synergistic benefits between the investment of
Internet-based resources and technology innovation.
is positive, reflecting that the technology
innovation will drive the growth of Internet-based
resources. It indicates that these two variables
promote each other and thus create synergy. The
system will achieve good cycle of sustainable
development if they increase together.
is negative, indicating that the China
ecosystem of cyber society has established a positive
feedback mechanism of technology innovation
growing within the system. The larger the absolute
value is, the faster the growth will be.
is positive, indicating that there is a
negative feedback mechanism of Internet-based
resources index decreasing within the ecosystem of
cyber society, that is to say, as the innovation and
development of technology, the Internet-based
resources index is beginning to show a downward
trend to decline after an initial growth phase.
However, the study of this paper shows that the
Internet-based resources and technology innovation
should be the indexes of mutual promotion and
coordinated development. The opposite result we got
reflects the drawbacks during the formation and
development of China ecosystem of cyber society.
The construction investment on the
Internet-based resources is the material basis of
technology innovation, and the technology
innovation is also an important means to increase the
Internet-based resources index. Both of them are the
important prerequisites and fundamental guarantee
for the development of China ecosystem of cyber
society. The Internet-based resources and technology
innovation promote each other and thus create
synergy. The micro-fluctuations amplify and change
to giant fluctuations under the effect of nonlinear
mechanism, and the entire system comes into a
virtuous cycle and thus reaches a new state.
Based on the theory of self-organization and by the
cross-disciplinary analysis and research, this paper
analyzes the self-organization conditions of
Ecosystem of cyber-society, constructs the evolution
model based on the Haken model, and then analyzes
the functions of competition and coordination
between the system elements and the process that the
order parameter dominates that they bring. Finally, it
selects the Internet development measurement data of
Beijing, Shanghai, Shanxi, Tianjin, and other 27
provinces and cities in 2006 and 2009 as samples and
analyzes the evolution process or China Ecosystem of
cyber-society. The result reflects that technology
innovation is the dominant order parameter in the
evolution of Ecosystem of cyber-society, and a key
factor to the development process of China
Ecosystem of cyber-society and then the paper puts
forward some ideas and suggestions to the
development of China Ecosystem of cyber-society.
This work is supported by the Fundamental Research
Funds for the Central Universities (No.
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