Patrick Stalljohann
Center for Innovative Learning Technologies (CiL), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
e-Assessment, Assignment submission, Open assessment, LMS, Portal technology, SharePoint, Hosting.
Assessment activities play a central role in university courses. Assessment for learning during a semester can
support students’ performance and motivation, but needs a lot of time and effort for organizational issues.
This paper presents a system which tries to combine generic applicability across different domains with the
support of highly specialized processes and with the knowledge of specific domains. Portal Technologies are
used to provide a university-wide hosting of assessment tools within a single architecture. The connection
to cloud-services facilitates the integration of open assessment activities into formal assessment processes. A
prototypical implementation demonstrates possible points of extension.
Technology enhanced assessment is a topic for many
years. Several systems have been developed to sup-
port either a specific scenario or common tasks gen-
erally. None of these systems seems to be well suited
as a hosted platform for a university-wide service.
With the aim of providing such a platform, investi-
gations about adaptability for special scenarios, ex-
tensibility for future forms of assessment, and the in-
tegration of external services are needed. The paper
at hand describes a concept of modular service man-
agers, which allows evolutionary enhancement of in-
tegrated assessment platforms. A prototypical imple-
mentation demonstrates the modular integration of a
cloud service to an assignment submission tool.
The paper proceeds as follows: Fundamentals of
assessment and arising problems of current assess-
ment systems are discussed in section 2. In section 3,
an overall concept with loosely coupled components,
event-based binding and integration of cloud services
is presented. Section 4 describes a prototypical im-
plementation based on a portal technology within a
university-wide hosted e-learning platform. In section
5, an overview of related work concerning extensible
assessment platforms is given.
Assessment takes a central place in higher education
teaching. On the one hand, final exams are used
to evaluate students’ performances after a period of
learning. This is called ”assessment of learning”. On
the other hand, ”Assessment for learning” improves
students’ performance and their motivation (Bostock,
2004) during the learning process.
Mainly, three dimensions for the implementation
of assessment for learning can be distinguished: type
of activity, assessor, and formation of participants.
Examples for possible types of activities are assign-
ments, tests, or presentations. Beside a teacher, who
is the most traditional assessor, activities can be as-
sessed by peers (Peer Assessment), electronic sys-
tems (Automatic Assessment), or the learners them-
selves (Self-Assessment) (Race, 2001). The third
dimension contrasts the assessment of an individual
performance (Individual Assessment) with the assess-
ment of collaboratively performed activities within a
group of students (Group Assessment). However, col-
laborative assessment brings along some difficulties.
One difficulty to assess such group work is to evalu-
ate not only the product as a whole, but to take each
students’ individual participation or the collaboration
itself into account (Elliott, 2007).
Stalljohann P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003474503920401
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (ATTeL-2011), pages 392-401
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Current Assessment Systems
A wide range of different systems have been devel-
oped to reduce the required time and effort which
comes along especially with Assessment for Learn-
ing. Furthermore, the enhancement of assessment
processes by technology can facilitate new forms of
assessment. Figure 1 shows a classification of those
systems which can be divided into the categories
Electronic Test Systems, Organizational Assignment
Systems, Domain-Specific Systems, and Learning
Management Systems.
Figure 1: Classification of classic systems with assessment
Electronic Test Systems like Hot Potatoes
computer-based support for creation, management,
execution and statistical evaluation of closed ques-
tions. Beside the simple electronic form of single- and
multiple-choice tests, additional forms of interaction
(e.g. drag and drop) and the integration of multime-
dia content (e.g. videos) are possible. The interop-
erability of standard tests and questions is supported
by the IMS QTI
specification. The main advantages
of such kinds of assessment are automatic output of
marks and feedback as well as the capability for do-
main independent usage (e.g. for driving licence tests
or exams in medical studies). Disadvantages are the
limitation to closed questions and static feedback.
Organizational Assignment Systems are more fo-
cused to support specific organizational steps of as-
signment submission. Nowadays web-based systems
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are developed to handle the whole submission process
(Jones et al., 2005). These systems emphasize only a
small selection of specific functionality. Example are
Arop”a (Hamer et al., 2007) and PeerPigeon (Millard
et al., 2008) which have been constructed to facilitate
peer review processes. Other systems are focused on
group assessment. The main advantage of those sys-
tems is precise assistance for particular scenarios. In
many cases, they are restricted to manual correction
and feedback generation.
Although open questions cannot be corrected au-
tomatically in general, many Domain-Specific Sys-
tems try to use domain-specific knowledge to (pre-
)correct open-ended assignments and provide in-
telligent feedback. Hollingsworth, for example.
used automatic graders for programming classes
(Hollingsworth, 1960). Later systems are often web-
based and provide different static and dynamic test
procedures for a specific programming language, e.g.
CourseMaster (Higgins et al., 2003), TRAKLA2
(Malmi and Korhonen, 2004), PASS (Choy et al.,
2007) and DUESIE (Hoffmann et al., 2008). Systems
specialized to other domains, like musical dictations
(Tremblay and Champagne, 2002), essays (Burstein
et al., 2004), or mathematical proofs (Gruttmann
et al., 2008), are available as well. The main advan-
tage of these systems is domain-specific knowledge
which increases automation possibilities for open
Learning Management Systems (LMS) are de-
signed to support a wide range of learning and teach-
ing processes. Systems like Moodle
or BlackBoard
combine tools for course planning, communication
(e.g. chats and discussion forums), and collaboration
(e.g. wiki pages). Modules for the definition and ex-
ecution of closed question like the above mentioned
Electronic Test Systems are often included. Basic
support of a standard assignment submission process
is often available as well. The main advantages of
LMS are the integration with other tools which are
not directly related to assessment and the generic ap-
plicability for almost any course.
Elliott calls the use of technology to imitate only
traditional assessment processes Assessment 1.5 (El-
liott, 2007). He recommends to extend and renew as-
sessment strategies along with the innovative possibil-
ities of Web 2.0 to reach Assessment 2.0, also called
Open Assessment. When students are active as Web
2.0 authors (Gray et al., 2010), they might profit from
the more collaborative manner of user-generated con-
tent, the power of the crowd, openness, and network
effects of Web 2.0. Thus, new forms of assessments
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have to be developed, like the assessment of activity
in online discussions (Vonderwell et al., 2007), wiki
pages (Cubric, 2007; Lie et al., 2010), or blogs (Lee
and Allen, 2006). The main advantage of Open As-
sessment is a personalised and more authentic assess-
ment scenario utilizing online tools of students’ ev-
eryday lives.
2.2 Problems and Objectives
Systems of each above mentioned category conduce
a special need and have a right to exist. But the par-
allel usage of several systems to support the overall
assessment process of a course is problematic. It is
therefore desirable to have a central platform for the
support of various settings and the integration of ex-
ternal systems, which could be provided a consistent
tool for several courses. One single system could not
cover all current and upcoming new forms of assess-
ment, what caused the multiplicity of currently avail-
able systems. Therefore, extensibility for various pur-
poses is a critical factor. Especially, integration of
external services to allow for more open assessment
scenarios is an objective of the work presented. An-
other objective is a more comprehensive usage, rather
than the application for only some different scenarios
in a single course or some related ones. Thus, such a
platform has to be ready for a hosting scenario, e.g.
for a whole university or perhaps as a service for other
Most LMS and some test systems provide an ex-
tensible infrastructure to include new modules such as
additional types of tests, and especially new forms of
interaction for closed questions. A more open system
should be prepared for extensions at all levels of the
assessment process.
One point of extension could be the integration of
available cloud services for content creation and pub-
lishing on the Internet, to facilitate Open Assessment
scenarios with common Web 2.0 tools. These ser-
vices are more suitable within the overall assessment
process than used separately. Furthermore, these ser-
vices could be enhanced with additional functionality
(e.g. peer review, grouping or marking) within a cen-
tral platform.
To increase the usability, security, and reliabil-
ity as well as ease the operation and maintenance of
such a platform, it should be constructed to run in
a Hosting Environment. Thus, it can be provided as
part of a university-wide platform. The difficulty is
to provide the best-fitting service for most courses
and domains. For this purpose, the system should be
extremely adaptable without overstraining the users.
For instance, the extension for automatic correction
of source code could be useful in the programming
course but probably not in the course for English
poem writing.
An approach to reach these objectives for an open-
ended assessment platform will be presented in the
following sections.
For the definition of an architecture for a new assess-
ment platform, related models or reference architec-
tures have to be taken into account. Evaluations of
some models show that they are either applicable to
a specific subset of assessment processes only or they
are too general to cover the specific requirements of
3.1 Reference Models
The Four Process Model (Almond et al., 2002) di-
vides assessment into the four processes Activity Se-
lection, Presentation, Response Processing, and Sum-
mary Scoring. It allows a flexible combination of dif-
ferent tools for each of the four processes. This model
is focused on individual test scenarios. The modular-
ity is limited to the four processes and reuse or exten-
sion of given components are not part of the model.
The Educational Model (Joosten-ten Brinke et al.,
2007) describes a static model of the assessment
model in six parts: Assessment Design, Item Con-
struction, Assessment Construction, Assessment Run,
Response Rating and Decision Making. The static na-
ture of the model conflicts with idea of a highly ex-
tensible platform.
The e-Framework Reference Model for Assess-
ment (FREMA) (Wills et al., 2009) tries to describe
the whole assessment domain. An overview about
current dimensions of assessment is given using topic
maps. While the suggested service oriented archi-
tecture allows an easy replacement of different ser-
vices, the modularity is limited to the currently known
domains of assessment. The integration of emer-
gent technologies or fine-grained extensions to exist-
ing functionalities are not covered by this reference
Even though the above mentioned models are not
directly applicable, several of their process descrip-
tions can be adopted.
3.2 Evolutionary Extension Modules
Evolution of technology and services leads to the need
of evolutionarily extensional systems. Those systems
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Open Ended Assessment Platform.
have to allow flexible points of extension to avoid the
development of completely new systems with a single
advancement and several reimplementations of avail-
able functionality.
Figure 2 presents an architecture with modularity
of mainly three dimensions: assessment tools, orga-
nization modules, and basic components. The most
general forms of reuse and extensibility are achieved
by the integration of assessment tools as a whole, ei-
ther internal or external ones. For instance, an ex-
isting test tool can be integrated into the platform as
well as a new tool for the assessment of collaborative
activity in wiki pages.
Organization modules provide reusable function-
ality for a special purpose of a typical step in an
assessment process. For example, a grouping mod-
ule allows the arrangement of students, which is
part of the assessment design for group assessments.
Additional content editors (e.g. for mathematical
equations or music notation) can be used as part
of item construction, response submission, or feed-
back. The creation of marking rubrics is part of
the assessment design, whereas the marking with
rubrics is part of response rating and decision mak-
ing. (Semi-)Automatic feedback and peer review as
special kinds of correction could be integrated with
correctionflows, which are modular definitions of cor-
rection processes like within the eAixessor-system
(Altenbernd-Giani et al., 2008) with the use of a
workflow engine. These modules for organization
can reuse basic components like user management
or document management. Many available platforms
provide different kinds of those components, which
should be extensible as well. The integration of ex-
ternal cloud services is considered on all levels of the
platform, e.g. with use of a whole external system or
integrated with an organization module.
An architecture is needed to organize and integrate
functionality among modules (Baldwin and Clark,
2000), which are weakly connected by definition.
However, it is difficult not to limit the extensibility
within the architecture. Therefore an approach for
the modular integration of services, which themselves
can handle modules in their specific area of function-
ality, has been developed.
In the generic approach, a service manager works
as a kind of broker between one or more service-
providers and several service-consumers (see figure
3). The main differences to service-orientation in gen-
eral are that the consumer does not call the service-
provider directly and that events can be forwarded to
a consumer. A service manager is used for the reg-
istration of providers and consumers and serves as a
facade for specific functionality a provider can of-
fer. This event-based approach aims to reduce the
dependencies between modules (here consumer and
provider). Providers can be added, removed, or ex-
changed without any change to the service manager
or a consumer.
Figure 4 shows an example of a video service
Figure 3: Event-based services for encapsulation of func-
manager, which can be used by a module for the
extension of an assignment submission tool with
videos from different services. Providers for this ser-
vice could be an internal video storage as well as
cloud connectors for the integration of YouTube
, for instance. Other examples could be ser-
vices for grouping or assessed activities in general.
Figure 4: An example service for video integration from the
An example for the use of services, basic com-
ponents and modules for the evolutionary develop-
ment of an assignment submission tool is illustrated
in figure 5. It is assumed that a basic assignment sub-
mission tool has been developed to handle the pub-
lication of assignments and the acceptance of indi-
vidually submitted responses. This tool serves as a
provider of an assignment service which is linked to
a more generic assessment service. Functions for get-
ting a list of assignments are provided by this service.
Events for reaching a publication date or a deadline
for submission can be forwarded to consumers. The
main idea is to enhance the basic tool with additional
functionality without modifying its basic source code.
Several modules can be created to build an extended
tool, which now works as a provider for the assign-
ment service as a whole. Advantages of this modular
approach are that several services, modules, and com-
ponents can be used with less dependency. For exam-
ple, the basic assessment tool and the grouping tool
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are not directly linked to each other, but the knowl-
edge of groups is needed for group assessment as well
as for peer assessment. Thus, corresponding exten-
sions are consumers of a group service, which can
be provided by the grouping tool. This tool can be
replaced by another tool without having to alter the
extensions. Another new requirement for the assign-
ment submission tool could be that students are orga-
nized in tutorials, in which only an associated tutor
is allowed to correct their submissions. Therefore, a
tutorial service, which is linked to the group service,
is used to provide an extension for tutorial manage-
ment with the partition of students into tutorials. Be-
cause the basic tool is built on the basic components
of a platform (compare figure 2), a Java editor ex-
tension can be integrated into the basic content man-
agement component what leads to integration to the
assignment submission tool as well. The integration
of external services and content from the cloud works
the same way. As shown in figure 4, an open video as-
sessment extension can be used to enable students to
include their online published videos in their assign-
ment submissions.
Since 2007 the tailor-made, university-wide e-
learning portal L
P supports presence teaching and
is available for all students and teachers at RWTH
Aachen University as a central service
et al., 2008). A so called virtual course room can be
set up to enhance a lecture with information, commu-
nication and collaboration functionality. Started with
270 virtual course rooms in summer term 2007, there
are about 2.200 lectures from eight different faculties
in winter term 2010/10 which are supported by a vir-
tual course room. Overall, the portal reached a num-
ber of about 11.000 virtual course rooms during the
last eight terms. Approximately 25.000 enrolments
are registered per term, what means that every user is
enrolled in six course rooms on average. Currently the
system is used by about 15.000 users per day. About
2.5 million pages and 750 GB of data are transferred
per week.
P has been developed based on Microsoft
SharePoint Server 2007, a portal technology which
contains several standard functionalities such as user
management, document management, content man-
agement, workflow management and search. Using
such a well established platform facilitates the usage
as a hosting service and increases security, reliabil-
7 (01.02.2011)
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Modular architecture for assignment submission with exemplary extensions and cloud-service integration.
ity, and maintainability of the system. Additionally,
it provides multiple deployment mechanisms to add
user defined functionalities, which allow the develop-
ment of custom integrated applications. Among oth-
ers, these possibilities has been used to integrate spe-
cific assessment tools. A custom assignment submis-
sion system (Dyckhoff et al., 2008) has been devel-
oped, which has been improved stepwise with several
functionalities like the opportunity to provide direct
feedback (Stalljohann et al., 2009). The management
of students’ marking results and criteria for passing a
lecture is handled by a custom integrated grade book
(Stalljohann and Schroeder, 2010), which currently
runs in several pilot installations.
4.1 Portal Deployment Mechanisms
SharePoint employs a hierarchical architecture start-
ing with a whole farm, which contains several web
applications. Within these web applications there are
multiple sites, which build independent workspaces.
In L
P , a separate site is used for each virtual course
room. These sites are structured itself by a tree of
so called webs or rather sub webs. They can be used
to define different areas, e.g. for information, learn-
ing materials, literature management, or assessment.
The content and document management is handled
by lists, which provide an abstracted layer of SQL
tables, including mechanisms for versioning, check-
in/out, controls for the user interface, and others. Lists
can handle meta data and files as their items. Fields,
corresponding to columns in a SQL table, represent
options of an items property, like the name, data type,
rendering and others. To handle different types of
items within a list, they can have different content
types, which define the properties (fields) of an item.
The content types are organized with help of inheri-
tance. A list for literature management for example,
contains fields for title, author, pages, publisher, jour-
nal, and ISBN. A content type for an abstract publica-
tion contains the first four fields. A content type for
an article inherits this fields and adds the journal field.
Another content type for a book inherits from the ab-
stract content type as well and includes the ISBN field
additionally. The authorization of users can be han-
dled in different ways, like with an active directory,
forms authentication with a custom database, or cus-
tom providers. The authorization is managed with the
user of groups, role definitions, which are assigned
to a whole site, a web, a list, or a single list item.
The combined presentation of information, actions,
and settings from several sources is realized by web-
. They encapsulate specific data, logic, as well
as its form of presentation. A weather webpart for
example can be placed on every page within the sys-
tem beside other webparts. A connection to webparts
which handles a list of cities could facilitate a kind of
There are several points for extension already
available within SharePoint which allow for the devel-
opment of evolutionary extensions, which is intended
Names for webparts in other systems are portlets, gad-
gets, or widgets.
related to the concept in section 3. Custom field types
allow the definition of new data types, their valida-
tion and presentation for usage as a field in a list.
Fields, content types, and templates for lists can be
defined declaratively. The deployment of these ele-
ments is managed with so called features, which can
be installed to a SharePoint farm and activated in a
specific scope. Possible scopes are the entire farm, a
web application, a site or a single web. Others el-
ements that can be deployed with a feature are for
example webparts, event receivers, workflow defini-
tions, custom actions, or external content types. Web-
parts contain code for the presentation of information
of data and the execution of actions. Event receivers
are classes which can be bound to a specific compo-
nent, e.g. a list item or a web, to execute custom
logic, when an event was triggered. Workflows and
related workflow activities can be developed to spec-
ify a modular process, which can be executed for an
item. Another important aspect is the possibility to
attach custom actions to the user interface, by defin-
ing the type (e.g. button or link), its style (image,
caption, ...), and the corresponding action (execution
of server code, client script or a link). External lists
or rather External content types are a mechanism to
integrate external systems by consuming a web ser-
vice, a database, or a custom connector to arbitrary
sources. This integration allows the presentation and
handling of external data just like data in an ordinary
list. All of these components and several more ones
allow the creation of modular extensions for the plat-
form, which can packaged as a solution for reuse in
different farms.
4.2 Developing Modular Tools
As mentioned above, those deployment techniques
have been used to build different custom applications
for assessment purposes on top of SharePoint. By us-
ing these mechanisms, the whole application can be
deployed to different farms. The use of features fa-
cilitates the (de-)activation of specific functionalities
within the application separately. Thus, the modules
are adaptable for different scenarios. The main prob-
lems with the first implementations of the systems are
the reusability of functionalities for other tools and
the extensibility with new functionalities, which are
the result of frequently added requirements. For ex-
ample, the tool for assignment submission contains
a grouping functionality, which allows the dynamic
building of groups for cooperative assignment sub-
mission. Adding other strategies for grouping as well
as using these groups for other tools is not straight
A restructuring of these applications with the use
of service managers (see figure 3) provides a way to
solve these problems. Some aspects for the devel-
opment of a service manager architecture are already
available. The paradigm is similar to event receivers
in SharePoint, but these are limited to a fixed set of
elements and events that are triggered (e.g. an item
was added to a list). The same strategy is now used
to extend additional services with related semantic
events, like an assignment service which triggers an
event when the deadline was reached or a student’s
submission was handed in. A new service manager
is build as a class which is connected to a feature.
With this, the functionality of the service manager
can be (de-)activated at a specific scope. A provider
as well as a consumer reference the service manager
project and register themselves with their fully quali-
fied names. If the service of a provider is consumed
or an event is triggered, the service manager creates
an instance of the corresponding classes by reflection.
This way, new services, providers and consumers can
be deployed, installed, and activated in a SharePoint
farm modularly.
The shift to this new paradigm has been demon-
strated by a reimplementation of the assignment sub-
mission system on base of SharePoint 2010. Figure
6 illustrates the workspace for a submission from the
perspective of a teacher or tutor. The whole tool is
integrated as a separate sub web and can be reached
from the left navigation bar (entry assessment). The
main area is a combination of several webparts. By
default, there are webparts for metadata (e.g. the
student, the related assignment, and the submission
state), documents in the solution, correction docu-
ments created by a tutor, a list of textual feedback,
and the given marks. Additionally, an extension for
the integration of videos from YouTube places an ex-
tra webpart related to an external list for the student’s
videos on the page. New videos for this submission
can be directly added, deleted, and modified within
the platform. Using the same service on the YouTube
webpage is also possible, by tagging the videos as a
submission. Other extensions, such as providing a
list for sample solutions for each assignment or al-
lowing the building of groups, have been separated
into different modules as well. The main point here
is that these extensions are able to consume the as-
signment service. The grouping extension could for
example synchronize the composition of groups from
the grouping service. After the event that the dead-
line has been reached is triggered, the groups for this
assignment are fixed within the submission tool.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: Using YouTube Videos in Assignment Submissions.
The Flexible Assignment System (FAST) tries to pro-
vide a flexible support for different assessment sce-
narios by the use of collaboration scripts (Topcuoglu,
2006). Students can be assessed individually or in
groups and they can use an integrated workspace to
create their solutions collaboratively. The process
how their collaboration is managed and how they are
assessed, by a tutor or by peers, can be defined with
the collaboration script. But this flexibility is lim-
ited to this process description, such that additional
functionality like the integration of external services
or self-regulated grouping has to be added within the
basic system.
A more flexible approach concerning domain-
specific assessment support is provided by EASy
(Gruttmann, 2010). Started as a system for the defi-
nition, submission and (semi-)automatic correction of
mathematical proofs, it was extended to a platform to
host modules for different domains (see 7). The as-
sessment process is divided into item construction,
Figure 7: Platform and modules of EASy (based on
(Gruttmann, 2010)).
response construction, and correction and marking.
A new module has to provide an editor for each
of these steps. Modules for programming assign-
ments, mathematical proofs, verification proofs, and
multiple-choice tests are already available. Disadvan-
tages of this system are the limitation to individual
assessment by tutors. Grouping, peer assessment, or
other forms of assessment are neither available nor
modularly integrable. The integration of collabora-
tive activities or open assessment is not covered ei-
ther. Furthermore, the two systems FAST and EASy
are standalone systems, which implement their own
user management. Hence, they are not directly inte-
grated into an e-learning system to support other pur-
poses than assessment as well.
More integrated approaches, which leverage the
functionality of content management systems (CMS),
are for example the systems iPal (Pinkwart et al.,
2005) and EduComponents (R
osner et al., 2007). iPal
extends the standard functionalities of the PostNuke
CMS with modules for building tutorials, as well
as handling assignments and lecture notes. These
provide general support for typical teaching scenar-
ios, but do not offer an additional extension model
above the standards of the CMS. The aim of EduCom-
ponents was to enhance the CMS Plone
with ad-
ditional components to support different learning
and assessment activities. It is a collection of the
tools ECLecture (general course information), EC-
Quiz (multiple-choice tests), ECAssignmentBox (as-
signment submission with tutor marking), and ECAu-
toAssignmentBox (assignment submission with auto-
matic marking). The latter allows extension by dif-
ferent so called back-ends, which encapsulate the
domain-specific logic for the correction of assignment
submissions, e.g. one back-end for Java source code
and another one for UML diagrams. The reuse of an
existing back-end for building a new one on top of it
is not intended.
Assessment takes a big part in formal learning, espe-
cially in higher education. Several tools have been
developed for technology enhancement of special as-
sessment processes. These systems, standalone as
well as integrated to general e-learning platforms,
support only a subset of possible assessment pro-
cesses and it is obvious that they lag behind new
forms of assessment. While platforms like CMS and
portals use well established functionalities and de-
ployment techniques to be highly extensible, exten-
sions on base of these platforms do not or limitedly
offer modular architectures themselves.
The paper at hand describes a concept of modu-
lar service managers, which allow an evolutionary en-
9 (01.02.2011)
hancement of an integrated assessment platform. First
parts of this concept have been proven by an imple-
mentation based on Microsoft SharePoint portal tech-
nology. The example of a stepwise enhancement of a
basic assignment submission tool shows how open as-
sessment processes, which integrates YouTube videos
with students’ assignment submissions, can be inte-
grated by an extension.
Future work includes pilot installations using the
new version of the system in different lectures and re-
lated evaluation. The development and evaluation of
other assessment tools, e.g. for assessment of collab-
orative learning in wiki pages or more informal as-
sessment settings connected to cloud services and so-
cial networks, are objectives as well. Furthermore,
the usability of the contained sub-tools and exten-
sions for general usage as well as with mobile devices
needs to be evaluated. While the platform is currently
hosted for multiple institutions of a single university,
multi tenancy support could allow a hosting service
for different universities. The approach of evolution-
ary module extension could perhaps be used for each
tenant differently.
Almond, R., Steinberg, L., and Mislevy, R. (2002). Enhanc-
ing the design and delivery of assessment systems:
A four-process architecture. Journal of Technology,
Learning, and Assessment, 1(5):164.
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