Sachitha I. P. Gunawardena and Sanath Jayasena
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Katubedda, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Keywords: Non-Work Related Computing, Non-Work Related Internet Usage, Creativity Stimulation, Software
Abstract: This study investigates the effect of non-work related Internet usage on stimulating employee creativity in
the software industry. Drawing from past literature this research proposes six dimensions for measuring
creativity stimulation, which include: accessibility to information, intrinsic motivation to execute ideas,
curiosity and exploration, independent thinking, collaboration and breaking down technical barriers. A
survey was conducted through distribution of a research questionnaire among a stratified random sample of
knowledge workers employed in the software industry. The findings of the research were partially
consistent with the initial predictions which stated a positive effect of non-work related Internet usage on
creativity stimulation. In addition, the research results also provided an exploratory view on the nature of
employees’ non-work related Internet usage.
With the rise of Internet usage in work
environments, especially in the software industry,
there is a rising trend of employees’ engagement in
non-work related Internet usage.
We define “Non-work related Internet usage”
(NWRIU) as the use of organizational Internet
resources by employees while at their workplace for
purposes which are not directly related to their day
to day work tasks. The abbreviation NWRIU is used
throughout this paper to refer to this phenomenon.
Several studies (Block, 2001; Bock and Ling Ho,
2009; Lim, 2002; Oswalt, Elliott-Howard and
Austin, 2003) point out the negative effects of
NWRIU such as employee's productivity loss and
risks of damaging lawsuits. On the other hand, some
researchers have proposed that NWRIU can actually
have positive effects such as stress relief, creativity
stimulation and job satisfaction (Amabile, 1997;
Anandarajan and Simmers, 2004; Boden, 1993;
Csikzentmihalyi, 1996; Oravec, 2002). Despite these
two contradictory views, there is still lack of
research to delve deeper into how NWRIU affects
stimulation of employee creativity. Even though
productivity is an immediate concern with respect to
NWRIU, this research focuses only on the effects of
NWRIU on stimulating employee creativity.
1.1 Research Objectives and the Scope
The main objective of this research is as follows:
Determining the effect of NWRIU on
stimulating employee creativity in the software
Other research objectives include the following:
Identifying the extent and nature of NWRIU
among employees and analyzing restrictions
currently placed by organizations on employee
Internet usage.
The scope of this research is the Sri Lankan
software industry, which is rapidly growing with
strengths being recognized globally. However, we
believe the findings and implications would be
widely applicable.
1.2 Importance of Creativity in the
Software Industry
According to Sri Lanka Information and
Communication Technology Association 2007
workforce survey (SLICTA, 2007), creative thinking
I. P. Gunawardena S. and Jayasena S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003468901670176
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2011), pages 167-176
ISBN: 978-989-8425-57-7
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
skills has been identified as one of the main skills
that needs improvement in employees working on
many IT job categories, as cited by most employers.
NWRIU has been explored to a reasonable extent by
several researchers as it is a modern phenomenon.
Lim (2002) has conducted a study on NWRIU,
collecting data from 188 working adults in
Singapore with access to the internet at the
workplace. She states that while access to the
Internet may not necessarily result in more people
loitering around, the temptation to do so is certainly
higher since the Internet makes such activities easier
and more convenient.
IT knowledge workers are more likely to engage
in a range of online activities for non-work-related
purposes at work, rather than outside their
workplace, especially since a major portion of their
time is spent at work on a typical working day.
Previous researches show that significant
differences are not shown across employee
demographics with respect to NWRIU (Stanton,
2002; Ugrina, Pearson and Odom, 2007).
Since extensive and disruptive use of NWRIU
can potentially lead to negative effects such as
reduced employee productivity, legal liabilities for
the employer and poor job performance, several
researchers have conducted research on these
negative aspects of non-wok related Internet usage.
For example, Bock and Ling Ho (2009) have
analyzed the effect of NWRIU on job performance.
Oswalt, Elliott-Howard and Austin (2003) discuss
about certain legal and ethical issues faced by IT
managers with respect to NWRIU in U.S.
While most business organizations continuously
appear to perceive NWRIU as a purely negative
aspect, the organizational management is focused on
placing more and more restrictions on such Internet
usage. As discussed by Anandarajan and Simmers
(2004), it is important to note that personal web
usage in the workplace is a complex issue with not
only a potentially dysfunctional dimension, but also
a potentially constructive one. Further, some
researchers argue that the Internet provides a much
needed diversion at work which can lead to
creativity, flexibility, better collaboration, and foster
a learning environment (Anandarajan and Simmers,
2004; Block, 2001; Greenfield, 2002; Oravec, 2002).
Based on previous literature, there is clearly a
wide debate on the disruptive and the constructive
impact of NWRIU at work.
Together with these contradictory views, there is
no adequate research on how NWRIU in particular
affects employee creativity. Thus we review
previous research on how Internet usage in a broad
sense affects creativity stimulation.
2.1 Internet and Creativity Stimulation
Oravec (2002) suggests that allowing reasonable and
humane amounts of online recreation can indeed
have considerable advantages, which can serve to
open blocked creative channels and possibly relieve
stress as well.
Some researchers have discussed the use of
Internet for stimulating creativity on an educational
setting. Marshall (2001) in his study on creativity,
imagination and the web, discusses about
approaches that can be taken to improve education
by making use of the web by encouraging creativity
and imagination. Madden (2004) has conducted a
large scale study that looks at U.S. artists and
musicians use of the Internet and their views on
copyright. According to the study the artists and
musicians use the Internet to gain inspiration, build
community with fans and fellow artists and pursue
new commercial activity. The study reports that 52%
of all online artists and 59% of paid online artists
say they get ideas and inspiration for their work
from searching online. Software industry being a
creative industry similarly to music and fine arts,
Madden’s (2004) study provides background for
extending similar research to be conducted on
knowledge workers in the software industry.
The similarity between the features of the
Internet and those characterizing creative individuals
has encouraged Shoshani and Hazi (2007) to look
for a theory that justifies the use of the Internet
environment for enhancing creativity. They
conducted their research using a sample that
comprised teachers of fashion design from several
Israeli high schools. Shoshani and Hazi (2007) came
up with ten hypotheses pertaining to the
enhancement of creativity via the Internet. These ten
hypotheses were: multiculturalism, serendipity,
cooperation, anonymity, exposure to varied
audiovisual means, breaking down technical
barriers, flexibility, constructivism, exposure to
creative people, and freedom. Except for anonymity,
exposure to varied audiovisual means and breaking
down technical barriers, all other hypotheses were
strongly supported by this study, where the research
methodology followed was purely qualitative. Using
ENASE 2011 - 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
Shoshani and Hazi’s (2007) study as a groundwork
research study, a close review of literature was
carried out on the factors that would potentially
enable stimulation of creativity in an Internet
2.1.1 Creativity and Accessibility to
Csikzentmihalyi (2009) states the availability and
accessibility of information and encouragement of
novelty by organizations is an important systemic
property for encouraging organizational creativity.
Amabile (1997) has also expressed a similar view on
accessibility of information and creativity, stating
that domain-relevant skills are a core component for
2.1.2 Creativity Stimulation through
Online socialization can be viewed in two different
aspects: exposure to multiculturalism and
collaboration. Several researchers have noted the
importance of these factors for enhancing creativity.
Robinson and Stern (1997) discuss about diverse
stimuli as one of the six essential elements they
consider as necessary for enhancing corporate
creativity. Moreover, Eriksen and Beauvais (2000)
empirically prove and propose a theory that explains
how increased levels of diversity within and among
members of teams increase creativity in team
decision making and problem solving. Damanpour
(1991) states organizational creativity decreases by
restrictions on information flow and communication
channels within the organization. Several other
researchers have also discussed the importance of
cooperation and creative dialogue for enhancing
creativity (Isaksen, 1987; John-Steiner, 2000;
Marshall, 2001; Osborn, 1991).
2.1.3 Creativity Stimulation through
Curiosity and Exploration
Several researchers state the importance of curiosity
and exploration for creativity stimulation.
Csikszentmihalyi (1996) points out that sustaining
high levels of curiosity is the starting point of
creativity. Boden (1993) discusses a similar view by
stating that exploring environments and their limits
are well-known paths to creativity.
2.1.4 Creativity Stimulation through
Independent Thinking
Linda Naiman founder of “Creativity at Work”
(2006) organization notes that creativity is fostered
in organizational cultures that value independent
thinking, risk taking and learning. Further,
independent thinking is stated as a creativity
stimulating factor by Stephens (2004) in her '20
Ways to Encourage Children’s Resourcefulness and
Creativity'. This can be applied to adult creativity
stimulation in an online environment as well.
2.1.5 Creativity Stimulation and Intrinsic
According to Amabile (1997) there are three basic
ingredients to creativity: domain skills, creative
thinking skills and intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic
motivation is therefore one of the key ingredients for
creativity. Morris (2005) stresses the importance of
organizational encouragement of creativity for
developing employee intrinsic motivation. Adams
(2005) also identifies organizational support as a
crucial factor that bolsters intrinsic motivation. He
points out that intrinsic motivation increases when
people are aware that those around them are excited
and where there is information sharing and
2.1.6 Creativity Stimulation by Breaking
Down Technical Barriers
Breaking down technical barriers is also considered
as a creativity stimulator by Shoshani and Hazi
(2007), where increased exposure to technical
aspects is considered likely to encourage creative
outcomes. Most of the knowledge workers working
in the software industry can be considered as
technically savvy. However, there are certain non-
technical job roles such as sales and marketing,
project management and technical writing.
Therefore, the nature and extent of exposure to
technical aspects for job related tasks would vary
with the employee’s job role. Even though most
knowledge workers in the software industry would
have a natural technical exposure, there can be
variation in such technical exposure with their nature
of Internet usage for non-work purposes.
2.2 Organizational Culture and
The software industry is relatively new in Sri Lanka.
However, the local software development companies
have developed different organizational cultures that
would vary from one software development
company to another especially with the scale of the
company and attitude of the management. The
organizational culture would play a major role with
respect to certain aspects of creativity stimulation,
such as independent thinking and curiosity and
Cameron and Quinn (1999) researched what
makes organizations effective and successful. Based
on the Competing Values Framework they
developed the Organizational Culture Assessment
Instrument (OCAI) that distinguishes four culture
types: Clan Culture, Adhocracy Culture, Market
Culture, and Hierarchy Culture. Organizational
encouragement towards creativity would vary based
on the organizational culture type.
2.3 Personality and Creativity
As noted by some researchers, even through
creativity can be learnt and stimulated, a portion of
creativity would be innate (Amabile, 1997;
Csikzentmihalyi, 1996). This would be exhibited
through their individual personality traits.
As the research into the relationship between
personality traits and creativity continues to grow a
more complete picture has developed. Within the
framework of the Big Five model of personality
some consistent traits have emerged (Batey and
Furnham, 2006). Out of the Big Five model
personality traits 'openness to experience' has been
shown to be consistently related to a whole host of
different assessments of creativity (Batey, Furnham
and Safiullina, 2010). Some of the terms used in
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment to
determine the independent thinker type personality
include: logical, independent, self-confident,
nonconformist and visionary (Myers, 1995). These
assessment factors provide some background on
assessing an individual's personality with respect to
independent thinking ability.
Building upon the literature that has been
reviewed, this research proposes six dimensions of
creativity stimulation to be assessed for the impact
from NWRIU.
A two stage research design was followed. First, an
initial exploratory study was conducted on the
research topic due to the low amount of research on
this specific research area. The exploratory study
helped to gather the needed preliminary information
for carrying out a fully fledged study. An initial
small scale questionnaire was distributed online
among 20 respondents from 10 Sri Lankan software
companies who were personally known to the
researcher, during the exploratory study stage.
Following the exploratory study, the core
research was conducted based on hypothesis testing.
This hypothesis testing approach was selected since
the research required explanation of the nature of
certain relationships between different variables.
Predominantly a quantitative research methodology
was followed, where the research variable
measurement was done through historical data and
analytical surveys mainly based on a Likert scale.
3.1 Theoretical Framework
The main independent variable identified for the
study was NWRIU, where the nature and the extent
of usage were analyzed as per the dimensions of the
independent variable. The main dependent variable
identified for the study was "employee creativity
stimulation", where six dimensions of the dependent
variable were identified. Dimensions considered for
the creativity stimulation variable were limited
based on the survey results of the exploratory study,
in order to maintain the research study within an
acceptable scope.
Figure 1 displays the research variables and the
related dimensions considered for the theoretical
Figure 1: Conceptual model.
ENASE 2011 - 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
The independent variable NWRIU was
considered to have a relationship with each of the
creativity stimulation dimensions. Moderating
variables were identified for each of these
relationships based on previous literature as well as
logical reasoning.
The moderating variable identified for the
relationship between NWRIU and accessibility to
information is organizational policies.
According to Amabile (1997) intrinsic
motivation is one of the three basic ingredients to
creativity which include domain skills, creative
thinking skills and intrinsic motivation. However,
encouragement of creativity by the organization as
discussed by Csikszentmihalyi (2009) would be a
moderating variable for this relationship between
NWRIU and intrinsic motivation, since a supportive
environment would be required for the development
of intrinsic motivation. Further, personal Internet
usage away from the workplace is also considered as
a moderating variable for this relationship which
would help to consider the unique contribution of
NWRIU at work, since the research study focuses
only on NWRIU at work.
Personality of the employee, organizational
culture, organizational policies and Internet usage
away from work were identified as the moderating
variables for the relationship between NWRIU and
curiosity and exploration.
Organizational culture can potentially affect the
independent thinking habits of employees and also
there is a portion of innate independent thinking
habits that could be present through an employee’s
personality. Therefore, organizational culture,
personality and Internet usage away from the
workplace have been considered as the moderating
variables for the relationship between NWRIU and
independent thinking. Internet usage away from the
workplace is also considered as a moderating
variable for this relationship, since the research
study focuses only on the NWRIU at work.
Online social media was considered as an
intervening variable which acts as a function of
NWRIU for the relationship with the dependent
variable dimension 'collaboration'. The moderating
variable identified for this relationship is
organizational policies.
Job role is noted as a moderating variable for the
relationship between NWRIU and breaking down
technical barriers because an employee’s natural
technical exposure could differ based on the job role.
Personal Internet usage away from the workplace
was also considered as a moderating variable for this
Based on the theoretical framework the
following set of hypotheses was developed for this
: There is a positive relationship between
NWRIU and accessibility to information.
: There is a positive relationship between
NWRIU and intrinsic motivation to execute ideas.
: There is a positive relationship between
NWRIU and curiosity and exploration.
: There is a relationship between NWRIU
and independent thinking.
: There is a positive relationship between
online social media usage and collaboration.
: There is a positive relationship between
NWRIU and breaking down technical barriers.
: There is a positive relationship between
NWRIU and creativity stimulation.
A questionnaire was developed based on the
theoretical framework and the derived hypotheses
statements and it was distributed among a sample of
192 respondents, drawn from 30 software
development companies in Sri Lanka. The sample
size held a confidence level of 95% and a confidence
interval of 7%.
The entire questionnaire consists of six sections.
The questionnaire predominantly consists of close
ended questions which are designed to be answered
on a Likert scale, with a few open ended questions
which were introduced to gather additional
descriptive data.
The research questionnaire is available on
3.2 Variable Aggregation
Standard average was used for most of the variables.
However, standard weighted average was used for
variable aggregation on employee creativity
stimulation, since the importance of its six
dimensions varied from one dimension to another.
Thus, the weights were assigned to the dimensions
of the creativity stimulation variable as noted in
Table 1.
Table 1: Variable aggregation for creativity stimulation.
Dimension for Creativity
Stimulation Variable
Curiosity and exploration 1.0
Independent thinking 1.0
Intrinsic motivation to execute ideas 1.0
Accessibility to information 1.0
Collaboration 1.0
Breaking down technical barriers 0.5
As illustrated in this table, the dimension
“breaking down technical barriers” was assigned a
half weightage since it was not well supported by
literature, compared to the other dimensions.
However all other dimensions considered for
creativity stimulation were well supported by past
literature, hence these dimensions were assigned
equal weightages.
3.3 Sample Design
The target population that was considered for the
study included all knowledge workers employed in
the Sri Lankan software industry which was around
8,375. Based on the proportionate stratified random
sampling approach, subjects were drawn in
proportion to their original numbers in the
Strata were first defined based on the scale of the
software company of the employee and then again
stratified based on the job category of the employee
as noted in the 2007 ICTA Workforce Survey report
(SLICTA, 2007).
The sample stratification carried out for the
sample of 192 is illustrated in Table 2.
Table 2: Stratification for sample size of 192.
Data analysis was carried out using SPSS (Version
17.0) statistical software. Brief analysis was carried
out on NWRIU patterns and the restrictions
currently placed by organizations on employee
4.1 Profile of the Sample
The gender composition of the sample consisted of
136 males and 56 females which account to a 70: 30
proportion. Most of the survey respondents belonged
to the age groups of 21-25 or 26-30 and major
portion of the respondents included employees
having an undergraduate degree or post-graduate
level qualifications. Most of the survey respondents
had either 1-2 years of work experience or 3-5 years
of work experience. 34 respondents had 6-10 years
of work experience and 7 respondents had over 11
years of work experience. The profile of the sample
which is in line with the ICTA workforce survey
report (SLICTA, 2007) statistics confirms that a
representative sample has been gathered with respect
to most of the demographic factors.
4.2 Analysis of NWRIU
The survey respondents reported that they use
Internet for non-work related purposes for 1.3 hours
per day on average, on a typical working day. This
appears to vary among the respondents from a
minimum time period of 0.25 hours to 4 hours per
day. These employees reported that they work for
9.1 hours per day on average. Table 3 shows what
the survey respondents reported as the NWRIU
activities that they engaged in regularly at their
Table 3: Popular NWRIU activities.
NWRIU Activity
% of respondents
reporting regular
Personal emailing 79.7%
Online news viewing 78.6%
Instant messaging 77.1%
Random surfing 72.9%
Online viewing of
journals/books and other
4.3 Restrictions on NWRIU
Based on the data collected, it was noticed that the
ENASE 2011 - 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
online activities such as social networking, video
sharing, music and audio sharing, online
video/music entertainment and online gaming were
activities that the respondents reported as they would
like to engage in, but which were restricted by their
4.4 Job Role and the Nature of NWRIU
Certain noteworthy variations were identified among
the NWRIU patterns and the employee job roles,
especially with respect to online activities such as
presentation sharing, online forum participation and
downloading software.
4.5 Hypothesis Testing
Pearson correlation and Pearson partial correlation
statistical models were used for the hypothesis
testing. The findings of the research were partially
consistent with the initial predictions which stated a
positive effect of NWRIU on creativity stimulation.
A positive effect of NWRIU was substantiated for
creativity stimulation as a whole and for the
dimensions: curiosity and exploration, collaboration
and breaking down technical barriers as illustrated in
Table 2.
Table 4: Hypothesis testing results.
Correlation H
0.265 0.081 False
0.051 0.141 False
0.003 0.215 True
0.157 0.103 False
0.002 0.221 True
0.042 0.148 True
0.001 0.243 True
The descriptive analysis conducted on NWRIU
provided a brief exploration on the extent and the
nature of NWRIU among the employees in the
software companies. The findings indicated that
personal emailing, online news viewing, instant
messaging and random surfing were some of the
frequently used online activities for non-work
purposes at the workplace. Social networking, online
music/video sharing and entertainment and online
gaming on the other hand are some of the online
activities that the respondents stated as they are
willing to use, but that they are unable to engage in
them due to organizational restrictions. It is
important to note that these online activities are
mostly restricted by large scale software companies.
Nearly 40% of the respondents reported that
their organizations have written policies that
discourage the use of Internet for non-work purposes
during work hours, even though Internet access was
not technically restricted. However, irrespective of
the employees' knowledge of these policies and
practices, positive correlations were identified with
NWRIU and certain creativity stimulation factors.
Around 50% of the respondents reported personal
use of Internet away from the workplace for more
than 1 hour on a daily basis and even during the
weekends. However, the range of online activities
used was rather limited compared to the range of
online activities used at the workplace where
employees would spend the majority of their active
time on a daily basis.
Based on the hypothesis testing that was carried
out, hypothesis 3, hypothesis 5, hypothesis 6 and
hypothesis 7 were substantiated. However,
significant evidence was not present to reject the
null hypothesis for the other hypotheses. Therefore,
it was only confirmed that the following creativity
stimulation dimensions were positively affected by
NWRIU: curiosity and exploration, collaboration
and breaking down technical barriers. Since
hypothesis 7 was also substantiated, it was verified
that NWRIU had a positive correlation with
creativity stimulation as explained by the six
dimensions that were modelled in the theoretical
Overall, the present research extends the literature in
several ways and provides a number of implications
for the management of software development
companies. Since a statistically significant positive
relationship was identified between NWRIU and
creativity stimulation as a whole, it may be wise for
the organizational management to conduct a review
on current organizational policies and restrictions on
the use of Internet for non-work purposes. For every
restriction there needs to be a justifiable reason, i.e.
privacy, security, legality, or productivity.
Variations were identified between the job role of
the employees and their nature of NWRIU.
Therefore, it would be desirable for the
organizational management to distinguish between
departments and employees based on the job roles,
when policies and practices are defined for
managing the use of organizational Internet
Most survey respondents reported frequent use
of online activities such as random surfing, online
viewing of news and journals and downloading
software, which are potentially curiosity driven and
exploratory in nature. If restrictions on such online
activities are placed on the employees’ machines due
to justifiable reasons such as security risks, it might
be desirable for the management to provide separate
server machines or commonly available public
machines for the employees to engage in such online
activities. However, if such facilities are provided, it
would be wise for the organizational management to
monitor them for potential abuse and misuse.
Employers can initiate online competitions (e.g.
online gaming contests) in order promote
constructive NWRIU. Quarterly rewards can be
provided for interesting and valuable serendipitous
findings that employees may come across through
their online explorations. It would be valuable for
the organization to publish success stories on
valuable serendipitous findings of the employees, in
order to raise awareness among the other employees
and to promote constructive NWRIU.
This research highlights the importance of online
social media in promoting creative collaboration
among the employees. However, it was identified
that some of the useful online social media aspects
such as online collaborative software and
presentation sharing were rarely used by the
employees. But instant messaging and personal
emailing were reported by the respondents as
frequently used. It would be wise for the
organizational management to promote a broader
awareness on online social media among their
employees, since it has become one of the most
commonly spoken topics nowadays. Thus, providing
opportunities for employees to familiarize on online
social media features through non-work related
means might in fact be advantageous for a software
development company. Moreover, this research
substantiates a positive effect of NWRIU on
breaking down technical barriers. Hence, software
development companies may benefit from
promoting competitions on exploring new online
Recognizing the potential success in stimulation
of creativity, organizations may consider allowing
certain amount of NWRIU in a workday instead of
totally banning it. However, it should be noted that
employee creativity stimulation would mainly be
beneficial for employees who engage in non-routine
work, where there will be opportunities to introduce
change and experiment with novel ideas. Since
knowledge workers in the software industry have
been considered for this research, it is reasonable to
presume these employees engage in non-routine
work. However, there may be exceptions and it
would be wise for the organizational management to
consider the nature of work of their employees while
allowing for NWRIU at the workplace.
There are a few limitations in this research that
provide opportunities for future studies. Firstly, as
an initial exploration to validate the effect of
NWRIU on creativity stimulation only six
dimensions were considered for creativity
stimulation in this research. The factors which have
been considered in the research are identified
through the literature survey, interviews and an
initial exploratory study. Future research can
examine and compare the effects on NWRIU on
other creativity stimulation dimensions together with
those suggested in this research to generate more
implications for the academics and the employers.
Secondly, it should be noted that the information
obtained from respondents through interviews and
questionnaires being self-reported data could be
biased to some extent. Hence, it would pave the way
for conducting further research with a focus on more
quantitative data collection. Thirdly, only a brief
review was conducted on the restrictions placed by
software companies on certain online activities
which are used for non-work purposes. However,
future research can be conducted with a focus on a
detailed analysis of such restrictions and their
potential implications. Present research was mainly
focused on NWRIU in general. However, the
findings of this research indicated potential
variations across the usage of different online
activities and different job roles of the employees.
Thus, it would be interesting to conduct future
research on specific online activities used by
employees working on different job roles for non-
work purposes. Such extended research would
provide deeper insights on the potential implications
of the noted variations. The scope of this research
was the Sri Lankan software industry; while findings
are useful in a wider context, it would still be
ENASE 2011 - 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
worthwhile to extend the study to different
geographies and cultures.
The findings of this research indicated statistically
significant positive effects of NWRIU on creativity
stimulation factors such as curiosity and exploration,
collaboration, breaking down technical barriers and
creativity stimulation as a whole. The findings of the
research were consistent with some of the previous
studies on similar areas of research. The research
results verified Shoshani and Hazi’s (2007) findings
which stated that multiculturalism, exposure to
creative people and breaking down technical barriers
were positively influenced by the use of Internet. In
the present research factors such as exposure to
creative people and multiculturalism were
considered through the variable dimension –
collaboration. The present research findings were
also parallel to the results of the large scale survey
carried out by Madden (2004), which found out that
internet has greatly improved connections between
artists, art communities and audiences enabling
creative collaboration. Thus, the present research
findings confirmed a similar finding with respect to
the employees in the software development
companies on the effect of NWRIU in enabling
creative collaboration.
This research provides a conclusion that NWRIU
positively affects employee creativity stimulation in
the software industry. With the growing interest in
effective approaches to manage NWRIU, the present
research and its findings provide valuable insights to
both academics and employers of software
organizations. Several recommendations have been
proposed by this research for the management of
software development companies. Therefore, it
would be desirable for managers to carefully weigh
the costs and the long-term benefits of designing
policies and tactics to manage NWRIU at the
workplace, in view of the potential positive effects
such as creativity stimulation.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support
provided by the University of Moratuwa and the LK
Domain Registry for this work.
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