Alina Andreica
, Daniel Stuparu
, Romulus Gadi
, Florina Covaci
, Cosmin Tarţa
Grigorie Bogdan Mărcuş
, Gabriel Pop
and Ovidiu Teodorescu
IT Department, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Net Brinel SA, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Web services, Information system integration, Web portal, Database synchronization, e-Learning.
Abstract: The paper presents the design and implementation of a web service architecture for providing e-learning and
dedicated information system facilities. The web portal we describe is a solution for information system
integration, based on a single-sign on authentication framework and database synchronization facilities. The
solution is based on MS technology and provides integrated e-learning and dedicated information systems
facilities. User category permissions for accessing the portal services – both for the genuine portal
functionalities and for the dedicated information system ones – are modelled based on specific groups that
are retained in a global database. We consider that the solution we propose has a good generality degree and
may be applied in various organization cases.
Within the knowledge based society, information
technologies strongly impact on the organizational
management, academic institutions and learning
processes (Webster et al) by means of dedicated
information systems. Information system integration
has been tackled in the literature especially for
business and organizational processes (Hasselbring,
2000), (Hasselbring et al, 2005).
The problem of managing uniform user identities
in organization is addressed in (Shaw, 2011), since
different identities have to be associated to specific
user roles within organizations, and the problem can
become fairly complex if different information
systems are used. (Shaw, 2011) presents a
management access system in which for a
framework with different user identities in specific
information systems (Quest OneIdentity Solution).
The solution relies in building an unified identity
and access management system – IAM within th
eorganization, consolidating multiple identities in
one (integrated) identity.
The IAM approach simplifies identity access and
management within the organization, improves
security and productivity, as well as single sign on,
role management, multiple authentication and
password management facilities. IAM complexity
may be managed with: point solutions, which
implement a password reset within a system and
then synchronizes it with the others) or IAM
frameworks, which implement a specific IAM
solution based on aalready developed frameworks:
IBM (Tivoli Identity Manager), Oracle , Novell, MS
Forefront Identity Manager (Identity Lifecyle
Manager) – approach that our paper complies.
The present paper aims at describing the design
principles of a system integration framework for
providing dedicated information system facilities as
web services into a global portal, together with
single-sign on and database synchronization
facilities. Compared to our previous papers on the
same topic, which were more oriented on the
existing information systems, (Andreica et. al 2009;
2010), this paper focuses on general architecture
principles and applicability frameworks and
intoduces supplemental implementation details. The
web portal functionalities include content sharing
and communication facilities that may be used as
advanced cooperation or learning tools. The solution
we present is based on MS technology and provides
means of integrating various information systems,
using different technologies (php / postgresql, asp /
MS sql). We describe an integrated architecture
Andreica A., Stuparu D., Gadi R., Covaci F., Tar¸ta C., M
arcu¸s G., Pop G. and Teodorescu O..
DOI: 10.5220/0003477606310637
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WSPA-2011), pages 631-637
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
based on ILM Microsoft server, and additional
interface modules, used in order to integrate
dedicated information systems into a single sign-on
The content sharing and communication facilities
are provided based on SharePoint Portal
functionalities; they can be customized in an
advanced manner as e-learning facilities.
The solution includes synchronization tools for
the information systems’ databases and implements
a systematic permission scheme based on user
groups and categories that are retained into a global
Section 2 describes the system integration
principles of the single sign-on architecture
framework and some implementation insights. In
section 3, we address the database synchronization
principles, focusing on the most important
implementation characteristics. Section 4 presents
the web services that are available within the
integrated architecture: sharing & communication /
learning facilities and dedicated information
facilities and the extensibility characteristics of the
solution we propose. The conclusions section reveals
the most important contributions of the paper.
Figure 1: System integration architecture.
This work is supported by the EU funded grant, within the
European Fund for Regional Development, “CCE
124/323/31.08.2009 SMIS 4424 - Sistem electronic
aplicativ integrat de educaţie al Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai”
- BBU – Integrated applied electronic system for education
of Babes-Bolyai University, contracted by BBU with the
Romanian Ministry of Communication and Information
Society, Organismul Intermediar pentru Promovarea
Societăţii Informaţionale (Intermediary Structure for
Promoting the Information Society), 31-08-2009 – 31-08-
The architecture we propose – see figure 1 – is based
on MS technology; we use an ILM – Identity
Lifecycle Management – type server ensuring single
sign-on capabilities and uniform interface to the
dedicated information systems. Therefore, these
dedicated facilities will be mapped into the portal,
together with supplemental web services – see 4.
In order to access the dedicated information
system facilities, we selected the user categories that
have specific functionalities and designed, for each,
an “access point” into the portal. Authentication is
performed by the same account and password into
the portal and into the information systems, i.e.
credentials are the same for the portal and the
accessed information systems. After portal login and
credentials check, the logon information is retained
as current session variables and further passed on
towards the information systems; access points are
designed in respect with the account permissions (in
our case, user categories are students, academic staff
and / or research staff, managers, secretariats). Each
user category may have one or more roles, based on
which we define access points into the dedicated
information systems. Credentials are passed on to
the accessed information system as session variables
and used in order to perform the authentication into
the dedicated systems as well
Permissions specific to each user category are
retained in a global database, created by
synchronizing the information systems’ databases
and adding all necessary information – see
(Andreica, Stuparu et al. 2010).
For example, in our case:
students have access to their educational
path (AcademicInfo system, see 4) and learning
resources in view permissions (portal);
academic staff access the disciplines they
teach and student grades (AcademicInfo system,
see 4) and associated learning resources in
design permissions; they also access the
facilities available in the Research management
system (research activity upload and syntheses)
and administrative facilities in ManageAsist
research staff have access to facilities
available in the Research management system
(research activity upload and syntheses) and
administrative facilities in ManageAsist system;
on server &
global database
Portal database
system 1
system n
server & global
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Portal global architecture.
managers have access to educational
syntheses (AcademicInfo system), research and
financial syntheses for the chart unit they
manage (chair, department, faculty, institute,
university) – within Research management
system, respectively ManageAsist system
The global database solves database synchronization
problems (see 3) for various database management
systems. The global architecture for our organization
case is presented in fig. 2: ILM server is used as
global authentication server and accesses
information from the global database in order to
perform authentication (using AD mechanisms) and
to provide single sign on, e-mail and on-line
communication facilities (fig 2).
Permissions within the portal (see description
above) are implemented by means of dedicated
groups. AD is provided the necessary information
from the global database, using ILM as a
syncrhonization interface (see 3).
The correctness of the single sign-on feature is
dependant of database consistency; therefore, a
database synchronization is required. The
synchronization process will include the information
systems’ databases and the portal database – figure 2
Database synchronization ensures the global
database consistency and, consequently, updates
access permission information both for the portal
and the information systems; credentials logged in
the portal will therefore be verifiable, within the
global database, in respect with their permissions in
the dedicated information systems.
The synchronization process is based on the
dataflow sequences that occur in information
processing; these sequences have to be defined in
each organization case. In our case, the data
workflow involves (see figure 3):
1. organization chart and user tables are replicated
from ManageAsist into the global database;
2. 3. these tables are afterwards sent into Research
Management and AcademicInfo databases;
4. grant tables are replicated from Research
Management into the global database;
5. these tables are afterwards sent into
ManageAsist database;
6. students, disciplines, educational information
tables are transferred from AcademicInfo into
the global database; and fee tables are
transferred from AcademicInfo into the global
7. these tables are afterwards sent into
ManageAsist database
Figure 3: Database synchronization stages.
We note that a special entity case is the one of PhD
students, who are both students – in doctoral
schools, and academic / research staff – with
research activity and sometimes also didactic
Table synchronization is performed by using a
dedicated field in each table, which retains if the
corresponding record was synchronized, ie.
transferred into the destination database: the global
database for data coming from the information
systems’ databases or the information systems’
databases for data coming from the global database.
We note that the solution which builds a global
synchronized database ensures significant autonomy
functional advantages for the information systems,
compared to a direct Active Directory integration.
In our case, the global database synchronization
is involves 2 database management systems
(PostgreSQL for ManageAsist and Research
Management System and MS SQL Server for
AcademicInfo) – see (Andreica, Ghetie et. al, 2010)
for details.
Figure 4: Database synchronization scheme.
The synchronization solution implements:
replications, SQL Server Integrations Services (MS
SQL web), triggers, stored procedures and jobs.
In order to perform the global authentication, we
use MS Identity Lifecycle Management server,
which has advanced integration facilities with our e-
learning portal, and we are configuring the necessary
permission mappings from the dedicated information
systems into the authentication server in order to
complete the integration facilities. The information
system authentication is performed by dedicated
interfaces which transfer credentials from the portal
into each system – see section 2.
More specifically, a supplemental
synchronization is performed via the ILM server
(MS SQL web) between the global database - GDB
and the AD information. In this respect, we use
ILM’s connector space (MS SQL web) and two
dedicated agents which transfer information from
the global database, respectively from AD into the
connector space, compare it and synchronize the
updated information from GDB into AD, updating
therefore the necessary information in order to apply
correct permissions within the portal access
The web portal we describe provides various
services, integrating the sharing, communication and
e-learning functionalities with the ones provided by
the dedicated information systems. We further
describe these facilities and means of generalizing
the system’s architecture principles for various
organization cases.
4.1 e-Learning Facilities
In order to fulfil our university’s academic and
learning aims, we decided to provide into the global
portal specific functionalities regarding information
sharing, communication and advanced e-learning
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(Horton, 2003) facilities by integrating a SharePoint
portal into the global architecture.
The web-based e-learning facilities provided by
the described portal are therefore the SharePoint
(MS Sharepoint, web) built in ones, adapted to our
specific needs, and include: content management
and sharing, schedule management and sharing,
communication facilities (e-mail – OWA type,
discussion lists, etc.), evaluation tools and feed-back
facilities; task management, blog and RSS tools,
survey tools, as well as other functionalities. The
system is also open to adding new web-parts,
services or components (Andreica et. al, 2010).
The system is also open to adding new web-
parts, services or components; currently, we are
working on dedicated evaluation facilities that are
currently being integrated into the portal facilities.
On-line evaluations may be used both as individual
feed-back tests, in order to assess the students’
knowledge level at a certain point in the educational
path, or as final examinations. Various grading
algorithms are taken into consideration in a general
and customizable framework.
Our e-learning portal will also include virtual lab
facilities in order to support learning in experimental
sciences and sharing experimental knowledge by
electronic means. Virtual lab services model
processes that may be tedious to be accessed in real
conditions, or are accessed remotely. Application
fields include: process engineering, environmental
engineering, physics, chemistry, biology.
4.2 Dedicated Services Provided
by the Information Systems
Specific portal functionalities are provided by the
integrated information systems implemented in our
university, which are further described
AcademicInfo -
is an integrated information system dedicated to
managing educational information, with dedicated
processing facilities for secretariats, specific access
facilities for students (curricula and grade access, fee
management, student documents and requests, on-
line course evaluation), teachers (curricula and grade
management (for the activities that are conducted),
access to results of student evaluations) and
academic management, who can access relevant
synthesis regarding the educational process,
including results of student evaluations at faculty or
university levels. System facilities are detailed in
(Andreica, Stuparu et. al 2010).
ManageAsist system is the integrated software
system for administrative management that has been
developed for our university. The system can be
viewed as an ERP system; within its design and
implementation, we integrated systematic efficiency
principles in software design (Andreica 2009).
ManageAsist’s principles and facilities are
adapted for high education institutions; the system
contains the following modules: Document
management, Assets, Warehouse, Cashier, Finance,
Accountancy, Grants, Human Resources and
Acquisitions, and decision assistance facilities. Each
module contains management reports for the
corresponding compartment. Relevant synthesis
from each compartment will be integrated, together
with global management tools into a decision
support module.
The web services
include access to grant financial information and
management of acquisition request, including
specific reporting facilities for management levels.
Our Research Management System (Andreica et. al, 2008)
- is a web based system that we have developed and
implemented within Babes-Bolyai University’s
(BBU) in order to manage research activities. The
system offers, via web interfaces, accessible and
user-friendly means of collecting specific
information, and automatically performing
quantitative analyses, syntheses and evaluations
based on the collected information. The system is a
tool for quantitative research evaluation, its more
general aim being to ensure proficient management
of the research activity within BBU and supporting
the design of competitive strategies in the field.
4.3 Extensibility Principles
The solution we propose, based on MS technology
and ILM authentication server, may be applied in
various cases that require information system
integration. Moreover, such an architecture may be
enhanced with SharePoint facilities in order to
provide sharing, communication and e-learning
functionalities, which are often necessary within
Considering we have available n information
systems, the software services that can be provided
into the web portal are represented in figure 5
Figure 5: Web portal services.
We describe the design and implementation
principles of a web portal that provides e-learning
services and dedicated information systems
facilities. The framework we present is an IAM
framework type solution according to (Shaw, 2011)
and represents an efficient integration solution for
synchronizing databases and integrating dedicated
information systems. The solution takes the
advantage of existing technologies, in our case, MS,
and provides means of integrating various
information systems by using a single authentication
server and mapping specific facilities from the
dedicated information systems, with different
database management systems, into the portal, for
each user category. This architecture is based on a
global integrated database and a permission mapping
scheme for ensuring appropriate access into the
dedicated information systems.
The system framework integrates various web
services that are provided within the portal: learning
facilities, virtual labs and dedicated information
facilities. This integration solution has a good
extensibility degree and may be applied in various
cases, ie. single log-on framework for integrating
dedicated information system services, as well as e-
learning, facilities.
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department for their contribution to developing
ManageAsist, AcademicInfo, Research management
information systems and to administering the e-
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Pop, Simona Nemeş, Monica Bojan, Carmen Pavel,
Ana Iuhos, Kerekes Hunor, Zölde Attila, Ana Bara.
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