the methods have been statistically compared using
Wilcoxon, Friedman and Holm tests. From our exper-
iments results we make 3 observations: (i) Feature Se-
lection techniques gave poor performances. The rea-
son is that the Laplacianan Score selected all categori-
cal features and very few categorical features. Hence,
the dissimilarity measured applied by each OCC can-
not be calculated correctly with certain types of data.
(ii) In a few sites, OCC did not work well because our
characteristics set does not contain any feature that
discriminates against these classes. (iii) Gauss dd was
the best method for almost all sites because feature
values fit closely to a normal distribution.
In this paper, we discussed OCC techniques for solv-
ing Information Extractor verify problems. Five basic
OCC methods were studied. A comprehensive eval-
uation of these methods was conducted to compare
their performances which enable us to conclude that
Gauss dd outperforms all the testing techniques.
Still, there are several problems that are open for
research. Feature database and pre-processing phases
have not been exploited very much for our problem.
Another point to note here is that classifier ensembles
and other sophisticated OCC like SVM or Bayesian
Network approach have not been investigated. Also,
data complexity measures would be an interesting ex-
ercise, if we want a quick way to choose an OCC
yielding good performance for a particular site.
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(FEDER), the Spanish and the Andalusian R&D&I
programmes (grants TIN2007-64119, P07-TIC-2602,
P08-TIC-4100, TIN2008-04718-E, TIN2010-
21744, TIN2010-09809-E, TIN2010-10811-E, and
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies