongs, we
identify the relations. The classes to which the
tokens belong are used to determine the relations.
Below are a few examples:
Policy is an instance of Dimension.
Policy_type is an instance of Attribute. Now,
the relation between Policy and Policy_type is
an instance of Dim_Attribute.
Policy Revenue is an instance of Fact.
Premium_in_dollar and Claim_limit are
instances of Attribute. Now, the relation
between Policy Revenue and
Premium_in_dollar, Claim_limit is an instance
of Fact_Attribute.
Premium is an instance of Synset and it is a
synonym of Policy_premium. Policy_Premium
is itself an instance of Attribute. Thus, the
relation between premium and policy_p
remium is an instance of Attri_synset.
City is an instance of Term. State is an instance
of Attribute. The relation between City and
State is an instance of PartOf.
Year, Month and day are instances of Attribute.
Now, the relation between Year & L1, Month
& L2 and day &L3 is an instance of
DimAttr_Lvl. L1-> L2->L3 (H1) is an instance
of Hierarchy. The relation between L1, L2 and
L3 are instances of Hier_Lvl.
As an example, we demonstrate the application of
this approach for the warehouse schema shown in
Figure 1. We now trace the steps outlined above.
Stage 1: Technical Metadata Extraction: In this
stage, the technical metadata is imported from
Insurance data warehouse metadata repository. This
metadata (in the form of XML schema) is an input to
next stage of this approach.
Stage 2: Ontology Development Process
A. Extraction: This is used to extract tokens
from the XML file. For example, from Policy.xsd
the tokens that are generated are Policy,
Policy_type, Policy_period and Policy_premium.
B. Conceptualization
a. Identify Base Concept for each Token: The
‘token’ is identified as an instance of Fact,
Dimension and Attribute among base ontology. For
example, as per the rules above, Policy is a
Dimension and Policy_type, Policy_period and
Policy_premium are Attributes. So the base concept
for Policy is Dimension and Attribute for
Policy_period, Policy_type and Policy_premium.
b. Identify Domain Concept for each Token:
This contains two steps shown below:
For example, Policy, Policy_period are schema
terms. The business terms corresponding to them are
policy, policy period. Now, these words are searched
for in WordNet for synonym, hypernym and
meronym shown below in Table 3. Policy is present
in WordNet but policy period is not present. So
DWA is asked to add some specific term for further
C. Ontology Update: Policy, Policy type, Policy
period and Policy premium are added as instances of
base concepts in the base ontology as identified in
step B. Policy is added as instance of Dimension and
Policy type, Policy period and Policy premium are
added as instances of Attribute. The synonym,
hypernym and meronym are added as instances of
Synset, Hierarchy and Term.
Table 3: Synonym, Herpernym and Meronym from
Synonym Hypernym
or partof
Policy Sense 3
Sense 3
Not found --------- ------------
In this paper, we have proposed an extended
metadata, E-Metadata, which is a combination of the
technical metadata and the ontology. The benefits of
extending the metadata are twofold: firstly, it can be
used to identify the changes to the data warehouse
schema. Secondly, all changes mode to the schema
and the corresponding changes to the ontology are
maintained in one place, thus ensuring consistency.
The E-Metadata Development Process (EDP) is
used to build the E-Metadata. First the technical
metadata is imported from metadata represented in
XML format. Subsequently, the ontology
development process, starting with the base
ontology and the technical metadata builds the
The ODP has three steps - extraction,
conceptualization and Ontology update. In the
extraction step, tokens are extracted from the
technical metadata. The Wordnet is used to find
synonyms etc in the second step. Subsequently, the
base ontology is updated with the new terms of the
previous steps.
We explored the possibility of using WSD. For
example, after the DWA specifies the word sense of
policy_type whether it is possible to pick up the
sense of policy_period considering that both the
attributes belong to the same dimension. However,
since there is no relationship between the two words
WSD could not be used. We considered other
schemas as well for the applicability of WSD
algorithm. Except for Time attribute, it was not
possible to use WSD for disambiguation of senses of
attributes of any other dimension or fact.
The technical metadata of E-Metadata is
generated automatic. The only effort to be put by
DWA is to define the ontology. This however is a
onetime effort. We expect that this approach can be
adapted in large data warehouse schema as well.
The system is being implemented using Java to
ENASE 2011 - 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
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