these new artifacts and claim for more suitable and
easy-to-use tools. We do not think the solution to
this problem only relies on teachers’ training or on
institutional initiatives and supports. Our proposal is
(1) to simplify the authoring tasks and (2) to take
more into account the teachers’ requirements by the
automation of the operationalization process of a
course on a given platform. The idea that underpins
our work is the explicitation of the domain specific
language of a platform in order to emphasize the
underlying pedagogical approach embedded in the
platform while allowing the courses designers to
focus, at the knowledge level, on pedagogical
concepts rather than technical ones.
To reach this goal, we have decided to explore
the potential of Domain Specific Modeling techni-
ques. Our proposal is to externalize the design of a
learning scenario by the mean of editors, reifying a
Visual Instructional Design Language based on the
instructional design language of the targeted
platform, and to develop a bridge between this editor
and the platform for ensuring the operationalization
of the scenario. This paper details the architecture
and the functionalities of this kind of bridge, an API
for a platform based on its implicit language. We
have tested this approach with MOODLE. This API,
is able to both import and export learning scenarios.
For going farther this first result, we actually
work on two directions. One is to define a visual
instructional design for MOODLE and to develop its
dedicated graphical editor. To this aim we are
working on exploiting the Graphical Modeling
Framework tool in order to specify a graphical
notation and a mapping model with the existent
domain model. We also plan to evaluate the usability
of the editors by teachers-designers and to
experiment them on concrete learning situations case
studies. The second direction is to study at least one
another LMS, to repeat the same approach (ie.
identifying and formalizing the internal instructional
design language, develoment of communication
API, defining of VIDLs and externals editors) in
order to evaluate the possibilities of interoperability
between two different technical frameworks, helped
by Model Driven Engineering techniques of models
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies