First, augmented reality contents can be widely
applied in school lessons under the future digital
textbook environment because work that would have
been impossible to do or learning elements that
could not have been experienced due to spatial and
physical limitations can be easily simulated in the
augmented reality environment where the real world
and virtual reality converge.
Second, the results from the application of
augmented reality-based contents showed that it can
provide high level of interest and learning
effectiveness of learning flow; and as such, it can be
applied as the next-generation learning model.
Third, through this technological progress, the
augmented reality-based learning, as a revolutionary
learning method by which the students can become
immersed on their own and gain understanding and
generate new knowledge using the method of
exploratory learning, is expected to become further
developed by fusing with future learning
technologies such as personal customized learning,
ubiquitous learning, multi-game type learning and
intelligent learning.
In follow-up research, we intend to develop a
prototype of a digital textbook augmented reality
writing tool that will allow teachers to easily utilize
in the classrooms the development of augmented
reality-based contents. Moreover, we seek to
develop a more advance forms of educational
contents and verify them in the classrooms.
This work (2010-0027654) was supported by Mid-
career Researcher Program through NRF grant
funded by the MEST.
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