measure is to improve the management of internal
human resources and standardize the personnel rules
and regulations. This measure will be helpful to the
stability of organization structure and will prevent
the loss of core research staff. Secondly, the
companies should strengthen their early assessment
ability of originality’ commercial potentiality and
evaluate all potential commercial potentiality of
“flows out” and “flows into” originality, so that they
can avoid the commercial losses. Third, enterprise
should establish Venture Capital Company engaged
in the investment management of new “flow out”
and “flows into” originality. Finally, in the
environment of knowledge diffusing quickly, the
companies should improve their management ability
of intellectual property to promote the control ability
of leakage risk about enterprise's knowledge and
technology and obtain certain profit through
technological transfer and protection of intellectual
property right.
Open innovation paradigm can improve the ability
of knowledge management and construct
competitive advantages of a company. Open
innovation brings many benefits to promote external
knowledge acquisition capability and innovation
capability of most companies. Compared with the
traditional closed innovation paradigm, it has much
wider application scope in present economic
environment. But we must remember that not all
industries and companies are suitable for the open
innovation paradigm, this paradigm has its special
application scope which is influenced by many
factors. Therefore when companies choose
innovation paradigm they must first consider these
factors from their own perspective.
Once companies choose the open innovation
paradigm they should take a series of measurements
to construct and develop the innovation paradigm.
These measurements include: establish open
psychology among organization members, set up the
special innovation group and open innovation
operating mechanism and implement the control
measures of the risks. Besides these measures that
the companies need take by themselves, the
government should improve the legal environment
to benefit the construction of open innovation and
provide a proper environment for the development
of open innovation paradigm.
This paper analyzes the application scope of
open innovation and the relationship between open
innovation and knowledge management. According
to the analysis result this paper forwards some
generally applicable suggestions about how to
construct of an effective open innovation paradigm
to develop knowledge management. So this paper
made up the research deficiency currently in
technological innovation.
Because of limitations of space and time, we
have not analyzed the repetitive R&D in
technological innovation process, so how to apply
the open innovation paradigm to resolve the problem
of repetitive R&D will be an important direction for
our future studies.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems