Evaluating Brazil Initiative
Giovanni Bogea Viana and Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo
Computing Institute, University of Campinas, Albert Einstein 1251, Campinas, Brazil
Keywords: e-Government, Accessibility, Usability, Interfaces.
Abstract: This article presents an overview of a major e-government site in Brazil, the Transparency Portal, and
makes a comparison with electronic government of some other countries, in order to assess the degree of
accessibility of each site. To obtain the results, the validation tools ASES, DaSilva and TotalValidator were
used to evaluate the sites based on e-MAG, WCAG v1 and WCAG v2. A survey with entities, NGOs and
ordinary users is also presented, and aims at evaluating the Transparency Portal according to criteria such as
navigation and ease of use. These assessments will be used as suggestions for improving the Brazilian site
and make it easier to use and accessible to a greater number of citizens, regardless of educational level and
specific needs.
The Electronic Government (or e-gov) is a new form
of government that can be understood from three
different viewpoints: the government itself, which
brings advantages such as greater ease in
dissemination of laws, decisions, regulations and
more efficient service provisioning; to the
entrepreneur, enabling fast and simple access to the
offered services, agility and transparency in the
negotiations with the government; and to the
individual citizen, who also has easier access to
services in a convenient, fast and cheap way
(Satyanarayana, J., 2010).
To achieve its objectives, the e-government has
principles such as to allow access to databases of the
government and to deliver services truly transparent,
efficient and convenient. These services can be
offered through the use of information technologies
and communication technologies (ICTs)
(Satyanarayana, J., 2010), which can reach a large
number of people including groups like elderly,
young, people with special needs and others distant
from government centers. Restrictions of each group
must be identified, and applications and
infrastructure tailored so that all groups can finally
participate of the government.
The aim of this paper is to compare e-
government sites according to accessibility standards
recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) and evaluate the Transparency Portal, a
leading e-government site in Brazil, according to the
usability criteria. The paper is divided as follows: in
the "Related Work", some works that try to ensure
the usability for all are presented. In "Accessibility
and Usability" the respective terms are
conceptualized. Next, the section "Transparency
Portal in Brazil" provides assessments of
accessibility and usability of a leading e-government
site in Brazil. In the section "Comparison to Other
Portals", the Brazilian site is compared with other e-
government sites around the world. Finally, we
present the "Conclusions".
The use of Organizational Semiotics is proposed by
Vânia Neris (2010) to understand the different
interactions with the various potential public of the
interfaces and then use the concept of customization
to tailor the interface for each. The work proposes
the use of a framework called PLuRal which is
based on three pillars: the identification of user
needs, definition of features that will be offered, and
determination of the possibilities of adaptation based
on the anterior pillars.
Frederick Fortuna (2010) proposes a framework
for building interfaces based on Ajax and Norms.
The framework does not require reloading pages, it
infers user behavior and allows users to have a better
experience with the application. The framework
Bogea Viana G. and Felgar de Toledo M..
ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT IN BRAZIL - Evaluating Brazil Initiative.
DOI: 10.5220/0003493502450253
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 245-253
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
contains a perception module, which captures the
user interactions, a SOAP client for loading the
rules, and an action module, responsible for making
the change in the system according to a plan of
action drawn from the Norms. Finally there is a
storage module of the events generated by users (for
future reference) and modules for storage of
Inferences, Norms and creation of action plans. Sites
like the Transparency Portal (in Portuguese “Portal
da Transparência – http: // www.
portaldatransparencia. gov. br) does not require
registration, making inferences based on previous
experiences difficult.
Bruna Burr (2010) believes that one way to
encourage the participation of citizens in the
political movement is through conversations related
to areas of public interest. She defines a process as
"a sequence of inter-dependent actions that consume
one or more resources to convert inputs into
outputs", and the discussions around the process.
The work focuses on the first levels of democratic
participation (where the initial levels represent the
population's access to information and the upper
levels represent the very public participation in
decision making, as a direct democracy). Based on
the responses, the services offered can then be
Anne Veenstra and Arre Zuurmond (2009)
reinforce the idea that e-government is not just
offering services online but should include
personalized services to citizens. Accordingly,
departments of one or more organizations should
cooperate to offer services as a unique view to
citizens, no matter which number of departments
would be involved. Consultants, government
officials and specialized sites were used as sources
to identify the relationship between variables related
to the factors of organizational change (eg, aligning
IT to business, vertical or horizontal organization,
internal/external management, non-duplication of
activities, technology deployment and systems,
among others) and quality of service offered. The
results showed that yes, there is a relationship
between some factors of organizational change and
quality of service, and the factors related to
information technology in large part impact the
measures of the quality of service.
e-Government aims at the development of
applications with good usability and accessibility,
here understood as the requirement that applications
can easily be accessed and understood by the entire
population. Whereas accessibility allows
information to be obtained even by those with
special needs, a good usability ensures that the path
to obtain the information will be found in an
objective and easy way. Usability testing should be
made to identify the interface more suitable,
especially when considering the needs of different
Accessibility is a requirement in applications
developed by the Brazilian Government since
December 2004 and a standard called Accessibility
Model for Electronic Government (e-MAG, in
Portuguese “Modelo de Acessibilidade de Governo
Eletrônico”) (DGE, 2005) is the reference to be
followed. The current version 2.0 was released in
December 2005 and is based on Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standard.
Usability, in turn, does not have a legal obligation in
Brazil. However, it involves fundamental principles
such as effectiveness and efficiency in information
search, satisfaction of use, frequency of errors and
memories of previous experience (DHHS, 2010).
Accessibility is still a keyword to W3C, which in its
specification for HyperText Markup Language
(HTML) 5 (W3C, 2009) mentions the creation of
accessible pages as part of its scope.
Accessible applications and appropriate usability
lead to a greater participation in government by all
and make communication with authorities about
local issues easier. An example is the site
"FixMyStreet" (MySociety.Org, 2010), in which
citizens of Great Britain report problems about
cleaning and lighting, among others. Electronic
Government challenges to the population also exist:
the site "Apps for Democracy" (iStrategyLabs,
2010) stimulates a contest with prizes for the
identification and resolution of the main types of
problems that can be treated by ICTs.
In Brazil, the General Control Agency (In
Portuguese, “Controladoria-Geral da União”)
released in November 2004 a Transparency Portal
website in order to expose all the expenses of the
executive branch of the Brazilian government in one
place. The initiative intended to strengthen the
defense of the public heritage and to increase the
transparency of public management, roles performed
by this agency, through the so called "Popular
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Control" of federal spending. A view of the current
interface of the portal can be seen in Figure 1 and
the site requires no registration for information to be
queried in order to encourage its use by the entire
Figure 1: Current interface of the Transparency Portal.
4.1 Difficulties
Although there are tips and instructions for
accessing the data, it is hard for the average citizen
to know where to start searching (“direct
expenditures” or “transfer of funds”?) or even
understand the classification of expenditures
displayed (“function”, “subfunction”, “program”,
“action”, among other things). This difficulty is
mainly caused by the lack of technical knowledge of
citizens about the terms of budget execution.
Moreover, some segments with greater technical
knowledge, as control agencies and organizations,
can find information easily and even prefer the
division of expenses in the way they are detailed in
the budget. The current approach can not be totally
discarded, but there should be a complement to
allow customization of the information to the regular
4.2 NGOs Evaluations
Aiming at getting different views on the
Transparency Portal, a survey was made with
entities/non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
which work in the areas of transparency, corruption
combat and engagement of citizens in government
actions. The objective of research was to evaluate
the adequacy of the portal interface and its use by
such entities. The result showed that these entities
have no navigation problems and even feel there is a
lack of more technical details. The questions are
listed below:
I - The entity uses the Transparency Portal in any
way in encouraging the fight against Corruption?
All organizations surveyed answered they use the
site, in proportions ranging from consultation only
the spending on payment cards (official credit cards,
information not available in other sites) to
congratulations for its completeness. When partially
used, other sites like Follow Brazil (In Portuguese
“Siga Brasil” - http:// www9. senado.
sil) (with details of expenses of the branches
Judiciary and Legislative) are used to complement
the information.
II - On the Transparency Portal being an official
tool for the dissemination of public spending, the
organization misses any data or facility not
There were considerations of no exposure of
expenditures of State Companies, the means used to
acquire the products and (more specifically related
to credit cards) the description of the goods
purchased. One factor raised more than once was the
difficulty in making crosses of expenditures. This
reason has even been a cause to the use of other
III - It is difficult to use / find the data on the
Transparency Portal? Is it slow? Is navigation user
The usability of the site has been praised and
navigation classified as even very easy. These
evaluations were complemented with accessibility
tests made with specific tools and are discussed in
the following section (section "Comparison with
other Websites"). Finding the data was considered a
simple task and the navigation of portal quick.
As NGOs showed satisfaction with the portal
usability, they were not asked to participate in the
next experiment. The experiment uses two
developed prototypes and is described as follows.
4.3 Evaluations by Common Users
Aiming at obtaining views of ordinary users about
the usability of the Transparency Portal, two
prototypes were created, one proposed according to
the technique of card sorting (DHHS, 2010) and the
other reflecting the current structure of the site. In
the first prototype, using the card sorting, twenty-
five of the most common queries available at the site
were listed and users were instructed to gather the
information in the way they considered most
ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT IN BRAZIL - Evaluating Brazil Initiative
appropriate. This experience showed that if to NGOs
users the data were easily found, ordinary users
expect to find the information on a completely
different place. The prototype generated can be seen
in Figure 2 and proposes a simplification of the
official version.
Figure 2: Prototype based on card sorting.
In the second prototype, shown in figure 3, the
intention was to obtain a mirror of the current
interface of the Transparency Portal. This prototype
resembles the one generated by card sorting. The
official site, available on the Internet since 2004,
was not used so that a fair comparison could be
achieved with the experiment. Selected users do not
previously know the official website of the Brazilian
Government. This requirement was important as
prior knowledge of the site would lead to a false
easy navigation in the model representative of the
current interface. The order of evaluation of the two
prototypes was also alternated, one time the
prototype of proposed model (card sorting) being the
first to be evaluated and other time the prototype of
the current interface being the first.
Participants received instructions about what was
the objective of the test and also what was the
Transparency Portal. Each participant should find in
the two prototypes specific information about
government spending but not in the government
portal itself. Difficulties in obtaining the answers
would be faults on the organization of information.
There was no time limit, the counting would start
individually for each question until the user said the
answer was found.
A total of five questions were asked and should
be answered for the two prototypes. No significant
differences in response time related to the order of
evaluation of prototypes were found. Among the
selected users, including the ones involved in the
development of card sorting, there were students,
lawyers, language teacher, police investigator, civil
servants and retirees. The test reinforced the idea
that tabs (like in browsers) needs to be used with
caution because in some cases much of the time
spent in searching was used in recognizing the tab.
Another factor that has been proven is that although
the availability of various search options (ways to
reach the information) may facilitate queries to the
advanced user, the average user is penalized for not
knowing which option to choose.
Figure 3: Prototype of the current Transparency Portal.
The questions are presented below and
demonstrate information that can actually be
obtained from the Transparency Portal:
I - What are the beneficiaries of the social program
called Family Grant (in Portuguese “Bolsa
Familia”) in the city of Castanheiras? (fictional
II - How much and for whom it was the spending on
maintenance of health centers at the “Hospital das
Clínicas” hospital?
III - What are the public servants of the Ministry of
IV - How much was the incoming of the government
with Taxes and Fees?
V - How much was spent by the Federal Government
with the public agreement for implementation of
Digital Inclusion Centers?
Each of the five questions was assessed against four
criteria, listed below, and the test results can be
found in tables 1 and 2. With the exception of Public
Agreement consultation, for which there is a specific
section in the current model of the Portal and the
card sorting technique grouped according to the area
of the agreement operation, all other consultations
showed significant improvements in the proposed
model. This model was considered more appropriate
for all users of the test, and the improvements were
obtained due to the simplified view of the prototype.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Each of the previous questions were analyzed
according to the following aspects with results
presented in tables 1 and 2:
I - Success in obtaining the data (regardless of what
navigation path followed).
II - Total time spent on the question.
III - Ease of navigation (grades 1-4 assigned by the
user, with 1 being very difficult and 4 very easy).
IV - Navigation paths traversed until the user says
that information has been found.
Table 1: Average success, spent time in seconds, facility
and paths taken by users to obtain the requested
information - the original model.
Question Success Time (s) Facility Paths
Família” social
100% 126,4 2,6 4
“Hospital das
0% 82,2 2,6 3,8
Servants of the
Ministry of
20% 72,4 3 2,8
Taxes and
100% 25,8 3 1,2
100% 17,8 3,4 1,2
Table 2: Average success, spent time in seconds, facility
and paths taken by users to obtain the requested
information – proposed model.
Question Success Time (s) Facility Paths
social program
100% 19,8 3,6 1,2
“Hospital das
100% 14,6 3,8 1,2
Servants of
the Ministry
of Education
100% 8,2 3,8 1,2
Taxes and
100% 4,6 4 1
80% 31,8 2,8 3,2
4.4 Proposed Improvements
The Transparency Portal falls short of its goal with
the current interface, as demonstrated in the
evaluation with regular users and even organs and
entities that have technical knowledge about the
budget. Whereas the former may have a difficult
navigation, due to technical terms, the latter have
difficulties especially related to cross-checks and the
lack of information on the expenses of other powers.
The cross-checks limitation, linking of data, could
be circumvented by the availability of the so-called
"raw data" such that data of the consultations would
be available in its original form (without treatment).
Although there is an option to download
spreadsheets with some of the display data in the
Portal, the information is not complete.
Aligned with the considerations of Anne
Veenstra and Arre Zuurmond, the Transparency
Portal should show the data of the three powers
(legislative, judicial and executive). The fact that the
General Control Agency is an agency of the
executive should not be a hindrance to the
development of a portal vision of a single-service
consulting for government spending. Regarding the
difficulties of using the interface (common user),
customizable user interfaces with the use of Norms
would lead to greater ease of use by citizens and
especially to a greater identification of irregularities
in public spending. This would also ease the process
of facilitating discussion of public policy because
the public would know better how their money is
being spent. At the same time, advanced users would
not be harmed because the interface would also be
adjustable to their skill levels.
With the increasing prevalence of smart phones,
the mobile government should also be considered in
the Transparency Portal. Queries to their databases
should be available in a manner optimized for these
mobile devices. Moreover, modern features like
GPS could and should be available to consult
expenses wherever the citizen is. Only this function
would be a great facility and citizens could oversight
the funds invested in his city or even his
neighbourhood and street only with basis in the GPS
position. There would be no more need of budget
expertise to find information. Another possibility
would be realization of online denounces with the
despatch of proofs by the device itself.
Coupled with the possibility to adapt the site so
that more frequent consultations are more easily
available, voting could be used so that the citizen
feels part in building a more dynamic portal, sending
their positions to changes that could effectively be
seen in the portal. Regarding the definition of public
policy, beyond votes on approval or disapproval of
expenditures that may direct the government on how
to invest its funds, platforms for identification of
trends of opinion (Rafael Tavares, 2010) could be
used to assess the predominate trends about
contrasting actions/policies.
ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT IN BRAZIL - Evaluating Brazil Initiative
The Transparency Portal can be considered the main
site of the Brazil Federal Government for the
disclosure of their expenses. However, by its own
characteristic, there is no concentration of all the
features of electronic government. The e-
government portal in Brazil (http:// www.
governoeletronico. gov. br), Brazil's Government
Portal (http:// www. brasil. gov. br/) and also sites of
the various bodies that comprise the Federal
Administration have other services. To compare the
state of the evolution of electronic government in
Brazil, a review of other sites in Brazil and abroad
will be made, taking into consideration the provision
of services, level of detail of expenditures and means
of access.
The e-government portal of Singapura
(http://www.ecitizen.gov.sg) is shown in Figure 4
and is distinguished for offering a wide range of
services for day-to-day citizen needs. Services such
as issuing passports and accident reports, medical
appointments and payment of taxes are available
online. Payment is simple and even credit cards can
be used. Additionally, there is information for
services that can not be made electronically and the
option for mobile devices. Brazil has some of the
services offered (eg: police report), but not the same
facility for transactions involving payments. On the
other hand, there are more details of public spending
in the Brazilian site.
Figure 4: Interface of the Singapore Portal.
The South Africa site (http:// www. services.
gov. za, figure 5) provides integrated services for
citizens, organizations and foreigners, and works as
a means of official communication for documents,
events, laws and general information (you can, for
example, refer to the country constitution,
understand its organizational structure or obtain a
study about the prison system). The services part of
the portal allows queries using SMS, but most
services do not allow the online resolution but gives
guidance on how people should proceed to get what
they want, usually including a visit to a physical
position of the government . No detail of the public
spending is shown and the Brazilian government
page offers an official means of communication
more updated. Africans documents on the other hand
seems more simple, facilitating the involvement of
the population.
Figure 5: Interface of the South Africa Portal.
The government of Dubai provides a site
(http://dubai.ae/en.portal) with nearly four hundred
online services to the public and entrepreneurs,
ranging from permission to visit shrines to recruiting
services. The site, shown in figure 6, has as
objective the strengthening of local economy
(providing better services for organizations) and
lower costs of public administration (reducing the
need for staff and physical posts). Alternative means
of access such as SMS and email facilities are
provided and include payment by credit card. The
number of online transactions executed passes 2
million (Lootah, H, 2006), for an estimated
population of 1.5 million. In comparison, the
Transparency Portal in Brazil recorded in its release
about 1.8 million visits to their pages, to the
estimated population of 180 million. Like Singapore
and South Africa, Brazil has a higher level of
concern with the disclosure of public spending.
A site that deserves mention as a government
initiative is the Chile site (http://www.
gobiernodechile. cl). The Chilean government's has
as principle that it is responsible for creating the
need for e-gov services (Budge, E., 2003). Online
processing of documents, fees payment and buying
needs are some of the facilities provided.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 6: Interface of the Dubai Portal.
5.1 Comparison of Accessibility by
ASES and DaSilva
ASES, Evaluator and Simulator for Accessibility
Sites (In Portuguese, “Avaliador e Simulador de
Acessibilidade de Sítios”), is an official tool released
by the Federal Government of Brazil on its
electronic government home page for verification of
compliance with the standard e-MAG. The e-MAG
standard is based on the W3C WCAG v1 (W3C,
1999) and specifies the obligations and
recommendations to be observed by all government
sites regarding accessibility. Three priority levels are
defined: in level 1, the failure to implement a
requirement prevents the accessibility of the site for
at least one group of users; level 2, obligations not
observed are significant obstacles to accessibility;
level 3, obligations not implemented may create
difficulties (DGE, 2005). The recommendations
generally require a certain subjective judgment by
the developer and are not evaluated in this article.
ASES found some false errors such as no
identification of labels for certain HTML tags, that
were not considered. The site DaSilva is an updated
version of the ASES, available for use on the Web
and, as ASES, identifies the same types of errors.
The Transparency Portal was the chosen site for
accessibility comparison with other official
government sites as it has greater visibility in the
country. It showed good compatibility with the
requirements assessed by the ASES. For the pages
evaluated, only one flaw (easily resolved) of priority
level 1 was found. It was an image that showed no
textual equivalent description (e-MAG
Recommendation 1.11). For priority 3 flaws, there
was the use of outdated tags (e-MAG
Recommendation 3.1). There were no failures of
priority 2. Because of the legal obligations for e-
MAG accessibility in Brazil, it can be concluded that
care has been taken in the development of the site.
The site of Singapore, in turn, presented a series
of problems regarding the requirements set by e-
MAG. Besides several figures without
corresponding description, dimensions were
specified with absolute values (e-MAG
Recommendation 2.2 violation), inaccessible frames
(e-MAG 1.16 Recommendation violation), lack of
language definition (e-MAG Recommendation 1.1
violation), among many others. The portals of South
Africa and Dubai have shown similar problems as
Singapore’s, and, therefore, low accessibility with
respect to e-MAG. As these sites are from other
countries and not governed by Brazilian laws and
obligations, failures to conform with e-MAG
standard were expected. Table 3 shows the total
errors per site evaluated for an average of 5 different
pages each.
Table 3: Distinct accessibility errors by e-MAG/ASES
(evaluation of five pages for each site).
Site Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3
Portal (Brazil)
1 0 1
Singapore Portal 6 4 2
South Africa
3 4 2
Dubai Portal 5 4 2
5.2 Comparing Accessibility with
The online tool TotalValidator (http://www
.totalvalidator.com) was used to check compliance
of the websites with the standard WCAG v2 AAA
(W3C, 2008) and identified a greater number of
errors in all evaluations. This difference occurred
both in the number of different errors identified as in
the reduction of false errors raised by ASES. Instead
of priorities levels, TotalValidator, following the
rules of the W3C, has three levels of "success
criteria". For Level A accessibility, tools can be used
to make the site accessible. In the AA level, there is
greater support for assistive technology and also
facilities for those who do not have such technology.
The AAA level improves the support for assistive
technologies and also to the common access.
The Transparency Portal had a lower
performance in this new analysis. As examples of
issues not previously considered are duplicate
identifiers and lack of possibility of explicit change
context (submit button). Error as the lack of textual
description of figure was again identified. A total of
seven distinct errors were found, all of level A
ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT IN BRAZIL - Evaluating Brazil Initiative
“success criteria”. The other sites once again
underperformed the Transparency Portal. Taking
into account that this time all countries assessed
were not obligated to comply with WCAG
recommendations, the tool may be considered fairer
to evaluate the sites mentioned. Table 4 shows the
individual versus total number of errors found for
each site examined.
Table 4: Distinct errors // total errors of accessibility by
TotalValidator (evaluation of five pages for each site).
Site Criteria
Criteria AA Criteria AAA
Portal (Brazil)
7 // 37 0 // 0 0 // 0
Singapore Portal 9 // 168 1 // 136 1 // 1
South Africa
8 // 160 1 // 43 0 // 0
Dubai Portal 17 // 455 2 // 109 1 // 2
The article presented a comparison of accessibility
of international e-government sites. Different
countries without tradition in the area were chosen
in order to achieve a fair comparison of current e-
government evolution. The results showed that
among the sites evaluated, the Brazilian site has the
highest compliance with W3C standards, which
represents a good result especially when considering
the order of absolute errors found.
A questionnaire was also presented with
answers of entities / NGOs regarding the use of the
Transparency Portal (Brazil). The purpose of this
research was to find out whether there was
recognition by organizations about the e-government
effort, any difficulties not yet identified, and
especially getting responses from opinion leaders
about the accessibility and ease of navigation of the
Another evaluation, now with ordinary users of
different profiles, was performed and aimed at
obtaining insight about the Transparency Portal by
people who have no technical knowledge of public
budget. Two prototypes were created and the
evaluation showed that one of the prototypes,
developed in accordance with the technique of card
sorting, had performance far superior than the other.
To match both ordinary users and NGOs / Agencies,
the Portal should then allow alternative views of
information through the use of customization. One
fact raised was that even using the card sorting, one
consultation was better accessed in a different path
than the one suggested by the technique. These
assessments will be used as suggestions for
improving the Transparency Portal site, in order to
make it easier to use and accessible for all.
The authors wish to thank the site “Contas Abertas”,
the “Transparency International”, the “Instituto de
Fiscalização e Controle” and the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime for participation in the
evaluation of Transparency Portal.
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Budge, E., 2003. Chile E-Gov Experiences and Lessons.
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DGE - Departamento de Governo Eletrônico, 2005.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation,
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ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT IN BRAZIL - Evaluating Brazil Initiative