Towards a Theory of Social Productivity of Software Development Teams
Murat Yilmaz
and Rory V. O’Connor
Lero Graduate School in Software Engineering, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Lero, the Irish Software Engineering Research Center, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Software process improvement, Team dynamics, Game theory, Mechanism design, Research framework,
Software engineering economics, Productivity, Social aspects of development.
As software development is considered a form of knowledge based social activity, investigating social in-
teractions and behaviors of individuals and teams constitutes a starting point for improving organizational
performance and productivity. Therefore, a software development organization is regarded as a form of social
network, which may be more efficiently structured based upon participants’ skills, roles and capacities to ex-
change information. This paper aims to propose a research framework for modeling development activities in
terms of social interrelationships. It investigates ways for improving the productivity of the software develop-
ment process to several social issues (e.g. team formations, interpersonal conflicts, social loafing) that affect
the group setting during the software development process. An industrial survey will be conducted to vali-
date the proposed framework. This survey will be applied to three medium size software organizations; (i) to
measure social aspects of productivity, (ii) to assess the effectiveness of our approach, (iii) and to improve the
welfare of the software development organization. Semi-structured interviews with practitioners, and expert
reviews with the managers will be used to evaluate the results. Ultimately, based on the principles of our game
theoretical approach and collected data, we propose a research framework, which will benefit future research
by drawing a road map that establishes a body of knowledge, specifically on software development teams and
This paper aims to establish a research framework
based on the importance of understanding soft-
ware development as a knowledge-based social activ-
ity (Dittrich et al., 2002). A knowledge-based view-
point suggests that the intangible value of an orga-
nization is created as a deployable knowledge as-
set (Grant, 2002), where it is formed from the out-
come of the interactions of participants. This value is
somehow stored by its teams and individuals in terms
of intellectual (Rus and Lindvall, 2002) and social
capital (Lin, 2002). Therefore, the structuring of indi-
viduals’ roles in a software organization with respect
to the quality of information exchange among the in-
dividuals should be considered more important than
several other factors affecting the productivity of a
software development organization. However, appro-
aches (e.g. game theoretical) that employ the roles of
individuals and analyze the outcomes of their social
interactions in team-based activities have not yet been
investigated in the field of software development.
An initial exploration of the importance of social
aspects of software development (Acuna et al., 2005)
highlights the fact that modeling individuals’ inter-
actions (Acuna and Juristo, 2005) and their motiva-
tions (Beecham et al., 2008) to achieve economic and
social outcomes is beneficial for maximizing the op-
portunities for improving the software development
process. There is a body of research that has rein-
forced the view that social networks (i.e. network of
social interactions) can be considered as an important
factor for investigating organizational issues, in par-
ticular when they are used for considering the struc-
ture and dynamics of a software development orga-
nization (Ohira et al., 2006; Nielsen and Tjornehoj,
Yilmaz M. and V. O’Connor R..
PERSPECTIVE - Towards a Theory of Social Productivity of Software Development Teams.
DOI: 10.5220/0003492900350040
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 35-40
ISBN: 978-989-8425-76-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2010). Furthermore, the ability for a software de-
velopment organization to understand the factors that
hinder productivity is essential in improving the com-
petitive advantage for the business success (Chemu-
turi, 2009), where it is not possible to think about
productivity regardless of social issues (i.e. matters
that affect individuals and teams) affecting the devel-
opment process.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In section 2, we provide a brief overview of
research methodologies. In section 3 we establish a
context for our research framework. Based on the re-
search questions and the context of the research, in
section 4, three hypotheses are proposed. Finally, sec-
tion 5 summarizes the research and section 6 shows
future work and expected outcomes.
Although there are several different research method-
ologies used in software engineering research, all can
be classified in two main categories: quantitative re-
search (e.g. survey research, experiments, and simu-
lations) and qualitative research (e.g. grounded the-
ory, ethnography, action research) (Dawson, 2002).
Based on the idea of seeing the human as an in-
strument and considering their experiences, qualita-
tive research aims to investigate participants actions
and words by explanatory patterns of meaning (Stake,
2010). It studies mental attitudes and social behaviors
frequently recorded as information from the partici-
pants own words and definitions, and classify them
from their natural work (settings) environment. Qual-
itative researchers use techniques like interviews, in-
dividual experiences, case studies and focus groups to
capture data about the values and emotions of people
for investigative observations. The collected data can
be documented in a contextual framework for con-
ducting a closer observation of words and view of the
participants and further inspection (Hesse-Biber and
Leavy, 2010).
On the other hand, quantitative research is based
on the idea of quantifying the interrelations between
different types of variables (i.e. independent, depen-
dent) using numerical techniques. It is corrobora-
tive and based on conventional and systematical pro-
cesses to gather data, which describes the information
by cause and effects relations. Quantitative research
aims to create theories, hypotheses and mathematical
models based on empirical investigations (Balnaves
and Caputi, 2001).
A blending of different qualitative and quantita-
tive methods and approaches (or their variants) as a
technique to improve the validity of research find-
ings and conclusions is called mixed method research.
Triangulation (Cook and Campbell, 1979) is one of
the most well-known mixed method design strate-
gies. This approach advocates that multiple types of
data and methods can support hypotheses, incident or
events. In other words, the name triangulation is a
metaphor which describes the use of multiple meth-
ods in a research: a combination of two research tra-
ditions (Jick, 1979); i.e. theories, data sources, meth-
ods or techniques to study a research question or to
measure a single construct.
As it is suitable for empirical or applied software en-
gineering research, our approach is an attempt to in-
vestigate the influence of social factors over the soft-
ware production process. In the hope that we will be
able to improve the social structure of a software or-
ganization and therefore to maximize the productivity
of software teams. With these in mind, our goal is to
develop a team composition framework (i.e. a game
theoretical team interaction model) based on the de-
tails (e.g. interactions and types) of the participants.
To facilitate the visualization of our model fur-
ther, on the one hand, we need qualitative analysis
techniques for gathering scenarios of interaction from
participants. On the other hand, we need quantitative
methods for establishing a rigorous mathematical for-
mulation for investigating several factors, creating a
scenario based team formation model, and use them
concurrently for testing our theories and hypotheses.
By combining these two approaches systematically,
our key idea here is to build a more efficient perspec-
3.1 Game Theoretic Personality Types
Before introducing game theoretic personality types,
we first briefly survey some similar concepts used in
personality profiling in research.
The theory of personality types was introduced by
Carl Jung which is based on the classification of peo-
ple with distinctive set of characteristics found in in-
dividual’s personalities. Based on the theory of psy-
chological type (Jung et al., 1991), which states that
there are four types of personality dimension, a ques-
tionnaire called Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
was created. An aim is to operationalize Jungs work
in order to understand how people make decision re-
garding to their personalities and categorize them in
16 different psychological types (i.e. types are con-
sidered a combination of four preferences) (Myers
et al., 1999). Moreover, Keirsey has conducted em-
pirical investigations on the human psychology based
on a variant of Jung’s theory (Keirsey et al., 1984). In
particular, he worked on a temperament sorter about
personality types where he also found out 16 differ-
ent forms. Unlike Myers who investigates people’s
feeling, his research is directly focused on observable
behaviors of humans.
The correlation between personality of actors and
their productivityrst indicated by Weinbergand later
investigated by Shneiderman for its role among the in-
teractions of software development (Weinberg, 1971;
Shneiderman, 1980). Da Cunha and Greathead claim
that types of personality and skills of software devel-
opment personnel can be aligned to advance the pro-
ductivity (Da Cunha and Greathead, 2007). Beecham
et al. identify several social factors effecting soft-
ware engineer characteristics (Beecham et al., 2008).
For example, software practitioners prefer challeng-
ing tasks and therefore recognition in their work, sta-
bility in their organization, and most importantly they
prefer to be socially identified with their team or
group (Beecham et al., 2008).
Although several research was conducted on per-
sonality types most of these works use MBTI. (e.g
(Capretz, 2003; Da Cunha and Greathead, 2007;
Gorla and Lam, 2004)), there is no body of research
for identification of personality types applicable to
game theoretical approaches. We suggest that, based
on our game theoretic model, these types should
be compatible with our model for identification of
people’s behavior with respect to several situations.
Therefore, we propose creation of socio-types regard-
ing to variety of interactions based on a game theo-
retical setting. Therefore, we start our framework by
hypothetical game theoretic personality types (GTPT)
as; (i) cooperative, (ii) competitive, (iii) socially co-
operative, (iv) socially competitive, (v) individualis-
In response to the problems highlighted, in this sec-
tion we develop a list of research questions and hy-
pothesis so as to conduct our research and we employ
techniques that can be used to evaluate our conceptual
propositions with respect to the accuracy of data col-
lected. We test our hypotheses and analyze the data
gathered from selected software organizations as the
study of practical cases.
Research Question 1. Will assigning individ-
uals to the appropriate roles with respect to
their GTPTs improve software team produc-
Research Question 2. Can a correlation be-
tween productivity and social productivity be
identified for software development?
The goal of the first research question is to ini-
tiate a framework to expand a mapping of technical
roles and align it with participants’ game theoretic
types. This question stems from the fact that when
characteristics of individuals and their technical roles
are better blended, the productivity of team will in-
crease (Acuna et al., 2006; Capretz, 2003).
Brandenburger and Nalebuf (Nalebuff and Bran-
denburger, 1996) have argued that there is a visible
interconnection between the actors of production pro-
cesses (e.g. client and vendor) which should be high-
lighted for developing better responses to the market
demands. In the light of this argument, the second
research question distinctively seeks possible config-
uration of intellectual (i.e. human and social) capi-
tal of software development organization to improve
production rate of software development. Therefore,
a particular aim here is to expand the definition of
software development productivityto include the con-
cerns regarding to social issues for individuals and
teams in a software development organization. In par-
ticular, we define social aspects affecting the produc-
tivity as social productivity, i.e. the production rate of
software development increases if we give due con-
sideration to maximizing the social relations. This re-
search is concerned with identifying the relationship
between productivity and its social aspects and hence
it has been developed to support this endeavor.
To seek answers to these questions, we have es-
tablished and formalized our first hypothesis guided
by our research agenda.
Hypothesis 1. Improving the social structure
of a software organization will improve the
productivity of software development teams.
The second group of research questions seek to
uncover the ways to improve the formation of soft-
ware teams by using GTPTs. We suggest that the
information exchange problem among software team
members needs to be identified and converted into a
game theoretic view by combining these information
with game theoretic types of interacting individuals.
Research Question 3. Can organizing in-
dividuals regarding to their personality types
USING A GAME THEORETIC PERSPECTIVE - Towards a Theory of Social Productivity of Software Development
help to improve the social dynamics of a soft-
ware organization by designing a mechanism?
Research Question 4. Can we formulate a
model and simulate software team composi-
tions and improve the productivity of software
development teams?
The second hypothesis relies on the argument that
it should be possible to use our concept of game theo-
retical personality types to improve several aspects of
software development teams.
Hypothesis 2. Software development teams
that are formed by using GTPTs will perform
better than those structured with an ad-hoc
The next group of hypothesis and research ques-
tions aim to facilitate hypothesis 2 so as to expand to
include social network analysis while seeking ways
for maximizing the collective outcome. Therefore,
the structure of hypothesis 3 and the subsequent two
research questions will be built on hypothesis 2. The
expected achievement here is to find techniques to vi-
sualize a software organization and behaviors and test
the distinctive GTPTs have a possible impact on so-
cial network structure. For example, by investigating
and visualizing the social structure of an organization;
(i) key participants can be identified, (ii) the informa-
tion flow inside the social network can be analyzed,
(iii) the outcome of the interaction of different actors
can be highlighted,..etc.
Research Question 5. Can we collectively
use both social network analysis and person-
ality types together to maximize the software
development team productivity?
Research Question 6. Does revealing and ex-
amining the positions of participants in a so-
cial structure can help us to improve the team
A frequently asked question at social and eco-
nomic research is the impact of revealing the posi-
tions of participants on tiers of a network. Therefore,
we suggest it is important to show the influence of in-
dividuals and their social circles at a conceptual level.
Hypothesis 3. A combination of social net-
work analysis together with the individuals
personality types leads us to understand the
potential requirements for structural improve-
ments of software teams.
Based on an information exchange economy, we
consider that the organizational structure of software
development is an intellectual effort based on in-
terconnected networks of individuals, their actions
and relationships. Consequently, the third hypothesis
states that a social network analysis should be helpful
to investigate the impacts of participants interactions,
and as a result how these social interactions and the
structure affect team formations and the productivity
of software development. Therefore, we plan to use
SNA with GTPTs together for team optimization and
to maximize the outcomes of a production process.
In conclusion, our aim is to generalize our theoretical
findings with empirical observations from the field.
Figure 1: The framework for the proposed research.
Here, we formalize a research framework to conduct
our research (see figure 1). As outlined earlier in this
paper, the primary goal is to create a team produc-
tivity model for software development organizations
based on social and economical factors and therefore
to analyze the impact of social factors on the produc-
tivity of software organizations from a game theoret-
ical perspective. We introduce the concept of social
productivityand further we use it to identify the social
factors and its relationship with software productivity.
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Initially, we begin the first part of the research by
creating a survey instrument based on game theoret-
ical personality types of individuals and determine
their types and degree of interactions. We are con-
ducting a research on the game theoretical personal-
ity types and further we will have them reviewed by
experts from the field for evaluation. Secondly, we
continue our work by analyzing the correlation be-
tween productivity and social productivity by using
regression techniques and to construct an empirical
relationship model.
Thirdly, we initiate our investigation of several sit-
uations and based on this information we evaluate the
identification of our game theoretic personality types.
To store this information for future use, we plan to
create situational context cards. Fourth, we claim that
an empirical investigation of the notion of personal-
ity types and their variants of compositions need to be
identified by their location and role in a social struc-
ture of a software company. Therefore, we formal-
ize the social structure of a software organization by
using sociometric techniques such as social network
analysis for examining relation of personality types
and other social aspects such as task roles inside an
information exchange network.
Fifth and finally, we aim to simulate the output of
this research by creating a team composer software
prototype for better composition of teams. We argue
that a simulation (which has been used frequently to
create social and economic modeling (Gilbert, 2008))
of team compositions will be a suitable way to per-
form several scenarios to investigate the social dy-
namics of software development. In other words, we
suggest simulation is a feasible approach for captur-
ing interactions for this emergent phenomena from
the viewpoint of its interacting units. Because it sup-
plies important information on a system in virtual
form, we can simulate dynamic scenarios in a vir-
tual landscape. It will, therefore, allow us to organize
more productive software teams.
A significant challenge in the software engineering re-
search is to model software development as a social
and economic activity. Based on the defined tasks of
development, an organization may have several types
of participants with distinctive roles. As we have pro-
posed, one way of improving the social productivity
of a software organizationis to improve the productiv-
ity by exploring people’s interactions, behaviors and
to design its outcomes.
The focal point of this research is based on game
theoretical investigation of a software development
projects as it aims to construct a model for software
development as a (cooperate) game of incomplete in-
formation. As it has been observed that organization
of software development can be very sensitive to sev-
eral types of market forces (Madhavji et al., 2006),
organizations can benefit from a model of a software
organization for better decision making about their
social and organization issues. Further, we will com-
pare our game theoretic personality types with Myers-
Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (Myers et al., 1999)
and Belbin’s team roles (Belbin, 2010) so as to iden-
tify how our particular part of research intersects with
the previous body of knowledge.
We aim to conduct our research on three medium
size software companies. Initially, we interview some
experts from these companies. However, there are
several parameters may hinder our expected results.
For example: variations of team size and teams work-
ing in different domains. Therefore, our prelimi-
nary planing includes testing our approach on three
software teams consisting of forty people within the
same company for acquiring more homogeneous re-
sults. Several social situations and scenarios can be
captured at different levels of software development
organization. And, these scenarios can be depicted
by using use case diagrams. Moreover, the work-
ing scenarios can be adapted to a simulation model
and rigorously analyze to gather more information
about potential alternative cases. This study aims to
use computer simulation techniques to perform sev-
eral hypothetical scenarios based on a team environ-
ment. To improve the productivity of software devel-
opment teams, we compare virtual events with actual
outcomes that are exercised by team members on sce-
nario based situations. Furthermore, we suggest that
situational outcomes of a computer simulation should
also be discussed with management teams of targeted
software companies by conducting expert reviews.
This work is supported, in part, by Science Foun-
dation Ireland grant number 03/CE2/I303-1 to
Lero, the Irish Software Engineering Research Cen-
tre (
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies