Towards an Integrated Research Environment for Engineering Mechanics
Jonas Schulte, Reinhard Keil
Heinz-Nixdorf-Institute, University of Paderborn, Fuerstenallee 11, 33102 Paderborn, Germany
Johann Rybka, Ferdinand Ferber
Department of Engineering Mechanics, University of Paderborn, Warburger Str. 100, 33098 Paderborn, Germany
Engineering, Integration, Laboratory, Mechanics, Modularization, SOA.
Cooperation Support Systems, respectively CSCW-Systems, increasingly offer standardized interfaces to al-
low their integration into university-wide IT infrastructures. However, several disciplines (e.g. engineering
and medical science) require the use and seamless integration of additional applications to meet researchers’
requirements and support collaboration in a sustainable manner. This articles outlines the possibilities to inte-
grate high-tech laboratories into existing IT infrastructures to strengthen the exchange of information among
teaching, research, and industry. Since, laboratory components are usually characterized by proprietary in-
terfaces, we replaced these manufacturer-specific interfaces and protocols by a service-oriented architecture
for laboratories. Therefore, functionalities of laboratory components will be encapsulated as a service and
made accessible by Linux Field-Bus Couplers. The modularization of the laboratory allows the connection
to the world of e-learning documents. This article highlights the symbiosis between research in engineering
and teaching at universities. The authors explain in the article that not only the research can take a significant
influence on teaching, but also vice versa, the teaching is a part of the later researches in laboratories.
In many academic disciplines the transfer of knowl-
edge between top level research and teachings in uni-
versities is sluggish and unacceptable for modern re-
search institutes (see (Nahar et al., 2001) and (Potoc-
nik J., 2007)). Particularly, research facilities that use
complex and expensive testing equipment are often
reserved for a small number of researchers. Hence,
costly acquired research results are slowly dissemi-
nated and the transfer of current research results to
lectures is barely given. A second challenge are
proper backup and archiving solutions for test results
as well as the related experimental parameters. Yet,
the knowledge about the relation between test evalu-
ations and additional parameters of the test set-up is
fundamental for the later re-use of obtained results.
In the area of materials engineering, compo-
nents are subjected to cyclic thermo-mechanical
stress (Mahnken, 2008). Thermal shock is an extreme
form of thermo-mechanical stress of components,
which occurs particularly in components of mechan-
ical engineering. These highly specialized laborato-
ries usually consist of many components from differ-
ent manufacturers. Most of today’s laboratory com-
ponents provide only proprietary and vendor-specific
interfaces. Hence, the laboratory does not provide
enough flexibility in terms of adjustments and reor-
ganizations (see (Nahar et al., 2001) and (Potocnik J.,
2007)). Furthermore, this entails media breaks, which
prevent the transfer of research results to teaching as
well as to cooperation partners from industry.
In this article we present a service-oriented ap-
proach for laboratory architectures. The objective is a
modularized thermal shock laboratory, allowing more
flexibility in respect to the test set-up and easy data
exchange among the laboratory and existing applica-
tions of an university-wide infrastructure. Standard-
ized interfaces are necessary for easy processing and
re-use of test results. A laboratory component can be
addressed in a much more flexible way by encapsulat-
ing its functionality as a service and making it acces-
sible by using Linux Field-Bus Coupler. This mod-
Schulte J., Keil R., Rybka J. and Ferber F..
LABORATORY 2.0 - Towards an Integrated Research Environment for Engineering Mechanics.
DOI: 10.5220/0003483504070412
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 407-412
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ularization of the laboratory and the standardization
of the interfaces allow a seamless integration of the
laboratory into the existing university infrastructure.
Knowledge creation and knowledge transfer should
no longer be considered separately, since they influ-
ence each other. For us high-tech laboratories play a
central role for university teaching, they are a source
of knowledge. New learning and teaching opportu-
nities will arise by the close coupling of knowledge
creation and knowledge transfer. To guarantee effi-
cient access to latest research results in the context of
courses, high-tech laboratories have to be consistently
integrated into university-wide infrastructures.
This article is organized as follows. In section 2
a service-oriented architecture for laboratories will be
explained. As an example field of application the im-
plementation is realized for a thermal shock labora-
tory. Thereto, we first refer to the service encapsula-
tion of laboratory components (section 2.1) and then
the use of Linux Field-Bus Coupler
for the modular-
ization of the laboratory network will be discussed.
The section 2.3 deals with safety aspects in the lab-
oratory environment. Section 3 tries to answer the
question how to facilitate and accelerate the trans-
fer between research and teaching. Afterwards sec-
tion 3.1 introduces a framework for building collabo-
rative learning and working environments. Further-
more, the framework supports in integrating exist-
ing heterogeneous systems into complete networks to
consolidate system convergence. Section 4 presents
LTM-SOLA, a service-oriented laboratory applica-
tion. This application is a browser-based graphical
user interface to plan, prepare, control, and coordi-
nate thermal shock experiments. Finally, we discuss
our results in section 5 and give a short outlook to
further work.
The intention to develop a service-oriented laboratory
architecture has two main reasons. On the one hand
to arrange laboratory components in a flexible way by
modularization of the control software. This allows
researchers to adjust the laboratory regarding the ac-
tual needs as well as replacing existing and adding
new devices to the laboratory’s integrated network.
On the other hand the service-oriented architecture in-
tends to enable a simple and sustainable integration of
laboratories into existing information infrastructures.
Linux Field-Bus Coupler (LFBC) – a 32-bit ARM pro-
cessor system with an embedded Linux operating system.
Thereby the knowledge flow between research in lab-
oratories and teaching in courses can be sustainable
2.1 Service Encapsulation of
Laboratory Equipment
The objective is to avoid media breaks between dif-
ferent systems to allow a continuous information
flow. Although it is impossible to reduce every media
break, e.g. those that occur when shifting from digi-
tal to analog media and vice versa. However, media
breaks have to be reduced in order to ensure system
convergences (Keil-Slawik, 2005).
In order to consistently reduce media breaks and
to ensure an integrated system network, which in-
cludes the laboratory, unified interfaces have to be
developed for all laboratory devices. The issue is that
laboratory devices are typically equipped with propri-
etary protocols. Uniform interfaces, or even a consis-
tent API to control the devices do not exists. Thus, the
idea to develop a service-oriented architecture for lab-
oratories may be a suitable approach. Thereby, func-
tions of the laboratory components will be encapsu-
lated as a service. In (Ferber et al., 2008) the authors
describe a possibility to make laboratory components
accessible using web services. For this purpose Java
classes have been developed that make the laboratory
device’s functionalities accessible via modern web
services and encapsulate proprietary protocols. This
concept with uniform interfaces and protocols makes
laboratory components accessible from “any” appli-
cation (like e-learning, CSCW applications or digital
Nevertheless, the disadvantage of the presented
approach is that communication between Java-based
services and the laboratory components still require
a central master computer. This master computer is
responsible for the entire interaction and is a single
point of failure. In addition the performance and re-
sponse time of the control software is an important
factor when using laboratory services in real exper-
imental execution. Hence, it is valuable to mod-
ify the concept of web services by replace the cen-
tral master computer with a service-oriented applica-
tion, that is modularized and thus very flexible. To
make laboratory components more independent how
the web services have made it, the LFBC infrastruc-
ture will be introduced. The company WAGO
vides industry standard Field-Bus Couplers that are
suitable for our purpose due to its network interface
and an embedded Linux as operating system. This
is a German company for electrical intercon-
nections and automation (
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
approach is unique, because the most laboratories use
the PLC technology. WAGO provide a wide range
of field bus modules for any devices. So only one
manufacturer is involved, the system is extensible and
easily programmable in C. The LFBC coupling the
manufacturer-specific interfaces and protocols of the
laboratory devices in blocks that are run cyclically to
update the signal states. So any device is equipped
with a field bus modules and the specific functional-
ity that is embedded in a building block and running
in the execution cycle of the LFBC. These function-
ality is accessible from the local network by bidirec-
tional inter-process communication flow, called net-
work socket.
2.2 Intelligent Laboratory Components
In section 2 the advantages of a service-oriented ar-
chitecture for laboratories are emphasized. Beside it
scientists wants to focus on their core tasks such as
planning, setting up, the actual execution, and later on
the evaluation of thermal shock experiments. The for-
mer laboratory architecture had the fundamental dis-
advantage that an experiment is non-exclusively in-
fluenced by the control software. Instead, the execu-
tion is affected by external conditions (a central mas-
ter computer and a Siemens PLC
The solution presented in this article breaks the
rigid link between the central master computer and
laboratory devices by using LFBCs (see section 2.1).
This allows completely new experiment scenarios, for
example, to determine the PID
control parameter
prior to the actual experiment execution. The PID
controller calculation (algorithm) involves three sepa-
rate parameters, and is accordingly sometimes called
three-term control. The PID parameters are usually
determined once for a specific control system. How-
ever, the conditions in the thermal shock laboratory
are continuously changing, because scientists experi-
ment with various samples that differ in their mate-
rial composition and therefore require specific PID
parameters. Thus, the PID definition has to be ad-
justed individually for each test set-up.
Figure 1 shows a comparison between a standard
2-point control and the advanced PID control. The
blue and the black lines stand for the desired values.
The purple line represents the actual values using PID
controller and the yellow line constitutes the actual
The PLC is a memory-programmable control unit.
A proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID con-
troller) is a generic control loop feedback mechanism (con-
troller) widely used in industrial control systems a PID
is the most commonly used feedback controller. (Further
Figure 1: Comparison Between 2-Point Control and Auto-
matic PID Control.
values using 2-point control. Obviously, the PID-
based parameters significantly improve the automatic
Conditioned by the encapsulation of laboratory
devices as services, associated with the use of LFBC
infrastructure, the calculation of appropriate PID pa-
rameter was made possible. Thus, the induction heat-
ing can be adjusted to the current test set-up for an
efficient automatic control. The presented functional-
ity is only a fraction of what opportunities the system
offers for integration of building blocks.
2.3 Safety Aspects of the New
Laboratory Architecture
In laboratories often heavy and dangerous devices are
used, hence a faulty test set-up and inappropriate use
may lead to fatal accidents. In addition, failures may
imply huge financial losses. To avoid this kind of
inappropriate use a major task of the Siemens PLC
was to ensure the safe execution of thermal shock ex-
periments. For example, the safety door of the test
chamber must be closed before the induction heating
can be switched on. This precaution is implemented
on the PLC. In the new laboratory architecture the
Linux Field-Bus Coupler has to take over this task
and thereby ensure the safe experiment execution. In
a LFBC the input and output signals are presented as
a process image. To facilitate the access to this rela-
tively complicated process image, a program was de-
veloped which provide a high-level access to the pro-
cess image. The access on a high-level is done by a
program called iocontrol”, which works like an op-
erating system and implements the PLC functionality
for a LFBC. This allows to call the modules cycli-
LABORATORY 2.0 - Towards an Integrated Research Environment for Engineering Mechanics
cally that are responsible for controlling one or more
There exist numerous approaches to sophisticated im-
plementations of virtual laboratories that can support
students to learn practical work without the risks in
real laboratories (Ramat and Preux, 2003). Never-
theless, it is insufficient for the universities to edu-
cate their students only in virtual laboratories. Rather
there is the requirement to prepare students as good as
possible by practical scenarios and assistance in real
laboratories for the industry’s needs. Furthermore,
high-tech facilities cooperate in many ways with the
industry and especially with medium-sized compa-
nies, for those who cannot afford an own test bench.
Experiments that are performed in the high-tech labo-
ratory such as the thermal shock laboratory represent
the information demand of many engineering compa-
In addition the authors follow this approach to
keep the delay between the knowledge creation and
knowledge transfer in teaching as low as possible.
Hence, the integration of the new laboratory architec-
ture into existing infrastructures is essential. The pre-
sented laboratory infrastructure in section 2 not only
enhances the flexibility regarding the arrangement of
laboratory devices, but also allows simplifies the in-
tegration of the laboratory into existing information
infrastructures. This includes in particular digital li-
braries, in which experiment results and experiment
parameters can be stored permanently and centrally.
Since, digital libraries are used as knowledge bases
for teaching and e-learning platforms in many ways,
the connection between the laboratory and digital li-
braries is very important. Through the direct link me-
dia breaks are eliminated and experiment results can
be directly or after a appropriate preparation used for
teaching. Before give an idea of how to use the results
in teaching we will introduce you in the WasabiBeans
Framework, which provide a wide range of rights and
user management, important for give accessibility to
the corresponding results.
3.1 System Integration with the
WasabiBeans Framework
To reach a direct link between different systems or
even across system classes they must be conform
connected to an integration layer or a message-bus
(Schmidt et al., 2005). Only in this way a complex
exchange of information between these systems can
be effected. One possibility to find adequate support
here is the WasabiBeans framework (Schulte et al.,
2008). WasabiBeans is a framework for building col-
laborative learning and working environments and the
integration of heterogeneous systems into a system
group. This framework relies on a JBoss Application
platform and therefore allows the use of many
existing standards such as JAAS or JCR with that the
flexibility in the directory- and persistence layer can
be ensured.
Figure 2 shows the new laboratory architecture
that can be connected with arbitrary applications us-
ing WasabiBeans as a service-oriented platform for
system integration. The decision for the use of
WasabiBeans framework has to be justified, in par-
ticular, that the fast transfer of information, without
a break in media should be ensured between research
and teaching. To use the collaboration between sci-
entists in the laboratory on the one hand and the user
group, which will benefit form the experimental re-
sults, should be effectively enhanced by the develop-
ment of an integrated infrastructure. The data model
of WasabiWeans implements the concept of virtual
knowledge spaces (Hampel et al., 2004). Therefore,
the framework is ideally suited to structure and orga-
nize information as well as collaborative work with
documents. An essential function is the manage-
ment of experiment results and teaching materials for
courses. Thus, there are novel teaching and research
possibilities by having flexible capabilities of storage
as well as the fine tuned rights and user management.
3.2 Bundling of Laboratory Services as
In section 2.1 we discusses the advantages of encap-
sulating laboratory components and make them ac-
cessible as services. To access the individual ser-
vices better, they are grouped together as a module
and added to the WasabiBeans framework. Due to
the generation of a WasabiBeans module it is possible
to let the services run on the same JBoss AS, which
had deployed the WasabiBeans framework. This has
the great advantage that all calls to services of other
modules, such as a service for storing documents in
A message-bus denoted in the information technology
a class of software solutions that support the integration of
distributed services.
The JBoss Application Server (JBoss AS) is the world’s
most widely used Java application server. Available online
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Knowledge Spaces
Encapsulation of
Laboratory Services
Documents and
Publications Server
EJB 3.0
JBoss Application Server
110 01010
110 01010
Instruction Set for
Induction Heating
Induction Heating
Group of
Figure 2: Serivce-Oriented Laboratory Architecture Based
on LFBC.
a digital library, to be carried out only local. This
means in particular that no RMI calls or web service
calls are necessary. Performance measurements have
shown that this is a speed increase by a factor of up
to 1000 is possible. Another reason for the creation
of a module is the easier use of the new lab services
from existing applications. This concerns not only
those who already use the WasabiBeans framework,
but also the applications of a university-wide infras-
tructure that have not yet been fully integrated into the
system group. The WasabiBeans framework offers a
variety of cooperative support services and therefore
facilitates the interface to existing applications. The
developer has a high degree of flexibility through the
use of the framework. For example, events can be
triggered by the completion of an experiment, that im-
ply actions required in other applications.
The developed application LTM SOLA
is a key
figure to forward the modularization of the labora-
tory and creates a large degree of flexibility with the
service-oriented approach concerning to prepare of
thermal shock experiments and archiving the results.
Through the provision of web services is set to techni-
cal standards and standard interfaces are offered. By
internal structure of the business logic as JavaBean
classes, the bundling of the provided services is pos-
sible. Access to each service is coordinated with the
specified interfaces and allows the use of business ob-
Lehrstuhl fuer Technische Mechanik Serviceorientierte
LTM-SOLA provides services, which take over
the planning, preparation, control and coordination of
thermal shock experiments. In the Editor view (see
Figure 3), temperature profiles in form of a tempera-
ture curves can be created that is used to control the
induction heating or the cooling device. Also various
configuration options are available in the Scheduler
view that are essential for the execution of the thermal
shock experiments. Here, for example, the number of
heating and cooling cycles can be defined, or the se-
lection of the temperature curves are created in the
editor can be done. In selecting the method of heat-
ing the user can choose between the Standard method
with a temperature curve, the TwoLines method for
controlling the temperature gradient or the SelfLearn
method for determining the PID parameters. During
an experimental, the processes in the monitor view
will be followed in real time. In a chart, the actual
and set temperatures are reviewed alongside the ex-
Figure 3: Editor-View of LTM-SOLA.
LTM-SOLA was designed based on the new re-
quirements and can be used to control laboratory
components, but it was particularly concerned to in-
teroperability with other systems and a great value
where placed on the cooperative experimental exe-
cution. In LTM SOLA it is possible to define roles
for each individual page views, so that not every user
can do the actual control of the laboratory equipment.
With a login cooperation partner and another univer-
sity member get access to the editor’s view in order to
create a heating profile for the experiment. The heat-
ing profile can be then saved in the system and later
loaded from a scientist on the ground to execute this
experiment. Through the use of WasabiBeans frame-
works, the storage of experiment results in different
repositories is possible. LTM SOLA for example, can
store the experiment results form the Result view in
the digital document and publication server Miless for
permanent archiving. More information about Miles
are (Gollan et al., 1999). Miles is in turn integrated
LABORATORY 2.0 - Towards an Integrated Research Environment for Engineering Mechanics
into various systems such as an e-learning system, as a
source of knowledge. In this way, experiment results
can be accessed from different systems without media
breaks to bring teaching and research closer together.
High-tech institutions cooperate in many ways with
the industry and especially with medium-sized enter-
prises that are not able to operate their own labora-
tory due to the high costs. Furthermore, universities
try to educate their student in a professional way. On
the one hand by involving students in current research
projects and on the other hand by taking the neces-
sities of the industry into account. The cooperation
process between academics, industry partners and stu-
dents was interrupted by the lack of standardized in-
terfaces. Figure 4 shows the thermal shock laboratory
as an integral part of a university-wide system infras-
tructure. The systems are not isolated anymore, but
linked by a service-oriented approach to an integrated
systems network for scientific research and work pro-
Planning System
Knowledge Management /
Digital Library /
Document Management
teaching units
co-operative creation of
test data and parameters
test results
Thermal Shock
Figure 4: An University IT-Infrastructure that Includes the
Thermal Shock Laboratory.
The service-oriented architecture for laboratories
that bases on LFBCs has been proven in daily work.
Firstly, this concept made it possible to rearrange the
laboratory for different purposes and needs. Sec-
ond, the interaction and information exchange be-
tween the laboratory itself and other existing appli-
cations is a lot easier than before. In particular, the
laboratory became a fully integrated part of a com-
plex university-wide IT infrastructure. The LFBC in-
frastructure seems to have a promising future, thus
current activities focus on refining LTM-SOLA. We
try to offer a complete scientists work place to plan
and prepare experiments, but also to edit test results
and structure all information that are collected during
the test execution. We are working on expand the co-
operative work aspects and provide an infrastructure
that allows to integrate various repositories to a trans-
parent storage unit. In this age where the technology
behaves very dynamic and ever-increasing complex-
ity, this approach meets the requirements of flexibil-
ity, extensibility and reusability.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems