Mario Lezoche, Hervé Panetto and Alexis Aubry
Research Centre for Automatic Control (CRAN), Nancy-University, CNRS, Campus Scientifique
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies, BP 70239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France
Keywords: Conceptual modelling, Cooperative information systems, Semantic interoperability, Data model
Abstract: In order to increase enterprise performance, economics paradigms focus, now more than ever, on how to
better manage information. The modern architecture of information systems is based on distributed
networks with a grand challenge representing and sharing knowledge managed by those ISs. One of the
main issues in making such heterogeneous Cooperative Information Systems (CIS) working together is to
remove semantics interoperability barriers. This paper firstly analyses interoperability issues between CISs
and then proposes patterns for data models conceptualisation for knowledge explicitation, based on expert
knowledge injection rules and a fact-oriented approach. A case study is proposed related to a work order
process in Sage X3, an Enterprise Resource Planning application.
The actual archetype for the Information Systems
(ISs) involves large number of ISs distributed over
large, complex computer/ communication networks.
Such cooperative information systems (CIS) have
access to large amount of information and have to
interoperate to achieve their purpose. The
cooperative information systems architects and
developers have to face a hard problem:
Interoperability can be defined as the ability for
two or more systems to share, to understand and to
consume information (IEEE, 1990). Some work
(Chen et al., 2006) in the INTEROP NoE project has
identified three different levels of barriers for
interoperability: technical, conceptual and
organisational. Organisational barriers are still an
important issue but out of scope of this paper. The
technological barriers are strongly studied by
researchers in computer science and are generally
based on models transformation (Frankel, 2003).
Our research focuses on the conceptual level of
interoperability that is the ability to understand the
exchanged information. A concept is a cognition
unit of meaning (Vyvyan, 2006), an abstract idea, a
mental symbol. It is created through the action of
conceptualisation, that is, a general and abstract
mental representation of an object. During the
history of human effort to model knowledge,
different conceptualisation approaches regarding
different application domains were developed
(Aspray, 1985).
This paper is dealing with a first step from a
more general work focusing on the study of the
semantic loss during the exchange of information
representing business concepts. Quantifying the
semantic gap between interoperating ISs implies
enacting their semantics through their normalized
conceptual models. Indeed, in this context, the
starting point for semantics interoperability is related
to models conceptualisation.
We will present a conceptualisation approach to
make explicit the finest-grained semantics embedded
into conceptual models for finally enabling two
different information systems seamlessly
Next section presents the general context of our
work. Then, the following section details the
fundamental pillars of our conceptualisation process.
Then, we will propose a knowledge explicitation
process starting from an implemented relational
model to a fact-oriented conceptual one. This
process allows us emphasizing the finest-grained
Lezoche M., Panetto H. and Aubry A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003508401010110
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 101-110
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
semantics that must be enacted to study semantics
interoperability between collaborating ISs.
Finally, to validate our proposal, a practical
case study is presented based on an Enterprise
Resource Planning application involved in a B2M
(Business to Manufacturing) interoperation process.
Information Systems are systems whose activities
are devoted to capture and to store data, to process
them and produce knowledge, used by any
stakeholders within an enterprise or among different
networked enterprises. It is commonly agreed that
Cooperative Information Systems provide a
backbone for the Integrated Information
Infrastructure (Sheth, 1998). Fully understanding
and exploiting the advances in computing is the only
way to encompass the complexity of constructing
and maintaining such systems.
Although the progress made in information
technology considerably improved the efficiency of
applications development, its drawbacks and
limitations are obvious and serious. In fact, the
application models involved in a single application
are numerous and different, each coping only with
particular and partial aspects of the overall task.
Moreover, the components technologies are
heterogeneous, platform- and machine-dependant.
The above-mentioned limitations and barriers
measurably hinder the development and the
maintenance process.
There is a growing demand to integrate such
systems tightly with organizational work so that
these information systems can be directly and
immediately used by the business activity.
Here, the need of interoperation clearly appears.
In fact, to achieve the purpose of the cooperation
between the different Information Systems,
information must be physically exchanged (technical
interoperability), must be understood (conceptual
interoperability) and must be used for the purpose
that they have been produced (conceptual and
organisational interoperability). When trying to
assess the understanding of an expression coming
from a system to another system, there are several
possible levels of interoperability (Euzenat, 2001):
encoding: being able to segment the
representation in characters;
lexical: being able to segment the representation
in words (or symbols);
syntactic: being able to structure the
representation in structured sentences (or
formulas or assertions);
semantic: being able to construct the
propositional meaning of the representation;
semiotic: being able to construct the pragmatic
meaning of the representation (or its meaning in
This tiered structure is arguable in general; it is
not as strict as it seems. It makes sense because each
level cannot be achieved if the previous levels have
not been completed (Euzenat, 2001).
The encoding, lexical and syntactic levels are the
most effective solutions for removing technical
barriers for interoperability, but not sufficient, to
achieve a practical interoperability between
computerised systems. Dealing with trying to enable
a seamless data and model exchange at the semantic
level is still a big issue that needs conceptual
representation of the intended exchanged
information and the definition of the pragmatic
meaning of that exchanged information in the
context of the source and destination applications.
Different cooperation types have been
investigated in ISO 14528 (ISO, 1999). In fact, this
standard considers that models could be related in
three ways:
(1) integration when there exists a standard or
pivotal format to represent these models;
(2) unification when there exists a common
meta-level structure establishing semantic
equivalence between these models; and
(3) federation when each model exists per se, but
mapping between concepts could be done at
an ontology level to formalise the
interoperability semantics.
Integration is generally considered to go beyond
mere interoperability to involve some degree of
functional dependence (Panetto, 2007). Classifying
interoperability problems (Tursi, et al. 2009) may
help in understanding the degree of development
needed to solve, at least partially, these problems but
conceptualisation and semantics extraction is still an
important issue because of the various contextual
understanding of tacit knowledge embedded into
those applications. The main prerequisite for
achievement of interoperability of information
systems is to maximise the amount of semantics
which can be used and make it increasingly explicit
(Obrst, 2003), and consequently, to make the
systems semantically interoperable. To highlight this
issue, the paper is based on a referenced scenario
involving enterprise systems applications.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Most of reverse engineering approaches
(Fonkam, 1992) (Chiang, 1994) return the
information structure but present a model with tacit
semantics. The ADM (Architecture-Driven
Modernization) initiative (OMG, 2003) from OMG
(Bézivin et al., 2005) is tackling this problem by
promoting a common Knowledge Discovery Meta-
model to facilitate discovering tacit knowledge
embedded inside existing software. In our scenario,
those applications are still implemented and running
using databases. We can extract, from them, by
using reverse engineering approaches, some
knowledge in a form of a conceptual model. We
have then to enrich that model with enterprise
applications best practices (knowledge coming from
users). Finally, we make explicit all disclosed
knowledge hidden in the resulting model.
In order to cooperate, two (or more) Information
Systems have to interoperate. As previously
discussed, we focus our interest on the conceptual
level of interoperability letting different information
systems to share and use knowledge models that
they represent. Our principal issues are, therefore,
first to understand the conceptual relationships
between those models in the context of their use and
secondly how, through conceptualisation, to unhide
the tacit knowledge buried inside them. A usual
approach for making explicit the tacit knowledge,
concealed in attributes and classes, is the
relationships-oriented perspective composed of a set
of transformation rules. In that transformation
method, an attribute a
of type T
pertaining to class
is modelled as a relationship between the class C
and a standard type T
. This approach does not
resolve entirely the semantics elicitation problem
because it focuses its point of view on the values
instead of on the concepts. The attribute semantics is
somewhat yet hidden in the relationship just created.
In literature, (Meersman, 2003) presented the
definition of two different objects types, a lexical
object (LOT), a term, is an object in a certain reality
that can be written down. LOTs always consist of
letters, numbers, symbols or other characters. They
can be used as names for or references to other
objects. A non-lexical object (NOLOT), a concept, is
an object in a certain reality that cannot be written
down. Non-lexical objects must be named by lexical
objects or referred to by means of lexical objects.
Applying these definitions, we can flatten the nested
knowledge embedded in a model to simplify
semantic enactment resulting from a set of
modelling transformations. Our contribution is to
have at our disposal an approach letting us to
fragment knowledge through the transformation of
attributes into entities and relationships, and thus to
emphasize some fine-grained knowledge atoms. In
the proposed approach, that is the first part (Figure
1) of our general methodology, the starting point can
be various: an application, a data model, a logical
view, a model. We have already mentioned that
there are several reverse engineering methods, such
as in (Fonkam, 1992) and in (Chiang, 1994), through
which a model from the application or schema level
can be derived (Step 1). Then, the resulted initial
model is enriched and corrected through an Expert
Knowledge Injection step (Step 2). In fact, the
model is examined with the help of a domain expert
or an end-user, who are the most qualified persons to
describe the context of the peculiar domain and to
put in evidence the contextual knowledge.
Figure 1: Conceptualisation approach.
According to the enterprise best practices and its
data, they would clean and better organise the
knowledge represented in the derived model.
However, the obtained initial conceptual model, in
the form of a UML class diagram, has yet a major
limit. In fact, its semantics is in a tacit form because
all the attributes are buried inside single classes and
it is then difficult to make their semantics explicit.
Thus, the next step of our approach (Step 3) is a
Fact-Oriented Transformation (Halpin, 1991)
through the application of a set of patterns rules for
transforming the enriched conceptual model to a
fact-oriented model (FOM) with its semantics
completely displayed. The consequence is that all
the classes and their attributes are transformed into
respectively LOTs and NOLOTs objects. The
resulting fact-oriented model, displaying the finest-
grained semantic atoms, is then used as an input for
the second part of our methodology for semantic
loss evaluation (not presented in this paper).
In the following sub-sections, we will discuss, in
detail, the proposed 3 steps.
3.1 Step 1: Reverse Engineering
Conceptualisation is a decision process (Guarino,
1998), a view, in which studied part of reality
knowledge, usually in an implicit and complex form,
is reorganised in different aggregates usually simpler
to be represented.
According to (Engelbart, 1962), developing
conceptual models means specifying the essential
objects or components of the system to be studied,
the relationships of the objects that are recognised
and what kinds of changes in the objects or their
relationships affect the functioning of the system and
in which ways.
Conceptual models range in type from the more
precise, such as the mental image of a familiar
physical object, to the abstractness of mathematical
models that do not appear to the mind as an image.
Conceptual models also range in terms of the scope
of the subject matter that they are taken to represent.
The variety and scope of conceptual models is due to
the variety of purposes that people had while using
Conceptualisation approaches are numerous and
have been developed in different knowledge
domains (LaOnsgri, 2009).
Our scenario assumes that we start from
enterprise application database. So, the first studied
approach is the Reverse engineering. It is, in
database (DB) community, an approach to extract
the domain semantics from the existing database
structures. Typically, it concerns making the reverse
transformation from logical to conceptual schema. In
(Fonkam, 1992), the authors propose a general
algorithm based on several old attempts to make
explicit the logical structure buried into DB
schemas, application programs and in the minds of
designers and developers. (Chiang, 1994) presents a
methodology for extracting an extended Entity-
Relationship model from a relational database,
through a combination of data schema and data
instance analysis. In our study we will consider at
profit the reverse engineering experiences developed
in the past. These methods are, by now, acquired by
the software industry that produces countless tools.
We choose MEGA Suite (, a
modelling management environment to transform
relational models into conceptual ones.
3.2 Step 2: Expert Knowledge Injection
After the reverse engineering process has created a
conceptual model, the current step concerns
enriching it by injecting the enterprise knowledge,
expressed by users’ best practices or experts. These
stakeholders know the domain peculiarities and they
are capable to embed specific constraints into the
new conceptual model. The first stage is the
renaming process. Usually the database tables, and
the derived concepts, have not standard names. The
renaming process is essential to bring coherence and
semantics in concepts that otherwise would be of
very difficult comprehension. The following stage is
the redefinition of the attributes and of the
associations’ roles multiplicities according to the
enterprise users’ best practices. This step is
fundamental to define the real constraints that are
not always made explicit into the implementation
model. As an example, considering a particular
attribute a
, two cases can be considered:
1) a
is a non-mandatory attribute in the conceptual
model but, as users are requested to always fill it
with a specific value, the enriched model must
formalise that this attribute a
is to be treated as
2) a
is defined as mandatory in the conceptual
model but, by practice, the users never care about its
value and fill it with some dummy one. In such case,
the enriched model may formalise that this attribute
is not mandatory.
Note that the same cases may happen also to the
roles of associations.
The last stage concerns of making explicit some
implicit associations. Those implicit associations
relate some concepts but they are defined only by
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
enterprise practices even if they are not expressed in
the model itself.
At this time, the enriched conceptual model
formalises the whole application semantics (both the
explicit one and the users’ implicit one).
3.3 Step 3: Fact-Oriented
The quality of a conceptual model is often
influenced by the conceptual language used for its
specification. Most conceptual languages for data
modelling are based on a version of Entity-
Relationship modelling (E-R) (Barke, 1990) (Czejdo
et al., 1990) (Hohenstein et al., 1991). However,
these modelling languages are making a distinction
between entities, attributes and relationships. On the
contrary, in order to normalise the way that
knowledge is represented, NIAM (Natural-language
Information Analysis Method) (Nijssen & Halpin
1989) proposed to model the world in term of facts
(either presenting terms (real things), or representing
characteristics (attributes) of these real things), and
relationships between facts. NIAM is attribute-free,
it does not use explicitly the notion of attribute,
treating all elementary facts as relationships. Some
authors have extended the concepts and notations
developed by NIAM with object orientation. It is the
case of ORM (Object Role Modelling) (Halpin,
1998). Our purpose is to adapt this fact-oriented
modelling approach to enriched conceptual models
represented using the UML (OMG, 2004) class
notation. Thus, we developed a set of transformation
modelling rules, to be applied to selected UML
patterns (Table 1).
Let us refer to the definitions of LOT and
NOLOT facts given in the beginning of section 3.
Transforming a particular conceptual model in a
fact-oriented model must follow these rules:
1. all classes are transformed into LOT facts.
Using UML Class notation, a LOT fact is
represented by a UML Class.
2. all attributes are transformed into NOLOT
facts. Using the UML Class notation, a
NOLOT fact is represented as a UML Class.
3. for each attribute a belonging to a UML Class
C, an association is created between the
corresponding LOT a and the corresponding
NOLOT C, created by the two previous
4. the multiplicity associated to each attribute a
is copied as the multiplicity of the role of
the previous (rule 3) association attached to
the NOLOT a. The opposite role of the
same association must have a constraint
multiplicity equal to one.
5. all “simple” associations between classes are
transformed into “simple” associations
between NOLOTs.
6. all generalisation relationships between
classes are transformed into “simple”
associations with a constraint multiplicity
equal to one on the role attached to
generalised NOLOT and a non constraint
multiplicity equal to * on the opposite role.
In order to trace the fact that this association
was coming from a generalisation, we
annotate semantically the new
corresponding association with a logical rule
using OCL (Object Contraint Language)
Moreover, the inheritance feature of the
generalisation association is mapped as new
associations between LOTs representing the
attributes of the generalised NOLOT, and all
the specialised NOLOTs (sub-classes).
7. composition and aggregation relationships are
transformed into simple association (rule 3)
that keep unchanged the existing roles’
multiplicities but trace their specific
semantics through an attached semantic
annotation formalised with an OCL logical
8. association classes are transformed into a
LOT fact with two associations linked to the
corresponding initial LOT facts. The
multiplicities of the roles of these two
associations are determined inverting the
ones initially formalised on the roles of the
previous association.
9. any other specific constraints (generally
modelled using OCL logical rules) are kept
during the transformation process.
10. we did not take into account special cases of
constraints in generalisations because they
are not usually used in data conceptual
One of the conceptual modelling requirements is
that a conceptual model must have formal
foundations, which allow comparing that model with
other conceptual models in a formal and exact way.
3.4 Patterns Represented in FOL
(Berardi et al, 2005) and (Tursi, 2009) formalise
UML class constructs semantics in First Order
Language (FOL) axioms. We propose to adapt these
works to formalise the fact-oriented model patterns
Table 1: Fact-Oriented modelling patterns using UML notation.
Class and Attributes Composition
Association Class Generalisation
(presented previously) in FOL axioms.
Due to the lack of space we will present only one
pattern rule formalisation in FOL: the “Class and
Attributes” as reported in
Table 1
A class in UML designates a set of object with
common features. Formally a class C corresponds to
a FOL unary predicate C.
An attribute a of type T for a class C associates
to each instance of C a set of instance of T, its
multiplicity [i..j] specifies that a associates to each
instance of C at least i and at most j instances of T.
Formally, an attribute a of type T for class C
corresponds to a binary predicate.
An association in UML is a relation between the
instances of two or more classes. The multiplicity
[m..n] attached to the role of a binary association
specifies that each instance of the class C can
participate at least m times and at most n times to the
related association. An association A between two
classes can be formalised as a binary predicate. In
the studied pattern, we formalise a class C
containing two attributes A
and A
with respectively
a multiplicity of 1 and [0..1], and with associated
types respectively, A
Type and A
Its formalisation in FOL assertions is the
Applying the transformation rule, presented in
3.3, to the class C
, and to the two attributes A
, we will obtain the Fact-Oriented Model (FOM)
in UML notation as shown in
Table 1
“Class and
Its formalisation in FOL assertions is the
, 
, 
Using a FOL engine such as the Haskel engine
based on Russel and Norvig algorithms (Russel and
al, 1995), we are able to demonstrate that the
semantics formalised in the initial conceptual model
is equivalent or included into the one transformed in
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Sage X3 work order enriched process model.
Interoperability between organisational and man-
ufacturing activities is crucial in manufacturing
enterprises. Production services have to produce,
quickly and efficiently, the good product at the right
moment. For this reason, they need at time
information coming from others services, which
need in return precise and update data on production.
We propose here to study and present the first
part of such a B2M interoperability issue by
considering a particular IS implemented in a real
manufacturing environment: Sage X3 as an
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application.
4.1 Specific Analysed Enterprise
Information System: Sage X3 ERP
An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an
integrated computer-based system used to manage
internal and external resources including tangible
assets, financial resources, materials, and human
resources (Bidgol, 1997). Its purpose is to facilitate
the flow of information between all business
functions inside the boundaries of the organization
and manage the connections to outside stakeholders.
Built on a centralized database, ERP systems
centralise all business operations into a uniform
system environment. Sage X3 presents different enterprise management functions: finance,
commercial, industrial and services.
The focus for this case study is (i) to analyse
how the work order process inside the Sage X3
application is modelled, (ii) to use the proposed
modelling process to externalise the implicit
knowledge in the model structure.
The model depicted in figure 2 is already the
result from the two first steps of our approach. This
means that we have already passed the “Reverse
Engineering” and the “Expert knowledge injection”
stages. The “Manufacturing Order Heading” concept
is the management function of production orders and
planned activities. It allows the generation of a
production order by variation of one or more
classifications and a single production line. For each
production order, the achievement of the material
benefits and sequencing operations is possible. This
block captures general information about the work
order, such as, planning facility and facility of
production, status of the order (manufacturing order
product). It allows entering general information
about the production order. The availability of
components is checked through the information
given by the bill of material related with the
launched products.
Once that initial information is determined, the
system updates the list of materials and operations of
the created or modified orders.
Step 1: Reverse Engineering
All these information are coded in the Sage
application database. The first step of our method is
the reverse engineering to extract the initial
conceptual model.
Step 2: Expert Knowledge Injection
Currently the model depicted in Figure 2 is the result
of the reverse engineering step enriched by a domain
expert because the architecture of the Sage X3 ERP
is built with all the database relationships
implemented directly into the application layer and
not in the database. The reverse engineering result,
as shown in the lower part of the Figure 3, creates a
model containing unlinked classes with coded
The expert work was about cleaning this conceptual
model according to the best practices in the
enterprise, modifying the attributes multiplicity,
adding explicit names to the concepts, the attributes
and the associations and others operations to fit the
conceptual model to the “real” use of the Enterprise
Information System. A usual case that requests the
domain expert attention is about the mandatory
properties in forms’ attributes.
Figure 3: Sage X3 architecture and expert knowledge
Step 3: Fact-Oriented Transformation
Applying the pattern transformation rules, presented
in the previous section, class attributes are
transformed into NOLOTs to increase the atomic
representation of the knowledge embedded into the
model. These rules have been coded using a
programming language and then automatically
executed inside MEGA Suite.
Figure 4 shows an extract of the resulting FOM
after applying our approach to the Sage X3 work
order process. The resulting full FOM is composed
of 23 NOLOTs, 56 LOTs and 46 associations.
It seems then that the resulting model is much
more complex than the initial one, which it is true in
a visual point of view but it is false in term of
expressiveness of its semantics. Indeed, the fine-
grained atoms of semantics are now made explicit,
which helps any automatic computing. An important
result is that such semantically detailed model will
help automating the next part of our methodology
for semantic gap evaluation, as explained in section
In this article, a conceptualisation approach for
enacting implicit semantics from Enterprise
Information Systems is proposed. Our approach if
divided into 3 steps from the traditional reverse
engineering process, through a knowledge elicitation
and model enrichment by domain experts, till
making use of fact-oriented modelling patterns to
externalise tacit knowledge. These patterns have
been formalised in FOL axioms to verify their
semantic coherence. Our contribution can be
assimilated to a reverse engineering methodology.
Sage X3
Primary keys,
trigger, i nde x…
Software interface
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
However, the main objective is to formalize the whole semantics of such models in order to help
Figure 4: Sage X3 work order process model part transformed with fact-oriented approach.
automatic knowledge computing. An industrial case
study, related to an enterprise information system
implemented into an ERP system demonstrates the
applicability of our approach.
Our current work concerns applying this approach
for evaluating the (non)-interoperation through the
measurement of the semantic gap occurring between
CISs interoperability (
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