Ariane Heller, Sven Schneider and Wolfram Hardt
Computer Engineering, University of Technology Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany
Keywords: Learning Management System OPAL, Wizard technology, Framework, e-Learning platform acceptance.
Abstract: Although the acceptance of e-Learning systems continuously rises, until now a clear inhibition threshold is
recognised by inexperienced and little media-competent users. For the Learning Management System OPAL
the problem was analysed under the aspect of user-friendliness. For user-friendly support a Wizard
framework was developed and implemented. This enables the integration of electronic assistants into
OPAL. Besides, the analysed workflow presents the basis for the Wizard technology in OPAL. To
guarantee productive and efficient work for an author by preparing courses in OPAL, the Wizard course
preparation is introduced. Afterwards the Wizard for the realisation of electronic semester resources in
OPAL is presented.
For the wide integration of net-supported teaching
and learning scenarios a simple handling of e-
Learning applications shows a key place to uses. The
up to now high integration effort deters mainly the
unskilled user from e-Learning systems. To extend
e-Learning systems on a huge number of suppliers
and users an automated and comfortable user
guidance is necessary. Besides, the offerings are the
teachers; they provide e-Learning modules and build
these in a system. Users are the learners who use
these e-Learning modules. Often the teachers have
the problem to integrate their learning content
efficiently and certainly into suitable platforms.
Various steps are to be processed systematically.
The kind of the format of the individual teaching and
learning scenario determines the different steps
which can become for the teacher the challenge.
On the one hand, to enlarge e-Learning to a huge
number of teachers an automated and comfortable
user guidance is necessary. Also it is an essential
requirement to integrate e-Learning in the
conventional university and academic operations. As
the first the preparation of courses at OPAL is
realised with the help of electronic assistants.
Therefore the Wizard technology is implemented
with a developed framework. Further the integration
of electronic semester resources in the Learning
Management System (LMS) OPAL is realised by
assistants on the Wizard technology.
A semester
resource is a list of selected literature, references,
papers and so on required for a specific subject
during a semester, something like a reserve book
The Learning Management System OPAL based
on the e-Learning platform OLAT. This is an open
source project of the University of Zurich. The Java-
based platform was published in 2004 under the
Apache Licence 2.0 first. OPAL is used in 11 Saxon
universities. The OPAL platform (https://bildungs is provided by the
educational main portal Saxony (BPS GmbH). Also
it is examined and developed. The web-based
application is already used from more than 20,000
university members of the Free State of Saxony.
Figure 1: Logo eLearning platform OPAL.
2.1 OPAL-workflow
The general structure of e-Learning courses is shown
with the help of the implemented flow in OPAL.
The course organisation occurs in meta information,
Heller A., Schneider S. and Hardt W..
DOI: 10.5220/0003470705140517
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (UeL-2011), pages 514-517
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
structural information and concrete contents.
Information like course title, course type, author,
validity of the course is to be deposited at meta
information. Afterwards the structural information is
to be fixed. The linking is carried out by topics and
sections. Usually this happens in tree structure as a
Tabel of Contents. Besides, the concrete content
serve as sheets of this content tree. Finally it is a
matter of generating the concrete contents to the
suitable structural element. As content pages of the
e-Learning topics are to be understood. Therefore
every page exists of elementary objects like text,
pictures or test modules and so on. It is commonly to
specify the arrangement of the objects with
A Wizard (also named electronic assistant)
consists like the workflow of several steps of the
workflow. If all actions of one step are worked on,
the forwarding occurs to the next step. If the last step
is finished, the task is finished and a result is visible,
e.g. building a new project or class. A Wizard
simplifies certain functions for the user. For
example, the Appwizard in Visual C ++ is used to
build a new project or a new classes.
2.2 Semester Resources
The university libraries provide with the semester
resources specific literature to the lectures of the
professors. Contents of semester resources reach
from well-chosen books, magazine articles and
extracts about important internet links, statistics up
to own materials of the lecturers.
Therefore students find the literature to the
lectures clustered at a central location. An electronic
semester resource provides the teaching materials
and working materials on-line. Generally
configuration and type of use of the classical
semester resource and the electronic form is the
However, the management of on-line materials
offers varied possibilities: a list of the relevant books
with linking of the results in the library catalogue,
magazine articles or book chapters ready for printing
in the pdf-format, internet links with commenting as
well as specific files of the lecturers.
There are two ways to integrate Wizards into the
existing platform OPAL. It can be integrated directly
into the platform or the Wizard can be implemented
as independent component outside the LMS OPAL
platform. For implementation as an independent
component an interface must be defined for the
communication of Wizards and OPAL. Thus no
standard interfaces are defined for Learning
Management Systems. The defined e-Learning
protocol SCORM serves exclusively the description
of learning contents and so it is not of relevance.
As an alternative solution Wizards are to be
implemented directly in the Learning Management
System OPAL. So the Wizards are optimally
adapted to the existing infrastructure. The user
remains in the known OPAL environment.
3.1 Wizard Technology
With the Wizard framework a defined frame is
developed for the implementation of Wizards in
OPAL. Therefore further Wizard components can be
added simply and efficiently to the system. This is
the basis for a user-friendly realisation of course
preparation and for the realisation of electronic
semester resources in OPAL. The Wizard
framework is integrated as an extension into the
OPAL system. Extensions follow the character of
the plugin concept of OLAT.
The wizard components are implemented
generically. Because OLAT as well as OPAL follow
the Model-View-Controller architecture pattern, this
is also implemented in the Wizard framework. As in
the state of the arte already described workflows
provide the basis for Wizards. The Wizard controller
reads all registered workflows and present them on
an overview side in the author's area of OPAL. For
every workflow the Wizard controller generates a
workflow manager. This workflow manager controls
and processes the actions of the workflow.
3.2 Wizard for Course Preparation
Five steps are developed and implemented for the
easy preparation of a course in particular for author
beginners. With this Wizard only the course
preparation is realised. Therefore no renewed flow
occurs for the course. Aim is to deliver a ready-to-
use course with some creation options for the user as
result. The Wizard encloses the categories course
preparation and authorisation management. By
course preparation with the Wizard a defined clear
choice of possible modules is given for the course.
Herewith the clarity should be guaranteed for the
user. Therefore it should be made sure that the
teacher is not overwhelmed. Because of non-
existing experience at the beginning of the work
with e-Learning courses, it is not obvious which
modules are important or make sense. Therefore the
preselecting of modules is an efficient simplification
for the new user.
The second category shows the authorisation
management. The user can fix easily by checkboxes
for whom the course is visible and which modules
may be used.
In the first step the author is asked to give a title
to his course and to provide a description. If this step
is completed the forwarding to the next occurs. The
author can choose the modules that should be part of
the course, using checkboxes. Besides, only a
selection of all possible modules available in OPAL
is indicated. Therefore the author prepares easily a
course with necessary basic modules without deep
study of all available modules in the OPAL
platform. The selection is limited to the modules
information page, registration, download area, forum
and contact form.
The content to these modules is completed after
the end of the course preparation with the
established operations in OPAL. If registration was
marked in the checkboxes, in a next step detailed
options can be set. In the chronologically described
sequence the following points are to be worked on.
A number of learning groups is to be defined for this
course. The number of participants is based on these
groups. Finally it is asked via a checkbox whether
prospective learners for the group are indicated on
waiting lists, moving up or unregister are possible.
By the treatment of the activities the author reaches
the next step, the access configuration.
If no registration was selected at step two the
author is routed directly to the access configuration.
With access configuration also the visibility of the
course is fixed. With checkboxes access and
visibility the author can choose between „access also
for guests“, „only for university members“ and
„access only for enrolled participants“.
With “access only for enrolled participants”
exists also the possibility on carrying out a specific
access configuration for the course modules. As last
step a final page is shown where tips are presented
how is to be continued further and where further and
continuing information is to be found.
3.3 Wizard for Set Up a Semester
The Wizard is directed to users who want to provide
an electronic semester resources in OPAL. It is
specially designed for lectures and library
employees. Basic function of this Wizard is
preparing and arranging the course electronic
semester resources in OPAL. In OPAL the
department and chair structure of the universities
already exists. Therefore the course electronic
semester resources must be provided and be
integrated in the existing hierarchy.
The Wizard encloses four steps. At the
beginning the course title and a short description are
to be written. Hereby the lecturer can give a detailed
specification of his semester resources (content,
outline, application). If this step is completed the
Wizard proceeds with the next step. A page of
information is indicated. The page contains the
information for the author that is provided as result
of the Wizard a course with the modules
"Download" and "Link List". The module Download
serves the file upload and with the module Link
Lists provides internet links and links to library
catalogue including comments. Therefore a course
with the necessary basic modules is provided for the
realisation of an electronic semester resources
without confronting the user with the extensive
course modules in OPAL. In the following step links
can be put on the Link List. It is to give a free text,
the link name, and the URL.
In the final step of the Wizard the classification
occurs in the OPAL course catalogue.
After the implementation of the Wizard framework
and the Wizard for course preparation, an online
survey was carried out by the authors of courses in
the LMS OPAL. The aim of this survey was to
receive a rating from beginner authors of the support
in form of a Wizard. Opinions were questioned in
the areas usability, structure, manageability,
functionality and completeness of the Wizard. The
evaluation of this survey has clearly shown the need
of such a user's support.
A short time after the introduction of the Wizard
for course preparation to OPAL, 41% of all new
provided courses have been already prepared with
the assistant for the course preparation. Therefore
almost half of the authors in OPAL use the
introduction the Wizard for preparing a new course
since them. The online survey was anonymous and
results are outlined below:
The answers with regard to usability, structure
and manageability of the Wizard illustrate that
this is developed in a user-friendly way and
simply to use. 52% are pleased with the
usability of the electronic assistant and 24%
reviewed the Wizard as easy and intuitive.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
For 70% of the authors the course preparation
assistant provides all the needed functionality.
40% confirm the efficiency of the Wizard by
the preparation of courses and 53% find that
with the support by an electronic assistant the
time for preparation of courses in OPAL was
A upgrading of the Wizard technology, for
example the support of other functions in
OPAL with Wizards is wanted by 57%.
Furthermore, the advantage of the Wizard
electronic semester resources will be described next.
Aim of the implementation a Wizard for electronic
semester resources to OPAL was the central
grouping of net-supported services of the study life
like library services. Also the integration in the
learning platform enables to inform about updates
and changes in the semester resources by RSS-
The avoidance of the double storage of data and
information offers an essential advantage. The
benefit of effectiveness for the lecturers or library
employees is to handle and control only one system.
The access to OPAL via Shibboleth authentication
guarantees the password-protected access to the
electronic semester resources with the login of the
university computer centre. Therefore this avoids
additional access data for the user and ensures the
additional benefit of the system by user-friendliness.
With the centralisation and grouping of these
services in an e-Learning platform an efficiency
benefit is reached by the user like lectures and
library employees.
A high degree of user's support shown at the
example of the Wizard technology is necessary to
meet basic acceptance problems and inhibition
thresholds in use of e-Learning platforms like
OPAL. The Wizards serve to reduce uncertainties by
the use of electronic semester resources in OAPL.
In form of the developed framework for
implementing electronic assistants in the LMS
OPAL the implementation of the Wizard technology
was introduced. Besides, the Wizards for preparing a
standard course and for integration the electronic
semester resources in the e-Learning platform OPAL
were described in detail. The developed assistants
are integrated directly into OPAL and are available
for all Saxon universities who use OPAL as an e-
Learning platform.
With integration of electronic semester resources
in OPAL an intensive involvement of library
services occurs in the e-Learning platform. The
acceptance of the e-Learning platform can be raised
by the introduced Wizard technology. There is a
reduction of inhibition thresholds to e-Learning and
according to that the e-Learning system, too.
Because of teachers and learners were satisfied with
the results, the developed assistants will be rolled-
out not only within the Chemnitz University of
technology but also across Saxony.
A high degree of user's support, like at the
shown example of the Wizard technology in OPAL,
meets the basic acceptance problem and inhibition
thresholds in use of e-Learning platforms. The
Wizards serve to reduce uncertainties by the use of
e-Learning offers at the platform OPAL and
electronic semester resources in OAPL. Therefore a
productive and up-to-date work is guaranteed.
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