Rodrigo García-Carmona, Félix Cuadrado, Juan C. Dueñas
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos, ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Álvaro Navas
Cloud & Security Laboratory, HP Labs, Long Down Av., Stoke Gifford, Bristol, U.K.
Keywords: OSGi, Open source, Software integration, Component distribution.
Abstract: Open source is a software development paradigm that has seen a huge rise in recent years. It reduces IT
costs and time to market, while increasing security and reliability. However, the difficulty in integrating
developments from different communities and stakeholders prevents this model from reaching its full
potential. This is mainly due to the challenge of determining and locating the correct dependencies for a
given software artifact. To solve this problem we propose the development of an extensible software
component repository based upon models. This repository should be capable of solving the dependencies
between several components and work with already existing repositories to access the needed artifacts
transparently. This repository will also be easily expandable, enabling the creation of modules that support
new kinds of dependencies or other existing repository technologies. The proposed solution will work with
OSGi components and use OSGi itself.
In recent years software development has been
undergoing a huge change, evolving from a closed
software paradigm to new processes that incorporate
open source software in products and services. The
number and relevance of software developments
based in the open source paradigm have experienced
an exponential growth (Deshpande and Riehle,
The reason for this lies in the particular strengths
that open source can bring into the table, like its
ability to reduce IT costs, deliver products faster and
improve the security and reliability of systems. This
situation has been also fostered by the numerous
success cases in industry that have followed this
model. In fact, sources like Forrester have described
2009 as “the year IT professionals realized that open
source runs their business”, and predict that this
trend is going to continue in the following years
(Evelson and Hammond, 2010).
Most of the strengths that open source provides
are the product of the open communities and the
development models that arise from them. At this
point it has become clear that the community efforts
are leveraged by the participating elements, with
everyone benefitting from the created ecosystem.
Example succesful communities are the Apache
Software Foundation, the Eclipse Foundation, the
ObjectWeb community and SourceForge.
Those communities have matured with different
collaboration and architecture models. As a
consequence, these communities are like isolated
islands which no communication between them.
Unfortunately, while they achieve a very high
internal consistency, there is a severe lack of
compatibility and integration among them. This
hampers one of the most important factors for the
success of open source; the reusability of code, since
the lack of integration complicates this process.
These integration challenges are also aggravated by
the multiplicity of tools used by different projects.
To further complicate this issue, most of these tools
are not concerned in working with other solutions.
The heart of this problem lies in evaluating the
interdependencies of software components. These
García-Carmona R., Cuadrado F., Dueñas J. and Navas Á..
DOI: 10.5220/0003507000760085
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 76-85
ISBN: 978-989-8425-77-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
dependencies tend to form a complex mesh that can
span several projects and code bases and it is
difficult and costly to navigate. One of the most
severe problems of open source development is
figuring which already existing components one has
to use.
In addition to the technology impedance
mismatch, there are additional factors which must be
considered. An often overlooked factor with open
source usage is the existence of several software
licenses. While on first thought these elements
should not interfere, they do actually restrict the
potential uses, since some of these licenses are
incompatible between them or with commercial
It can be seen that the problem lies not only in
code interoperability but also in additional aspects,
such as legal license compatibility, or design
according to similar hardware capabilities. In
practice, all these problems tend to produce
fragmentation, complicating the use of what
software it is already available.
The meeting point for this integration is, in
almost every community, a software repository.
Since the repository act as a central hub for all
development efforts, the difficulties exposed here
are particularly evident in it.
In this article we present a comprehensive,
model-based component repository that provides
two features that ease the integration of software
elements: 1) An automatic dependency resolution
that can work with several types of concerns
(software, hardware, etc...) and 2) A federation
system that can aggregate the contents of other
repositories and in turn expose their own
components to the outside world.
This repository has been developed in the
context of the ITEA-OSAMI European project and
its objective is to act as a main hub in an Internet
federation of repositories, while being publicly
available. It integrates artifacts published by the
members of both the ITEA-OSAMI project itself
and external partners.
This article is structured as follows: The next
section gives a brief explanation of the most recent
developments in the topics that concern our work.
Section 3 explains our proposal in detail, and section
4 performs a validation of our work using an
implementation of the repository. Finally, the last
section outlines the conclusions we have reached
and shows how our work could be further developed
in the future.
In this section we provide a brief state of the art of
the technologies that are especially relevant for our
proposal: the OSGi component model and the
already existing software repository solutions.
2.1 The OSGi Component and Service
OSGi is an open specification that defines a
component and service model for the Java platform.
The latest version of the specification is 4.2 (OSGi
Alliance, 2009), and is maintained by the OSGi
Alliance, a consortium formed by embedded and
enterprise companies, such as IBM, Oracle, Red Hat
or Siemens. It was originally designed for home
gateways and embedded systems, but its adoption
has greatly increased lately in desktop tools and
enterprise application servers.
The relevance of the OSGI specification has
increased mainly because it provides a modularity
layer that was missing in the Java platform. This is
enabled by the definition of OSGi bundles. Bundles
extend java libraries (JAR files), allowing them to
expose their functionality to the rest of the platform
in a controlled way. Bundles use the Java manifest
file to declare explicitly what does the component
provide to the rest of elements (in the form of java
packages) and what does it require in order to work
property (either java packages or complete bundles),
providing in both cases version compatibility
information. This directly addresses the ‘JAR hell’
problem of complex Java-based systems, greatly
easing the deployment and configuration of new
Additionally, OSGi bundles collaborate through
a lightweight service mechanism, with services
being runtime Java objects that implement
interfaces. This enables effective decoupling
between collaborating components and simplifies
the development of extensible systems. The OSGi
framework provides an execution platform for OSGi
bundles, enabling dynamic deployment and
configuration of the components. These factors
make OSGi bundles an ideal specification for open,
composable service-based ecosystems, as it provides
simple mechanisms for effective interoperability and
All in all, OSGi is the best solution in the Java
world for the design and implementation of modular
applications. It enables an even lower coupling and
brings the SOA principles to the virtual machine.
Our proposal will use OSGi for both the components
it will manage and the actual repository itself.
2.2 Software Repository Standards
At this moment there are several repository
technologies that are popular in open source
communities. Every one of them has its own
component model and capabilities. We detail each in
this section, with a special focus in their support of
OSGi bundles and federation capabilities.
Maven (Massol et al., 2004) is one of these
solutions, a software project management and
comprehension tool. Maven has become the de facto
standard for managing Java projects, thanks mainly
to the support and its extended use inside the Apache
community. Maven uses a generic project
description model for describing software projects
named Project Object Model (POM). The POM file
of a project defines the project’s lifecycle as well as
its dependencies and configuration parameters.
However, this model has been defined as generic as
possible, in order to cover a wide range of software
projects. Hence, it does not accurately reflect the
special relationships of specific types of software
components, such as OSGi bundles. For example,
dependencies onto a particular software package can
be defined, but not onto a complete bundle. POM
cannot describe these kinds of dependencies, losing
information in going from manifest to POM. Despite
this disadvantage, Maven repositories provide other
interesting capabilities, such as being able to store
all the information concerning a project (source
code, documentation, etc) or the hierarchical
federation with other Maven repositories,
augmenting the Maven basic dependency resolution
mechanism. However, this mechanism does not
work with repositories implemented using other
Another model used to describe bundles is the
OBR (OSGi Bundle Repository) project. This model
was presented as the draft OSGi RFC 112 (Hall,
2006). The RFC defines both an XML schema for
bundle description and the Java API for browsing
OBR repositories. An OBR repository is very simple
in its structure, providing just an XML file
describing the server contents. This eases the
creation of OBR repositories as only the bundles and
how to download them need to be described, leaving
plenty of freedom to design the architecture
supporting those operations. This simplicity has the
drawback that the clients are forced to carry out
most of the operations, a problem aggravated by the
fact that there is no standard definition of an OBR
client. The draft status of the OBR presents
additional disadvantages, such as the lack of
mechanisms for managing repository contents (e.g.
upload new bundle, update, or delete). and that the
federation mechanism between OBR repositories is
not well-defined.
In the 3.0 version of Eclipse, the Eclipse
architecture was changed to use OSGi as the project
core. This change pushed the Eclipse community to
develop their own bundle repository, named P2 (Le
Berre and Rapicault, 2009). The P2 repository is
widely used, since version 3.4 of the Eclipse
Platform uses it as the management mechanism for
its components (OSGi bundles). The P2
specification defines two repository types: metadata
and artifact. The metadata repository stores
Installable Units, which are the P2 representation of
an artifact. This means that almost anything can be
described as an Installable Unit (configuration files,
bundles, executables, etc). The metadata repository
also provides the P2 federation mechanism.
Complementing it is the artifact repository, which
stores the binary and description files associated to
the Installable Units. There is also a third
component, the Director, which is part of the
repository client. The Director is in charge of
resolving dependencies and installing and
uninstalling the artifacts. However, this solution has
an important drawback: Its component model is
concerned only with software direct dependencies,
being oblivious to other constraints that could affect
Also, the increasing success of the OSGi
platform has stimulated the creation of proprietary
bundle repositories especially dedicated to store this
type of software components. The Spring Bundle
Repository (Rubio, 2009) is the most notorious
example of this trend. This repository stores a
collection of bundles and library description files
ready for production use. A library description file is
a document describing a set of bundles that are
frequently used together. The access to the
repository is made through Maven, Ivy or a web
interface. The web interface shows information
related to the dependencies and exported resources
of a bundle, offering links to download them.
However, the proprietary nature of this solution
greatly limits its applicability and usefulness.
It can be seen that there are a lot of existing
solutions for a bundle repository. But with the
exception of the Spring repository (which supports
Maven), there are no federation mechanisms
between repositories of different types. On top of
that, different development communities have
chosen different repository solutions. This fact
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
makes implementing a dependency resolution
mechanism a difficult task.
Despite a previous attempt at creating standard-
complying repositories (Iyengar, 1998), this work
has not been followed up since its publication.
However, in the digital contents world there are
many studies (Kraan and Mason, 2005) and
proposals (Smith et al., 2003) (Van de Sompel et al.,
2006) on this topic. But none of them have been
applied to a software artifact repository. There are
huge differences in nature and needs between
software components and multimedia contents, and
the solution that works with one cannot be used with
the other without severe modifications.
In this section we detail our proposed solution. For
this aim we have divided this chapter in several
As we have already said in the introduction, our
aim was to provide an artifact repository that helps
to improve software integration. To achieve this, our
solution provides two main features: A faceted
dependency resolution, and a repository federation
engine. One subsection is devoted to each of them.
Also, to fully grasp how we propose to fulfill
both, first we introduce two basic topics needed for
the proper understanding of our proposed repository:
1) the characteristics of the model representation of
software artifacts, and 2) the architecture of the
repository itself.
3.1 Software Component Metamodel
To enable the correct processing of the components
the repository needs to manage, and the integration
of information to and from other solutions, it is
imperative to have a model representation of the
software elements. Therefore, we have defined a
metamodel with enough expressivity to capture all
the information that we need, but at the same time
hiding non needed data.
From this metamodel, a model instance
describing each software artifact, its capabilities and
its needs can be created. We have named these
model instances Deployment Descriptors.
Although the metamodel will be primarily used
to represent OSGi-related artifacts, it has been
designed to support without modifications other
elements, such as non-bundle JARs or additional
component/service models (such as EJBs, Spring
beans or Web Services). The metamodel aims to
capture all the relevant information of all types of
software elements. This is enabled by the concept of
Resource, which we have adopted from the OMG
Deployment & Configuration (Object Management
Group, 2006) standard.
Figure 1: Software component metamodel.
Figure 1 depicts a subset of the metamodel. As can
be seen in it, Resources are the main building
blocks. A Resource represents any logical or
physical manageable system element, and it is
defined by three fixed parameters (name, version
and type) common to all Resources and an undefined
list of specific Properties for each Resource type.
The core element is the Deployment Unit.
Deployment Units represent the artifacts which can
be deployed over the environment containers. In an
OSGi context, Deployment Units represent OSGi
bundles. Conceptually, a Deployment Unit would be
the lowest abstraction level of our software model,
being the unit of software distribution. The
Deployment Unit is composed by a set of children
Resources, Dependencies and Constraints that
provide computable information about the
developer, software license, packaging type,
exported packages, logical dependencies and
hardware compatibility restrictions.
Dependencies represent the required physical
and logical dependencies needed in order to assure a
smooth running of the Deployment Unit. Two types
of elements can satisfy a Dependency: specific
Resources or whole Deployment Units. This
represents the two main mechanisms defined in
OSGi: Require-Bundle and Import-Package. In
addition to this, the metamodel allows us to further
describe the type of Dependency, enabling to
differentiate requirements on remote resources such
as Web or REST Services from requirements that
must be satisfied by a unit in the same host (e.g. as it
provides a Java package). This aspect is identified
by a locality parameter that could be remote or local.
Finally, Constraints enable the expression of
requirements over the runtime execution
environment, each one requiring a specific Resource
to be present at (or absent from) the environment.
Following this definition, we have defined three
kinds of Constraints, depending on the required
behavior: default (to be present), exclusive (to be
present and not used more than once) and not (to not
be present). To further extend the Dependency and
Constraint models, Properties can be defined. Each
needed Property can be defined by a name, an
evaluation function and a threshold value.
As an example, a typical Constraint would
identify a Resource of type “hardware.processor”
with an additional Property “speed” of a kind
“minimum” and an expression value of “2000”. This
means that the Deployment Unit requires a
microprocessor with a minimum speed of 2 GHz.
Both Dependencies and Constraints are shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Dependencies and Constraints.
The metamodel allows us to represent all the OSGi-
specific mechanisms, as well as expressing
important information that is not contemplated on
the original format (the manifest file) or the
information models of other repository solutions.
This means that a conversion from one of those
solutions into our proposal would not result in the
loss of information, although the opposite would.
3.2 Repository Architecture
The need to federate with multiple types of
repositories, as well as evaluating component
dependency taking into account multiple factors
have motivated us to design the architecture of the
repository with a modular and extensible approach.
We have selected the OSGi platform as the base
technology to achieve those requirements, On a side
note, this allowed us to test the system from the
start, in order to check whether the repository was
able to host itself successfully. Figure 3 shows a
layered view of the repository components.
In the lower levels lie the Java Virtual Machine,
the OSGi framework, and a database solution for
storing the relevant information. On top of it are the
basic OSGi components from third parties that are
needed for the repository to work. The repository
uses Spring Dynamic Modules for structuring the
inter-bundle communications. The EMF (Eclipse
modeling Framework) components enable the
definition of the metamodel and provide the tools
needed to work with them programmatically.
Hibernate Provides an ORM (Object-Relational
Mapping) interface with the
Figure 3: Repository Architecture.
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
database system. Finally, the Apache Tomcat
bundles embed a lightweight application server that
will host the remote access interfaces developed for
the repository.
The next layer contains the basic components of
the repository:
Software Model: Provides the metamodel
defined at the previous section, as well as Java
bindings and marshalling mechanisms.
Repository Core: The basic component of the
repository. Provides the main service
interfaces of the components and defines the
extension semantics.
Repository Manager: This component
manages the physical artifacts and the
component information. It provides CRUD
(Create-Read-Update-Delete) operations over
the managed Deployment Units,
Web Interface: Web-based graphical user
interface that allows human users to browse
the repository contents.
Remote Interface: Exposes a REST interface
that enables the communication between the
repository and other software.
Resolver: The component that processes and
resolves Deployment Unit dependencies,
obtaining unit closures that work correctly
Finally, the topmost level of the diagram shows
some extensions to the repository that expand the
base functionality to federate with an additional type
of repositories (OBR), and apply additional criteria
for the dependency resolution. Over the next
sections we will present additional details on the
federation and resolution capabilities of the
3.3 Faceted Dependency Resolution
This modular architecture makes possible the easy
expansion of the repository capabilities. This feature
is used to define different types of dependencies,
each one resolved by a different component.
Moreover, this structure enables the definition of a
faceted dependency resolution engine. In it, there are
not only several dependency types, but also
additional conditions that the candidates to satisfy
one need to comply. These conditions are called
An example of a Facet is the license
compatibility. It is perfectly possible that a
Deployment Unit satisfies every dependency that
another has, but at the same time do not be valid
because their licenses are incompatible. Other Facets
could be security settings, packaging procedures or
execution requirements. Each Facet can be added to
Figure 4: Dependency Resolution.
the resolution engine as an OSGi bundle, and it
offers its features as services that are called by the
resolution core component.
An example of this process that uses a License
Compatibility Facet we developed is shown in
Figure 4. In it a user calls the resolver with the
intention of knowing the dependencies needed for a
Deployment Unit (DU). The resolver processes
every Dependency, looking for other Deployment
Units that can satisfy it. After some of them have
been found, the resolver searches for Facets that
need to be checked and, after finding one (License
Compatibility), makes use of it. In this particular
example only one unit is valid after this check.
3.4 Repository Federation
To enable the integration between open source
components it is not enough to just resolve their
dependencies. It is also necessary to be able to
provide the artifacts that fulfill those requirements.
Since open source communities are fragmented and
each one uses different tools and techniques, the
repository needs to access and understand the
information that lies in other repositories. To
achieve this end, the federation capabilities allow
our repository to communicate with external types of
repositories currently available. Federation support
is designed with extensibility in mind, and each
technology extension can be federated just by
providing three services:
Model transformation service between our
information model instances and the format
the target solution uses to represent software
Remote manager service that accesses the
information contained in the external
federated repositories.
Remote interface service that can be accessed
by the target solution repositories. This is only
possible if the target solution has some kind of
federation support for repositories of its own
For a more detailed explanation of how these
features can be implemented we will use OBR as an
example of a target solution. An example of an
infrastructure that uses this two-way federation is
depicted in Figure 5.
3.4.1 Sample Integration: OBR
The OSGi Bundle Repository RFC is a draft
standard for providing a common interface to
distributed OSGi repositories. Its official nature,
alignment to OSGi concepts and the explicit
acknowledgement of federation requirements make
it an ideal candidate for testing our federation
approach. Here we present how we achieve two-way
integration between our repository instances and
federated OBR repositories.
Figure 5: Repository Federation.
We talk about two-way federation, as we both
act as OBR providers and consumers. For external
OBR repositories, we offer an OBR view that can be
used by them in their standard federated dependency
resolution processes. Additionally, our repository
can handle a list of external OBR repositories, and
can delegate dependency resolution requests to the
distributed OBR instances. Both approaches of
federation are achieved though the same method:
Model transformation from our generic model to the
specific component model defined by OBR.
For maximizing extensibility, the OBR model
does not explicitly rely on OSGi concepts. The
repository works with resources, identified by a
symbolic name and a version. Additionally, a
download URL is provided for each element. Each
resource contains two types of declarations. First,
resources offer a list of capabilities to the
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 6: Model mapping between OBR and the presented model.
environment. They represent either the whole
element (named bundle), or a software element such
as a java package (named package). Each capability
is further refined through properties, which have a
name, value and value type (e.g. String or number).
The second kind of elements are requirement
statements, that demand the presence of resources in
the resolved configuration. They model logical
requirements that must be satisfied. This
specification’s concepts can be mapped to a subset
of the Deployment Unit model.
Figure 6 presents an example mapping between
both models. Every OBR concept has an equivalent
definition in our abstractions. The OBR resource
plus the bundle capability elements are mapped to
the base Deployment Unit concept (The definition of
units as resource subclasses allows this). Additional
capabilities are mapped to unit exported Resources,
such as the presented java package. Resource
visibility information is lost, which is not
problematic for OSGi-specific elements (all of them
are local), but presents the limitations of OBR for
reasoning over distributed physical environments.
Additionally, each OBR requirement is mapped into
a logical Dependency. All the information derived
from the Constraints from our model has no
equivalent. This bears no impact from the OBR
perspective, as our repository provides all the
required information. On the other hand, the use of
federated OBR repositories by our specific instance
can result in lesser-quality results, in cases when
physical concerns need to be evaluated.
ITEA-OSAMI is an European project which is being
executed by 34 partners from both the academia and
enterprise. The objective of this project is to develop
open source common foundations for a distributed,
dynamic service-oriented platform.
Consortium partners come from multiple
domains (healthcare, personal, and mobile office),
follow different software development processes,
and depend on existing open source resources from
different communities. This created a need for a
centralized platform that eased partner integration.
The repository presented in this article has been
developed and deployed in order to address the
project requirements. It has widely succeeded at this
task, becoming the central point of the ITEA-
OSAMI ecosystem. ITEA-OSAMI’s running
instance of the repository can be publicly accessed
at: http://repository.osami-commons.org (Figure 7
shows the visual aspect of the web interface, whis is
listing several units already resolved).
After assessing partner concerns, we provided
two extensions to the repository. Regarding
federation, OBR support was developed, as it was
mandatory to support OBR-based deployment
clients as well as accessing open source bundles
Figure 7: Screenshot.
developed at two third-party repositories.
Additionally, since the beginning of the project open
source license management was a potentially
conflicting aspect among partners. However, these
issues were addressed with the definition of a
license-aware dependency Facet, based on the
dependency compatibility analysis module from
another project partner.
In this context, we have validated the proposed
metamodel, as well as the defined architecture and
extensibility capabilities. It has successfully been
used by all the project partners, providing a common
integration point for the developed open source
software and services, both internally created and
from the main open source communities.
In this article we have proposed an architecture of a
model-based repository for the integration of
software components, with a special focus on OSGi
bundles. This repository has been designed around
an information model for software components,
which manages to show all relevant data while
hiding the undesired complexities.
We have also shown how this architecture has
been designed to be extensible. Using this
modularity we have demonstrated how it can be
easily expanded to support two important features:
Faceted dependency resolution: Offers support
for an unlimited number of conditions that
dependencies are forced to respect.
Two-way federation: Enables our solution to
access contents available in other repositories
and at the same time expose itself to them.
We also have developed a license compatibility
Facet and the components needed to achieve
federation with OBR repositories.
Finally, our work has been validated in the
context of the ITEA-OSAMI European project,
where it has been subjected to an intensive use by
more than 30 partners from different countries and
sources (universities, research centers, software and
telecom companies, etc).
Concerning future developments, the most
straightforward way to improve the already existing
work is through the support of more repository
technologies for federation and new dependency
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Facets. In the first field, federation with Eclipse P2
would be the most interesting repository to support,
since it sees wide use in several communities. About
dependency Facets, more of them could be
developed, taking as an example the license check
already created. These components are relatively
easy to implement thanks to the infrastructure of our
Not directly related with this, but also
interesting, are the possibilities for the repository to
work in a cloud environment. This line of work is
concerned not only with the deployment of the
repository itself, but also with how it can manage the
software artifacts of several types of cloud solutions
(IaaS, PaaS or SaaS). To support features like these
the information model would probably need to be
extended and the architecture of the repository
The work presented in this article has been
performed in the context of the European project
ITEA-OSAMI, under grant by Spanish Ministerio de
Industria, Turismo y Comercio in the PROFIT
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