Abramowicz Witold, Bukowska El
zbieta, Dzikowski Jakub, Filipowska Agata and Kaczmarek Monika
Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Commerce, Poznan University of Economics
al. Niepodleglosci 10, 61-875 Poznan, Poland
Expert finding system, Semantic query interface design, Web interface evaluation.
In this paper, we address the issue of designing an interface for a semantic-based expert finding system that
allows for creation of sophisticated queries in a user-friendly manner. The designed interface supports the
structured way of building queries, the usage of semantic concepts, as well as facilitates the process of defin-
ing complex logical structures. We also discuss the procedure and the outcomes of the interface usability
Today, organizations often take advantage of data
available on the Internet to locate experts they re-
quire. As the data available is dispersed and of dis-
tributed nature, a need appears to support the human
resources management process using IT-based solu-
tions, e.g., information extraction and retrieval sys-
tems, especially expert finding systems. There are
many research and commercial initiatives aiming at
development of expert retrieval systems. One of such
initiatives is the on-going Polish project eXtraSpec
Its main goal is to combine company’s internal elec-
tronic documents and information sources available
on the Internet to provide an effective way of search-
ing experts with competencies in the given field.
In order to answer users’ queries on experts, the
eXtraSpec system acquires and extracts information
from various sources, and finally, taking advantage
of the semantics, reasons over person’s characteris-
tics. One of the problems that arises in this context
is the simplicity and intuitive use of the interface to
formulate the queries by a user. The interface that
would allow to formulate complex queries would not
fulfil its goal, if users would not be able to use it in
practice. Therefore, within the project our aim was to
find a balance between the possibilities offered by the
querying approach followed within the system and in-
tuitiveness of using the querying interface.
The main goal of this paper is to present the ap-
proach followed within the eXtraSpec project, which
led to the development of a semantic-based mecha-
nism to retrieve experts. In addition, the evaluation
results confirming the usefulness of a system interface
being a front-end to this mechanism are presented.
In order to fulfil the mentioned goals, the paper is
structured as follows. First, the related work in the
area of expert finding systems and interface design
is discussed. Next, the eXtraSpec system along with
query strategies is presented. Then, remarks on the
Web interface developed follow. Finally, the interface
evaluation outcomes are presented and discussed. The
paper concludes with final remarks.
2.1 Expert Finding Systems
First systems focusing on expertise identification re-
lied on a database like structure containing a descrip-
tion of experts’ skills (e.g., (Yimam-Seid and Kobsa,
2003)). Such systems faced many problems, e.g., how
to ensure precise results (Kautz et al., 1996) or how
to guarantee the accuracy and validity of stored in-
formation. To address these problems, other systems
were proposed (e.g., (Campbell et al., 2003), (Hawk-
ing, 2004)).
Currently, the Web offers many possibilities to
find information on experts. There are a number of
contact management or social portals, where users
Witold A., El
zbieta B., Jakub D., Agata F. and Monika K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003503902910296
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 291-296
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
can look for experts, potential employees or publish
their curricula in order to be found by future employ-
Regarding the algorithms applied, at first, stan-
dard IR techniques to locate an expert on a given
topic were used (Ackerman et al., 2002; Krulwich and
Burkey, 1996). Then, to deal with the well-known IR
problems, methods such as probabilistic techniques or
language analysis techniques to improve the quality
of finding systems had been proposed (e.g., (Balog
et al., 2006; Fang and Zhai, 2007; Petkova and Croft,
2006; Serdyukov and Hiemstra, 2008)). Finally, the
Semantic Web technology has been used to enrich de-
scriptions within expert finding systems e.g., (Dorn
et al., 2007).
The expert finding systems have interfaces similar
to the regular search engines. A typical interface con-
sist of a field, where a user poses a query and a but-
ton that starts searching. A more complicated view
is associated with the advanced search, however, even
then interface designers work on making it intuitive.
Nevertheless, even such simple interfaces may pose
severe problems when it comes to keyword specifica-
tion (Muramatsu and Pratt, 2001).
(Shneiderman et al., 1997) specified eight design
guidelines for the development of search user inter-
faces: offering informative feedback, provision of
mechanisms for ordering of results and reformulating
queries, showing relevant information, providing al-
ternative interface mechanisms, offering simple error
handling mechanisms, striving for consistency in the
interface, permitting easy reversal of actions, apply-
ing graphic design principles established in the HCI
These guidelines were taken into account while
developing the interface for the eXtraSpec system.
2.2 A Role of an Interface in the
Software Engineering Lifecycle
A user interface is often one of the most critical fac-
tors for the success or failure of a computerized sys-
tem (Vliet, 2008). A user judges the quality of a sys-
tem based on the interface and the way it helps to ac-
complish users’ tasks. In a technical sense, we per-
ceive a user interface as an architecture layer sepa-
rated from the application logic.
According to (Mayhew, 1999; Vliet, 2008), a
well-designed user interface contributes to the qual-
ity of a system in the following ways: increased ef-
ficiency, improved productivity, reduced errors, re-
duced training and improved acceptance.
E.g., www.123people.com, sig.ma, www.bizwiz.com,
www.xing.com or linkedin.com
Evaluation of user interfaces is often performed
using questionnaires (Perlman, 1985; Hornbaek,
2006). There is a number of different approaches
to design questionnaires assessing various aspects of
usability, validity, reliability e.g. (Norman, 1997;
Lewis, 1995; Wiklund, 1994; Lin et al., 1997; Lund,
The above approaches defined a number of differ-
ent interface evaluation criteria. These criteria may be
further grouped into categories that include inter alia:
learnability: clarity of wording, support materials,
contextual support, support, etc.
user satisfaction: understandability, ease of learn-
ing, etc.
ease of use: focusing on user friendliness, flexi-
bility, etc.
usefulness supporting efficiency, productivity,
time savings, etc.
computation efficiency.
A typical questionnaire besides including ques-
tions from these categories, usually finishes with an
overall judgement of the interface from the user’s
point of view. This judgement depends however on
user’s knowledge and his previous experience.
Other type of interface evaluation methods include
interviews or user observation methods (Dumas and
Redish, 1993).
In order to identify the requirements towards the eX-
traSpec system, first some searching scenarios a per-
son looking for experts may be interested in, were
considered. This allowed especially to specify re-
quirements towards the developed ontology, reason-
ing mechanism and GUI.
3.1 Querying Strategies
The mentioned scenarios have been specified based
on the carefully conducted studies of the literature
and interviews with employers. The six most com-
mon searching goals are as follows:
1. To find an expert with some experience on a posi-
tion of interest.
The requirement on the GUI includes enabling
specification of job name (a position of interest)
and length of experience required.
2. To find an expert having some specific language
skills on a desired level.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Regarding requirements for GUI, there is a need
to point to a language of interest (a list), indicate
the proficiency level and a certificate name (if de-
3. To find an expert having some competencies.
GUI has to give possibility to point to a name of a
skill/competency of interest.
4. To find students who graduated recently/will grad-
uate in a given domain.
A requirement for GUI is to point to a category
of educational organization or a specific organiza-
tion, to name the result, a start and an end date of
the education.
5. To find a person having expertise in a specific do-
The requirement on GUI is to specify a domain of
6. To find a person with a specific education, com-
petency, job, etc.
The requirement on GUI is to give possibility
to combine various categories into one complex
query and make it as easy as possible to specify
various logically connected constraints.
The above querying strategies imposed some re-
quirements on the information that should be avail-
able for experts as well as ontologies that needed to
be developed for the project needs. Requirements
on ontologies were further discussed in (Abramowicz
et al., 2011). In addition, the following requirements
may be defined towards the querying mechanism of
the system:
REQ QM.1: The querying mechanism (QM)
MUST allow to build queries in a structured way
(i.e., feature: desired value);
REQ QM.2: The QM MUST support definition of
desired values of attributes in a way suitable to the
type of data stored within the given feature (i.e.,
text fields using wild-cards, date fields after of
before certain dates; numbers – less than . . . );
REQ QM.3: The QM MUST allow to join a sub-
set of selected criteria within the same category
into one complex requirement (e.g., category: ed-
ucation; education level: university AND finished
date: after 2010 year) using different logical op-
REQ QM.4: The QM MUST allow to formulate a
set of complex requirements within one category
with different logical operators;
REQ QM.5: It MUST allow to join complex
requirements formulated in various profile cate-
gories into one criteria with different logical oper-
The logical operators between different set of cri-
teria and criteria themselves, include such operators
as: must, should, must not.
The requirements for the system Web interface
that result from the above defined requirements to-
wards the entire querying mechanism are detailed and
presented in section 4.1.
The front-end to the eXtraSpec system should enable
users to build complex queries describing characteris-
tics of the desired experts. Below we present the iden-
tified requirements together with the interface model
and implementation-related issues.
4.1 Requirements
During the analysis phase the following requirements
for the considered expert finding system interface
have been defined:
REQ IN.1: The interface MUST enable a user to
specify constraints on expert’s attributes and se-
lect whether the value of an attribute is required,
desired (but not required) or not allowed.
REQ IN.2: The interface SHOULD enable group-
ing of constraints e.g. it should be possible to
specify a graduated school and graduation date as
one criterion.
REQ IN.3: The interface SHOULD provide a pos-
sibility to build queries which include comple-
mentary and alternative constraints.
REQ IN.4: The interface SHOULD enable pro-
viding some of criteria values typed-in as free text
(with wildcards) and some of them to be selected
from the eXtraSpec system knowledge base.
REQ IN.5: The interface SHOULD be loosely
coupled with the system (following the Seeheim
REQ IN.6: The interface SHOULD be under-
standable and easy to use.
The complexity of the querying eXtraSpec system
should not affect the interface usability. An average
computer-skilled user should facilely express his or
her information needs regardless of their complexity.
Figure 1: User interface — specifying criteria.
4.2 Conceptual Model of Interface
The search criteria are divided into the following cat-
egories: personal data, education, professional expe-
rience, foreign languages, courses, certificates, addi-
tional skills, organization membership and interests.
Most of them reflect categories from the expert’s pro-
file in the system, but some (like foreign languages)
are created to ease access to frequently used criteria
(foreign languages can be found also in the additional
skills category).
The categories consist of groups of fields. For ex-
ample, in the expert education category there is an ed-
ucation group which includes such fields like educa-
tional organization, graduation date or achieved pro-
fessional title. The desired values of these fields are
specified in the interface by criteria values, and field
groups by criteria groups. Each criterion has a label
and a value typed by the user, selected from list or
from values tree.
4.3 Definition of Search Criteria
The search criteria are assigned to categories and ini-
tially categories are presented to a user. After clicking
an appropriate button, a category can be activated or
deactivated. Besides, a user can hide criteria in a cat-
egory (without deactivating it), what should be useful
when building complex queries.
A user can also add a group of criteria by click-
ing a button “Add criteria” or selecting a group name
from the list, which is presented instead of a button,
when in a category there are multiple groups of cri-
teria. In figure 1 there is group for education which
consists of five criteria (school, achieved professional
title, scope, topic, start date and graduation date) and
there are single-criterion groups, like last name or e-
mail address. Within a group, a user can specify al-
ternate criteria, for example in figure 1 alternate last
names are specified. The user can add these criteria
by clicking a button “or... or “neither... (depend-
ing on a type constraint for the group). Clicking “x”
button will cause removal of a particular criterion. A
selected type constraint is related with an appropriate
highlighting style of the criteria group.
A user can type some of the criteria, for example
last name or e-mail address; with the use of wildcards,
when needed. The values for some criteria depend on
knowledge base of the eXtraSpec system and possible
values are loaded from the ontology. In this case, a
user specifies them by clicking on a particular field
and then selecting appropriate values from a tree in a
pop-up window (see figure 2). The selected items are
presented on the bottom of the pop-up window and,
finally, in the appropriate field.
Within our research we followed the remote testing
approach, i.e., the users were not directly observed
while testing the application. The testing procedure
was discussed with them during a meeting, and they
were also informed what is the aim of the experiment
and what is to be tested. Then, they were given a test-
ing task together with an accompanying questionnaire
to fill in.
Figure 2: User interface — window for criteria selection.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
5.1 Experiment Description
The experiment that aimed at the evaluation of the
user interface was carried out in two distinct phases
with a 2-weeks’ break in-between.
The first phase was focused on learning how to
use the interface and pose the queries using the sys-
tem. The users were provided with a set of free-text
queries (considering query strategies presented in sec-
tion 3.1) and asked to express these queries using the
provided interface. These queries reflected common
information needs that may occur in experts finding
systems. Afterwards, they were to provide the query
generated by the system, which was displayed to them
in addition to the results. They were also to describe
their overall impression from using the system. This
way of interviewing users made them focus on pro-
viding the query as close to requirements as possible.
The user also knew that they may influence the final
version of the interface, so they provided also recom-
mendation what should be changed within the system.
In the second phase users again were asked to ex-
periment with the system, however, this time they
were asked to provide detailed marks for each feature
of the interface. The aim of this phase of the experi-
ment was to evaluate the interface quality.
The users were not initially informed that this is a
two-phase experiment.
In both phases the same group of user’s partici-
pated. The group consisted of 31 students in their fi-
nal year of the bachelor studies. The students have
just finished their software engineering course during
which they discussed various examples of user inter-
faces as well as guidelines for the interface design.
Some of the students are also part-time employees of
IT companies.
5.2 Experiment Results
As a result of the first phase of experiment 70 query
instances with average accuracy at 83% were gath-
ered (all generated queries were checked for com-
pleteness). The best reached accuracy is 95% with
12 query instances, the worst 56% with 8 instances.
The first phase of the experiment showed that the
current interface makes the system easy to use, but
the level of error tolerance or user assistance while
generating queries should be improved. The users
suggested to include an automcompletion mechanism
while writing or some pre-check of data introduced
in a field. This however, could lead to limiting the
user in expressing the query. In case there are no ex-
pert profiles fulfilling the requirements, nothing is re-
Table 1: Detailed results of experiments.
Category 1 2 3 4 5 Average
General 2% 6.5% 15% 59% 18% 3.9
Screen 2% 16% 16% 40% 27% 3.7
Capabilities 0% 2% 13% 32% 53% 4.4
Terminology 0% 16% 18% 42% 24% 3.7
Ease of use 3% 19% 32% 39% 8% 3.3
The detailed evaluation of the system however, was
provided in the second phase of the experiment held.
Here users, were to answer 12 detailed questions
about the features of the system. They were assessing
the interface following the Likert’s approach (with the
use of 1–5 scale) in the below categories:
general: general impression, appriopriateness for
users with various computer abilities;
screen: distribution of element of the screen, intu-
itiveness, similarity to front-ends of other known
finding systems;
capabilities: speed and reliability;
terminology: appropriate labels, icons and mes-
ease of use.
The best rating the application’s front-end gained
in the capabilities category and the worst in the ease of
use category (mainly because of not enough support
offered to the user while defining the query). Results
of the evaluation are presented in the table 1.
The most interesting, however, are not the average
evaluation results for each category, but their distribu-
tion when it comes to the different values of the scale.
The system was judged as good or very good by most
of the users. They also underlined that the system is
suitable also for a user without the expertise in IT (es-
pecially when it comes to the advanced querying).
Within this paper we have described the eXtraSpec
system together with its querying interface allowing
to find persons with specific characteristics. We ar-
gue that designing a Web interface for a semantically-
enabled system while providing new querying possi-
bilities, poses also new challenges within the interface
design process. The conducted evaluation has proven
that extending the query definition process using an
appropriate form that need to be filled in before sub-
mitting the query, while allowing for expressing more
complex queries, is still understandable to users, and
quality of results achieved re-compensates the effort
needed to be invested into the query definition pro-
The work published in this article was supported by
the project titled: Advanced data extraction meth-
ods for the needs of expert search” financed under the
Innovative Economy Framework and partially sup-
ported by European Union in the European Regional
Development Fund programme (contract no. UDA-
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems