HyunGon Kim
Department of Information Security, Mokpo National University
560 Muanno Cheonggye-Mueon, Muan-Gun, 534-729, Jeonnam, Korea
Keywords: VANET security, CRL, Overlay zone, T-DMB, TPEG application.
Abstract: Efforts on vehicular network security have been undertaken, with consensus on utilizing public key
cryptography to secure communications. However, how to efficiently revoke node’s certificates represents a
major challenge in vehicular networks. Certificate revocation lists (CRLs) should be distributed quickly to
every vehicle within the networks to protect them from malicious users and malfunctioning equipment as
well as to increase the overall security and safety of the vehicular networks. In this paper, we propose a
Terrestrial-Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (T-DMB) aided distribution method for CRL distribution. The
method can broaden breadth of network coverage and can get real-time delivery and enhanced transmission
reliability using an alternative communication media thus, T-DMB data broadcasting channels. Even if road
side units are sparsely deployed or, even not deployed, vehicles can obtain recent CRLs from T-DMB
infrastructure. In addition, to broadcast CRLs over T-DMB infrastructure, we design a new Transport
Protocol Expert Group (TPEG) CRL application followed by TPEG standards.
Vehicular ad hoc networks are emerging research
area and promising approach to facilitating road
safety, traffic management, and infotainment
dissemination of drivers and passengers. However,
without the integration of strong and practical
security and privacy enhancing mechanisms,
vehicular communication system can be disrupted or
disabled, even by relatively unsophisticated
Security is an issue that needs to be carefully
assessed and addressed in the design of the vehicular
communication system, especially because of the
life-critical nature of the vehicular network
operation. The IEEE 1609.2 standard (IEEE Std
1609.2, 2006) and the European PRE-DRIVE C2X
standard (Bechler et al., 2009) define security
services for vehicular ad hoc networks. They define
secure message formats and techniques for
processing these secure messages using the public
key infrastructure (PKI).
In traditional PKI architecture, the most
commonly adopted certification revocation scheme
is through CRLs which is a list of revoked
certificates stored in repositories prepared in
certificate authorities (CAs). In vehicular networks,
the CA adds the identification of the revoked
certificate(s) to a CRL. The CA then publishes the
updated CRL to all vehicular network participants,
instructing them not to trust the revoked certificate.
Timely access to revocation information is important
for the robustness of its operation: message faulty,
compromised, or otherwise illegitimate, and overall
potentially dangerous, vehicles can be ignored.
The CA employs a set of road side units (RSUs)
to broadcast CRLs to all vehicles as they pass.
However, this RSU-based revocation may be
challenging in certain areas (e.g., rural regions)
where not enough RSUs are deployed or maintained.
It is likely that RSUs will be sparsely placed in real
environments, and thus, vehicles may spend
significant time outside radio range of an RSU
(Resendes, 2008). In this area a vehicle may rarely
encounter an RSU and thus, there may be a long
delay until the vehicle receives recent CRLs, which
may cause a potential threat to the security of
vehicular networks. Even if RSUs are eventually
Kim H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003497702170222
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 217-222
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
deployed with sufficient density, vehicular networks
must be able to operate during stages of incremental
deployment, that is, before sufficient densities of
RSUs come online. Therefore, CRL distribution
should spread quickly to every vehicle within the
On the other hand, for vehicular networks
several broadcasting techniques are taken into
account. That includes some narrow bandwidth
solution like FM radio, but also wider bandwidth
digital services such as DAB, DVB, DVB-H, T-
DMB etc (Bechler et al., 2009). Broadcasting
appears to be an attractive solution due to its low
cost, large coverage range, and large potential
volumes of data. There is already some service
available that based on T-DMB broadcasting and
TPEG protocol, offer real-time traffic information.
T-DMB service is already commercialized for free
and infrastructures are widely deployed in Korea. T-
DMB data broadcasting service provides mobile
users with various data such as web sites, picture
files, and traffic reports through its data channels.
To the best of our knowledge all the solutions in
the stat of the art, RSU-based distribution methods
as well as vehicle-to-vehicle distribution methods
are non-effective solutions in terms of delays,
availability, liability, limited transmission ranges,
and real-time delivery. Under these conditions, the
problem at hand is how to design a system that can
distribute revocation information effectively.
Our proposal has been concerned with the
fundamental problem of how to distribute CRLs in a
real-time manner across wide regions including rural
regions. The basic idea is that if a subnet of
vehicular network nodes can receive CRLs via an
alternative communication media effectively, the
epidemic distribution method can be used to
broadcast them. In this paper, we propose a T-DMB
aided distribution method for CRL distribution. The
method can broaden breadth of network coverage
and can get real-time delivery and enhanced
transmission reliability using an alternative
communication media thus, T-DMB data
broadcasting channels. In addition, to broadcast
CRLs using T-DMB data broadcasting service, we
design a new TPEG CRL application followed by
TPEG standards.
The reminder of the paper is organized as
follows. In section II, we present the related work. In
section III, we introduce the proposed CRL
distribution method. In section IV, to utilize T-DMB
data broadcasting service, a new TPEG CRL
application is designed and we finalize with some
2.1 CRL Distribution Methods
The problem of revocation in vehicular networks has
hardly attracted any attention in the literature.
Papadimitratos et al. (Papadimitratos et al., 2008)
aim at achieving scalable and efficient mechanism
for the distribution of large CRLs across wide
regions by utilizing a very low bandwidth at each
RSU. CRLs are encoded into numerous self-
verifiable pieces, so vehicles only get from the RSUs
those pieces of the CRLs.
Laberteaux et al. (Laberteaux, 2008) proposed
that revocation information is distributed in the form
of a CRL in an epidemic mechanism through
vehicle-to-vehicle communications. The mechanism
provides significant advantages compare to the
RSU-based distribution mechanism in terms of
speed and breadth of network coverage.
Lin et al. (Lin et al., 2008) proposed the use of
RSU-aided certificate revocation. Each RSU has the
complete and updated base-CRL and it is
continuously checking the status of the certificates
contained in all the messages broadcasted by passing
vehicles. If a certificate has been revoked, the RSU
broadcasts a warning message such that approaching
vehicles can update their CRLs and avoiding
communicating with the compromised vehicle.
To reduce size and computational costs of
processing the CRLs, extensive research efforts have
been made in vehicular networks. Bellur (Bellur,
2008) proposed segmentation of an administrative
area into a number of geographic regions and the
assignment of region-specific certificates to an OBU
resident on a vehicle, which could significantly
reduce the size of CRLs.
Raya et al. (Raya et al 2007) propose the
combination of two protocols specially tailored to
the vehicular networks, the revocation of the trusted
component (RTC) and revocation using compressed
certificate revocation lists (RC
RL). The RTC is
intended to reduce the number of certificates that
need to be inserted in the CRL. It requires the CA,
however, to be able to geographically localize any
vehicle in the system. The RC
RL is a CRL that is
compressed using Bloom filter compression to limit
the size of the CRL. Because of the false positive
characteristic of Bloom filter compression, some
legitimate certificates can get revoke as well.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2.2 CRL Distribution using an
Alternative Communication Media
To distribute CRLs, while most of running projects
are mainly based on the IEEE 802.11p and ITS-
G5A, other mobile access technologies like UMTS,
WiMax and DMB can be utilized (Bechler et al.,
2009). Lequerica et al, (Lequerica et al., 2010)
propose a use of the existing multimedia broadcast
multicast service over UMTS, which improves the
efficiency of the distribution of the CRL. Sommer et
al, (Sommer, 2008) present simulation results of a
UMTS-based vehicle-to-infrastructure traffic
information system. However, even if the usage of
the cellular channel is low in above two methods,
there is need to use UMTS bearer service.
2.3 ITS Network Reference Model
The network reference model of European ITS
communication architecture is depicted in Figure 1
(Bechler et al., 2009). The ITS Vehicle Station
compromise a number of ITS-specific functions. The
ITS Roadside Station such as RSU can act as
gateway between the ITS ad-hoc network domain
and the ITS roadside infrastructure network domain.
The Border Router offers IP connectivity to ITS
Vehicle Station and Core Network Switch in the
Internet domain.
Figure 1: European ITS network reference model.
The main components for the generic access
network domain can be UMTS system, DMB
infrastructure etc. IP packet transport is assured
either by means of encapsulation and tunnelling over
the ad-hoc network for vehicle-to-vehicle and
vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, or by using
the generic IP access network. The ITS Application
Service Domain contains Backend Server and
Traffic Management Center.
In this section, we describe the proposed T-DMB
aided distribution method. Every vehicle will want
the most recent CRL to protect them from malicious
users and malfunctioning equipment, as well as to
increase the overall security and safety of the
vehicular networks. We utilize the advantage of T-
DMB data broadcasting service in terms of low cost,
real-time delivery, wide network coverage, and
enhanced transmission reliability.
3.1 T-DMB aided Distribution Method
Figure 2: T-DMB aided distribution method.
Some design principles and assumptions are:
In addition to the usual ETSI ITS-G5A module
interface, basically vehicles have a T-DMB
terminal and a module interface.
T-DMB terminal has also an interface with on
board unit (OBU) within a vehicle.
RSUs can be deployed with sufficient density or,
sparsely placed in certain areas or, even not
placed. Therefore, in some areas, vehicles often
cannot receive recent CRLs from RSU and even
neighbouring vehicles.
CA sends recent CRLs to the T-DMB base
station periodically to broadcast CRLs over T-
DMB data broadcasting channels.
The schematic diagram of the proposed method is
depicted in Fig. 2. In addition to the RSU-based
distribution, CA utilizes T-DMB data broadcasting
channels to distribute duplicated CRLs additionally.
The CA sends recent CRLs to the RSU and T-DMB
base station periodically over fixed wireline as the
same fashion. Then, the same CRLs would be
doubly distributed to the vehicles through a RSU
and a T-DMB base station at any given time. In an
area where RSU density is high enough, a vehicle
can connect to the RSU directly. In contrast, in an
area where RSU density is low, a vehicle can switch
over to the T-DMB base station directly. To do this,
vehicles has to change from IT-G5A module
interface to T-DMB module interface or, in the
opposite direction.
3.2 Overlay Zone
The proposed method is based on the concept of
overlay zone, which is duplicated zone by RSU
transmission coverage and T-DMB base station
transmission coverage. Therefore, in that zone,
vehicles can be able to obtain CRLs from a RSU as
well as T-DMB base station directly. According to
the standard (Bechler et al., 2009), maximum cell
coverage of ITS-G5A based RSU, Dedicated Short
Range Communication (DSRC) based RSU, T-DMB
base station are approximately 500m, 1Km, and
35Km respectively. Therefore, as shown in Fig. 3,
one base station's zone (T-DMB
) would be
composed of several RSU's zones (RSUs
), which
can be expressed as following:
-A + RSU
-B +
-C +
Figure 3: Overlay zone.
In our example of Fig. 3, when a vehicle enters
the RSU
-A, it can receive CRLs from its ITS-
G5A module interface (e.g., from the RSU-A). If the
vehicle are beyond RSU-A’s transmission range as
well as RSU-B transmission range, then, it can also
receive CRLs from its T-DMB module interface
(e.g., T-DMB base station). Thus, as soon as the
vehicle knows outside the range of its RSU
transmission range, then the vehicle may change
from the ITS-G5A module interface (or, WAVE
module interface) to the T-DMB module interface.
CA is responsible for the provision and
maintenance of T-DMB
to manage CRL
distribution zones based on the T-DMB base station
cell coverage. We assume that logically designed
RSU-based zones are mapped into T-DMB
. CA
also has to collaborate with T-DMB broadcasting
system to present T-DMB
information and to
distribute CRLs through T-DMB infrastructure.
3.3 CRL Encoding Rule
Original CRLs should be encoded to get
transmission efficiency and credential (Ardelean,
2009). A schematic description of encoding the CRL
is depicted in Fig. 4. First, the CA generates the
CRL and divides into M equal length pieces. These
pieces are encoded using an erasure code, into N
redundant pieces. Each piece has a header added
then, it is signed by the CA. The header contains the
CRL version, time stamp for avoiding replay attack,
the sequence number of the encoded piece, and the
CA's ID. After this step the new pieces are sent to
the RSUs and then, they are broadcasted to the
Figure 4: CRL encoding rule.
When receiving one of these signed packets, a
vehicle first verifies the time stamp of the message,
then the signature. The signature verification is done
by searching in its database the public key
associated to the CA ID extracted from the message.
If the signature is valid then the vehicle verifies if it
has already this piece stored, if not it store the piece
with the associated sequence number. When it has
enough pieces it will decode them and obtain the
original CRL.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
To realize the proposed method using T-DMB data
broadcasting service, standard TPEG protocol could
be utilized. TPEG is a bearer and language
independent protocol that can be used for many data
broadcasting channels like DAB, DMB, DVB and
others (ISO/TS 18234-1, 2006). TPEG applications
are kinds of data services and its message structure
is followed by TPEG standards. Since the proposed
CRL application also uses TPEG technology, it
could be formalized as a new TPEG application that
is called the CRL application in this paper. The CRL
application can distribute CRLs using T-DMB data
broadcasting service as a real-time manner. It could
allow T-DMB base station to distribute CRLs and
allows vehicles to receive CRLs effectively.
4.1 Frame Structure of CRL
The hierarchical transport frame structure including
CRL application message is shown Fig. 5. Transport
Frame, Service Frame, Service Component Frame
are commonly used like as other TPEG applications.
Details of them are described in TPEG standards
(ISO/TS 18234-1, 2006).
The Service Component Frame comprises the
service component identifier, the length of the
component data, the component header CRC, and
component data. The service component identifier
with the value 0 is reserved. The field length
consists of 2 bytes and represents the number of
bytes of the component data. The component header
CRC is calculated from the service component
identifier, the field length, and the first 13 bytes of
the component data.
The CRL application message is what we
defined. The CRL application is designed to deliver
CRL application message; thus, CRLs issued by
CAs, using three containers, which are the message
management container, the event container for
transmitting CRLs, and TPEG location container
having the geographical location information.
To manage CRLs in the receiving side, the
message management container includes
information such as the date and time references,
generation time, expiry time, the effect and
reliability, the cross reference information etc. The
effect and reliability information provide severity
factor and unverified information to make a
judgements about the effect on travel for a vehicle.
The cross reference information would allow each
message to be cross-referenced to other messages,
either within the CRL application or, in other TPEG
Figure 5: Transport frame structure for CRL application.
4.2 Architecture for CRL Application
To implement the proposed method, architecture and
additional functionalities should be identified from a
point of T-DMB system views. As shown in Fig. 6,
T-DMB data server has capable of processing a new
CRL application. It collects large size CRL packets
through CA interface and then, converts into TPEG
packet formats. And it also encodes TPEG packet to
CRL application message formats.
Figure 6: Implementation architecture for CRL application.
Basically a vehicle has a T-DMB terminal that
may be interfaced with OBU within vehicle. Upon
receiving CRL application messages, T-DMB
terminal has to process decoding and re-assemble.
Finally extracted CRLs are delivered to the OBU
within vehicle.
We present the basic ideas of a CRL distribution
method for vehicular networks, with the focus on
use of an alternative communication media. The
basic objectives of the proposed method are
concerned with the fundamental problem of how to
distribute CRLs in a real-time manner across wide
regions including rural regions. Our design approach
seeks to use a T-DMB aided distribution method that
can broaden breadth of network coverage and can
get real-time delivery and enhanced transmission
reliability using T-DMB data broadcasting channels.
Even if road side units are sparsely deployed or,
even not deployed, vehicles can obtain recent CRLs
from T-DMB infrastructure. In addition, to
broadcast CRLs over T-DMB data broadcasting
channels, we design a new TPEG CRL application
followed by TPEG standards.
This research was supported by Basic Science
Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry
of Education, Science and Technology (NRF-2010-
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems