Thinh Nhat Phan
, Tho Thanh Quan
, Thien Cong Pham
and Nguyen Tuong Huynh
University of Nguyen Tat Thanh, Hochiminh City, Vietnam
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Hochiminh City University of Technology, Hochiminh City, Vietnam
Keywords: Natural query processing, Ontology, Conceptual graphs.
Abstract: Many attempts have been made on processing natural queries on relational databases, because this feature
should render users virtually no boundary on expression search requests. Recently, research trends on this
field have moved from compositional semantics into SQL-oriented processing on natural queries. However,
this approach still suffers the problem of imprecise and incomplete information which often occurs when
users submit their queries casually in practical situations. In this paper, we show an approach on translating
the natural queries into conceptual graphs using semantic information captured by a domain ontology. Due
to the well-structured representation of conceptual graph, we can resolve the impreciseness and retrieve the
incompleteness when occurring. Experimental results have shown that our approach is quite promising.
Relational databases have been used popularly in
information systems due to the capability of
precisely representing concepts and relations on
certain domains. Moreover, due to their solid
mathematical foundation, relational databases also
allow user to query virtually all of desired
information, commonly based on the well-defined
Structured Query Language (SQL). However, for
non-technical users, who happened to be the
majority of actors interacting with most information
systems, SQL is still hard-to-use due to its strict
formal syntax and complicated structures needed to
express the query goals.
Naturally, many attempts have been made to
support users to query over relational databases by
natural language forms. Early works have focused
on compositional semantics (Androutsopoulos,
Ritchie and Thanisch, 1995). However, this
approach failed to deal with quantified queries.
More recent works investigated translating natural
queries into SQL (Frost and Fortier, 2007). Even
though this approach can handle deep semantics in
some queries, it required users to submit the queries
in the forms whose syntaxes should be “similar” to
that of the SQL. Nevertheless, if the query is
rephrased as another form, this approach suffered
much difficulty to process. We consider this
problem as imprecise information.
With the recent advancement of the Semantic
Web (Berners-Lee, Hendler and Lassila, 2001),
ontology is considered highly useful to extract
semantics from natural queries (Storey, Sugumaran
and Burton-Jones, 2004). Remarkably, a work on
ontology-based lightweight natural processing is
reported (Kang, Na, Lee and Yang, 2004), whose
method is able to process semantic-enriched queries.
However, in practical situations, users are likely to
submit queries in casually shorterned forms. Due to
the missing of some important “anchor words”, such
shortened forms are hard to be processed efficiently.
We consider this problem as incomplete information.
Recently, to process natural queries, conceptual
graph (CG) (Sowa, 1997) is regarded as an effective
technique to capture and represent the semantics in
linguistic structures. An effort on supporting
retrieval using natural query over CG-represented
documents was reported by Shady, Karray and
Kamel (2007), in which the authors adopted some
manual methods. However, automatic translation of
natural queries into the corresponding CGs is still a
complex and challenging problem. In this paper, we
propose a new approach on natural query retrieval
based on CG using domain ontology, which can
Nhat Phan T., Thanh Quan T., Cong Pham T. and Tuong Huynh N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003501202630268
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 263-268
ISBN: 978-989-8425-76-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Conceptual Schema of the Document Management Ontology.
handle flexibly natural languages in freely casual
Figure 1 gives the conceptual schema of the
Document Management Ontology, which will be
used througout the paper. The Document
Management Ontology has three concepts (or
classes): Document, Employee and Department. The
attributes of the class Document are major properties
to identify the documents such as keyword, format,
size, etc. The Employee class represents a set of staff
that is granted to access to some resources according
to their roles. The Department concept refers to the
offices of the company, which are organized to
manage each other.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 discusses the basic concept of CG and its
represention for natural query. Section 3 presents
our proposed approach for generating conceptual
graph from natural query using domain ontology,
which can be constructed automatically from an
enhanced relational database. Section 4 gives some
initial experimental results. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper and discusses the direction for
our future research.
A conceptual graph (CG) is a notation for logic
based on existential graphs. A CG can be displayed
as a directed graph whose nodes can be a concept
node or relation node. A concept node implies an
individual of a concept, while a relation node
indicates the relationships between individuals.
Figure 2 shows an example of a CG, whose concept
nodes are presented in boxes and relation nodes in
ovals. The fact conveyed by this CG is that the
author Peter has uploaded the report entitled “The
financial statement in 2010”. In this CG, the
individuals Peter and “The financial statement in
2010” are called individual referents of the concepts
Employee and Document respectively.
Figure 2: An example conceptual graph.
Figure 3 shows a CG representing the query
Find the documents were uploaded by the
employees of sales department of pdf format” Notice
that the “?” symbol indicates a query referent of the
CG, which specifies the object that will be searched.
The “*” symbol indicates a generic referent, which
means that no specific individual of the concept
Employee is mentioned explicitly in the query.
In this section, we present an approach for automatic
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
generation of CG-based query from natural query
using the knowledge captured from domain
The automatic generation process consists of the
following two steps Concept Generation and
Relation Construction.
3.1 Concept Generation
This step aims to parse the submitted query in order
to identify the ontological concepts and individuals.
For example, let us consider the following query:
(Q1):”Find all the documents
were uploaded by
employee named David.”
Using the Document Management Ontology
given in Figure 1, we can recognize the ontological
concepts Document, Employee and the ontological
individual “David” of the ontological class
Employee from the query.
After recognizing ontological concepts and
individuals in a query, we will map them into the
corresponding concept nodes in the final CG. To do
this, the following heuristic rules are used:
An ontological individual will be mapped as an
individual referent.
An ontological concept will be mapped as a
query referent if there is no individual of this
concept recognized in the query.
Therefore, for the query (Q1), the individual of
“David” will be mapped as an individual referent.
Between the two ontological concepts Document
and Employee, we only preserve the concept
Document as a query referent since the concept
Employee has the corresponding individual (i.e.
“David”) found in the query.
Handling Imprecise Information. Note that when
constructing domain ontology, the ontology engineer
can define an ontology vocabulary that helps to
recognize different keywords that may be relevant to
certain ontological concepts and individuals. For
example, the ontology engineer may define that the
concept Document may be referred to by some
linguistic terms such as document, announcement,
article, report, file, etc. Thus, if the natural query is
changed to another form like “Which the files David
was uploaded?” the same ontological concepts and
individuals will be recognized.
3.2 Relation Construction
In this step, we construct the relations between these
concept nodes. First, for each pair of query referent
and individual referent identified, we find a path
between the corresponding ontological concepts in
the conceptual schema of the domain ontology.
Then, we unify all the paths to form the final CG-
based query.
For example, in query (Q1), there is one query
referent of Document and one individual referent of
Employee identified. The corresponding path
between these concepts in the Document
Management Ontology is given in Figure 4, which is
also the final CG-based query generated.
Figure 4: CG-based query generated from query (Q1).
Handling Incomplete Information. Consider the
following query:
(Q3):”What did the employees of sales
department upload at the month September 2010?”
There are two individual referents Department
and Date identified. Figure 5 shows the path
between these concepts in the Document
Management Ontology, and the corresponding CG-
based query. Note that in the identified path, an
additional concept Document, which is mapped as a
query referent in the CG, is also created. In other
words, incomplete information of “Document
concept is automatic detected and retrieved when the
CG is constructed.
Figure 5: CG-based query generated from query (Q3).
3.3 Uncertainty Resolution
When parsing natural query, it is sometimes difficult
to be certain about the concepts and individuals
associated with a keyword, even when the ontology
vocabulary is used. Here, we discuss some strategies
that can be used to handle such uncertainties.
Multiple Individuals of the Same Ontological
Concept. In such case, we can just simply generate a
single node corresponding to these individuals. For
example, in the following query:
(Q4):“Find documents are doc or docx format.”
There are two individuals doc and docx of the
same concept format identified. Figure 6 shows the
final CG-based query.
Figure 6: The CG-based query for query (Q4).
Multiple Concepts of the Same Keyword/Phrase.
Our solution to this problem is to consider all the
generated CG-based queries. For example, in the
following query:
(Q4):“Find documents were stored in sales.”
There are two CG-based queries generated as
shown in Figure 7. Obviously, the results obtained
when processing these queries should be relevant to
the request from users.
Figure 7: The CG-based queries for query (Q4).
Multiple Paths of the Same Pair of Query/Individual
Referents. In such case, we will select the most
reasonable path whose relation nodes are most
similar to the query keywords. For example, in the
following query:
(Q5):“Find reports of employee David.”
In the Document Management Ontology, there
are two possible paths between the concepts
Document and Employee, as depicted in Figure 8a
and Figure 8b. However, the term of in the query
should be relevant to the ontology vocabulary
defined for the ontological relation upload in the
Document Management Ontology. Thus, the first
path, i.e. the path depicted in Figure 8a, should
prevail and be selected as the appropriate CG-based
query for the given query.
(a) First path
(b) Second path
Figure 8: Two paths identified for query (Q5).
In this section, we present an initial experiment to
evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed ontology-
based approach for natural query retrieval. In the
experiment, we construct a simple Document
Management System from the working information
system of the EVietSoft company, a professional
software development company (http://
The company has some the departments follows
director’s office, business department, technical
department, accounting department, etc. The director
department has the most powerful and controls all
the others of company. Similarly, the senior
departments will manage the junior department base
on roles and permissions. We developed a plug-in
into the current system allowing users to submit
natural queries according to their working
requirement. Table 1 gives the most common natural
queries submitted by the company staff.
We have also compared the performance of our
approach with other typical information retrieval
(IR) techniques in terms of typical IR measures like
recall, precision and F-measure, using the same
query set as depicted in Table 1. Two techniques are
used for comparison. The first technique applies the
typical tfidf vector-space-model (VSM) to retrieve
information from the input queries. In the second
technique, we first cluster the data before applying
the VSM for retrieval. Since the data are multi-
dimensional and the queries are multi-objective, the
multi-clustering technique (Quan, Hui and Fong,
2003) is adopted here. Table 2 presents the
performance comparison of the different techniques
based on recall, precision and F-measure.
As can be seen in Table 2, when combined with
the multi-clustering technique, the performance of
the VSM-based retrieval technique has been
improved significantly in terms of both recall and
precision. It is because when data are clustered using
the multi-clustering technique, information can be
represented better in clusters, thereby enhancing the
retrieval performance. As compared to the VSM-
based multi-clustering technique, the precision
obtained by the CG-based query processing method
is slightly lower. However, the recall is better since
if the CG-based queries are generated precisely, the
retrieval performance can achieve with almost
absolute accuracy. As a result, the CG-based query
processing technique has achieved the best
performance in terms of the F-measure.
This paper has proposed an ontology-based
approach for natural query retrieval using conceptual
graphs. We have applied the proposed approach for
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Table 1: Examples of common natural queries.
1. Find all documents of Peter employee
2. Find all documents are pdf format
3. Show me some reports of sales department contain
the keywords "financial statement"
4. Documents of accounting department were uploaded
in 2010
5. Search any documents of sales department are "excel
2003" and pdf format
6. I want to find any documents that I can download
7. Look up the documents are "word 2007" format in
my Announcements folder
8. Look up all of documents that people has staff role
can download
9. I want to read the software instruction manuals of
technical department
10. Find the folders were created on 06-18-2010
11. Search all documents are less than "1 Mb" and are
word or pdf format
12. Which the documents were created in "February
2010" that the employees of financial department can
be deleted and viewed?
13. Which the documents are pdf format that Peter
shares with me in Public folder?
14. The employees have the manageable role can
download or delete the documents
15. List all of the documents were uploaded from 01-
20-2010 to 09-20-2010 and are excel format
16. Search any documents in Report folders have the
size from "500 Kb" to "1.5 Mb"
17. James was sent the announcements to sales
department in October?
18. I want to download the documents of sales,
accounting and financial department
19. List the folders I have created after "Jan 2010"
20. Show me the documents that contain the keywords
"computer science" belong to "Plans" folder
21. Find all of the folders have the size are less than "5
Mb" and are created in September 2010
22. Find the documents of technological department
were uploaded at 11-16-2010 contain the keyword
23. The head of sales department shares the documents
between everyone works for accounting department
24. Which the documents technological department can
be download from "May 2009" to "May 2010"
25. Which the documents employees of financial
department can be view or share in "Financial
Department's Public Documents" folder
26. Find any documents are .doc or .docx format and its
sizes are more than "1.2 Mb"
27. Which the folders sales department was created
from "January 2010" to "December 2010" and more
than "8 Mb"
28. David employee uploaded the documents contains
the keywords "conceptual graph"
29. Which the documents of sales department that the
head of financial department can be view?
30. The documents are docx format, upload from 01-
10-2010 to 10-10-2010 and Peter share it with me
Table 2: Performance comparison on retrieval.
Techniques Recall Precision F-measure
model (VSM)
78% 87% 82%
VSM + Multi-
92% 94% 93%
98% 93% 95%
the retrieval of information in document
management system. The initial experimental results
have shown that our proposed approach is capable of
handling effectively most of the typical search
requests in natural language. By avoiding using a
fixed grammar and making use of a domain
ontology, our approach can handle the problem of
imprecise and incomplete information. In addition,
minor grammatical errors, which may probably
occur in queries submitted casually by users in many
practical situations, can also be tolerated reasonably.
This research project is funded by University of
Nguyen Tat Thanh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam We
are also grateful for the technical helps of the EViet
software company in terms of hosting services and
experimental data provided.
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