attributed to the imperfect estimation of the
equalizer coefficients for each fiber length. A more
accurate coefficients estimation would lead to a less
oscillatory BER variation with the fiber length. For
an OSNR of 15 dB, as the noise power is higher, the
influence of the imperfect estimation of the equalizer
coefficients is not visible, and the BER variation
with the fiber length shows practically no
oscillations for fiber lengths below 1400 km. After
1400 km, the effect of fiber dispersion on the signal
can no longer be compensated by the equalizer, due
to the insufficient guard interval duration of the
OFDM signal (Shieh, 2010) and a peak of the error
probability occurs [as shown in Figure 8]. This
means that, it is possible to reach a fiber length of
approximately 1400 km without significant
distortion added by the SMF on the OFDM
transmission system. In conjunction with the results
presented in Figure 7, it can be stated that the
distortion introduced by the optical fiber along the
target distance of about 600 km is negligible, and
that noise accumulation and signal distortion due to
bandwidth narrowing along a chain of optical
multiplexing nodes are the dominant factors causing
the performance degradation for typical distances of
metropolitan/regional networks.
In this paper, it has been shown that it is possible to
cover a metropolitan/regional optical network using
an optical OFDM system with direct detection at the
bit rate of 10 Gbit/s. The optical OFDM system has
been optimized in order to attain the best network
performance and it has been shown that the error
probability is still below the FEC limit after 8
sections of optical nodes (for a typical distance of
about 600 km). This conclusion was obtained for an
OSNR of 25 dB and for optical filters (inside the
optical node) with a bandwidth above 30 GHz. ASE
noise accumulation and signal distortion resulting
from bandwidth narrowing play a significant role on
achieving this limit. We have also found that the
distortion introduced by the optical fiber along the
network link length is negligible.
The consideration of a more realistic model for
the optical multiplexing node based on, for example,
reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers and the
study of the impact of the detuning of the optical
filters (inside the optical nodes) on the network
performance are left for future work.
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OPTICS 2011 - International Conference on Optical Communication Systems