Antonio J. Reinoso, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
GSyC/Libresoft, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Roc´ıo Mu˜noz-Mansilla
Automatic Control and Computer Science Department, UNED, Madrid, Spain
Israel Herraiz
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia, Featured articles, Usage patterns, Traffic characterization, Quantitative analysis.
This paper presents a quantitative examination of the impact of the presentation of featured articles as quality
content in the main page of several Wikipedia editions. Moreover, the paper also presents the analysis per-
formed to determine the number of visits received by the articles promoted to the featured status. We have
analyzed the visits not only in the month when articles awarded the promotion or were included in the main
page, but also in the previous and following ones. The main aim for this is to assess the attention attracted
by the featured content and the different dynamics exhibited by each community of users in respect to the
promotion process. The main results of this paper are twofold: it shows how to extract relevant information
related to the use of Wikipedia, which is an emerging research topic, and it analyzes whether the featured
articles mechanism achieve to attract more attention.
Wikipedia continues to be an absolute success and
stands as the most relevant wiki-based platform. As a
free and on-line encyclopedia, it offers a rich collec-
tion of contents, provided in different media formats
and related to all the areas of knowledge. Undoubt-
edly, the Wikipedia phenomenon constitutes one of
the most remarkable milestones in the evolution of
encyclopedias. In addition, its supporting paradigm,
based in the application of collaborative and coopera-
tive efforts to the production of knowledge, has been
object of a great number of studies and examinations.
This significant relevance has made Wikipedia
to become a subject of increasing interest for the
research community. However, this research usu-
ally concerns quality and reliability aspects about the
Wikipedia contents (Priedhorsky et al., 2007; Olleros,
2008) or examines its growth or evolution (Suh et al.,
2009). By contrast, very few studies have been de-
voted to analyze how Wikipedia users visit and brow-
se the encyclopedia.
This paper presents an analysis aimed to deter-
mine the attention, measured in number of visits,
that featured articles attract when they are included
as quality content in the main pages of different
Wikipedia editions. Furthermore, we have also con-
sidered the differences in traffic to featured articles
during the discussion of their promotion in order to
assess if different communities exhibit different dy-
namics when looking for consensus.
The rest of the article is structured as follows: first
of all, we describe the data sources used in our anal-
ysis as well as the methodology followed to conduct
our work. After this, we present our results prior to
a proper discussion about them. Finally, we propose
some ideas for further work and present our conclu-
J. Reinoso A., M. Gonzalez-Barahona J., Muñoz-Mansilla R. and Herraiz I..
DOI: 10.5220/0003494903010304
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 301-304
ISBN: 978-989-8425-76-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Visits to Wikipedia are issued in the form of URLs
sent from users’ browsers. These URLs are regis-
tered by the Wikimedia Foundation Squid servers in
the form of log lines after serving the requested con-
tent. Squid servers are a special kind of servers per-
forming web caching which are used by the Wikime-
dia Foundation as the first layer to manage the overall
traffic directed to all its projects. Part of the informa-
tion they register is sent to universities and research
centers interested in its study.
2.1 The Wikimedia Foundation Squid
As a part of their job, Squid systems do log informa-
tion about every request they serve whether the cor-
responding contents stem from their caches or, on the
contrary, are provided by the web servers placed be-
hind them. These log lines are sent in a UDP-packet
stream to our facilities where they are conveniently
The Wikimedia Foundation Squid servers use a
customized format for generating their log lines.
However, we do not receive all of the registered infor-
mation, basically in consideration to users’ privacy,
but just several fields of the log format. The most
important field we receive is the URL which consti-
tutes the submitted request. In addition, the date of
the request and a field indicating if it caused a write
operation to the database are also included.
2.2 Featured Articles
Featured articles are considered the best articles all
over the Wikipedia. In order to be promoted to this
status, the articles, first, have to be nominated and in-
cluded in an special page as candidates to featured
articles. Usually and prior to the their nomination,
future candidate articles pass through a peer revision
process in which reviewers make suggestions to im-
prove their quality.
Featured article have to meet a set of criteria apart
from the requirements demanded to every Wikipedia
article. These criteria cover from a clear and compre-
hensive writing of the article to a proper structure and
organization. Other aspects such us stability, neutral-
ity as well as length and citation robustness are also
In what our research is concerned, we analyze the
impact of featured articles in two very different ways.
First, we consider the influence of the promotion of
articles to the featured status in their number of visits.
Then, we also study the impact of the presentation of
a featured article as an example of high quality con-
tent in the main page of some editions of Wikipedia.
Regarding this, our main goal is to determine some
kind of pattern which can serve to model the traffic to
an article after being considered as featured.
The analysis presented here is based on a sample
of the Wikimedia Foundation Squid log lines corre-
sponding to two different periods, each consisting in
three months: Mars, April and May in one set, and
September, October and November, in the other one.
As we receive the 1% of all the traffic directed to the
Wikimedia Foundation projects, this results in more
than 8,200 million log lines to process for the consid-
ered months.
This analysis has focused just on the traffic di-
rected to the Wikipedia project and to ensure that the
study involved mature and highly active language edi-
tions, only the requests corresponding to the top-six
visited editions have been considered.
Once the log lines from the Wikimedia Founda-
tion Squid systems have been received in our facil-
ities, they become ready to be analyzed by the tool
developed for this aim: The WikiSquilter project.
The analysis consists on a characterization based on
a parsing process to extract the relevant elements of
information prior to a filtering one according to the
study directives. As a result of both processes, nec-
essary data to conduct a characterization are obtained
and stored in a relational database for further analysis.
Browsing the special pages of each Wikipedia edi-
tion devoted to its featured contents, we obtained the
featured articles promoted during April and October
2009. Moreover, we extracted the featured articles
appearing in the main page during the same months.
Then, we queried the database resulting from the pro-
cessing of the Squid log lines to look for the num-
ber of visits corresponding to those articles during the
aforementioned months as well as during the previous
and the following ones in the aim of finding out what
impact have the two featured mechanisms on the vis-
its that articles get. We did all the analysis shown here
using the GNU R statistical package (R Development
Core Team, 2009).
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Mar Apr May
Avg. num. of visits
0 200 400 600 800
Figure 1: Average number of visits for today’s featured ar-
ticles in the English Wikipedia during April 2009.
Before starting to analyze the impact of the featured
articles, we characterized the volume and activity of
each one of the considered Wikipedias. This will
allow to cross correlate the results and conclusions
with the dimension of the population under study. In
this way, we put in decreasing order the considered
Wikipedias by size in number of articles and by num-
ber of received visits. As a result, we obtained that
both ordinations were different. It is interesting the
case of the Spanish Wikipedia, the smallest in size
but the second in number of visits.
Figure 1 shows the average number of visits (or
mean) for the featured articles presented in the main
page of the English Wikipedia during April. At a first
glance, it seems clear that the so-called “today’s fea-
tured articles” attract a great amount of attention in
the month they are included in the main page, com-
pared with the previous and the following ones.
If we analyze now the same metric applied to the
articles just promoted to the featured status in April
and November, we obtain that those articles do not
receive always the highest number of visits in the
month they are promoted as today’s featured articles
did. This is probably due to the effect of the internal
mechanism for promotion that entails a reviewing, a
nomination and a consensus process. In this way, the
different dynamics exhibited by each community of
users in the promotion process are reflected in the vis-
its that the articles attract.
If we focus on the case of the English Wikipedia,
at a first glance, it seems that the level of visits during
April and October was higher than the corresponding
to the previous and following months, when visits re-
mained quite similar in number. It seems that, in both
periods, the bulk of visits correspond to the months
when articles are displayed in the main pages in all
the Wikipedias except the Spanish one that presents a
similar behavior in all the months.
To find out whether the differences in the median
values for all the samples are negligible or not, we
use a statistical test. Because the median values seem
to be highly skewed in the box, the first step is testing
whether the samples are extracted from a Normally
distributed population. Depending on the result, we
will choose a different statistical test to compare visits
in different months.
In this way, the table 1 shows the results of
the Normality test for the visits to the featured ar-
ticles displayed in the main page of the English
(EN) and , Spanish (ES), German (DE) and French
(FR) Wikipedias during the second considered set of
months. The value of the W column is the Shapiro-
Wilcox statistic, which indicates whether the sample
is normal if and only if the p value is lower than a
certain threshold (0.05 most often). Thus, after ta-
ble 1 only the month of September for the French
Wikipedia and the month of October for the English
Wikipedia present Normal distributions.
Table 1: Normality tests for featured articles displayed in
the main pages. Only the month of September for the
French Wikipedia and the month of October for the English
one seem to be Normal (p < 0.05). The rest of samples are
Sept Oct Nov
Lang. W p W p W p
DE 0.94 0.64 0.96 0.85 0.91 0.33
EN 0.95 0.19 0.92 0.03 0.95 0.16
ES 0.94 0.63 0.91 0.30 0.97 0.85
FR 0.82 0.03 0.89 0.22 0.87 0.13
This non-normality of the samples implies that
we have to test the median rather than the mean val-
ues, because the mean is highly biased for this kind
of samples. Because of this issue, we decided to
use a Wilcoxon rank-sum test (also known as Mann-
Whitney-Wilcoxon test) to find out whether or not the
appearance of a featured article in the main page im-
plies a greater number of visits to those articles. This
test is not sensitive to the normality of the data.
Table 2: Results of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for all the
samples. In the English Wikipedia, the month of October
gets more visits (p < 0.05). In the English and German
Wikipedias, the month of October receives more visits. In
the rest, the level of visits is similar. S: September, O: Oc-
tober, N: November.
S / O O / N S / N
Lang U p U p U p
DE 13 0.01 63 0.05 32 0.47
EN 140 0.00 645 0.00 337 0.37
ES 33 0.53 46.5 0.62 36 0.72
FR 25 0.19 52 0.34 38 0.86
Mars Apr May
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Mars Apr May
0 200 400 600 800 1200
Mars Apr May
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Mars Apr May
0 20 40 60 80
Sept Oct Nov
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Sept Oct Nov
0 500 1500 2500 3500
Sept Oct Nov
0 100 300 500 700
Sept Oct Nov
0 100 200 300
Figure 2: Boxplot of the visits to featured articles included in the main pages of the considered Wikipedias.
Table 2 shows the results of the test. The column
labeled U shows the value of the statistic, and the col-
umn p shows the level of significance. These results
indicate that featured articles displayed in the main
pages attracted more visits during October only in the
case of the English Wikipedia.
When examining the promoted articles, none of
the central months attracted a number of visits signif-
icantly higher than the next ones. Again the expla-
nation may reside in the different way of conducting
when developing the promotion process.
4.1 Summary of Results
For the featured articles displayed in the main pages
of the four considered Wikipedias (by number of arti-
cles and by traffic), we have assessed whether their in-
clusion as example of featured content has an impact
on the visits that those articles get. After an statis-
tical analysis comparing the number of visits for the
months right before and right after the month when
the articles appear in the main page, our results in-
dicate that such an impact surely happens for the En-
glish Wikipedia. Interestingly, we found the same im-
pact in the German Wikipedia for the month of April.
On the other hand, our study shows how the different
dynamics involved in the articles’ promotion process
are reflected in very different patterns of visits to the
articles awarded with the featured status.
Wikipedia, the largest wiki-based platform in the
world, is a source of information for millions of
people around the world. One of the resources of
Wikipedia to improve the users experience is the fea-
tured status. Best articles are awarded with this status
and they are included in the main pages as a sort of
Our results indicate that we can observe that
increased attention only constant in the English
Wikipedia. The German Wikipedia also presents a
significant increase of the visits to their featured arti-
cles shown in the main page in one of the considered
periods. In the case of articles promoted to the fea-
tured status, our results show that there is not a com-
mon pattern of conducting in the promotion process.
This subject clearly deserves an in-depth examination
in the search for common features in all the processes.
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lessons from wikipedia. In e-Technologies, 2008 In-
ternational MCETECH Conference on, pages 212
Priedhorsky, R., Chen, J., Lam, S. T. K., Panciera, K., Ter-
veen, L., and Riedl, J. (2007). Creating, destroying,
and restoring value in wikipedia. In GROUP ’07: Pro-
ceedings of the 2007 international ACMconference on
Supporting group work, pages 259–268, New York,
R Development Core Team (2009). R: A Language and
Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation
for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-
Suh, B., Convertino, G., Chi, E. H., and Pirolli, P.
(2009). The singularity is not near: slowing growth
of wikipedia. In WikiSym ’09: Proceedings of the 5th
International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collab-
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies