A Virtual Presenter
Leonelo D. A. Almeida
, Elaine C. S. Hayashi
, Júlio C. Reis
, Paula D. P. Costa,
M. Cecília C. Baranauskas
and José Mario De Martino
Department of Information Systems, Institute of Computing, University of Campinas
Av. Albert Einstein, 1251, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Department of Computer Engineering and Industrial Automation, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Campinas, Av. Albert Einstein, 400, 13083-852, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Center for Information Technology Renato Archer. Rodovia Dom Pedro I, km 143,6, 13069-901, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Keywords: Inclusive social networks, Talking heads, Facial animation.
Abstract: Vila na Rede is an Inclusive Social Network (ISN) system developed as a product of e-Cidadania's Project,
with the objective of being accessible to a broad variety of users, including those less familiar with
technology or with low literacy skills. Different features were incorporated into Vila na Rede in order to
provide its users with scaffolding learning support that helps them profit more from the system. One of
these features is the Virtual Presenter, a speech synchronized facial animation system integrated to a text-to-
speech synthesizer (TTS) that allows users to have textual information alternatively presented by a talking
head. This paper investigates the integration of the Virtual Presenter into Vila na Rede system, and discusses
results of activities conducted with the target audience to evaluate this new feature at the ISN.
E-Cidadania (2011) is a Brazilian research project
that has taken the challenge of developing systems
that allow the access to the Information Society,
contributing to the constitution of a digital culture
and respecting the diversity of the population. As a
result, the project has launched Vila na Rede (2011),
an Inclusive Social Network (ISN) system, designed
with, by and for Brazilian people. Vila na Rede is
being used by citizens all over Brazil and has even
been accessed from abroad, announcing ideas, goods
and other initiatives from different communities.
The design of systems that make sense and that
are accessible to citizens requires a rather socio-
technical view of the problem. Because of that, the
research has adopted as a methodological reference,
the principles and concepts of both Participatory
Design (Mumford, 1964; Schuler and Namioka,
1993) and Organizational Semiotics (Stamper et al.,
1988). E-Cidadania’s researchers have been
successfully involving end users and developers in
Semio-Participatory Workshops (Neris et al., 2009,
Hayashi and Baranauskas, 2009) in order to design
and construct the ISN.
In developing countries such as Brazil, India and
China the access to knowledge is still restricted to a
small portion of the population. Creating Web
applications that can aid people better and easily
understand and access information is necessary and
a challenge to be faced. To mention a few statistics,
as stated by the Brazilian Internet Steering
Committee (2009), 47% of the population has never
used the computer and 55% have never accessed the
Internet. It points out that most of the considered
target population for ISN is inexperienced with
Moreover, regarding literacy skills, the Indicator
of Functional Literacy in Brazil (Institute Paulo
Montenegro, 2009) (INAF in its Portuguese
acronym) points out that in 2009, 27% of the
Brazilian population between 15 and 64 years old
were considered functionally illiterate, defined as the
population with less than 4 years of schooling that
are not able to perform simple tasks involving words
and phrases. Using a broader concept of functional
illiteracy, according to the same Indicator, the
majority (52%) of the Brazilians in the same
described situation reaches no more than the degree
of rudimentary literacy, i.e., they only have the
D. A. Almeida L., C. S. Hayashi E., C. Reis J., D. P. Costa P., Cecilia C. Baranauskas M. and De Martino J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003471502250234
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 225-234
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ability to locate explicit information in short texts or
make simple math. Thus, they are not able to
understand longer texts, and even worst, 9% of these
individuals can be considered absolutely illiterates.
These statistics can illustrate the social reality of the
target community aimed to be included.
Nevertheless, designing systems for the inclusion of
these people requires multidisciplinary expertise,
and adequate technology solutions that can provide
barriers-free access to information to every citizen.
In workshops involving our target users, we have
understood how the figure of an avatar in the system
would be beneficial (Hayashi and Baranauskas,
2008) to support the less experienced users. Those
workshops had the objective of analyzing how users
make sense of different multimedia outputs to
retrieve information. Users were grouped to perform
a task in a role play situation in which they had to
find the answer for a question. Each group was
exposed to a different way of finding the answer.
One group had access to the information in written
format. Another group was able to listen to the
information, as if they were facing an Automated
Response Unit (ARU), like those found in call
centers. The third group had the same information
available in images. The last group consulted the
information from a real person, like in an
information desk. The group with best results was
the last group. During the discussion with all groups,
they reported their wish to have similar attendants in
the systems – i.e., the figure of a person to support
them in their online tasks.
In another activity, we found that computer
synthesized voices would probably be well accepted
by our target users. In that experiment, which was
in fact related to another project and scope, users
thought that the synthesized voice was the recording
of the voice of a foreign researcher (speaking in
Portuguese the users’ mother language, but with
accent). They enjoyed the voice and had fun with it,
and most important, they were able to understand it.
During yet another encounter, users accidentally had
access to a feature that was being built at Vila na
Rede’s test environment, and that was not ready for
use. This feature – as it was implemented at that
time – was able to synthesize text extracts into
speech. Even though the final objective of this
feature was different, since users were excited about
the possibility of having the text read for them, we
decided to implement the feature as it was. Such
new feature can be referred in the literature as a
“talking head” (TH).
For an ISN context, considering the target users
mentioned, a TH that could read the digital contents
(e.g. long announcements) and that could be easily
available for people use would be appreciated. The
main advantages of a TH are that it facilitates the
access to information, is ready to use in the same
environment where the information is found, and it
delivers the information via synthesized speech in a
more friendly way, through the avatar. Even
knowing that an implementation of a TH in an ISN
may not look exactly as a real person, we consider
such approach an import attempt to augmenting
accessibility in ISN. TH seems relevant for an ISN
since it can have an important role in helping
functional illiterate people to understand contents.
Such investigation is also relevant since there is a
restricted and limited TH offering for Portuguese
language. This language brings a complexity to
synthesized speech as to have it as close as possible
to the human voice.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents a brief review on TH systems; Section 3
describes the process of implementing the existing
system at Vila na Rede; Section 4 presents the
Semio-participatory workshop in which the feature
was tested and discuss the results from this
experiment. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
Facial animation systems synchronized with speech,
or THs, constitute an enabling technology for the
development of human-computer interfaces capable
of reproducing the natural and intuitive face-to-face
communication mechanisms that we are well
familiar with. These systems can be designed as an
alternative to WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus and
Pointing devices) interfaces, simplifying human-
computer interaction and increasing the accessibility
to users without specialized training.
Convincing THs are able to turn applications
more human, involving and attractive. Synthetic
human faces can be used, for example, to implement
virtual characters in the role of lecturers, tutors,
assistants, newscasters, avatars, salespeople and
customer care or user support attendants (Cosatto
and Östermann, 2003; Johnson et al., 2000;
Östermann and Millen, 2000; Pandzic, 2002). In
some studies virtual characters act in activities with
children in emergent literacy and as a technological
intervention tool for children with autism (Ryokai et
al., 2003; Tartaro and Cassell, 2006). Additionally,
flexible face models can be adapted to build avatars
for an individual. Finally, although broadband data
access is being popularized, computer facial
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
animation is a model-based video-coding approach
and can be an alternative to video transmission in
severe situations of limited data traffic capacity.
Typically, there exist two main approaches for
face modelling on TH systems: the image based, or
2D, approach and the geometric face modelling, or
3D, approach. Image-based, or 2D, facial animation
manipulates photographic pictures from an image
database that are captured from a real face,
synthesizing the nal animation through their
appropriate processing, sequencing, concatenation
and presentation. This approach inherently generates
photorealistic animations due to photographic nature
of manipulated images. On the other hand, advanced
and modern 3D face modelling techniques are
successful in synthesizing natural looking faces and
high quality images of rigid movements of the head.
However, the use of polygonal meshes or other
geometric models to reproduce plastic deformations,
like the mouth dynamics during speech or the details
of human face visual appearance, requires
sophisticated models and animation control
strategies, implemented at high computational costs.
The TH system adopted at Vila na Rede is
AnimaFace2D, a 2D facial animation system
capable of being integrated to a text-to-speech
synthesizer (TTS) for Brazilian Portuguese (Costa
and De Martino, 2010). Figure 1 summarizes the
expected inputs and outputs of AnimaFace2D
synthesis process. The following characteristics
make this system well suited for integration with
Vila na Rede:
AnimaFace2D is a 2D facial animation system
designed for Brazilian Portuguese language, the
same language of Vila na Rede users;
The system provides realistic modelling of
speech articulatory movements (Costa and De
Martino, 2010);
AnimaFace2D visually animates any speech
content from a reduced image database of just 34
photographs visemes (the visual counterpart of a
language phoneme);
The system can be adapted to any available TTS
system that provides timed phonetic transcription
of synthesized speech;
The underlying principles of the facial animation
synthesis methodology proposed in (Costa and De
Martino, 2010) can be adapted to other languages
and to different face models.
The integration of this system to Vila na Rede
constituted the Virtual Presenter Core (VPC) of the
proposed architecture of our ISN.
The architecture built to support the integration of
VPC into our ISN is based on making virtual
presentation videos as services for the ISN Vila na
Rede. Figure 2 illustrates the architecture using two
servers, the first hosting the ISN and the other
performing the processing of VPC and hosting the
resulting videos. When new or updated data is
posted from the user interface to the ISN the text
content is submitted to a text-to-speech server in
this case Festival (University of Edinburgh, 2010).
The text-to-speech server provides the synthesized
speech and its corresponding timed phonetic
transcription file. After the synthesis process, the
ISN makes a request to the Virtual Presenter Service
Figure 1: Synthesis process.
Figure 2: Virtual Presenter architecture integrated to the Vila na Rede ISN.
Figure 3: Virtual Presenter in the ISN Vila na Rede.
So VPS starts by getting the phoneme and audio
files from the ISN server and calling the VPC. VPC
is a C++ application that uses OpenCV (Open
Computer Vision Library (2010). It uses a database
of 34 images and a timed phonetic transcription file
to synthesize a facial animation. Currently the VPC
generate animations considering approximately 30
frames per second. Each frame is an image of 320 x
240 pixels. At end of the VPC execution, VPS calls
FFmpeg (2010) audio and video library to mix facial
animation and speech audio files, resulting in the
final talking head video. Finally, VPS informs the
ISN that the virtual presentation is available for the
posted content.
In the user interface layer the process for
generating video presentations is asynchronous to
the users’ interaction, so that users do not have to
wait the end of the generation process to continue
interacting with the ISN. When a person posts some
content it is not necessary to explicitly request the
video creation or wait until it is generated. The
content types processed by the Virtual Presenter
involve announcements of ideas, products, services
and events. After the system finishes the video
generation, an icon indicating the video availability
is displayed along with the content, as presented in
Figure 3A. By clicking on the icon the ISN loads the
video and presents it at the right region of the
website (see Figure 3B). To present the video the
ISN uses the JWPlayer (Long Tail Ad Solutions,
By the time this research was developed there
was not a free Festival extension for Brazilian
Portuguese language that offered a female voice. To
overcome this issue, we changed the pitch of the
male voice to obtain a neutral tone. This was
necessary due to the fact that the AnimaFace2D
visemes database is composed of photos of a
woman’s face. This modification did not affect the
length of the video nor the phonemes pronunciation
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
but made the voice sound more artificial than the
original configuration.
In this section we describe the activities that were
carried out in order to evaluate the new functionality
regarding the virtual presenter at Vila na Rede. The
three main aspects to be evaluated were: 1) The use
of Festival, considering the quality of the voice, its
timbre and speed of the speech; 2) The Virtual
Presenter and the video image x speech audio
synchronism, how close to reality the videos are, and
the role of the video in helping to understand the
audio; 3) How both (image and audio) were
implemented at Vila na Rede, considering the size of
the video, speed and the work done to incorporate it
into the website.
The activity was conducted in a laboratory
facility, at the University. Eleven members of the
target community were invited to participate in the
experiment. They all have residence in Campinas
city, but they came from different regions of Brazil
(namely north, northeast, south and southeast). Their
ages ranged from 22 to over 60 years old.
Considering the schooling level, 40% of the
participants have university degree, 30% have high
school degree while 10% have incomplete high
school; 10% have just the elementary school
education and 10% have not completed even the
elementary school level. The experiment included
people of different social profiles such as:
housewife, cook, handicraftsman, hairdresser,
seamstress, retired people, teacher, student and
others. Concerning their experience with ICT or
other electronic devices, all of them have at least one
TV set at home; two have never used ATMs and
other three do not like to use them. Only one person
does not have a cell phone, all the others use the cell
phone on a daily basis. Six of them use Short
Message Service (SMS). None of them have Internet
access in their mobiles. Two out of the eleven
participants do not have a computer at home. Two of
those who do have a computer at home do not use it.
Those who do have a computer at home also have
Internet access, being three of them dial up access.
Only two participants were familiar with online
social networks and part of at least one (Orkut).
In the activity for the evaluation of the virtual
presenter, each participant was assigned either to
one desktop computer or to one laptop; they all
received head phones to listen to the audio and they
were all able to see the videos. Each two participants
were assigned to one researcher who had the role of
observing their behaviour. The observers were in
charge of playing the announcements in the order
that was specified for the task.
Table 1: Announcements used in the activity and its form
and content.
Id Media Content (in Portuguese)
Shorter announcements:
SA audio
“Ribbon embroidery, cross stitch and
more. Negotiable prices” (in Brazilian
Portuguese: “bordados fita, ponto cruz
e outros. Preços combinar”).
“’Fuxico’ doll. This is a doll made of
‘fuxico’” (in Brazilian Portuguese:
“boneca de fuxico. Essa é uma boneca
feita de fuxico”). Fuxico is a craft
technique that uses pieces of fabric to
decorate clothing, pillows and other
Longer announcements:
LA audio
“New functionality in the Vila: The
Virtual Presenter. Soon we will have
the Virtual Presenter that will read the
announcements for you. The launch
will be in March” (in Brazilian
Portuguese: “Nova funcionalidade no
Vila: a Apresentadora Virtual. Em
breve teremos a Apresentadora Virtual
que lerá os anúncios para você. O
lançamento será em março”).
“June Festival at SAMUCA.
SAMUCA - 301 Antonio Provatti
street - Jd. Triunfo. Come to
participate of the SAMUCA’s great
festival, we will have typical booths
and many gifts for everyone. Do not
loose it” (in Brazilian Portuguese:
“Festa Junina SAMUCA. SAMUCA
Rua Antonio Provatti 301 Jd .Triunfo.
Venham Prestigiar e Participar da
Grande Festança do Arraia do
SAMUCA, teremos barracas típicas e
muito brindes para todos, não
The announcements that were shown to
participants were previously chosen by the
researchers. The announcements were chosen
according to the following criteria: number of words
and phrases similar between the two announcements
of each type (i.e. short and long), avoiding texts that
contain abbreviations or orthographic problems, and
texts produced in the participant’s context.
In total, participants saw and/or listened to four
Vila na Rede announcements. Two were shown with
video and sound and other two announcements had
only the audio. This control was made in order to
provide us with means to compare the level of
comprehension to deduce the influence of the media.
From the four announcements presented to the
users, two were rather short ones, intended to be
reproduced word by word by the participants. The
other two were longer announcements and
participants were supposed to simply inform the
overall idea, and not the literal transcription.
Table 1
shows the announcements that were chosen and
shown to the participants, as well as announcements
with only the audio and with video and audio. Each
announcement has one Id as “SA” that stands for
“short announcement A” or “LB” for “long
announcement B”. The announcements’ contents
were originally written in Brazilian Portuguese
(orthographic errors were omitted in the English
version in
Table 1).
Right after the task regarding the announcement,
participants completed a form with the information
asked. As mentioned before, for the first two
announcements, participants were asked to write in
this form the actual content heard; and for the last
two, the general idea understood.
The results obtained from the forms were analyzed
considering two metrics. First, considering the two
shorter announcements, we counted the substantives
and verbs from them i.e., in the SA announcement
there are 7 words and, for the SB announcement
there are 5.
Second, as the participants were supposed to
write what they had understood about the longer
announcements we identified the topics in each of
them. For the LA announcement there are 3 topics
i.e., it is a new functionality, it reads
announcements, and it will be launched in March.
For the LB announcement there are 4 topics i.e., it is
a festival, it will happen at SAMUCA, it is an
invitation, and there will be food and gifts. Figure 4
presents the correct answers average by media
Figure 4: Correct answers average by media.
Considering that the objective for the longer
announcements was to check the correct
understanding of the media presentation instead of
the exact words, we considered the number of topics
mentioned in the responses provided by the
participants. We only listed the correct data;
participants were not supposed to write exact words
but their understanding.
In order to evaluate the results, we considered
the relative coverage of the correct responses for
each announcement, using the set of individual
responses, the mean, mode and standard deviation
(see Table 2). Based on the mean we verified that,
for the shorter announcements, participants were
more precise using the audio version of the
announcement. For the longer announcements the
opposite occurred.
Further analysis and conclusions can be driven
from the analysis of variance (ANOVA) between the
groups which results can be graphically illustrated
by the boxplots of correct responses shown in
Figure 5 and Figure 6, corresponding to the shorter
announcements and longer announcements
respectively. On the boxplots, each box has lines at
the lower quartile, median and upper quartile values.
The whiskers are lines extending from each end of
Table 2: Analysis of the responses from the activity of hearing and seeing and only hearing announcements.
Announcement SA Announcement SB Announcement LA Announcement LB
Total #
words (%)
words (%)
Total #
words (%)
words (%)
topics (%)
topics (%)
Mean 81.82 71.43 72.73 63.64 54.55 77.27
Mode 100 100 and 71.43 60 100 and 40 100 and 33.33 75
Std. Dev. 23.12 26.34 24.12 32.02 30.81 17.52
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the box to show the extent of the rest of the data. In
the first case, for shorter announcements, Figure 5,
the ANOVA shows that the audio and animation
results cannot be considered statistically
distinguishable since their statistical fluctuations can
be confused. For longer announcements
however,results from audio and facial animation can
be considered statistically discernible with a statistic
significance p < 0.005.
Other results were obtained from a 5-points Likert
Scale questionnaire regarding technical aspects of
the Virtual Presenter as speech and video quality.
Moreover, before the end of the workshop, a
quick and informal final discussion reviewed their
impressions on the activity.
The questions were either related to the voice
that read the announcement (Festival), the video
with a human face (Virtual Presenter), or related to
the integration of both voice and video instantiated
at Vila na Rede. These results are discussed in the
next section.
Figure 5: Boxplot of correct words for shorter
Figure 6: Boxplot of correct answers for longer
This Section presents a discussion regarding the
results of the case study. Also, we expose some
considerations involving the contribution of the
approach to accessibility in ISN, technical and
performance capabilities and limitations of using
multimedia in context of socio-technical diversity,
and other foreseen usage for the approach.
Analysis of Results. Based on the data from the
responses of the activity of hearing and/or seeing
announcements content we observed that: 1) the
more precise transcriptions came from the audio-
only media, for shorter announcements; 2) the more
complete understandings came from using Virtual
Presenter media, for longer announcements; 3) and
there was a significant difference among the
participants’ individual results. In the transcription
of the media content for shorter announcements,
participants were slightly better when using audio-
only content (71.43%) than using the Virtual
Presenter (63.64%). We believe that the objective of
the task contributed to this result; as the participants
were really concerned about repeating the text they
just heard, they might not pay attention to the video.
Analyzing the statistical mode of the correct
responses we observe that the virtual presenter
obtained almost the same scores as the audio-only
(i.e. 100% and 71.43% for audio-only, and 100%
and 40% for Virtual Presenter).
When the activity consisted of writing down
their understanding of the media content of the
longer announcements, we observed a difference in
the types of media. The Virtual Presenter obtained a
rate of 77.27% of correctness while audio-only
reached 54.55%. By analyzing the statistical mode
we reinforce the difference i.e. a draw between
33.33% and 66.77% for audio-only, and 75% for
Virtual Presenter. Additionally, the standard
deviation of the Virtual Presenter is about a half
(17.52%) of the audio-only, which indicates an
actual improvement in the understanding of the
A comparative analysis between audio-only and
Virtual Presenter for each participant results reveals
that: results vary significantly among the
participants (e.g. ranging from 19.64% to 95%).
When considering the participants that obtained the
best results, we identify that one got better results
from the audio-only media and the other from the
Virtual Presenter. However, when computing the
results of the rate of correctness of the audio-only in
relation to Virtual Presenter media for each
participant, we verified that 9 (out of 11) of them got
better results using the Virtual Presenter.
In general, the acceptance of the voice alone was
good. The results from the questionnaire confirmed
our initial hypothesis that the participants enjoyed
synthesized voices. Most of the participants reported
to be able to clearly understand the voice and the
opinion about its quality ranged from fair to good.
But, as accounted by the questionnaire’s results, the
voice was perceived as mismatched with the video.
The characteristics resulted from the combination of
voice+video was reported to be unnatural and voice
and video did not match (not in the sense that
mouthing and speech were not encompassed, but
that the voice did not seem to come from the person
represented in the video). One factor that might also
have impacted in the rating of the video is that most
participants, as they were making intensive effort in
the task of hearing and taking notes, did not pay
much attention to the video. This was observed by
researchers and also, it was added as a side note in
the questionnaire, by one of the participants.
The data obtained from the observations and
analysis of the forms (level of comprehension)
matches the impressions they orally reported to have
about the feature; i.e. that the video had a positive
influence in the understanding of the spoken
Influence of Text Length. The contrast of the
results in short and long announcements deserves
some reflexion. For short announcements (5 to 7
words) it seems to be easier to keep all the
announcement content in the short-term memory. So
that a message using only audio was potentially
better since participants were supposed to write the
words, while a message using audio+video could
request too much attention from the participant. On
the other hand, for longer announcements, the focus
was on understanding the information topics instead
of only words. In that case, the message length was
too big to be memorized, consequently, participants
obtained better results paying more attention to the
Virtual Presenter. Another aspect that could
influence is the participants’ literacy level. Despite
of the fact that the activities consisted only of
hearing and watching the messages in a controlled
environment, it is necessary to have an investigation
of literacy influence in the comprehension of spoken
messages when using Virtual Presenter in the whole
ISN, involving different subjects, contexts and
writing formalisms.
Technical Performance. The preliminary evalua-
-tion conducted with the proposed TH during the
experiment behaved as expected (i.e. without any
technical problem). However, considering the social
level of the target public, other important point to
take into account regards the technical performance
of the proposed solution. Since target users probably
would not have Internet connection with large
bandwidth in their house, it is important to try to
predict the behaviour of the solution being used in
such situations of restricted connection bandwidth. It
is also relevant to note how much extra bandwidth
the video consumes and the speed at which the
information is delivered to users. Such technical
performance details also would be useful in
analyzing the benefits of the Virtual Presenter's
usage (e.g., in increasing understanding of the
announcements using the solution in their home
Accessibility. The concern with bandwidth and
technical requirements is important, especially when
aiming at more accessible applications. People
should be able to profit from the feature, in despite
of the technology or Internet connections available.
This approach is in tune with the concept of ISNs,
allowing users to access the information, regardless
of the computer configuration available. The
accessibility provided by the use of the Virtual
Presenter goes further, making it possible for the
functionally illiterate people, younger children, the
elderly or anyone else who might have trouble with
reading or seeing the letters to access to written
information. Even some deaf communities should
also be able to benefit from the resource, as the
mouthing from the Virtual Presenter allows lip
readers to understand the words (there are some
communities of deaf people who are not taught how
to read).
Foreseen Usage. The use of the Virtual Presenter is
expected to contribute to the accessibility of ISN by
reading its content, but without suppressing the users
from the opportunity of having contact with the
written information. Actually, it is expected that the
reading of the text should contribute – even if in the
smallest proportions – to alphabetization processes.
The following of the text while read by someone
else can be very useful also in other contexts, like
learning another language. Other uses of the Virtual
Presenter that could be foreseen include its use in e-
books, e-mails, other web pages, information booths
and ATM. Among the adaptations and developments
needed for those uses, one of the most important
would be to let the face express feelings and
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
intonation. Emotions in TH systems are already
being studied (e.g. Cassell, 2001). In this sense,
further investigation is needed to include emotion
aspects in AnimaFace2D aiming at leveraging the
Virtual Presenter's acceptance.
Other aspects to be considered in future
investigations are: to check for results in more
natural settings, i.e. situations where users are not
demanded to provide written and accurate account
from the audio, and to analyse the influence of
individual skills regarding their educational and
technological skills on the results obtained.
The Virtual Presenter a talking head that has been
adjusted for our context has been incorporated into
the Inclusive Social Network Vila na Rede, aiming
at helping users to make better use of the
information available in the system. A 2D facial
animation that realistically reproduces speech
articulatory movements was implemented at Vila na
Rede, together with a female-converted voice from
the Festival text-to-speech tool.
This paper described the process in which the
Virtual Presenter was incorporated into our system
and presents results of the activities that evaluated
this mechanism. The results indicate that the video
with a human presenter moving her lips accordingly
might help users in the understanding of longer
audio extracts. Nevertheless, it is important to have
voice and face in harmony, providing a more natural
aspect to the presenter.
The experiment contributed to clarify our target
users preferences and use of this particular solution
regarding a virtual presenter in the system; the
results also suggest further studies and development
regarding: tuning the solution towards more
effective uses of a Virtual Presenter in inclusive
systems scenarios, investigation of how people get
appropriate of it in non controlled situations, and
tests comparing the use of text-only and Virtual
Presenter supported content.
This work is funded by Microsoft Research –
FAPESP Institute for IT Research (#2007/54564-1),
and partially by FAPESP (#2007/02161-0), CNPq
(#383334/2008-0), and CAPES (#2001-8503/2008).
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems