the evaluation number is small (refer to figure 3), the
possibility of repetition number might not happen,
thus computation time of both will be same.
From our observation the taken time for each
experiment was inconsistent at certain time but it
infrequently happen is a challenge. A justification on
this matter is a probabilistic algorithm with a
randomness strategy applied in GA, therefore the
number of repetitions and iterations and hardly
IGA possibly reduces number of repetition by
focussing on assigning values to genes and
controlling the repetition of optimal solution. The
gene value is based on an area coordinate will be
more significant when the area coordinate increases.
Besides that, the less number of negative values in
obtaining the optimal solution will reduce
computation time because of the awful
chromosomes will be diminished. Meanwhile,
controlling mechanism in obtaining the best optimal
reduce computation time by looking at the number
of iteration.
This research is registered in the Fundamental
Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) and it is fully
funded by Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE),
Malaysia. Authors express our highly appreciation
and thanks to MOHE, Malaysia and Universiti
Teknologi MARA, Malaysia for sponsoring one of
the authors in PhD level. Authors also wish to thank
the Universiti Putra Malaysia that provides facilities
and conducive environments for carrying out this
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