A Case Study of Seamless Local and Remote Computing
Araceli Gar
Facultad de CC.EE. y Empresariales, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
Fernando Tusell
Facultad de CC.EE. y Empresariales, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
Aitziber Unzueta
Facultad de CC.EE. y Empresariales, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
e-Learning, Remote computing, Virtual lab, Client-server.
Some Statistics and Data Analysis courses demand a fair amount of computing. While there are excellent free
source tools which can be given away to students, their seamless integration requires a fair amount of work and
is challenging to the less computer-savvy students. In the past we have addressed the problem by compiling
and integrating the necessary tools in CD-ROM’s and providing local computing facilities, but this has proved
impractical on a number of counts. Trial and error has led us to finding a setup with which we have finally
solved most problems.
Teaching Statistics and related subjects such as
Econometrics or Operations Research to students of
Economics presents various challenges; not least, ap-
plied courses on these subjects require a fair amount
of practice, all of which entails the use of a computer.
In the old, pre-1990 days, we would provide ac-
cess to a computer lab, typically made of a mainframe
or minicomputer with terminals connected in its close
vicinity. Any computer work would be done there or,
rarely, from a distant location through a dial up line.
The advent and rapid dissemination of personal
computers changed all this. For over a decade, the
“PC room”, a bunch of PC’s possibly connected in
a local area network, was the dominant paradigm in
ours an many other schools.
In Section 2 we list the advantages and shortcom-
ings of both the old computer lab model and the PC
room-based instruction, as we see them. We also
explain our moves in trying to cope with perceived
shortcomings in our infrastructure. In Section 3 we
describe our experience on how a dual-faceted com-
puter Lab, fitted with PC’s yet having a work-station
as its cornerstone, provides the best of both models,
increases the productivity of students and teachers,
and can be run with a (relatively) modest input of
skilled labour.
2.1 The Old-style Computer Lab
The setup described in Section 1, which was prevalent
at universities all over the world until the final eighties
of the last century, was not without advantages. The
requirements of skilled labour were moderate: there
was a single machine, or only a few, to be run. Dumb
terminals, even X-terminals with graphical capabili-
ties, were an “install-and-forget” type of task, and run
until physically worn out.
There was no question of viruses spreading, no
questions of illegal copying, and much reduced con-
cerns about security: there was little an inexperienced
user could do to cause damage. Since dumb terminals
were of little use to most users, hardware theft was al-
Garín A., Tusell F. and Unzueta A..
ENHANCING STATISTICS TEACHING WITH A VIRTUAL LAB - A Case Study of Seamless Local and Remote Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0003480905180522
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (UeL-2011), pages 518-522
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
so a rarity.
Finally, from the teaching standpoint which is
what interests us here mostly, the physical proxim-
ity of students having the same problems afforded
many opportunities for cooperative learning and mu-
tual help.
The shortcomings, however, are also evident: es-
sentially all work had to be done in one place, and
users depended on computer staff for the simplest
tasks, such as bringing in new data whose size meant
that it could not be typed at a terminal.
2.2 The PC Room
The PC rooms changed all of this. Suddenly, the users
were masters of themselves. They found at the school
the same hardware, the same operating system and
software tools that they were used to work with at
home. There was no retraining, no learning curve,
no dependence on any one to move data, which could
travel in floppies or, later, pen drives.
Alas, this very flexibility was not without incon-
venients. PC’s could be infected and their hard drives
erased. In order to have shared services such as stor-
age or printing, local area networks (LAN’s) had to
be set up. Linking different machines into the same
LAN, managing authentication in a centralized man-
ner, ensuring consistency and integrity of the software
installed, protecting users from themselves and each
other became tasks that dwarfed the effort previously
required for the administration of a single machine.
Since, in addition, hardware and software have
sort useful lives because of technical obsolescence,
managing computer rooms is a task extremely de-
manding of resources. When all is taken into consid-
eration, the advantage of standard, off-the shelf hard-
ware is negated by the complexity of the installation
and maintenance.
2.3 The “Help Yourself Approach
The increase in availability and quality of free soft-
ware opened new perspectives: software could be
given away to students in a CD or DVD and, at
least for work requiring only moderate resources, they
were able to work at home or wherever they could
bring their laptops. It seemed for a while that provid-
ing computer resources to students was no longer a
It soon became evident that this was not the case.
For one thing, preparing, customizing and integrating
all the necessary tools is a lot of work —and a work
that needs to be redone frequently so that the software
stays reasonably current. On the other hand, installa-
tion in a variety of hardware, with different operating
systems or different versions of the same operating
system, requires much testing, is very error-prone and
in our case meant that a sizeable proportion of the stu-
dents failed to have working installations.
Another drawback is that commonly used and
voluminous information (like digital cartography or
time series data collections) is difficult to share and
keep current by way of handing over CD-ROM’s.
From the point of view of learning, this approach
also meant individual work, with greatly diminished
opportunities for interaction among students —a fac-
tor whose importance cannot be overemphasized, as
in our experience they learn much more easily applied
skills by interacting among themselves than in isola-
3.1 Hardware and Software Setup
Around 1999 it became obvious that none of the ap-
proaches we had tried had been fully, or even mod-
erately, successful. In an attempt to regain the ad-
vantages of the old-style computer lab and keep the
advantages of modern PC’s, we decided to mix both;
the success has been above our expectations, and we
think this success is the outcome of a delicate interac-
tion of several factors, which we did not quite foresee.
We secured the premises and asked for the fund-
ing of a new lab, named Laboratory of Quantitative
Economics (LQE) after its intended users, graduate
students of said specialty. The design goals were:
1. It should provide a place for interaction among
students. Thus, each of them would have his or
her own desk and personal computer and there
would be some facilities to be shared, like a
printer, and an area for socializing.
2. It would support work in Statistics and Econo-
metrics, and target areas that we felt in need of
a boost, like Spatial Statistics and Data Mining.
3. It would have to be run on a very low overhead,
without requiring dedicated staff.
4. It would be based on free software, so students
willing and able to do so could replicate whatever
they found useful in their private machines.
The layout of the Laboratory is completely stan-
dard and can be seen in Figure 1. A machine is acting
as a server, providing among others authentication,
file storage and printing services. A number of PC’s
(we usually have between one and two dozen machi-
nes running) are networked in the same Ethernet bus,
currently 100Mbit Ethernet. Everything is connected
to the Internet.
Figure 1: Sketch of arrangement at the Laboratory for
Quantitative Economics.
The server is a 64bit machine running Linux; we
use Debian
, and are satisfied with it, but a number of
other distributions offer also 64 and 32 bit versions of
Linux. What is essential, as we will discuss below, is
that the same software is available in the server and
the client machines.
Students have each his own desk and PC. All PC’s
are fully autonomous machines running 32 bit Debian
Linux. However, user files are stored in the server; the
PC’s mount the relevant directory so it appears to be
local; this is transparent to the user.
Software installed in both the server and PC’s in-
clude editors and word processing tools (we encour-
age the use of Emacs, (Stallman, 1997), and L
(Lamport, 1994), but users are free to use the Open
Office suit or other tools), statistical and econometric
software (R, (R Development Core Team, 2008), and
, among others), GIS tools (Qgis
database tools (PostgreSQL
, PostGIS
), graphics
programs like Gimp
, and an assortment of ofimatics
and productivity tools.
The important point is that the same software
(with very few exceptions, which are not available or
are only available in a different version for 32 and 64
bit machines) is installed in the server and PC’s. This
brings about two benefits:
Users can at any point log to the server to start
jobs too large for their PC’s. The server is a mul-
ticore machine each of whose cores runs typically
3 or 4 times faster than a single PC. Since all user
files reside in the server, no file movements are
More importantly, each user is able to log re-
motely and see exactly the same environment he
See (Krafft, 2005) or http://www.debian.org.
See http://gretl.sourceforge.net
See http://www.qgis.org/.
See http://grass.fbk.eu or (Neteler and Mitasova, 2007).
Described in http://www.postgresql.org and also in
(Momjian, 2001).
See http://postgis.refractions.net/.
See http://www.gimp.org.
or she would see in the Lab. All the software and
files are there: there is no need to carry anything
in pen drives, to upload or download files.
For the second benefit to be fully realized, it is im-
portant that they have suitable means at home. Nowa-
days, personal machines are ubiquitous, and almost
every student has one; most have also high speed In-
ternet access.
While the above setup provides a feasible work-
ing environment, we did not reap the full benefits un-
til we added a last and very important piece of soft-
ware. There are a number of X-terminal software em-
ulators allowing a remote machine to serve as an X-
terminal. However, the protocol is fairly verbose, and
the amount of information to be transferred fairly vo-
luminous: every keystroke or click requires process-
ing on both the local and remote machine. In our ex-
perience, this leads to latency times which are unac-
ceptable for interactive work. Response is much too
sluggish when graphical applications are used.
On the other hand, installing these emulators at
home (usually on machines running various versions
of Windows) was a hurdle for the less computer-savvy
users, a problem compounded with the fact that addi-
tional layers of software are necessary for the under-
lying Secure Shell (ssh) protocol.
This problem has been much alleviated by the use
of software which compress and streamline the X pro-
tocol. Several such pieces of software are in existence
using the so-called NX technology
. After some ex-
perimentation, we have settled for the freely available
(although not free source) implementation of NoMa-
With this emulator installed, interactive work be-
comes almost as fast in a remote machine as it is lo-
cally. The only problem we have found is that X-
terminal emulation is impractical or even impossible
with some notebooks supporting only low screen res-
olution modes.
3.2 Administration
It may appear that the setup described shares the prob-
lems associated with PC rooms. This is not the case.
It is true that each PC has to be installed, but the pro-
cess can be automatized to a large degree
, especially
if you have control over the network and can have
the machines boot from a remote image. Even if you
can’t, the process of inserting a CD-ROM on each PC
For a description and overview of alternatives, see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NX technology.
Available at http://www.nomachine.com.
See for instance FAI, Fully Automatic Installation,
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and answering a few questions is not overwhelming
for small to moderate size labs, as it has to be done
only once.
Once a minimal installation is working on each
machine, everything else, from day-do-day mainte-
nance to installation of new operating system versions
or new software, can be done automatically, even for
heterogeneous hardware. A tool that we have found
invaluable for this purpose is Cfengine
. Usually the
lab runs for months with no or only minimal need of
manual intervention.
3.3 Benefits
The LQE has led to a tremendous increase in produc-
tivity for students, and eliminated the amount of time
previously spent in installing software and transport-
ing files, with the following advantages:
1. Instant availability, local and remote, of data
which is not simple or practical to duplicate: mi-
crodata, digital cartography, etc.
2. Increased flexibility in the flow of information.
Students, from wherever they happen to be, can
spool files directly to their instructors’ desk, print
them in the lab’s dedicated printer or send them in
PDF format. This last option has been much used,
and affords entirely paper-free interaction. Com-
menting and/or grading of papers is accomplished
with PDF editors
3. Good interaction among students, while physi-
cally at the LQE.
It is true that interaction and cooperative learning
are not at the same level that the old-style computer
lab forced; we estimate that about 80% of the time
students work remotely, thus reducing their chances
of mutual assistance. We try to enhance student-to-
instructor and student-to-student interaction by ex-
ploiting forum facilities in e-learning platforms —like
, one of the two adopted at our institution.
3.4 Validation
At the time of writing, the LQE has been in oper-
ation for over three years, and is therefore a well
established experience well beyond a proof of con-
cept. Similar experiences target energy efficiency,
(NComputing, Inc., 2010), enhancing active and co-
operative learning, (Moor, 2006), or web-based arran-
Both free and commercial versions exists; we have
used the free version, http://www.cfengine.org.
We use to this effect the free tool Jarnal,
http://jarnal.wikispaces.com; alternatives exist.
In http://moodle.org.
gements (see (Jalobeanu, 2006) and references
therein). Closer to our design goals is (Nixon
and Dwolatzky, 2002), although they mainly address
(back in 2002) presential labs.
Our experience shows that a dual-faceted lab, offering
both local and remote resources, is a feasible alterna-
tive, and relatively cheap to build with off-the-shelf
hardware and (mostly) free software. Its success in
our case has been critically dependent on a) Being
able to offer a user interface that looks almost exactly
the same, whether locally or remotely; b) The general
availability to students of wide band connections, and
c) A simple, “click-and-install” piece of software that
handles remote connections efficiently. The downside
is reduced student interaction, but use of fora (and, in
the future, chats), may go a long way to alleviate that.
Funding from grants IT-347-10 (Basque Government)
and ECO2008-05622/ECON (Ministry of Science
and Innovation, Spain) is gratefully acknowledged.
Jalobeanu, M. (2006). Internet - a virtual laboratory for
distributed computing. In 2006 International Remote
Engineering Virtual Instrumentation Symposium.
Krafft, M. F. (2005). The Debian System (Concepts And
Techniques With Cdrom). No Starch Press.
Lamport, L. (1994). A Document Preparation System.
X User’s Guide and Reference Manual. Addison-
NComputing, Inc. (2010). Santa Ana College creates green
lab with virtual desktops.
R Development Core Team (2008). R: A Language and En-
vironment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for
Statistical Computing. ISBN 3-900051-07-0.
Momjian, B. (2001). PostgreSQL : Introduction and Con-
cepts. Addison-Wesley.
Moor, S. S. (2006). Case study: Renovating a computer
teaching laboratory for active and cooperative learn-
ing. In Proceedings of the 2006 Illinois-Indiana and
North Central Joint Section Conference. American
Society for Engineering Education.
Neteler, M. and Mitasova, H. (2007). Open Source GIS: A
GRASS GIS Approach). Springer Verlag.
Nixon, K. and Dwolatzky, B. (2002). Computer laboratory
infrastructure in engineering education-a case study at
wits. In Africon Conference in Africa, 2002. IEEE
AFRICON. 6th, volume 1, pages 431 436.
Stallman, R. M. (1997). GNU Emacs Manual. Free Soft-
ware Foundation.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education