rates that we found are illustrated below in Figure
It is an interesting finding that the fuzzy logic
based recognition recognizes the relatively more
difficult words (polysyllabic) better than HMM
systems to a greater extent than that of easier or
shorter words. It also coincides to our understanding
that our system gives better performance in Bangla
speech since it has been specifically trained for
Bangla word recognition and it works on the “word-
level” rather than the “phonetic level.”
Figure 13: Comparative result of HMM and Fuzzy logic
based system.
The system developed by us is one of the first
speech recognition attempts in Bangla speech using
fuzzy logic. However it is not without its limitations.
This particular system could be extended to
recognize continuous speech. Moreover the overall
accuracy of the system could be further improved
using the modern technical tools of today (even
though fuzzy logic has to be the base for all
linguistic ambiguity-related problems). As an end-
note it can be said that speech recognition was an
“open” problem before our system and it remains the
same upon completion of the system – but it is a
considerable step in reaching one of the solutions to
an “open” problem using spectral analysis and fuzzy
logic in Bangla speech.
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