conformity, concentrate of data. During the
development of information technology, there are
more and more threaten for information security.
Their methods are changing all the time and now
information security has been staring us in the face.
2.2 Status of Bank Information
Now the methods taken for information system
security in China include the following:
(1) In the security for storage of database, the
operation system encrypt the key field and come into
field storage in order to ensure the validity of the
data changing and keep from nonlicet data changing.
(2) Control accessing purview, foreground
application and operation system set different
purview for users in different levels when the users
are trying to connect the database.
(3) Use cryptographic check for all local
transactions; through the designed program to shield
the system.
(4) When the application process is running, use
the way of signing to identify the operator, and
according to the operator's permission to control the
operator’s right. However, current application lacks
safety design and support issues.
(5) Taking into network security issues, banks
gradually using router and firewall products, these
products have a relatively strong network security
technology. But the products focus on local problem
rather the whole safety problem.
(6) Operations department develop and
implement a series of management systems and
operating rules, many of which related to computer
security issues, standardize the behavior of staff at
all levels. However, the safety management tools
drops behind.
2.3 Security Problems of Information
Systems of China Banks
China's information technology is not mature, first
of all, from the national scale, the system facilities is
not perfect, whether it is the completeness of the
information system facilities, or the breadth of its
application, diversity, the banking system has big
gap with the developed countries; Second, it is the
lack of qualified personnel, especially lack of
maintenance talents for bank information security.
The core issue has the following points.
1. Network security technology exist biases.
Many people believe that information security is
network security or computer security, so we put
pressure on the network making the network
complex. We set various control cards on the
information superhighway; however the result is less
effective. The most important point to protect is
information, we should be careful in the data
collection, storage, operating and analyzing.
2. Pay attention to the tools investment rather
than management investment. Investment in network
security is not entirely safe products investment and
tools investment, it should also include policies,
operating procedures and emergency handling
mechanism and other aspects of investment. The use
of security products and tools should have
appropriate environment of supporting process
3. Application software in bank is very weak.
Bank's application software is the carrier of
information. Safety and quality of software is very
important including software development life cycle
and project management system. Nowadays more
and more holes in safety including technical and
management come from the quality of the
production of software.
4. Bank’s information and data management
contains safety holes. Most of the applications of
large banks are in the host application, the operating
system is relatively closed, and the information
storage is relatively safe. But the data and
information have risk in management, these data
include a variety of core business reports, customer
relationship data, office functions, risk control
information, etc., the information on the system
transfer through an open IP network transmission,
because the system's security holes, it is easily
penetrated by virus, loss of management information
is sometimes more dangerous than the loss of
business data.
5. Disaster prevention is a priority. With the
centralization of data, security risks are also
concentrated, often a data controls more than one
financial information processing, directly related to
the network's normal business, whether it is
software, host or network, it will have a huge
negative impact on society. In addition a variety of
disaster may lead to the data center does not work,
or even the loss of financial information. How to
design information security from the angle of
disaster, how to balance the investment and
information security is a problem that we must face.
Previous research shows that the current
researches in this area are from two aspects:
management and information technology. This is a
further research of previous research done by these
two aspects in order to get a secure system solution.