As shown in the previous sections, our proposal takes
benefit from many techniques used in distributed sys-
tems. However, these techniques have never been put
together and neither tested and need to be discussed:
Master Cluster Reduction. Some members of the
master region might be excluded from the active repli-
cation. Active replication does not scale well (Wies-
mann and Schiper, 2005) and with the proper selec-
tion of representatives we could speed up this process.
Enhance the Takeover Process. A pseudo-primary
could do active replication within its cluster. This role
is not an exclusive one in the cluster, it can be also
responsible for several smart meters and, thus, col-
laborate in the active replication protocol. Recall that
there are not so many nodes in a given cluster.
Failure Detection. Active replication within a
pseudo-primary cluster may (1) enhance the failure
node detection process, and (2) speed up the synchro-
nization of the new device in the replication chain.
Distributed Computing. Our proposed architec-
ture allows to perform distributed computation on the
read steps. Thanks to the fact that required data travel
across the replication chain, each node might be able
perform a piece of the computation required.
Dynamic Replication Depth Tuning. If we were
able to dynamically adjust thisvalue our system might
adapt better to their requirements. Hence, we could
use a cognitivesystem and apply some machine learn-
ing techniques (Mitchell, 1997) in order to (1) evalu-
ate the whole system status and (2) predict the optimal
value of the replication depth for each data item.
In this paper we have defined a way to distribute
and store information across the network so that
the computation needed for smart functions can be
greatly reduced. This work aims to provide some in-
sight into the world of smart grids from a data per-
spective. For the sake of simplicity during the presen-
tation of our system, we have outlined simple scenar-
ios about the replication policy or fault-tolerance is-
sues that need to be treated in detail in further works.
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(FP7/2007-2013 FP7/2007-2011) under grant agree-
ment n 247938 for Joan Navarro and August Cli-
ment and by the Spanish National Science Founda-
tion (MEC) (grant TIN2009-14460-C03-02) for Jos´e
Enrique Armend´ariz-I˜nigo.
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