application and the other one is an android based
mobile application. These two alternatives access to
a central server via internet, this server can be
divided into three different components. The first
one is a database where all the information about the
made requests, the active routes and the statistics are
stored. The second component is composed by some
web services that offer several access methods to the
database and business logic. The web services are
consumed by some Java Server Pages (JSP), the
third component of the server. These JSP pages
represent the presentation layer and user access to
both web application and mobile application.
As mentioned in the preceding section, the
implemented simulation tool uses an artificial
intelligence algorithm as base. This algorithm is
used to resolve the route planning problem, in a
static way in regular transport lines, as well as in a
dynamic way, in on demand transport lines. In
application level, the algorithm will be in charge of
finding in every moment the optimized route the bus
has to go through to visit all the stations of the
environment. To implement the solution, the
problem has been treated as a DRT one, as
mentioned in the introduction of the article, and
resolved with a heuristic method that obtains good
approximations. To perform this task, we designed a
hybrid algorithm that combines simulated annealing
methods and genetic algorithms. Then we explain
the details of each technique separately.
Simulated Annealing (Rutenbar, 1989): This is
one of the most popular local search techniques. It is
based on the physical principle of cooling metal.
Using that analogy, it generates an initial solution
and the process proceeds by selecting new solutions
randomly. The new solutions are not always better
than the initial solution, but as time passes and the
temperature decreases (the metal becomes stronger),
each new solution must be better than previous
Genetic Algorithm (Zhang, Yao and Zheng,
2009): This algorithm is inspired by the laws of
natural selection and the evolution of the animal
species. An initial population of solutions is defined.
This initial population consists of a number of
individuals (solutions of the problem.) Then, with
the combination and evolution of these individuals,
the algorithm tries to get a better solution.
Hybrid Algorithm (Kaur and Murugappan,
2008): The hybrid algorithm is the resultant from
joining the genetic and the simulated annealing
algorithms. It was decided to use this algorithm after
a test period detailed in the following section.
In the field of artificial intelligence, when you create
a new algorithm, or modify an existing one, results
that show that the new solution is better than other
known solutions have to be submitted. To do this,
there are sets of problems used to compare results in
computational resources and parameters related to
the quality of the solution. In our case, there is not a
set of sample problems for comparing the
performance of design algorithms for demand
responsive transport routing problems. For this
reason, we have defined our own set of testing, and
we are going to make comparisons between our
algorithm, a brute-force optimal algorithms and each
of the techniques used in our hybrid algorithm.
As indicated above, for the design of our hybrid
algorithm, separate versions of simulated annealing
and a genetic algorithm have been implemented. In
addition, we have implemented a "brute force"
algorithm, to find out the optimal solution for small
instances of the problem (with few intermediate
With these 3 algorithms, there have been a series
of tests to measure the performance of each
algorithm and the ability of each one to solve the
problem. As a result of these tests, we have obtained
several conclusions:
1. The “brute force” algorithm is optimal because
it always finds the best solution. Even so, it has
the disadvantage that the execution time is
unacceptable when the number of stations
increases to more than 9 (for a large number of
stations cannot even get a solution). This
algorithm cannot be used in a real scenario.
2. The simulated annealing algorithm only finds
the optimal solution when the first and last
station does not vary during the resolution
process. Running time is always the same
regardless of the number of stops.
3. In the case of genetic algorithm, the execution
time is constant if the number of generations is
also constant. An advantage of this algorithm is
that the probability of finding a good solution
is independent of the number of stops.
After preliminary analysis of algorithms
separately, we came to the conclusion that the results
of runtime and solution quality were not good. For
this reason we decided to combine the two