Christian Saul
Fraunhofer Institute Digital Media Technology, Business Area Data Representation & Interfaces, Ilmenau, Germany
Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke
Faculty Informatics and Automation, Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany
Keywords: Assessment, Adaptive Assessment Systems, Higher-order Thinking Skills, Simulations.
Abstract: As our society moves from an information-based to an innovation-based environment, it is not just
important what you know, but how you can use your own knowledge in order to solve problems and create
new knowledge. Hence, assessment systems need to evaluate not just the students' factual knowledge, but
also their problem-solving and reasoning strategies. This leads to a demand for the assessment of higher-
order thinking skills (HOTS). This paper analyzes HOTS and possibilities for their measurement. As a
result, adaptive assessment systems (AASs) are in response to the emerging need of personalization while
assessing HOTS. AASs take student’s individual context, prior knowledge and preferences into account in
order to personalize the assessment. This personalized support helps students develop HOTS. But, this paper
also reveals several arising issues, which need to be addressed when measuring HOTS with AASs.
Today, learning occurs in a variety of places not
only within a teacher-student relationship, but also at
home, work and through daily interactions with
today's society. Whatever the environment of
learning and method of delivery, it is crucial to
obtain evidence about the knowledge, skills,
attitudes they have in fact learned. Hence, the
effective use of assessment is an integral part of
developing successful learning materials and a
critical catalyst for student learning (Conole &
Warburton, 2005). Assessment is defined as a
systematic method of obtaining evidence by posing
questions to draw inferences about the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and other characteristics of people
for a specific purpose (Shepherd & Godwin, 2004).
Stand-alone applications that are designed to be
delivered across the web for assessing students'
learning are called online-assessments. Alongside
several advantages, however, there is a demand
towards personalization in online-assessment to take
care of the individual needs and avoid treating all
students in the same manner. An adaptive
assessment system (AAS) poses one way to realize
personalization in online-assessments. It takes the
student’s individual context, prior knowledge and
preferences into account in order to personalize the
assessment, which may result in more objective
assessment findings. But, as our society moves from
an information-based to an innovation-based
environment (Fadel et al., 2007), it is not just
important what you know, but how you can use it in
order to solve problems and create new knowledge.
Hence, assessment systems need to evaluate not just
the students' factual knowledge, but also their
problem-solving and reasoning strategies. This leads
to a demand for the assessment of higher-order
thinking skills (HOTS). The focus of this paper is to
analyze HOTS and to identify possibilities for their
measurement. Hence, four established AASs
(SIETTE, PASS, CosyQTI and iAdaptTest) will be
examined in this respect.
It is important to note that the term student in this
paper means everybody aiming at acquiring,
absorbing and exchanging knowledge, whereas
learning is to be understood likewise. Hence, the
explanations and conclusions in this paper are not
limited to typical teacher-student relationships, but
also applicable to any kind of knowledge provider
Saul C. and Wuttke H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003480204250430
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (ATTeL-2011), pages 425-430
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and knowledge consumer.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: The second chapter analyzes HOTS and
tries to find an appropriate categorization. The third
chapter looks at the assessment of these skills and
associates AASs in this respect. For that reason,
chapter four deals with AASs and their possibilities
to assess HOTS. The findings are discussed in
chapter five. Concluding remarks, future work and
references complete the paper.
Learning in the twenty-first century is about
integrating and using knowledge and not just about
acquiring facts and procedures (Fadel et al., 2007).
For example, in engineering education, the students
should be able to develop new technical systems.
For that, they have to combine parts to create a new
whole and to evaluate the results appraisingly
(Wuttke et al., 2008). Hence, assessment systems
need to evaluate not just the students' factual
knowledge, but also their problem-solving and
reasoning strategies, which are currently left to oral
examinations or project work. These advanced
thinking skills are known under the term HOTS.
HOTS include critical thinking, problem solving,
decision making and creative thinking (Lewis &
Smith, 1993). These skills are activated when
students encounter unfamiliar problems,
uncertainties, questions or dilemmas. Successful
applications of these skills result in explanations,
decisions and performances that are valid within the
context of available knowledge and experience and
promote continued growth in higher-order thinking
as well as other intellectual skills. HOTS are
grounded in lower-order thinking skills (LOTS) such
as simple application and analysis and linked to
prior knowledge (King et al., 1998).
Thinking skills were conceptualized in a number
of ways and at present there is little consensus with
regard to the actual term. For a comprehensive
overview, reference is made to King et al. (1998).
In this paper, the efforts undertaken by Benjamin
Bloom were used to differentiate thinking skills. In
the 50s of the last century, he led a team of
educational psychologists trying to dissect and
classify the varied domains of human learning
(cognitive, affective and psychomotor). The efforts
resulted in a series of taxonomies in each domain,
known today as Bloom's taxonomies (Bloom et al.,
1956). The cognitive domain involves knowledge
and the development of intellectual skills. In this
domain, Bloom et al. distinguish between six
different levels namely knowledge, comprehension,
application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The
first three levels are referred to as LOTS and the last
three levels are referred to as HOTS. More than 50
years later, Bloom’s taxonomies of the cognitive
domain were revised by Anderson and Krathwohl
(Anderson et al., 2001). Differences are the
rewording of the levels from nouns to verbs, the
renaming of some of the components and the
repositioning of the last two categories (see Table 1).
Table 1: Taxonomies of the Cognitive Domain.
Bloom (1956)
Anderson and Krathwohl (2001)
Knowledge Remember
Comprehension Understand
Application Apply
Analysis Analyze
Synthesis Evaluate
Evaluation Create
But, the major differences are the addition of
how the taxonomy intersects and acts upon different
types and levels of knowledge, namely factual,
conceptual, procedural and meta-cognitive. Factual
knowledge is knowledge that is essential to specific
disciplines. Conceptual knowledge is knowledge
about the interrelationships among the basic
elements within a larger structure that enable them
to function together. Procedural knowledge is
knowledge that helps students to do something and
meta-cognitive knowledge is knowledge of
cognition in general as well as awareness of one’s
own cognition.
Reasons for selecting Anderson and Krathwohl’s
revision of Bloom’s taxonomy as preferred basis for
further understanding are the use of recent
advancements in psychological and educational
research (for example, constructivism, meta-
cognition and self-regulated learning) and their
general applicability in all subject matters for
specifying teaching objectives, activities and
Assessment is regarded by many as very useful for
measuring LOTS such as recall and interpreting of
knowledge, but seen as insufficient for assessing
HOTS such as the ability to apply knowledge in new
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
situations or to evaluate and synthesize information.
But, this need not be the case. Sugrue (1995)
identified three response formats for measuring
HOTS namely: (1) selection, (2) generation and (3)
explanation. Selection means using simple question
types such as multiple-choice and matching for
identifying the most plausible assumption or the
most reasonable inference. But, although multiple-
choice questions can be used for separately
measuring some specific HOTS such as deduction,
inference and prediction (Bloom et al., 1956), they
are inappropriate for measuring skills on the
evaluation and creation level. Generation means
using advanced question types, which let students
more creativity in answering, such as free-text
answers, essays and interactive and simulative tools
(ISTs) for measuring HOTS. Mitchell et al. (2002)
proposed a software system (AutoMark) for
evaluating free-text answers to open-ended
questions. AutoMark uses the techniques of
information extraction to provide computerized
marking of short free-text responses. The technique
of automatically evaluating essays is used by
Burstein and Marcu (2003) in a system called E-
Rater. E-Rater identifies thesis and conclusion
statements from student essays on six different
topics. Furthermore, ISTs can deal with complex
real-life problems that require students to employ a
number of HOTS in order to solve them. This
coincides with Bennett (1998) as his vision of
assessment. He pointed out that assessment has not
yet achieved its full potential and predicted a
dramatically improvement in using simulation and
virtual reality while assessment. The vision of
Bennett was followed up by Cleave-Hogg et al.
(2000) and Wuttke et al. (2008) in specialized
trainings and assessment tools. Cleave-Hogg et al.
used an anesthesia simulator for assessing medical
students’ performance while narcosis. Students were
given patient information and expected to apply their
knowledge, demonstrate the necessary technical
skills and use professional judgment. Wuttke et al.
proposed two concepts for learning-by-doing: a
remote laboratory where students can design, verify
and implement digital circuits and control systems
and a collection of interactive tools. Using these
tools, the students can explore their knowledge and
get new ideas. As computer video games are highly
virtual interactive environments as well, they have
become interesting to educators and researchers over
the last decade. Rice (2007) analyzed different video
games and their potential in addressing HOTS and
provided a tool, which will assist educators in
deciding what video games to use with their
students. Moreover, portfolios were also
recommended for measuring HOTS (Lankes, 1995).
Finally, explanation means giving reasons for
selection or generation of a response. This is often
realized by asking for an additionally written
justification of the answer. In order to ensure the
validity of the responses, Norris (1989)
recommended a thinking-aloud procedure. This
enables identifying when correct responses were
chosen through faulty thinking or incorrect
responses through valid thinking.
In addition to the even explained response
formats, it is crucial that the students have sufficient
prior knowledge, because it serves as basis for using
their HOTS in answering questions or performing
tasks. For that reason, assessments addressing HOTS
should adapt for diverse student needs. They should
support at the beginning and then gradually turning
over responsibility to the students to operate on their
own (Kozloff & Wilmington, 2002). This limited
temporary support helps students develop HOTS.
Furthermore, valid assessment of HOTS requires
that students are unfamiliar with the questions or
tasks they are asked to answer or perform.
In this regard, a demand towards personalization
arises to take care of the individual of the students.
In the context of information and communication
technologies, personalization can be defined as the
process of tailoring something to individual
characteristics, preferences and abilities. One way to
realize personalization in assessments are adaptive
assessment systems.
Several AASs and technologies exist, which can be
used to test students at their current knowledge level
and change their behavior and structure depending
on the students' previous responses, individual
context, prior knowledge and preferences. There are
two types of techniques that can be applied in AASs
namely adaptive testing (Wainer et al., 2000; Van
der Linden & Glas, 2000) and adaptive questions
(Pitkow & Recker, 1995).
4.1 Adaptive Testing
The adaptive testing technique involves a computer-
administered test in which the selection and
presentation of each question and the decision to
stop the process are dynamically adapted to the
student’s performance in the test. The technique uses
a statistical model to estimate the probability of a
correct answer to a particular question and to select
an appropriate question accordingly. An advantage
of adaptive testing is that questions, which are too
difficult or too easy, are removed. Thus, the
technique ensures that the student only sees
questions that are very close to his or her level of
knowledge. However, the technique only supports
multiple-choice or true-false questions. It is not
designed for advanced question types. Several
approaches exploit the technique of adaptive testing
such as SIETTE (Conejo et al., 2004) and PASS
(Gouli et al., 2002).
SIETTE is one of the first web-based tools,
which assists authors of questions and tests in the
assessment process and adapts to the students’
current level of knowledge. The system uses Java
Applets for authoring and presenting adaptive tests,
but has some disadvantage in terms of estimating
students’ knowledge level separated to the particular
topics in a test.
PASS (Personalized ASSessment) is a web-
based assessment module, which estimates students’
performance through multiple assessment options
tailored to students’ responses. Advantageous of
PASS is the consideration of the students’
navigational behavior, the re-estimation of the
difficulty level of each question at any time it is
posed as well as the consideration of the importance
of each educational material page.
4.2 Adaptive Questions
The adaptive questions technique defines a dynamic
sequence of questions depending on students’
responses. The technique defines rules, which allow
selecting questions dynamically. Based on these
rules and the last response of the student, appropriate
questions can dynamically be selected at runtime.
The technique of adaptive questions offers more
flexibility than the technique of adaptive testing,
because authors of tests are given the flexibility to
express their didactical philosophy and methods
through the creation of appropriate rules. Several
approaches exploit the technique of adaptive
questions such as CosyQTI (Lalos et al., 2005) and
iAdaptTest (Lazarinis et al., 2009).
CosyQTI is a web-based tool for authoring and
presenting adaptive assessments based on IMS QTI,
IMS LIP and IEEE LTSC PAPI learning standards,
which makes the system interoperable with other
standard-compliant learning tools and systems.
Regarding the authoring of questions, the limited
rule system and the few question types restrict the
incorporation of didactic philosophy and methods.
iAdaptTest is a desktop-based modularized
adaptive testing tool conforming to the IMS QTI, the
IMS LIP and XML Topic Maps in order to improve
the reusability and interoperability of the data. But,
iAdaptTest provides only a few question types and
the implemented feedback and help is rather simple
and does not enable personalized support.
4.3 Comparison Towards the
Assessment of Higher-order
Thinking Skills
This chapter will analyze and compare the previous
described AASs with respect to the assessment of
HOTS. According to chapter 3, there are three
response formats for measuring HOTS namely
selection, generation and explanation. As the
presence of these formats indicate the potential for
addressing HOTS during the assessment process,
special attention was laid on these criteria. The
results of the comparison are provided in Table 2.
Table 2: Comparison of SIETTE, PASS, CosyQTI and
iAdaptTest towards the Assessment of HOTS.
Selection x x x x
The table above shows that all AASs are limited
to the selection response format. That means that
they only provide simple question types. SIETTE
and PASS only admit traditional multiple-choice
questions without any written justification
(explanation). This is due to the fact that they use the
technique of adaptive testing, which only supports
multiple-choice or true-false questions and is not
designed for advanced question types (generation).
CosyQTI allows creating true-false, multiple-choice,
single-, multiple and ordered response as well as
image hot spot questions. The question types
provided by iAdaptTest are similar to CosyQTI,
namely true-false, single-, and multiple-choice, gap
match and association. As CosyQTI and iAdaptTest
follow the adaptive questions technique, they are
less restricted in providing advanced question types
compared to SIETTE and PASS. However, they do
not allow the creativity in answering as required by
the generation response format. Additionally, both
systems do not include any form of question
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
justification necessary for the explanation response
Summarized this means that all analyzed AASs
can only be used in measuring at least some HOTS.
The potential of these AASs for assessing thinking
skills is presented in Table 3. The table illustrates
that SIETTE, PASS, CosyQTI and iAdaptTest have
the potential for assessing thinking skills on the
remembering, understanding, applying and limited
on the analyzing level in all knowledge dimensions.
Table 3: Taxonomy Matrix of SIETTE, PASS, CosyQTI
and iAdaptTest.
Cognitive Process Dimension
x x x (x)
x x x (x)
x x x (x)
x x x (x)
As mentioned in chapter 3, the assessment of
HOTS should not only adapt for diverse student
needs, but also should support the students in
retrieving their prior knowledge necessary for using
HOTS. This facet of providing personalized
feedback in AASs was already investigated in earlier
research (Saul et al., 2010). The results have shown
that each of the AASs provides possibilities to
incorporate feedback in the assessment process, but
the use of feedback techniques is limited.
In the last chapters, the importance of HOTS and
their assessment was emphasized. AASs are in
response to the emerging need of personalization
while assessing HOTS. But as shown, the
incorporation of advanced question types is very
poor, even though it is a prerequisite in assessing
HOTS (see chapter 3). Another demand towards the
assessment of HOTS is personalized support of the
students in developing their HOTS. As mentioned,
personalization of feedback is still insufficiently
implemented or even not addressed in these systems.
What is missing is an AAS that incorporates ISTs in
order to bridge the gap between the assessment of
HOTS and adaptive assessment. It is not just a case
of allowing the IST to exist within the system, but of
allowing the AAS and the IST to communicate at a
much deeper level to enable more efficient and
effective personalized assessments of students
This raises issues about the communication
between both systems. It needs to be specified what
is communicated, when and how. Further issues
concern where the accuracy of the student activity
should be assessed, where the questions should be
marked, where the feedback come from, where the
results should be reported, whether the state should
be preserved, etc. (Thomas et al., 2004). These
questions need to be aligned with the application
scenarios taken into account and strongly influence
the design of the communications interfaces.
More substantial is the level of integration of
AAS and IST. Thomas et al. (2005) proposed three
levels of integration between assessment system and
IST ranging from no communication up to two-way
communication to set up and mark questions.
Another issue concerns the technique used for
building the AAS. The technique of adaptive testing
is restricted to multiple-choice questions. In contrast,
the technique of adaptive questions is more flexible
in this respect and not restricted to any question
The objective of this paper was to analyze HOTS
and to identify possibilities for their measurement.
The analysis was caused by the understanding of
evaluating not just the students' factual knowledge,
but also their problem-solving and reasoning
strategies, which is currently left to oral
examinations or project work. In today’s society, it
is not just important what you know, but how you
can use it in order to solve problems and create new
knowledge. The results of the analysis pointed out
those AASs are in response to the emerging need of
personalization while assessing HOTS. They take
student’s individual context, prior knowledge and
preferences into account in order to personalize the
assessment. But, the other way around, the
assessment of HOTS in the analyzed AASs
(SIETTE, PASS, CosyQTI and iAdaptTest) is still
insufficiently implemented or even not addressed.
As an example, the incorporation of advanced
question types is very poor, even though it is a
prerequisite in assessing HOTS. In addition, the
paper also revealed several arising issues, which
need to be addressed when measuring HOTS with
Future work of the institution of the main author
will address these issues by implementing a new
AAS providing personalized assessment of not only
LOTS, but also HOTS. This will be realized by
incorporating ISTs in a holistic assessment process.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education