Jonathan Jason C. King Li
Ateneo de Manila University, Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108, Philippines
Masanori Akiyoshi, Masaki Samejima, Norihisa Komoda
Osaka University, Yamadaoka 2-1, Suita, 565-0871, Osaka, Japan
Clustering, Forum threads, Concept-based similarity.
Open-Sourced Software Development depends on the Internet Forum for communication among its develop-
ers. However, a typical program would have related modules which are hard to express in the forum. Though
human effort of reporting related modules is already being used, this technique is impractical due to human
inaccuracy. Our approach uses the Concept-Based Document Similarity for its thorough analysis on the se-
mantic value of a word or phrase on the sentence, document and corpus level for the purpose of measuring
similarities between documents. Then we created a novel Clustering Algorithm that does not need any thresh-
old values and it is able to stop clustering when the clusters are already correctly formed. This was first used
on newspapers to test its effectiveness and then was used on a cluster of Bugzilla threads. The results from the
newspapers proved the clustering process works but the results for the Bugzilla threads, where the comment
content do not evidently reveal thread topic, reveals that other elements, aside from thread content, is needed
to establish similarity. Future work will utilize other thread elements for clustering similar threads.
Open-Sourced Software Development demands com-
munication between its developers around the world
to ensure the longevity and the usefulness of the prod-
uct. To achieve such logistical feat, developers use In-
ternet Forums to communicate with each other. How-
ever, given the complexities of any typical software
design, developers would have to manually report re-
lated threads, which represent program modules, thus
having these unreported related threads lost within
the forum. However, developers may tend to forget
to report some related threads or even report unre-
lated threads thus putting the trustworthiness of this
technique into question. The aim of this research is
to create an algorithm to find related threads so that
the threads that are not reported by developers can
be found and not lost within the forum. Our sum-
marized approach employs text mining to analyze the
comment content of each thread to find patterns and
similarities between each thread. Then similar threads
are clustered together, which would contain the re-
lated threads that the developers are looking for.
After data extraction from HTML format or from
any format, the whole process can be summarized
into two phases namely the Concept-Based Docu-
ment Similarity and Document Clustering. After data
cleansing, such as word stemming and stopword re-
moval, the incoming document collection or corpus
enters the Concept-Based Document Similarity phase
where it will encounter three sub-phases namely Con-
cept Extraction, Concept Counting and Similarity
Calculation (Shehata et al., 2010). The following out-
put will be a Similarity Matrix which will enter the
Document Clustering phase where the similar docu-
ments are clustered together iteratively. Then the fi-
nal output is clusters of similar documents. The whole
process can be seen in Figure 1
2.1 Concept-based Document Similarity
The goal of this phase is to produce a similarity ma-
trix where it contains all the similarity values between
each document. As it was mentioned, the Concept-
Jason C. King Li J., Akiyoshi M., Samejima M. and Komoda N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003478206900695
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WTM-2011), pages 690-695
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Concept-based clustering process.
Based Document Similarity is composed of three sub-
phases namely Concept Extraction, Concept Count-
ing and Similarity Calculation. First, a document en-
ters the Concept-Based Document Similarity phase
and then during Concept Extraction, each sentence
is extracted for verb-arguments. For every verb in a
sentence, there is one verb-argument structure. The
verb-argument structure contains the verb itself, the
subject and the object of the verb. Using the Stan-
ford parser (Dan and Christopher, 2003), made by the
Stanford Natural Language Processing Group, it can
distinguish the role of every word or group of words
in a sentence. The noun phrase directly before the
verb is the subject of the verb, and heuristically, the
rest of the sentence after the verb is the object of the
verb. Overlapping verb arguments are intended for
Concept Counting. Once the subject, verb and ob-
ject are extracted they are all considered as concepts
and are added to the Concept List of the document.
Also as a standard procedure, concepts are cleaned of
stop words and are stemmed using the famous Porter
Stemmer (Porter, 1980)
The second sub-phase is Concept Counting. Fol-
lowing the algorithm presented by Shehata et al.,
three measurements are introduced namely the Con-
cept Term Frequency (CTF), Term Frequency (TF)
and the Document Frequency (DF). The CTF counts
how many times a concept repeats itself per verb-
argument. The TF counts how many times a con-
cept repeats itself per sentence. DF counts how many
times a concept repeats itself per document so at this
point, DF is always 1. This kind of counting is done
for each concept registered in the Concept List of the
current document. Afterwards, another document en-
ters the Concept-Based Document Similarity phase
and the first two sub-phases are executed. This pro-
cess iterates until all documents in the corpus is ex-
hausted and only then all documents enter the Simi-
larity Calculation sub-phase.
In the Similarity Calculation sub-phase, we cre-
ate a Union Concept List from the Concept Lists cre-
ated. The Union Concept List is the Concept List of
the corpus itself where it contains all concepts. First,
all unique concepts are copied to the Union Concept
List. Then if a duplicate is found, the CTF becomes
the average between the current CTF value and the
CTF value of the duplicate. Then, the current DF
value is incremented. Afterwards, we calculate the
similarities between documents using their Concept
Lists. First a matched Concept List is created between
two Concept Lists. A pair of concepts are considered
a match if either an exact match or a partial match
occurs (ex. w
, w
and w3 are distinct words and
Concept A contains w
and w
, Concept B contains
and w
, and Concept C contains w
, w
and w
Concept A and Concept B have an exact match while
Concept A and C have a partial match). Finally, the
following equations found in (Shehata et al., 2010)
are used to measure the similarity between two docu-
, d
) =
× weight
× weight
The following explains the variables used in the
and d
are two documents.
m is the number of matching concept pairs there-
fore i is the counter for the matching concept
l is the length of the concept itself so l
is the
length of the matching concept i in d
is the length of the verb-argument where con-
cept i belongs to.
weight is the weight of the matching concept
The values that result from the similarity equation
are recorded in the similarity matrix where each value
can be traced to the two documents that were used.
The matrix will be the input for our document clus-
Figure 2: Mutually relatedness with similarity matrix.
Figure 3: Intra-Cluster relationships and Cluster-to-Cluster
2.2 Document Clustering
When a similarity matrix enters the Document Clus-
tering phase, the matrix is first saved. Aside from the
values along the diagonal, we take the highest value
per column, also known as the Top One of the col-
umn, and then we check for document pairs that has
each other as their Top One. We call this kind of re-
lationship as the “Top One Mutuality Relationship”.
Figure 2 clearly shows the definition of a Top One
Mutuality (A and B have a Mutual Top One relation-
ship while A and C, and C and D do not since the Top
One of C is A, but A does not have C as its Top One.
The same reason applies for C and D.).
Document pairs with a Top One Mutuality Rela-
tionship will be merged together where unique con-
cepts will be added to one of the Concept Lists, thus
the remaining one will be discarded. Duplicate con-
cepts will update its CTF and TF by adding their val-
ues together but the DF will remain as 1. This merged
cluster is now considered as one cluster. After this it-
eration is finished, a new Union Concept List is recre-
ated and a new similarity matrix, which will not be
saved, is created. The following iterations will have a
different procedure. Before we continue, we need to
introduce some definitions. All relationships based on
new similarity matrices are “Cluster-to-Cluster rela-
tionships” regardless if there is only one document in
a cluster and all relationships based on the initial sim-
ilarity matrix are “Document-to-Document relation-
ships”. Furthermore, the Intra-Cluster Document-to-
Document relationship is the similarity value between
two documents within the same cluster based on the
initial similarity matrix. Figure 3 shows the differ-
ence between Intra-Cluster relationships and Cluster-
to-Cluster relationships. Going back to the process,
we again look for Top One Mutuality Relationships
based on the new similarity matrix. Document pairs
with Top One Mutuality Relationships based on this
new similarity matrix will be merged but with an addi-
tional condition. If the current Cluster-to-Cluster re-
lationship is greater than half the average of all Intra-
Cluster Document-to-Document relationships of the
two clusters involved, then the two clusters should be
merged, otherwise they should not be merged.
This algorithm closely matches our intuitive way
of clustering documents together. After reading the
documents, we try to cluster the closest documents
together based on what we read from each document.
However, our own clustering system stops on its own
without clustering all the documents into one cluster.
This is because when try to decide to merge two clus-
ters, we actually compare the relationship between the
two clusters itself against the relationship of docu-
ments within the involved clusters. Thus we came up
with our clustering algorithm that tries to match this
intuitive process. The advantage of this process is that
it no longer needs threshold values and the clustering
process stops on its own.
We first applied the algorithm to newspaper articles.
The newspapers were taken from the Manila Bulletin,
the Philippine Daily Inquirer, BBC, the Associated
Press and the ABC News for a variety of writers and
issues. The articles are assigned a number from 1 to
16 and then we manually created the clusters from
the 16 newspaper articles that we gathered. Then we
let the algorithm create the clusters. The results are
found in Table 1.
The algorithm generated clusters are equal to the
manually generated clusters. This same algorithm is
also applied to 31 Bugzilla threads and results are in
Table 2. Furthermore, the algorithm was applied to
25 threads in Bugzilla concerning Firefox, an open
sourced web browser, and 40 threads in Bugzilla con-
cerning Thunderbird, an open sourced email client,
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Applied result to Newspapers.
Manually generated clusters Concept-based algorithm clusters
Truth commission topic cluster: 01, 02, 03, 08, 09 Cluster 1: 01, 02, 08, 09, 03
Traffic topic cluster: 04, 11, 12, 13 Cluster 2: 04, 11, 12, 13
Wikileaks topic cluster: 05, 06, 07, 14, 15, 16 Cluster 3: 05, 15, 06, 16, 07, 14
Christmas topic cluster: 10 Cluster 4: 10
and the results are in Table 3 and in Table 4 respec-
Simply put, the clusters that were generated by the
algorithm for both Table 2, 3 and 4 are not equal. Ap-
parently the content of the comments do not capture
the very topic of the thread itself. However, it is pos-
sible to regard the single thread clusters found in the
results as insignificant. To actually recreate the results
of the manually created clusters, other elements found
in the forums should be found and utilized to measure
Text mining is generally used in the field of infor-
mation retrieval especially in this age of the Internet
(Arimura et al., 2000). Because of the vast amount
of information that we receive in this era, many re-
searches have been geared for “teaching” computers
how to read. This technology has been applied to
marketing strategies to create profiles for retail items
which may contain irregular words thus needing to
measure the semantic value of the words that are
found in their transactions (Ghani and Fano, 2002).
This has also been applied to find patterns and trends
among documents to discern the popularity of a doc-
ument (Terachi et al., 2006). Some are also used to
find patterns in error reports to ameliorate their stan-
dard procedures (Malin et al., 2009).
Traditional procedures usually include the use of
Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency
or Recency/Frequency/Monetary Analysis (Terachi
et al., 2006) (Clifton et al., 2004) or other data min-
ing techniques such as Naive Bayes or Expectation-
Maximization (Ghani and Fano, 2002). These proce-
dures are often used to measure the semantic value
of a word in their given domain. However, this makes
the algorithm too specialized and not reusable to other
fields not to mention that they still depend on one-
word statistics.
Semantic determination for a word is a growing
research area and has many applications in computa-
tional linguistics, such as data clustering, and artifi-
cial intelligence. Many approaches have been made
by many research works over the past decade. One
method involves using WordNet to create a hierarchy
of words to depict semantic relatedness (Shen and An-
gryk, 2007). Another extends this idea to use multiple
sources such as WordNet and the Brown Corpus (Li
et al., 2003). These approaches would help in min-
ing small bodies of text such as sentences (Li et al.,
2006) or short documents (Jing et al., 2007) where
the meaning of each word needs through analysis due
to the size of the text. However, application of this
method in large bodies of texts would become too te-
A few recent development of text mining shows
a paradigm shift from one-word statistics to phrasal
statistics, a precursor to concept-based mining. Such
a movement started with Hammouda et al. (Ham-
mouda and Kamel, 2004) with the use of the Docu-
ment Index Graph. Phrasal computation is then fol-
lowed by Hung Chim and Xiaotie Deng (Hung and
Xiaotie, 2008) where they used phrasal computation
with TF-IDF similarity measures. These researches
have proved themselves more superior to single-word
statistics analysis but they still depend on traditional
procedures used for single-word statistics and thus
these procedures are not thorough enough.
The most recent development in text mining is
Concept-Based Mining (Shehata et al., 2010). The
algorithm argues phrasal statistics are still insufficient
in discerning the semantic value of a certain phrase.
Therefore, they introduced concepts which can be
single-words or phrases but they measure similarity
in a different way as it will be explained later. They
propose counting concepts on the sentence level, doc-
ument level and corpus level and then they base sim-
ilarity according to concept matches instead of word
or phrase matches. Furthermore, regardless of the do-
main, this is applicable since there is no storage of
certain words and the importance of words are mea-
sured depending on the corpus input. As we know that
Bugzilla may use technical jargon, using Concept-
Based Mining may be the best choice. However, they
did not present a clustering algorithm to handle the
results from the Concept-Based Mining. Therefore,
we created our own document clustering without a
threshold value and it stops when the correct clusters
are already formed.
Table 2: Applied result to Bugzilla threads.
Manually generated clusters Concept-based algorithm clusters
Cluster 1: 302121, 303043, 303105, 303332,
303398, 303115, 303121, 304553, 303065,
303412, 303206, 303335, 303444, 303509,
303684, 303737
Cluster 1: 302121, 303043, 303105, 303332,
304622, 303848, 304962, 304426, 302749,
303398, 303115, 303121, 304553,
Cluster 2: 304622, 303848, 304962,
Cluster 2: 303065, 303412, 303644, 303647
302749, 304862, 303644, 304436, 304457, 304597
Cluster 3: 303647 Cluster 3: 303195
Cluster 4: 303195 Cluster 4: 303206
Cluster 5: 304705, 305928, 306019
Cluster 5: 303335, 304436
Cluster 6: 303444
Cluster 7: 303509
Cluster 8: 303684
Cluster 9: 303737
Cluster 10: 304457, 304597
Cluster 11: 304705, 305928, 306019
Table 3: Applied result to Firefox threads.
Manually generated clusters Concept-based algorithm clusters
Cluster 1: 300412, 305216, 304861,
Cluster 1: 300001 304748, 304405, 305955,
Cluster 2: 300001, 300074 Cluster 2: 300074
Cluster 3: 300565, 300814, 300794,
Cluster 3: 300412, 300706, 300696, 300651,
Cluster 4: 305267, 308398, 318168,
Cluster 4: 300565, 300706, 300814, 300651
300696, 300740
Cluster 5: 305998, 319861, 306409
Cluster 5: 300615
Cluster 6: 300794, 305995, 306132, 304748, 318168
Cluster 7: 304405
Cluster 8: 304558
Cluster 9: 304861
Cluster 10: 305216
Cluster 11: 305267
Cluster 12: 305998, 306409
Cluster 13: 307877
Cluster 14: 308396
Cluster 15: 319861
The algorithm works for clustering documents with
cohesive content. However, for media such as the
Bugzilla Forums, other elements may be needed to
match implicit relationships between threads. It is
possible to insert the idea by (Hammouda and Kamel,
2004) where they processed different parts of a Web
document into HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW portions.
Then it is also possible to use in-depth word analysis
introduced by (Shen and Angryk, 2007) (Jing et al.,
2007) (Li et al., 2003) to process small bodies of text
such as titles. Furthermore, the manually created clus-
ters may already help in trying to find patterns be-
tween each thread within each cluster or comparative
experiments with other competing text clustering al-
gorithms maybe used to clearly measure the efficacy
of this algorithm.
This paper proposed a novel document clustering
based on concept-based similarity, with automatic
clustering stopping process and without creating one
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 4: Applied result to Thunderbird threads.
Manually generated clusters Concept-based algorithm clusters
Cluster 1: 216223, 216225,
Cluster 1: 216223, 216225, 227883, 232432,
259951, 259959, 259331, 229879
Cluster 2: 218774, 240476, 240138, 243631 Cluster 2: 218774
Cluster 3: 232967, 289375, 284030 Cluster 3: 220173, 232967, 284030, 289375
Cluster 4: 229179, 229740, 230241 Cluster 4: 227841
Cluster 5: 220173, 231959, 234811,
Cluster 5: 228300, 233944, 232433, 232432,
231960, 230925
Cluster 6: 227841, 230700, 232699, 231552,
229879, 228300
Cluster 6: 229179, 230241, 259289,
243631, 234707, 240476, 240138
Cluster 7: 257378, 259227, 273422, 259958,
259951, 259331, 259321, 259317, 259959,
259289, 258897, 258447
Cluster 7: 229740
Cluster 8: 230700
Cluster 9: 230925, 231552, 231960, 233944, 257378
Cluster 10: 231959, 234811
Cluster 11: 232433, 258897, 259317, 259321, 273422
Cluster 12: 232699, 258447
Cluster 13: 259227
Cluster 14: 259958
huge cluster containing all the documents in a corpus.
However, further testing of this clustering procedure
is probably needed to test its trustworthiness.
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