G¨unther Lackner
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications, Inffeldgasse 16a, Graz, Austria
Wireless Networks, Location Awareness, Access Control, Location Determination, Location Verification.
Location awareness in wireless networks could improve existing security systems. Access control or intru-
sion detection mechanisms would greatly benefit if reliable location information of connected devices was
available. This article describes and classifies relevant location determination and location verification ap-
proaches.Further on, it validates their applicability, performance and security properties in the aspect of their
possible integration into security relevant systems.
The nature of radio propagation makes it possible to
attack wireless networks from outside the established
perimeter protection such as building security. As a
result, the general approach is to secure these infras-
tructures by cryptographic measures and therefore all
state-of-the-art wireless computer network technolo-
gies provide strong cryptographic mechanisms.
As history shows, attackers can fool many of these
concepts by simply bypassing them. Passwords and
digital certificates could be stolen or lost and legiti-
mate users may be tricked by social engineering tech-
niques into revealing their authentication credentials.
As a consequence, wireless network security should
not rely solely on cryptographic measures.
The introduction of location awareness into wire-
less intrusion prevention systems could bring exist-
ing building access restrictions into play. The net-
work may then deny or limit connections to clients
which are not in legitimate locations. Potential attack-
ers would need to intrude the perimeter or spoof their
location to gain full access to the infrastructure.
Location determination in wireless networks has
found a number of fields of application in recent
years. Besides security related topics, context-aware
computing in general is highly dependent upon loca-
tion information. Especially in indoor environments
or areas with a high density of elevated buildings clas-
sic positioning systems like GPS are not reliable. Al-
ternative methods need to take their place.
2.1 Client or Infrastructure based
2.1.1 Client based Methods
This class of methods is characterized by the fact, that
the location determination process is carried out fully
by the device being located. The work load of data
collection and position computation is handled by the
device alone and presents no additional burden for
the network infrastructure. This property promises
good scalability and a decent base for many kinds
of location based services. However, mobile devices
with limited power and computational resources
could be disadvantaged by this architecture. Many
client-based positioning solutions are based on an
agent-server architecture. An autonomous agent is
installed on all participating clients. Its purpose is
to collect necessary data as signal strength values or
time measurements and compute the current location
of the client by using this information.
Advantages. The computational load can be spread
over the clients and does not burden the infras-
tructure. This scenario finds application in ad-hoc
networks like wireless sensor networks which are
often based on trust level models (Fernandez-Gago
et al., 2007).
Lackner G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003496302630268
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2011), pages 263-268
ISBN: 978-989-8425-71-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Disadvantages. As the client is responsible for
the location determination it is easy to spoof the
result. As this describes client only methods,
the infrastructure is not allowed to participate in the
process and provide for example location verification.
Comments. From a security point of view, these
methods do have a significant weakness as they rely
on the collaboration of the client who could be mali-
cious. As attackers are usually not cooperative, these
methods are not suitable to be part of a robust security
solution (Kraxberger et al., 2010).
2.1.2 Infrastructure based Methods
In contrast to client based methods, infrastructure-
based approaches work without any collaboration
and generally even without any notice by the con-
nected clients. Besides the favorable conditions for
mobile devices these methods do have a good suit-
ability to be part of a network security architecture
(Kraxberger et al., 2010).
Advantages. The network infrastructure alone is
responsible for determining the clients location. No
collaboration and computational power by the client
is needed. This is an important advantage if low
power mobile devices are included in the scenario.
Disadvantages. By using infrastructure based meth-
ods, the system cannot use additional information
provided by the clients, such as GPS signals or scene
related data such as the proximity to signal beacons.
This could result in a decrease of performance and
Comments. The just described approach is generally
more suited to be implemented in security related
architectures than client based ones. It is considered
robust against attacks by malicious clients as the
overall security mainly relies on the used physical
location-determination method.
Hybrid Methods. Hybrid methods generally rely
on collaboration between the client and the infras-
tructure. The location determination process may be
carried out by the client and the infrastructure is able
to verify the client’s position claim by some means.
This process is called location verification and will
be discussed in Section 3.
Advantages. The burden of collecting data and com-
puting the location can be shared between the client
and the infrastructure. Hybrid methods generally
provide more flexibility than client or infrastructure
based approaches.
Disadvantages. Due to the required information
provided by the client, hybrid methods may be
less robust against attacks than infrastructure based
Comments. Hybrid methods can combine the advan-
tages of infrastructure and client based approaches.
The slight rise in complexity provides a gain in flexi-
bility by preserving a high degree of security.
2.2 Triangulation or Trilateration
Lateration and angulation are geometrical techniques
based on measured signal and communication proper-
ties. The accuracy of this data is vital to carry out re-
liable location determination. In indoor environments
this accuracy is not only influenced by the precision
of the used hardware, but also by radio propagation
properties such as multipath propagation and a low
probability for availability of line-of-sight.
2.2.1 Triangulation
As the name triangulation hints, this concept is based
on the geometric properties of the triangle. By deter-
mining the Direction of Arrival of a signal, from at
least two different points of view (in two dimensional
space), which are not located on a straight line to the
target, one can calculate an intersection an thus locate
the source of this signal.
Advantages. Triangulation based methods are very
robust against all kinds of location attacks. The
location determination can easily be carried out in
real time and without any a priori measurements or
Disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the need
of directional antennas to determine the direction of
the client’s signal. In non-line-of-sight scenarios, RF
signal propagation features as multipath propagation,
can seriously downgrade the performance.
Comments. If the determination process is carried
out by the infrastructure, triangulation methods prove
very robust against all kinds of location attacks (Cap-
kun and Hubaux, 2006). Due to their need for direc-
tional antennas, they turn out to be cost intensive.
2.2.2 Trilateration
Similar to triangulation, the concept of trilateration is
also based on the geometric properties of the triangle.
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Instead of determining the angles between the source
and the observation points, one measures the distance
between them. This approach requires at least three
points for measurement in two-dimensional space.
The process of distance measurement could be
based on different wireless communication properties
such as Time of Arrival - TOA or Received Signal
Strength - RSS. State-of-the-art IEEE 802.11 hard-
ware only provides a resolution of 1 microsecond in
the time-domain. Due to the fact that the RF signal
is traveling with light-speed, this resolution cannot
be used to carry out distance measurements in the
standard range of WiFi networks which is generally
below 100 meters. Upcoming technologies as IEEE
802.11n could provide timing resolutions up to 1
nano second and therefore allow precise location
determination based on signal traveling times.
Advantages. Trilateration can be based on various
communication properties, leaving it a very flexible
method. If RSS values are used, generally no special
purpose hardware is needed as most wireless devices
register the signal strength of incoming transmissions.
Disadvantages. If attackers use amplifiers or direc-
tional antennas they can easily spoof their location
if no countermeasures, such as anomaly detection,
are applied. Since multiple sensors at different
locations are needed for RSS trilateration, it is not
suitable for client based implementations. Similar
to triangulation, signal distortions like multipath
propagation can downgrade the performance of this
method, as they disrupt the proportionality of signal
strength and distance.
Comments. Trilateration techniques are very flexible
as they can be based on various signaling and com-
munication features. As generally no special purpose
hardware is needed, they can be implemented at a low
cost. If lateration methods are implemented without
any additional security improvements, they are easy
to deceive and not appropriate for security related ap-
2.3 Scene Analysis
RF-based Scene Analysis can be seen as a kind of Lo-
cation Fingerprinting where various communication
and signal features of certain locations or areas are
collected and combined. These combined datasets
need to be collected and stored in a system a priori.
To determine one’s location, it is necessary to collect
these same features, combine them in the exact same
way and try to match or approximate the outcome
with the formerly created datasets (Liu et al., 2007).
A common example of these RF features is the usage
of received signal strength (RSS) values and process
them into a map.
Advantages. Very robust against attacks with
directional antennas and signal amplifiers. Generally
no special hardware is needed. No complex com-
putations are needed for the location determination
Disadvantages. RSS maps are needed for each
sensor device. They have to be created a priori and
require frequent recalibrations.
Comments. RSS based scene analysis can be seen
as an advancement of simple trilateration as it proves
more resistant against signal distortions if more RSS
maps are superposed. Anomaly detection mecha-
nisms can easily be deployed, checking the plausibil-
ity of RSS values. This is a powerful tool against di-
rected antennas and signal amplifiers. Nevertheless,
this method is not sufficiently robust against location
2.4 Proximity based
Proximity based techniques are the most basic
approaches in location determination. They provide
relative location information in a symbolic manner.
Landmarks with well known coordinates, like base
stations of the wireless network, represent points in
a virtual grid over the environment. The distance
between these landmarks represent the resolution
of the location determination process based on this
network. Proximity based techniques are simple to
implement and can be integrated with different types
of physical media such as infrared radiation (IR),
bluetooth, ultrasound and radio frequency identifi-
cation (RFID). An example is the deployment of IR
beacons in every room of a building. These beacons
could transmit their ID which is only receivable
within their deployment area.
Advantages. This approach is generally very easy
to implement if existing network infrastructure
is used for cell identification. IR and ultrasound
are usually delimited by room boundaries allowing
these approaches to reach precision on the room level.
Disadvantages. Infrastructure has to be deployed
finely grained for higher precision. The distribution
of the base stations define the resolution of the
location determination.
Comments. Proximity based methods can be based
on low cost hardware such as IR, ultrasound or Blue-
tooth beacons, allowing their cheap implementation.
In order to be part of a security relevant system, they
need to be combined with a location verification ap-
An alternative application for proximity based
systems are public WLAN-based positioning systems
(WPS). WPS uses existing wireless access-points and
a database holding their geodetic positions. A client
reports all currently received SSIDs to the system
which uses a multiple nearest-neighbor approach to
interpolate the possible position of the client.
A major concept in this field is the verification of lo-
cation claims. It is described best by an example: A
certain device R claims to be located in a certain area
A. This area can be a single room or even a build-
ing. Every device located in this very area should be
granted access to a specific resource whereas devices
that are out of its boundaries must not get access. The
network infrastructure provides a verifier v. An entity
that is able to validate the claim of R according to the
in-region verification problem (Sastry et al., 2003).
Location verification can be used to extend loca-
tion determination methods and improve the security
and reliability. In some cases it may work without
requiring a dedicated location determination method
and be the base for a security related system. The
next sections present popular research and implemen-
tations in the field of location verification.
3.1 Distance-bounding Protocols
Stefan Brands and David Chaum proposed the first
solution to the problem of verifying the distance of
a prover to a verifier (Brands and Chaum, 1993) in
1994 by presenting the distance bounding protocol.
It is based on the timing delay between sending out
a challenge and receiving back the corresponding
response. In the following, Srdjan
Capkun et al.
(Capkun et al., 2003) extended the protocol to
SECTOR, a mutual authentication protocol using
distance bounding. As vulnerabilities to this protocol
have been discovered, Dave Singelee and Bart
Preneel of the K.U. Leuven presented modifications
to render it secure against the so called terrorist fraud
attacks(Singelee and Preneel, 2005). Another solu-
tions, similar to the approach of Singelee and Preneel
has been published by Laurent Bussard (Bussard,
2004). In 2006, it was again Srdjan
Capkun, this
time with Jean-Pierre Hubaux (Capkun and Hubaux,
2006), who advanced this distance-bounding location
verification by pairing it with multilateration. They
assume that an increasing number of verifiers also
increases the trustworthiness of a location claim as
an attacker needs to trick all verifiers at the same
time and with coherent spoofs. In 2010, Rasmussen
Capkun demonstrated a practical implementation
of a distance bounding protocol (Rasmussen, 2010).
The implementation used custom hardware with
sub-nanosecond processing delay, and provided a
precision of approximately 15cm.
Advantages. The distance bounding protocols
measure the propagation delay of radio waves. Since
these waves travel at the speed of light, an attacker
is not able to mount a distance reduction attack.
Furthermore, some of the proposed protocols cryp-
tographically bind the distance bound to the prover ,
so that even man-in-the-middleattacks are unfeasible.
Disadvantages. Distance bounding protocols are
extremely sensitive to processing delays. A pro-
cessing delay of 1ns adds approximately 30cm to
the distance bound. A practical implementation of
such a protocol thus requires extremely fast hardware.
Comments. Distance bounding protocols are robust
against distance reduction attacks. However, such
protocols require fast hardware, so they may not be
suitable for implementation in current network de-
ployments. As an example, the 802.11 standard with
the a/b/g amendments has a time resolution of 1µs,
which corresponds to a distance error of approxi-
mately 300m.
3.2 The Echo Protocol
Naveen Sastry et al. (Sastry et al., 2003) from
the University of California, Berkeley developed
the Echo Protocol in 2003. The Echo Protocol is
extremely lightweight, and it does not require time
synchronization, cryptography or very precise clocks.
It is well suited for use in small, cheap, mobile
devices. The location determination process requires
RF and ultrasound transceivers. The protocol is
similar to the RF based distance bounding protocol,
the difference is that the response from the prover to
the verifier is transmitted as ultrasound rather than
RF. Since ultrasound travels at a much slower speed
than light, this approach allows for a higher degree
of precision when the processing time makes RF
based protocols unreliable. The Echo Protocol is
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
vulnerable to distance reduction attacks if the attacker
is able to connect to an ultrasound transceiver, e.g.
a speakerphone, inside the controlled area. Using a
speed of light physical medium, e.g. RF, to connect
to an ultrasound transceiver inside the controlled area
violates one of the fundamental assumptions of the
Echo Protocol.
Advantages. The Echo Protocol requires no pre-
established trust relationship between the prover and
verifier. It is extremely lightweight, and thus suitable
for devices that are not able to meet the stringent
processing time demands of the RF based distance
bounding protocol.
Disadvantages. The Echo Protocol requires ultra-
sound transceivers in both the provers and verifiers.
The protocol is vulnerable to distance reduction
Comments. One avenue of future research could be
to determine if the microphones and loudspeakers in
laptops, PDAs and mobile phones could be used as
(ultra)sound transceivers.
3.3 Proximity-proving Protocol
Brent Waters and Edward Felten (Waters and Fel-
ten, 2003b) developed a protocol to determine the
proximity of wireless devices by measuring signal
round-trip times, including party identification based
on X.509 certificates and a PKI. Waters et al. pre-
sume that the location claimer and location verifier
are temper-proof devices. This approach has been
improved by the authors and published in (Waters
and Felten, 2003a).
Advantages. The method offers certificate based
authentication which provides the whole power of
PKI systems including their established capabilities
and implementations. Further on, it proves resistant
against severe distance-reduction attacks due the use
of triangulation for location determination.
Disadvantages. The main disadvantage of this
approach is the need for special, temper-proof hard-
ware. Further on, it depends on the availability of a
PKI and involves multiple parties in the verification
Comments. Waters and Felten were the first to de-
velop a location verification system based on wireless
networks that offers integrity and privacy. They incor-
porated authentication and identification in a round-
trip-time based distance bounding approach. How-
ever, the requirement for tamper-proof devices and a
PKI limits the flexibility and practicability.
3.4 The Secure Location Verification
Proof Gathering Protocol
Michelle Graham and David Gray from Dublin City
University propose a location verification approach
based on distance-bounding protocols by Brand and
Chaum (Brands and Chaum, 1993). They believe
that enlisting the aid of neighboring devices provides
the basis of such a method. Their solution allows
a claimant to make a location claim, and then have
this claim verified by an independent proof provider.
They state that using this approach, a verifier can
determine if a location claim is possible and by
selecting suitable proof providers one can limit the
size of the area in which the claimant can be located.
They extend the original protocol by security mea-
sures and rely on tamper proof devices to keep the
devices cryptographic keys. (Graham, 2009)(Graham
and Gray, 2009)
Advantages. SLVPGP does not mandatorily require
any network infrastructure as other participants of
the network can act as dedicated proof-providers.
Even the required central authentication authority
could be deployed on a node in the ad-hoc network.
This offers a high degree on flexibility and allows the
deployment in wireless sensor networks.
Disadvantages. The main disadvantage of this
method is the need for temper-proof devices to hold
the cryptographic keys required for authentication
Comments. The SLVPG protocol can be seen as a
variation of Walters and Feltons Proximity-Proving
Protocol. As their location proof is gathered from
neighboring devices, a large-scale environment with
multiple participants is required. Their approach is
very suitable for ad-hoc networks as mobile sensor
networks but is limited by the need of tamper-proof
Our conclusion on location determination approaches
is, that most of the current solutions are not suit-
able for usage in security related systems. Either
their lack of precision is not tolerable or they are too
easy to deceive. Only triangulation based on signal-
runtime measurements theoretically provides a satis-
factory degree of reliability and security.
About location verification solutions we need to
state, that at least some of these approaches are fit
for application and provide a high degree of secu-
rity. In particular cases, location aware access reg-
ulation systems could use one of the location veri-
fication methods described in this article, without a
dedicated precise location determination method. For
all other applications, hybrid approaches are needed.
They could be composed of multiple location deter-
mination methods, strengthened by location verifica-
A number of security policies, guidelines and
frameworks capable of addressing location awareness
already exist. Unfortunately, localization tools and
techniques are not technically mature.
One may assume that location determination and
verification will be addressed in future wireless LAN
standards, and therefore the hardware limitations for
location determination and verification methods will
be overcome. As precise locations are the foundation
of location aware access regulation systems, this fact
will seriously improve their development and perfor-
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SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography