ing should be continuously updated to reflect such
natural changes. In this sense, a major activity is
to understand and measure the variability associated
with the user behaviors and with the applications over
time, as well as the interaction between them. De-
spite the relevance of this understanding, we did not
find any studies that analyze how this temporal evolu-
tion, which we call evolutionary behavior, emerges in
In this work we present a methodology for evo-
lutionary characterization of users and applications,
which is divided into three main steps that represent
a hierarchical view of the RS domains. The objec-
tive is to measure a not closed set of characteristics
that vary over time and that would affect the qual-
ity of the RSs. Such information will provide sub-
sidies for the proposal of new techniques in RSs, as
well as for proper changes in traditional techniques.
For instance, through our methodology we can assess
practical issues about RSs, usually disregarded in the
literature, such as: How often users tend to consume
the same item?; How diverse is the user consumption
in a given period of time?; What is the time interval
between consecutive accesses of the users in the sys-
In order to validate our methodology, we have
chosen the Last.Fm, one of the largest virtual mu-
sical community in the world. The results showed
that Last.Fm is mainly composed by activities of new
users, that present a decreasing consumption trend.
Further, the user behaviors are concentrated in few
distinct items, exhibiting a high repetition rate in the
consumption and a very dynamic behavior, quickly
varying their set of favorite songs. Such observations
allowed to assist in identifying the most appropriate
techniques for recommendation to Last.Fm besides to
properly redefine some traditional RSs assumptions.
In summary, the main contributions of this work can
be described as the proposal of a new methodology of
evolutionary characterization, and a deeper and useful
understanding of an actual recommendation domain.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 discusses the main related work. Sec-
tion 3 presents our methodology of characterization.
After, in Section 4, we apply the proposal method-
ology in data derived from the Last.Fm. Finally, in
Section 5, we conclude and discuss future work.
Recommender Systems (RSs) play currently an im-
portant role in e-commerce systems, assisting users in
finding their favorite items and services. At this way,
several studies propose new strategies to recommend
products, information and services to users in vari-
ous domains (Burke, 2002). However, several chal-
lenges make the effectiveness and applicability of cur-
rent techniques inadequate for many scenarios (Ado-
mavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005). Some of these chal-
lenges have been studied extensively, and metrics that
allow to identify and to measure them in real domains
are recurrently investigated.
A first challenge consists of modeling the user be-
havior. Since each user can be modeled through a
distinct subset of objects (e.g., only for objects con-
sumed by him, or by objects considered relevant to the
domain), identifying the best model represents a com-
plex task. Nevertheless, most studies about user mod-
eling in RSs are done in a simplistic way, without take
into account some relevant characteristics of the user
behavior, such as the items relevance for each user.
For instance, metrics that quantify the consumption
diversity of each user may provide useful information
about the appropriate size of the object sets that model
the users. A second challenge refers to data sparsity,
established by the very nature of commercial appli-
cations. As the number of distinct objects in these
domains is generally huge, users are able to consume
only a small portion of the existing items. Moreover,
there is a high concentration of users around a few dis-
tinct objects followed by a downward concentration
around other objects, a phenomenon known as heavy
tail (Anderson, 2006), accentuating the data sparsity.
In this context, measuring the emergence of new users
and items over time in recommendation domain al-
lows to identify the actual impact of sparsity in RSs.
Some studies even suggest specific techniques to ad-
dress this problem in RSs (Wu and Li, 2008).
Another common challenge in RSs consists of
providing diversified recommendations (McSherry,
2002; Lathia et al., 2010). Although the domains
where the RSs operate have a wide variety of items,
the recommendations are generally somewhat diver-
sified. In (Zhang and Hurley, 2008), for example, the
authors model the diversity of the recommendation as
an optimization problem. We also can point out the
so called Cold Start problem as a challenge for RSS.
The Cold Start refers to the difficulty in making rec-
ommendations on new items or for new users, since
there is little information in the system about such
items and users (Schein et al., 2002). In fact, one ma-
jor challenge is to provide precise recommendations
when little is known about the users (Adomavicius
and Tuzhilin, 2005).
More recently, a new challenge has been analyzed
in RSs: the temporal evolution of the data (Koren,
2009; Cremonesi and Turrin, 2010). Traditionally,