3.1 The Interaction Effects between
Rural Logistics Development and
Economic Development
There are interaction effects between the level of
rural logistics development and economic
development, including pushing effect and pulling
effect. When studying the regional logistics, the
interaction effects are always described by regional
economic logistics flexibility (Tan Qingmei and
Wang Zilong, 2005). In this paper, the method is
adopted and improved to explore the interaction
effects between rural logistics and rural economic
development. In economics, elasticity is used to
describe the degree that an economic variable
changes under the other economic variables’
influence. Based on the definition of elasticity in
economics, the function that can be used to calculate
the rural logistics elasticity of economic
development is given as follow:
dy y dy x
dx x dx y
Where x indicate the level of rural logistics
development, and y indicate the level of economic
development. When
>1, that for every 1%
increase of rural logistics industry will bring the
increase rate of economic growth more than 1%,
indicating the rural logistics performs pulling effect
on the overall economy. Similarly, the rural logistics
performs pushing effect on the overall economy
E <1. If 1
E = , that means the development
of rural logistics capabilities keep the same pace
with the development level of economic.
The rural logistics elasticity of economic
development can be calculated based on the function
given above:
dy x
dx y x
Further obtained, when
E =1, indicating that the
development of rural logistics can keep up with the
development of our national economy when the
freight traffic volume of agricultural products is
equal to 1048593.36 thousand tons. And the
interaction effects of rural logistics and our national
economy is relative perfect at this stage. When
x<1048593.36 thousand tons, however, supports
from the national economy are urgent needed for the
development of rural logistics. That means the
development of rural logistics will mainly reckon on
the country increasing its investment strengthen in
the area. When x>1048593.36 thousand tons, the
development level of China's rural logistics over the
development level of overall economic with the
pulling effect on the economy. At this stage, the
modes of rural logistics development need to
transfer: from extensive to intensive and from
relying on state investment to strengthen the
logistics management.
3.2 Policy Recommendations for the
Development of Rural Logistics
A Until the end of 2008, China’s freight traffic
volume of agricultural products reached 577907.4
thousand tons, which is still far below the level of
1048593.36 thousand tons. As analyzed above, the
key point for developing rural logistics at this stage
is that our country should strengthen policy guidance
and strengthen investments. Specific policies
advices are proposed as follows:
(1) Strengthen the construction of logistics
infrastructure in rural areas. Logistics infrastructure
plays a decisive role at the early stage of the
development of rural logistics. At present, logistics
infrastructure in rural areas lags far behind the
development of regional economy. That is an
important factor which limits the development of
rural logistics. So the first priority is strengthening
the investments for the construction of rural logistics
infrastructure facilities.
(2) Improve the informationization level in rural
areas. Promoting the informationization process in
rural areas is an important part of the construction of
new countryside in China. Through the project,
information such as the agricultural market supply
and demand, trade, prices, can timely and accurately
delivery to farmers. That will reduce the
uncertainness and blindness in agricultural
production and selling. At the same time, through
the development of online trading platform like e-
commerce, transaction costs can be reduced while
the logistics efficiency and service level improved.
(3) Develop the rural logistics technologies and
strengthen the training of professionals. With the
development of modern logistics, many advanced
logistics technologies achieved rapid development
and improvement. But the circulation of agricultural
products in China is still facing problems such like a
low rate of primary processing and a high rate of
loss. As data shows, the circulation decay loss rate
of vegetables, meat, aquatic products even reached
20-30%, 12%, 15%, and annual loss of fruits and
vegetables only even reached more than 100 billion
Yuan. Therefore, we should vigorously develop
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems