Mathieu Roche
LIRMM, CNRS, Univ. Montpellier 2, 161 rue Ada, 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Text-mining, Natural language processing, Terminology, Named entity.
This paper presents a Natural Language Processing (NLP) approach to filter Named Entities (NE) from a list
of collocation candidates. The NE are defined as the names of ’People’, ’Places’, ’Organizations’, ’Software’,
’Illnesses’, and so forth. The proposed method is based on statistical measures associated with Web resources
to identify NE. Our method has three stages: (1) Building artificial prepositional collocations from Noun-
Noun candidates; (2) Measuring the ”relevance” of the resulting prepositional collocations using statistical
methods (Web Mining); (3) Selecting prepositional collocations. The evaluation of Noun-Noun collocations
from French and English corpora confirmed the relevance of our system.
In this paper, we focus on the study of French and En-
glish phrases called collocations that can be extracted
using NLP (Natural Language Processing) methods.
(Clas, 1994) uses two properties to define a colloca-
tion. First, it is defined as a phrase with a meaning
that can be deduced from the words that comprise
the phrase. For instance, the French phrase lumi
vive (bright light) is considered to be a collocation
because the overall meaning of the phrase can be de-
duced from the two words lumi
ere and vive. Based on
this definition, the phrase tirer son chapeau (to take
off one’s hat), is not a collocation because its mean-
ing cannot be deduced from each word. These forms
are called ”fixed expressions”.
A second property was added by the author (Clas,
1994) to define a collocation. The meaning of the
words of the collocation has to be limited. For ex-
ample, acheter un chapeau (buy a hat) is not a col-
location since the meaning of acheter and chapeau is
not limited. Indeed, a multitude of objects can be pur-
chased. Such phrases are called ”free expressions”.
However it is still very difficult to distinguish between
”fixed expressions, ”free expressions”, and colloca-
tions automatically.
The above definitions of collocation can be en-
riched with two additional characteristics, i.e. se-
mantic and syntactic knowledge (Heid, 1998). The
first point is based on a semantic shared by the
collocations. For example, lait tourn
e (sour milk)
and beurre rance (rancid butter) have a very sim-
ilar meaning as both describe a degradation phe-
nomenon. The semantic information contained in
collocations has been taken into account in many
studies (Melcuk et al., 1999; Heid, 1998). The
second linguistic characteristic is the syntactic in-
formation contained in the collocation (Clas, 1994;
Daille, 1996). Generally, collocations have one of
the following patterns: Noun-Verb, Noun-Adjective,
Noun-Noun, Noun-Preposition-Noun, Verb-Adverb,
Adverb-Adjective, etc.
Using automatic processing, it is difficult to iden-
tify collocations based on all these linguistic defini-
tions. So we decided to focus on the extraction of
”collocation candidates” displaying a specific syntac-
tic pattern. However, the originality of the approach
described in this paper is the automatic identification
of Named Entities (NE) among these candidates.
NE are conventionally defined as the names of
’People’, ’Places’, and ’Organizations’. Originally,
this definition was used in evaluation challenges such
as MUC (Message Understanding Conferences). To-
day these kinds of challenges (e.g. TREC in English,
DEFT in French) cover a wide range of tasks. As
indicated in (Daille et al., 2000), the basic classes
of NE defined in MUC challenges needed to be en-
riched. For example, (Paik et al., 1994) defined two
new classes: ’Document’ (e.g. software, hardware)
and ’Science’ (e.g. illness, medication). To identify
NE, many systems rely on the use of uppercase letters
(Farkas et al., 2007). However, this may not be appli-
Roche M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003473906850689
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WTM-2011), pages 685-689
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cable to non-capitalized NE (for instance in non-
standard documents like emails, blogs, tweets, texts
or text fragments that are written using either up-
percase or lowercase). Consequently, in the present
study, we did not chose to exploit this lexical infor-
mation to identify NE. Neither do we use machine
learning approaches for the recognition of NE cited
in (Baluja et al., 2000; Farkas et al., 2007).
In addition to characterize the NE, the criteria
uniqueness referential (i.e. a proper name refers to
a single referential entity), and stability of the denom-
ination (i.e. few possible variations) are specified by
(Fort et al., 2009). Our approach is based on this
last criterion to identify NE among collocation can-
didates. The extraction of collocation candidates is
based on a text mining process (see stage 1’ Fig-
ure 1). After the acquisition of a corpus, a cleaning
process has to be applied. This removes noise in the
texts (e.g. HTML tags) that can lead to mistakes in an
NLP application. With the normalized texts, a part-
of-speech (PoS) tagger can be used. This attributes
a grammatical label (e.g. adjective, noun, and so on)
to each word of the corpus (Brill, 1994). In this pa-
per, we describe a method to extract collocation can-
didates from tagged texts. The process is based on
the use of patterns to extract nominal terminology
such as Noun-Adjective (in French), Adjective-Noun,
Noun-Noun, Noun-Preposition-Noun (Bourigault and
Jacquemin, 1999; Daille, 1996; Roche and Kodratoff,
In the following section (section 2), we focus on a
statistical method for selecting NE from Noun-Noun
collocation candidates (see stage 2’ – Figure 1). The
results of experimental tests of our method conduced
on real data (French and English corpora) are pre-
sented in section 3. Finally, section 4 presents our
future work.
2.1 General Principle
Noun-Noun terminology has often various forms.
For example, the French collocation fichier clients
(customer file) can be found with the Noun-
Preposition-Noun form: fichier de clients (file of
customers), fichiers pour clients (file for customers),
and so forth. Note that the variations of NE are
rare. Based on this remark we will use NLP methods
in order to identify NE from a list of Noun-Noun
collocation candidates.
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
of NE)
fichier clients
conseiller clientèle
front page
assurance qualité
logiciel ciel
front page
logiciel ciel
go sport
- Cleaning
- Tagging
- Terminology extraction
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
Figure 1: Global process.
Our method has three stages detailled in the follow-
ing section:
1. Building artificial prepositional collocations from
Noun-Noun candidates.
2. Measuring the ”relevance” of the resulting prepo-
sitional collocations using statistical methods.
3. Selecting prepositional collocations with low
scores (i.e. irrelevant built collocation).
2.2 Description of the Process
Step 1 - Building. Based on Noun-Noun candi-
dates, we built prepositional candidates by adding the
most common preposition: ”de” (in French
) and ”of”
(in English). When this principle was applied to both
French examples fichier clients (customer file) and
logiciel ciel (ciel software), we obtained the follow-
ing results:
fichier clients
fichier de clients
logiciel ciel
logiciel de ciel
Note that when the second word of the candidate begins
with a vowel, the preposition used is ” d’ ”.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Note that the English variations of Noun-Noun
candidates consist in adding a preposition associ-
ated with a swapping operation between the nouns
(Jacquemin, 1997):
knowledge discovery
discovery of knowl-
Step 2 - Measuring. The goal of the second step
was to measure the dependence between each word
of the collocations we built. This process is based
on the use of the Dice measure (Smadja et al., 1996)
which has good behavior (Roche and Prince, 2008;
Roche and Kodratoff, 2009). The measure is defined
by the following formula based on three elements as
in (Petrovic et al., 2006):
Dice(x, y, z) =
3 × nb(x, y, z)
nb(x) + nb(y) + nb(z)
The principle of this measure is to calculate the
number of occurrences of each word x (i.e. nb(x))
or collocation x y z (i.e. nb(x, y, z)). In general, the
number of occurrences represents the frequency of the
words and/or collocations. This frequency is gener-
ally calculated regarding a corpus (Daille, 1996). In
our case, the Dice measure is applied in a web-mining
context (Turney, 2001).
Thus, the frequency nb corresponds to the num-
ber of web pages containing words or collocations.
This number is returned by querying search en-
gines (Google, Yahoo, Exalead, etc.). For exam-
ple, nb( f ichier) is the number of pages returned with
the single keyword, and nb( f ichier, de, clients) is the
number of pages returned with the query ”fichier de
clients” (by using quotes to search an exact phrase).
An example of values obtained with Dice measure is
given below:
Dice( f ichier, de, clients) =
= 0.000454
Dice(logiciel, de, ciel) =
= 0.0000419
This result shows that the lowest score in major
proportions (factor ten) is given by logiciel ciel. Thus,
our measure predicts that this Noun-Noun candidate
is a NE. This is very relevant because this one is a
management software adapted to one class of NE (i.e.
’Document’ class) (Daille et al., 2000; Paik et al.,
1994). Web gives an indication of popularity of the
words/collocations. Moreover with ”external” knowl-
edge (i.e. Web) we are less sensitive to the size of the
used data (i.e. corpus).
Note that this measure has two differencies
with the web-mining approach described in (Turney,
2001): (1) We use the Dice measure because it pro-
vides best results than Mutual Information (Roche
and Kodratoff, 2009); (2) The numerator of this mea-
sure is based on the exact search of phrases (by using
quotes) and not on the presence (i.e. AND operator)
or the proximity (i.e. NEAR operator) of the nouns.
Step 3 - Selecting. Constructed candidates with low
scores are elements with few possible variations. In
our approach, these candidates are considered to be
NE. We introduce a parameter S which represents a
selection threshold. For example, with a threshold
S = 10, ten candidates with the lowest scores will be
selected as possible NE. The results with different val-
ues of S are discussed in the following section.
3.1 Experimental Protocol
In our experiments, the first used corpus (called CV)
is composed of 1, 144 Curriculum Vitae provided by
the VediorBis company (120, 000 words). The sec-
ond specialized French corpus (called HR) is com-
posed of a set of texts from the Human Resources
field. The texts correspond to summaries of psycho-
logical tests of 378 persons (600, 000 words). First
we select collocation candidates which are present a
minimum number of times in the corpus. This prun-
ing task enables to exclude candidates which are often
unrepresentative of the field. The Table 1 shows the
number of candidates obtained before and after prun-
ing at 3 such as (Thanopoulos et al., 2002; Roche and
Kodratoff, 2006).
According to the same field and language, the re-
sults may differ. For example, with the CV corpus
after pruning, the number of Noun-Noun candidates
is much larger than the Human Resources corpus.
Yet the size of Human Resources corpus is five times
larger than the CV corpus. This is because CV are
written in a condensed way, using very specific nomi-
nal terminology. We select this kind of collocation in
the study presented below.
The goal of our experiments is to evaluate if the
collocation candidates selected with our web-mining
approach represent really relevant NE. In this context,
we relied on the most frequent Noun-Noun candidates
of the CV corpus. In our experiments, 70 candidates
have been evaluated manually (18 NE have been iden-
tified). Note that this protocol needs an automatic exe-
cution of 210 queries
with the search engine Exalead
We apply 70 queries for the numerators, and 140
Table 1: Number of collocation candidates obtained before and after pruning.
Before pruning After pruning
Noun-Noun 98 1,781 11 162
Noun-Preposition-Noun 4,703 3,634 1,268 307
Adjective-Noun 1,260 1,291 478 103
Noun-Adjective 5,768 3,455 1,628 448
Table 2: Precision, Recall, and F-measure with different values of S – French corpus.
French corpus
S 10 40 70
Web-Mining Precision 0.60 0.35 0.26
ranking Recall 0.33 0.78 1
F-measure 0.43 0.48 0.41
Random ranking F-measure 0.18 0.35 0.41
Table 3: Precision, Recall, and F-measure with different values of S – English corpus.
English corpus
S 10 40 70 140 210 305
Web-Mining Precision 1 0.83 0.73 0.58 0.46 0.34
ranking Recall 0.10 0.31 0.49 0.77 0.92 1
F-measure 0.17 0.46 0.58 0.66 0.62 0.51
Random ranking F-measure 0.06 0.19 0.28 0.39 0.46 0.51
(, this search engine giving
good results, in particular for French data.
To evaluate the generalisation of our approach, we
also propose to work with an English corpus com-
posed of Noun-Noun collocation candidates. This list
has 105 NE (examples of topics: politicy, military,
religious, etc) and 200 terms (topic: data-mining).
We have ranked all the candidates applying our web-
mining approach by performing 915 queries.
The benchmarks used in these experiments are
very specific because they have only lowercase words.
This situation is distinct from classic benchmarks of
the state-of-the-art.
3.2 Results
In order to evaluate our text-mining system Precision
(formula (2)) and Recall (formula (3)) are calculated.
A precision at 100% means that all NE returned with
our system are relevant, and a recall at 100% means
that all relevant NE are returned. In addition, the F-
measure (formula (4)) combines the precision and re-
queries for both nouns of the denominators (the query for
the prepositions have been applied only once for all calcu-
Precision =
Nb of returned relevant NE
Nb of returned NE
Recall =
Nb of returned relevant NE
Nb of relevant NE
F measure =
2 × Precision × Recall
Precision + Recall
We measure the quality of our system with differ-
ent thresholds S (see Tables 2 and 3). The results show
that the best value of F-measure is obtained when
we take into account the first half of candidates from
French and English corpora.
We can consider that our method has a good be-
haviour because our ranking function returns a lot of
NE at the top the list. For instance, with the English
corpus, the value of the precision is 83% when 40 can-
didates are selected with our web-mining approach (a
random ranking returns a precision at 34%).
Finally, note that the F-measure with our approach
is better in a large proportion than a random distribu-
tion for all values of S (see Tables 2 and 3).
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
This paper presents a text mining method for extract-
ing collocation candidates and identifying Named En-
tities from a list of candidates. The filtering method
uses only a statistical approach based on the Dice
measure and exploitation of the results of search en-
gines. The NE is ”stable”, which is why we built vari-
ations of the candidates and checked their popularity
using search engines. If the candidates we built turned
out to be irrelevant (i.e. low value of the statistical
measure), they were considered as NE.
In the next step of our work, we plan to enrich the
rules concerning variations, which is a precondition
to take into account the vast majority of possible lin-
guistic variations. Finally, we plan to combine this
approach, which is only based on statistical knowl-
edge, with lexical information, particularly the use of
uppercase letters when possible.
I thank Daphne Goodfellow who improved the read-
ability of this paper.
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