Florian Matthes, Christian Neubert and Alexander Steinhoff
Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis), Technische Universit¨at M¨unchen
Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching, Germany
Enterprise wikis, Semantic wikis, Enterprise information management, Enterprise 2.0, Web collaboration.
Wikis are increasingly used for collaborative enterprise information management since they are flexibly appli-
cable and encourage the contribution of knowledge. The fact that ordinary wiki pages contain pure text only
limits how the information can be processed or made accessible to users. Semantic wikis promise to solve this
problem by capturing knowledge in structured form and offering advanced querying capabilites. However, it
is not obvious for business users, how they can benefit from providing semantic annotations which are not
familiar to them and often difficult to enter.
In this paper, we first introduce the concepts of hybrid wikis, namely attributes, type tags, attribute sugges-
tions, and attribute definitions with integrity constraints. Business users interact with these concepts using a
familiar user interface based on forms, spreadsheet-like tables, and auto-completion for links and values. We
then illustrate these concepts using an example scenario with projects and persons and highlight key imple-
mentation aspects of a Java-based hybrid wiki system (Tricia). The paper ends with the description of practical
experiences gained in two usage scenarios, a comparison with related work and an outlook on future work.
To keep pace with the growing amount of digital in-
formation that has to be managed, enterprises have
to adopt new tools and methods (Edmunds and Mor-
ris, 2000). In the recent past, wikis are increas-
ingly used as lightweight shared knowledge reposi-
tories that allow to collaboratively gather and consol-
idate information that was previously scattered across
emails, files on personal computers and paper docu-
ments (Stocker and Tochtermann, 2009). Having this
information integrated in a central place, being able to
search it and to connect related pieces of information
with hyperlinks is in fact a major advance.
However, with a growing knowledge base soon
the demand arises to access information in more
structured ways that classical wikis do not support.
For example it is not possible to query a wiki for a
company’s research projects that started in the year
2010 or to export data about these project to a spread-
sheet. So even if only rudimentary structured query-
ing functionality is required, the enterprises have to
resort to separate applications, usually specialized to
manage information of particular domains (like em-
ployees, projects or customers) or they have to de-
velop customized solutions. In both cases the advan-
tages of storing information in a central repository are
Technically, semantic wikis are promising tools
to tackle this problem. They allow to combine the
textual content with structured data. Typically, users
have to provide this data in the form of semantic an-
notations to wiki pages or parts thereof. The struc-
tured part of the information in the wiki can then be
queried similar to the contents of a database. How-
ever, in practice they are rarely used as a general pur-
pose tool that dynamically adapts to new needs. In
contrast semantic wikis often are pre-configured by
experts to solve rather specific problems. Although,
from a theoretical point of view, they can be used to
structure arbitrary information, there are several bar-
riers users are facing when editing content:
Usually, a special syntax has to be used to add
semantic annotations which makes it difficult and
cumbersome to edit structured content.
The modelling concepts are not familiar to the
It is not obvious for users how they can benefit
Matthes F., Neubert C. and Steinhoff A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003509402500259
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 250-259
ISBN: 978-989-8425-76-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
from providing semantic annotations.
This paper describes a novel approach to mitigate
these problems.
In Section 2, our approach of so-called hybrid
wikis is presented and illustrated using an example
scenario. The term ‘hybrid’ expresses that a subset of
the features of semantic wikis are integrated into clas-
sic wiki software. The main modelling concepts are
described and the limitations of the approach are dis-
cussed. Important and interesting technical aspects of
the implementation are covered in Section 3. Section
4 contains two case studies demonstrating the prac-
ticability of the approach. In section 5, we give an
overview of related work and highlight some exam-
ples of semantic wikis that use different approaches
to facilitate data entry. The paper concludes with a
short summary and an outlook on further research and
planned improvements of the prototype.
In this section, our approach to the problem of facil-
itating the management of structured data for non-
expert users is presented. Before we describe the
structuring mechanisms that are available in the cur-
rent software implementation on a conceptual level,
we first give an overview of our goals, assumptions
and motives that guided its development. Finally, we
demonstrate how the modelling concepts can be ap-
plied in practice using a small example scenario.
2.1 General Ideas and Design Rationale
In the development of hybrid wikis, our primary goal
is to lower the barriers for non-expert users, that have
been described in Section 1. This means for using
the wiki neither special knowledge of wiki syntax or
modelling concepts should be required nor should the
user be forced to learn a query language to utilize the
structured part of the wiki content. We try to find
ways to enable all users to enter structured data, in
contrast to a two-phase process where unexperienced
users enter textual content that is later enriched with
annotations by experts.
From our point of view, all attempts to translate
between the expressivity of classic, established se-
mantic web formalisms (like RDF
or OWL
) and the
user by the means of new user interfaces are unsatis-
factory. Our approach primarily focuses on the user
http://www.w3.org/RDF; visited on May 1st 2011.
http://www.w3.org/2004/OWL; visited on May 1st
and accepts that there are limitations in the complex-
ity of modelling concepts users can be expected to
understand. We try to start from lightweight struc-
turing concepts and metaphors that users are familiar
with and then, in a second step, we examine how the
data the users provide by these simple means can be
exploited by the system to offer features that usually
require a formally defined data model.
Therefore, we rely mainly on simple keyword-like
annotations of wikipages, dynamically compiled and
easily extensible forms for data entry, and the pre-
sentation of data in automatically generated tabular
views. In turn, we try to avoid the notion of seman-
tic annotations being something that is optionally ap-
pended to pure text content and that is defined in a
separately maintained ontology or schema. Instead
we attempt to allow the user to implicitly provide se-
mantics by filling data in particular fields of a form
or a table, by optionally creating new such fields on
demand, and by the way the data is queried and dis-
played in different contexts.
Since we do not require the users to explicitly
maintain a data model, we focus on dynamically min-
ing the wiki to guess’ the model and provide users
with input options to guide them towards a consistent
data model and vocabulary. However, advanced users
can impose a schema and define certain integrity con-
For querying and browsing we provide a general
search interface that allows a faceted drill-down based
on the structured contents of the wiki pages. Further-
more, contents can be accessed in a spreadsheet-like
tabular form. Our assumption is that users feel fa-
miliar with this representation and in consequence are
less inhibited in manipulating the data.
2.2 Structuring Concepts
Hybrid wikis were implemented as an extension to the
wiki component of the commercial enterprise collab-
oration platform Tricia
. Wiki pages basically consist
of a name and some rich-text content. Pages can be
organized using text labels (tags) and page/sub-page
relationships. We added two means for structuring the
information on a wiki page: attributes and so-called
type tags. Both can be used in combination or inde-
pendently. They are described in the following.
2.2.1 Attributes
In their simplest form, attributes are key-value pairs
that can be added to wiki pages. They consist of an
attribute name – the key – and a value, being either a
http://www.infoasset.de; visited on February 1st 2011.
short text literal or a link to another wiki page. At-
tributes do not represent metadata but constitute the
structured part of the content. For the user, the at-
tributes are presented in a box containing a list of key-
value pairs at the right border of the page (see Figure
1). The appearance is inspired by a kind of templates
widely used in Wikipedia
– and thus the MediaWiki
to structure the contents of pages describ-
ing objects of the same type, like for example cities,
countries or planets. Since the box forms the struc-
tured part of the page, it can also be compared to the
so-called fact box of Semantic MediaWiki, that sum-
marizes the facts being expressed by annotations in
the text.
However, in hybrid wikis neither does the attribute
box reflect facts defined somewhere else nor is the
selection of attributes specified by a template. This
means that new attributes can be added to individual
pages simply by adding a new entry to the list of at-
tributes. It is possible to assign multiple values for
one attribute. The values are ordered and can be a
mix of literals and links.
In order to encourage users to structure the content
they create, we strived for a convenient user interface:
When viewing a wiki page, the user is offered a se-
lection of names of attributes she might want to add.
These suggestions are shown together with the al-
ready assigned attributes at the bottom of the attribute
box so that the user only has to provide proper values.
The list of suggestions consists of the most frequent
attribute names used on similar pages (we will cover
page similarity later). Furthermore, the input fields
for attribute names and values display suggestions as
the user is typing. When an attribute value is typed,
the respective attribute name is factored in to improve
the quality of the suggestions. This makes it comfort-
able to contribute structured content and additionally
fosters consistent usage of terms.
To avoid redundancy, and thus inconsistencies,
and to foster navigation in the wiki, references from
other pages are shown in an additional ‘references’
section of the attribute box. For example if a page for
a country S references the capital M, i.e., it contains
an attribute with one value being a link to M, the page
for M will show an additional attribute entry ‘capital
of S having the value M. The references section of
the attribute box is similar to the incoming and outgo-
ing links as displayed in the KiWi system
http://www.wikipedia.org; visited on February 1st
http://www.mediawiki.org; visited on February 1st
http://www.kiwi-project.eu; visited on February 2st
2.2.2 Type Tags
Type tags allow the user to make a statement about the
type of the object being described on the page. They
are shown at the top of the attribute box as shown in
Figure 1. Like for the normal tags used in the wiki
(i.e., arbitrary text labels assigned to pages for cate-
gorization), users may choose an unlimited number
of terms they consider appropriate.
One of the most important functions of type tags
is to provide a reliable indicator of page similarity for
the automatically generated attribute suggestions de-
scribed above. They determine which additional at-
tributes the user is recommended to fill in.
In the simplest case, exactly one type tag is as-
signed to a page. The system then determines the set
of attributes used in combination with this type tag
and displays the most frequent attribute names as sug-
In the case of multiple type tags, first the attributes
of pages having at least one of them assigned are de-
termined. Then, to select the most relevant attribute
names for the current page, not only the frequency
of occurrence is considered, but additionally, attribute
names are favoured when they occur together with
many or all of the given type tags.
In effect this makes it very convenient to create a
new page of a type previously used somewhere else
in the system. Once a type is assigned, providing the
attributes is hardly more demanding for the user than
filling out a form. From this point of view, type tags
can be considered a more flexible alternative to tem-
It is important to note that on the one hand it was
consciously avoided to force users to explicitly create
relationships between type tags and attribute names
as it would be done when defining a template. On the
other hand, for experienced users it is still possible to
assign a list of attribute names to a type tag. These
attribute names are then highlighted to the user when-
ever the respective type tag is used. For each attribute
name associated with a type tag it is further possible
to specify integrity constraints like the type of value,
the number of values or allowed value ranges.
Type tags are also used to generate lists of pages
describing objects of the same type. While this is
possible with standard tags as well, for example by
searching for all pages tagged ‘university’, the results
are more precise when type tags are used: users might
use the same tag university’ to categorize pages de-
scribing for example people working at a university,
software products targeted at an academic audience or
the concept of a university. Thus, type tags allow the
user to make an important distinction when tagging
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 1: Type tags and attributes in the context of a wiki page.
wiki pages by stating that the tagged page describes
an individual instance of the respective type – in con-
trast to vaguely relating it to a broad topic.
Retrieving a list of pages for a specific type tag
can be achieved by simply clicking on the tag. If the
pages contain attributes, they are displayed in a tab-
ular view (as shown in Figure 2). The table can be
sorted by all columns. Using the faceted search func-
tionality of the Tricia platform it is further possible to
combine type tag and attribute filters. In this way it
is possible to define very specific subsets of the wiki
contents. The results can optionally be presented in
tabular form embedded in any wiki page.
2.3 Limitations
Since the expressivity of established semantic web
technologies is sacrificed in favour of a better user
experience, modelling capabilities of hybrid wikis are
constrained. In particular it is not possible to explic-
itly define type-subtype relationships between type
tags. If a type tag is the generalisation of another type
tag in the system, it has to be manually ensured that
each page with the more specific type tag also has the
more general type tag assigned. However, with very
little effort it is possible to configure a wiki page that
can be used as a dashboard to monitor violations of
such integrity constraints.
For attributes it is not possible to specify any se-
mantic relation. Since no reasoning capabilities are
provided by the system it would have no effect to
add properties like symmetry or transitivity. How-
ever, as mentioned above, attributes containing links
are also visible on the target pages as a reference. This
means that relationships between two pages are al-
ways owned by one of them and it is often not triv-
ial to determine which one should be the owning side
(does capital city link to country or country to cap-
ital?). This depends on the multiplicity of the rela-
tion and in particular cases on the access rights of the
pages. However, in order to lower the barriers for en-
tering structured data, the fact that this decision possi-
bly has important implications is not explicitly com-
municated to the user. In contrast, it is relied on the
ability to invert these links later when it becomes nec-
Finally, querying capabilities are limited in so far
that results can only be filtered according to the very
attributes of pages. It is for example not possible to
express a query targeting all pages having the attribute
‘Owned by set to a page with the type tag ‘Com-
pany’. Requiring that the attribute points to a specific
page is of course possible. From a technical point of
view, attribute (and type tag) filters could be flexibly
combined using boolean operators. However, to keep
the user interface simple the current implementation
supports only conjunction of filters. From our experi-
ence this is sufficient for browsing the wiki contents.
Figure 2: Tabular view of wiki page attributes.
2.4 Example Scenario
In the following, we illustrate the modelling ca-
pabilities of hybrid wikis taking the example of a
small company’s intranet wiki. Among other things,
the wiki is used for gathering the knowledge about
projects and people relevant for the company. We as-
sume that while there may be many pages holding in-
formation about a person or project, there is one dedi-
cated page for each such entity that can be considered
the primary page which holds the basic information
about it and optionally links to pages with more spe-
cific information. We further assume that in the be-
ginning, there is only little content in the wiki and no
type tags and attributes are used.
As the number of projects increases over time,
there is a growing demand for a more structured view
on project related wiki content. Attributes for project
start and end dates are thus added to the respective
pages and the type tag ‘Project’ is assigned. Hav-
ing marked all project pages with the type tag, an
overview table of all projects is instantly available
showing sortable columns for the date attributes. At-
tribute values can be changed directly in this overview
table. By this means, consolidating the project data,
i.e., adding missing information or standardising the
representation of attribute values, is facilitated.
Let’s assume many of the employees have created
profile pages for themselves in the wiki to provide so-
me information about their specific skills and experi-
ences. Some of them independently start to add at-
tributes to the project pages to express their relation-
ship with these projects, for example that they were
members of the project team or project managers. In
the beginning, people use different terms to describe
their roles. As these inconsistencies become visible
in the overview table, they are quickly harmonized by
the wiki users. It is not necessary to navigate to the
respective pages but the table cells can be edited di-
rectly. As a result, if somebody now creates a new
wiki page and assigns the type tag ‘Project’, she is of-
fered to provide values for the attributes ‘Start date’,
‘End date’, Project manager’ and ‘Team’. If she now
adds a link to her profile page to the ‘Project manager’
attribute, this reference will be automatically visible
on her page in the ‘References’ section of the attribute
table. A new entry ‘Project manager of’ with a single
value being the link to the project is displayed. If she
is already manager of other projects, the list will sim-
ply be extended by one entry.
Starting from this basic schema, the company can
further adapt it to new needs: Besides adding more
attributes, the existing ones can be refined. The at-
tribute ‘Project manager’ can be made mandatory for
the type tag ‘Project’ so users are additionally re-
minded to provide this attribute. If it is omitted, the
page is flagged as invalid. It can be further specified
that only a single link to a page having the type tag
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
‘Person’ is accepted as a value.
New type tags can be added to distinguish differ-
ent types of projects like ‘Research project’ or ‘Inter-
nal project’. On the one hand, this allows the gen-
eration of lists and tables containing only the respec-
tive subset of the projects, on the other hand, the sys-
tem is supported in offering the user more relevant at-
tribute suggestions when editing structured data. For
example for a research project the attribute ‘Field of
research’ could be suggested whereas attributes only
relevant for internal projects are not shown. It is also
possible to add a temporal dimension to the project
types by adding type tags like ‘Project in preparation’,
‘Current project’ or ‘Completed project’. Using type
tags instead of a status attribute has the advantage that
again attribute constraints can be related to the types.
For example each page of a completed project can be
required to contain the actual end date of the project.
The concept of hybrid wikis is developed by mem-
bers of our chair since 2009. The system is built on
the experiences made with classic and semantic Wiki
technology as well as integrated Enterprise 2.0 plat-
forms and it is currently realized based on the mod-
elling frameworks provided by Tricia enabling the
model-driven development of web cooperation sys-
tems (B¨uchner et al., 2010). Hybrid wikis extend
the Tricia wiki functionality by a few mechanisms
for classification, linking, consistency checking and
visualization which can be flexibly combined, as de-
scribed in Section 2.
The data model underlying the implementation of
hybrid wikis is shown in Figure 3. The illustrated
concepts are currently mapped to a SQL database
means of Tricia’s object relational mapping mecha-
nisms. We will explain the data model of the hybrid
wiki elements and some impacts on the system be-
haviour in the following.
For each wiki page multiple attributes can be as-
signed. Each of the attributes has a non-empty list of
ordered values being either string- or link-values. A
wiki page can have multiple tags assigned. A tag is a
simple character sequence and either a normal tag or a
type tag.
constitute the set of concepts which are provided for
structuring data in hybrid wikis.
SQL is the default storage implementation, but other
implementations are also supported, e.g., NoSQL storages
are additional concepts to enable
users to specify integrity constraints. A type tag def-
inition contains the set of attributes that the users are
urged to provide in combination with the respective
type tag. These attribute definitions can be further
used to restrict the range of attribute values with val-
A type tag definition is loosely coupled to a (type)
tag by name, the same applies to attribute and attribute
definition. The fact that an attribute definition x is
bound to a type tag definition y means that on pages
with a type tag y an attribute suggestion x is shown,
which takes precedence over the default attribute sug-
gestion mechanism, i.e. it is not required that a page
having both, tag x and attribute y, assigned exists in
the system. Thus, new attributes can be seeded top-
down over typed pages by means of suggestions.
Furthermore, for particular attribute definitions,
integrity constraints can be specified using validators.
The system currently supports three kinds of valida-
tors: the
checks if the val-
ues of an attribute conform to a given set of string-
and link-values. The
if the values of an attribute are hyperlinks, addi-
tionally it can be defined that these hyperlinks have
to be links to a wiki page with specific type tags.
allows to specify how
many values an attribute should have, e.g., at-least-
one, at-most-one, exactly-one.
Validators apply when a wiki page is displayed.
That means, if a wiki page has attribute x, a type tag
y, and a type tag definition for y exists having an at-
tribute definition with name x and some validators,
these validators will be matched with the current val-
ues of attribute x. In case of validation failure the
s of the validators are shown in
the context of attribute x. The situation that two type
tags specifying contradicting validarors are assigned
to a wiki page is currently not prevented by the sys-
tem and users have to solve this conflict manually.
Beside showing validation messages for wiki page
attributes, the integrity constraints are also used to im-
prove the input support for values when an attribute is
edited. For instance, if an enumeration validator ap-
plies to an attribute in the value auto-completion con-
trol only the elements specified in this validator (e.g.,
{‘open’, ‘closed’}) are offered.
Since hybrid wiki validators never prevent users
from entering values that contradict the specified val-
idation rules, we call them soft validators. The sys-
tem assists users in systematically searching for con-
tradictions. As a side-effect, it is possible to import
information from arbitrary data sources to Tricia, e.g.,
from a Microsoft Excel data sheet, without being re-
{unique for wikipage}
1 values
1..* {ordered}
name:String {unique for wiki}
{unique for typeTagDefinition}
* 0..1
Figure 3: The Data model of Hybrid Wikis.
strained by hard integrity constraints. Any conflicts
with the schema can be fixed after the import.
Since the main purpose of Tricia is to enable
users to find relevant information within enterprises
quickly, the content of all elements (e.g files, wikis,
blogs) is indexed by means of the Lucene information
retrieval software library
. Beside simple text queries,
querying for metadata like tags or date of last modi-
fication is supported in this way. For the implemen-
tation of hybrid wikis Lucene plays a critical role in
the dynamic generation of attribute suggestions and
overview tables. Lucene supports both features by
providing flexible filtering capabilites together with
a very fast access to particular fields of the indexed
entities. For example to display a table of all pages
having a specific type tag, Lucene can efficiently de-
termine the respective set of pages (filtered by the ac-
cess rights of the user) and provide the set of attribute
names used on each page. From the analysis of the
frequency of attribute names the selection and order
of the table columns is then determined.
It is possible to import and export hybrid wiki data
by using the standardized Eclipse Model Framework
(EMF) exchange format. Models can be imported and
exported as ecore-files, model instances as xmi-files.
Furthermore, all hybrid wiki contents can be imported
from and exported to spreadsheets (e.g., Microsoft
Excel). Additionally, it is possible to visualize hybrid
wiki content by means of an external service (System
http://lucene.apache.org; visited on February 1st 2011.
Cartography Service
) that is accessed via RESTful
API calls.
Hybrid wikis are currently evaluated in several in-
dustrial and research projects. In the following, we
briefly describe the usage scenarios of the hybrid wiki
technology in two selected cases. The first is taken
from one of our research projects Wiki4EAM
hybrid wikis are applied for the collaborative docu-
mentation of system landscapes in enterprises in or-
der to evolve models representing theses landscapes
bottom-up, the second from the application of a hy-
brid wiki as a simple issue tracker in a German soft-
ware development company, the InfoAsset AG
. For
each of these cases we sketch the models being de-
veloped bottom-up via attribute and type suggestions
as well as the (soft-) constraints which were defined
http://wwwmatthes.in.tum.de/wikis/sebis/syca; visited
on February 1st 2011.
visited on February 1st 2011.
http://www.infoasset.de; visited on February 1st 2011.
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
4.1 Wiki4EAM Community
In the Wiki4EAM community, founded in December
2010 at TUM, members share their experiences re-
garding the use of a hybrid wiki in the context of
enterprise architecture management (EAM). A pre-
requisite for adequate management of the enterprise
architecture (EA) is to capture its current state in a
model. Since the knowledge of all different elements
to be considered in the model (e.g., business pro-
cesses, applications, organizational units) is spread
over all the different stakeholders in the company, the
documentation of the current state of the EA remains
a challenging task. Hybrid wikis enables these stake-
holder to document the particular parts of the EA they
are responsible for by means of (hybrid) wiki pages.
Thereby the data model emerges bottom-up by cre-
ating, editing, linking and structuring these particu-
lar pages. A preliminary data analysis in two Ger-
man companies from December 2010 to January 2011
showed the following model evolution:
Company A: 12 concepts with 63 attributes (tex-
tual and links), 100 wiki pages, 2 (soft-) con-
straints were created within two weeks by four
participating stakeholders (editors)
Company B: 18 concepts with 60 attributes (tex-
tual and links), 120 wiki pages, 28 (soft-) con-
straints were created within one month by five
participating stakeholders (editors)
Although these numbers are not a founded empir-
ical evaluation, they allow to assume that in a rela-
tively short period models can emerge bottom-up by
the collaborative documentation of the particular ele-
ments by using lightly structured wiki pages. Indeed,
feedback from Wiki4EAM community members in-
dicates that a hybrid wiki is well suited in cases when
the target model is not completely known. They also
confirmed that attribute suggestions facilitate the evo-
lution of the information model.
4.2 InfoAsset Bugtracker
The InfoAsset AG providing the Tricia platform for
commercial use, uses hybrid wikis among others
things for its issue management. For each issue a hy-
brid wiki page with tag ‘unprocessed’ and type tag
‘issue’ is created. All unprocessed issues are shown
in a list on the Tricia developer dashboard, that is built
only using standard features of hybrid wikis. This
list is dynamically generated by using an embedded
query which filters all wiki pages having the tag ‘un-
processed’ and type tag ‘issue’ assigned. When a new
entry appears in this list, i.e. the underlying embed-
ded query yields a new search hit, the developers are
informed by means of a new entry in an RSS-Feed.
A responsible person processes these new entries and
categorizes them by assigning additional type tags.
Currently two kinds of additional type tags are mainly
used: ‘Bug’ and ‘Change request’. Furthermore, a
person is assigned responsibility for processing this
issue by setting the attribute ‘assigned to’ to the re-
spective name and the tag ‘unprocessed is deleted
in order to remove this issue from the dashboard list.
The responsible person is in turn informed by an RSS-
Feed. The complete data model as used for the change
management is shown as an UML class diagram in
Figure 3.
The schema as shown emerged bottom-up by
management of the particular wiki pages. Only the
following constraints were defined afterwards top-
down by means of type tag definitions:
enumeration types (Status, Priority, Effort), in the
beginning these values were plain strings
‘exactly-one’ cardinality for the relationship ‘as-
signed to’ between ‘Issue’ and ‘Person’ instances
Note, that the cardinality in the UML diagram of
Figure 3 is given with 0..1. This is due to the fact that
new reported issues do not have a responsible person
assigned. For theses instances a warning message is
shown indicating that there should be at least one per-
son defined.
Wiki templates enable authors to reuse content struc-
tures among wiki pages. In (Haake et al., 2005), the
authors discuss the need for structure in wikis based
on templates, in (Di Iorio et al., 2008) different wiki
templating approaches are compared to each other.
Although hybrid wikis explicitly do not support tem-
plates, attribute and type (-tag) suggestions based on
a statistical analysis of typetag and attribute combi-
nations enables authors to reuse well established type
structures, similar to templates.
The Semantic MediaWiki project is the most
prominent example in the category of semantic wikis.
This project adds database-like structuring and query-
ing capabilities on top of an existing wiki, with-
out requiring users to develop or adhere to a rigid
database schema when authoring content (Kr¨otzsch
et al., 2006). This project also includes various fea-
tures for browsing, searching, and aggregating the
wiki’s content as well as embedding queries in the
wiki pages. Additionally, Semantic Media Wiki
provides a model export to the standardized format
Feature Request
due date : Date
status : Status
priority : Priority
effort: Effort
related to
known since: Date
duplicate of
assigned to
reported by
open, in progress, on hold,
to be discussed, solved,
postponed, rejected
low, medium, high
low, medium, high
requested by
related to
Figure 4: Emerged Concepts of the InfoAsset Bugtracker.
OWL/RDF. Unlike in hybrid wikis, in Semantic Me-
diaWiki meta information can only be added to the
pages by directly editing the markup in wiki syntax.
This issue is addressed by Semantic Enterprise
Wiki (SWM+)
, a set of open-source extensions to
the Semantic MediaWiki. In this approach, meta data
(properties) can be defined by means of a graphical
user interface, called ‘semantic toolbar’, so users are
not forced to write semantic annotations manually.
For the classification of pages in Semantic Enterprise
Wiki the concept of categories is used. Categories and
properties are shown as a list in the semantic toolbar.
The approach differs from hybrid wikis as follows:
A separate annotation mode (semantic toolbar) is
needed to enter structured information.
Users have to create and edit both, the content
of the wiki page and the semantic annotations.
Users also have to be aware of content and anno-
tations being synchronized, which is an laborious
and error-prone task.
No attribute (properties) suggestions based on the
types (categories) are provided.
AceWiki is a semantic wiki using controlled natu-
ral language for ontology management (Kuhn, 2008).
In (Paschke et al., 2009) a lightweight approach for
editing ontologies is introduced. Like hybrid wikis,
both approaches try to facilitate structured data entry.
However, in AceWiki this is achieved by natural lan-
guage processing, in the second case by introducing a
lightweight ontology editor.
The open source project TWiki
and its fork Fos-
try to combine the advantages of wikis and
database systems by allowing the user to attach data
records to wiki pages. Although the schema can be
changed at runtime, the effort is considerably higher
http://wiki.ontoprise.de; visited on April 27th 2011.
http://twiki.org; visited on April 27th 2011.
http://foswiki.org; visited on April 27th 2011.
than for hybrid wikis and the usage of a special wiki
syntax is required.
The research prototype SnoopyDB (Gassler et al.,
2010) focuses particularly on recommending at-
tributes to users when they are entering data. Types
cannot be specified at all but all attributes are sug-
gested based on attributes of other pages. This makes
it very difficult to generate tabular overviews of pages
covering certain kinds of things.
MokiWiki (Ghidini et al., 2009) is a plain mod-
elling wiki, used to model the constituent parts of an
enterprise collaboratively. With hybrid wikis we fo-
cus on facilitating collaborative data and information
management within enterprises. Information models
emerge bottom-up as a by-product.
In sebis Enterprise 2.0 Tool Survey (B¨uchner
et al., 2009) the functional capabilities of integrated
E2.0 platforms are compared resulting in a multi-
dimensional classification and evaluation framework.
Especially the survey 2010 includes functional as-
pects regarding the ‘Structuring of Content’ as well
as ‘Templates for Structured Content’. The fact that
leading social software vendors include capabilities
for structuring contents indicates an increasing de-
mand in enterprises.
In this article, we introduced hybrid wikis, a
lightweight approach for data and information man-
agement within enterprises facilitating structuring of
contents for business users. The main purpose of
hybrid wikis is to avoid requiring users to learn
complex semantic languages for adding structure to
While hybrid wikis are not mainly built for modelling
purposes, the models emerging through data management
in hybrid wikis can also be used to represent the particular
enterprise constituents (c.f. (Buckl et al., 2009) and Section
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
wiki pages. Instead we provide an easy way for
structured data entry with a small set of elements,
namely attributes (key-value-pairs) and type tags.
Furthermore, attribute suggestions encourage users
to provide these structuring elements. Suggestions
and auto-completion foster a common vocabulary, so
users immediately benefit from the structure through
better search capabilities. By means of these mecha-
nisms complex structures emerge bottom-up by the
management of particular data sets. To define in-
tegrity constraints we introduced the concepts of val-
idators, attribute definitions and type tag definitions.
They additionally can be used to define advanced
rules and parts of the data model in a top-down man-
Furthermore, we described the practical expe-
riences made with hybrid wikis in two concrete
projects, one from the industry and one as part of
our research endeavours. For the latter we sketched
the models emerging bottom-up by means of attribute
suggestions as well as the (soft-) constraints addition-
ally defined top-down afterwards.
We see potential to improve and validate our ap-
proach in the following ways:
Compare hybrid wikis to similar wiki-based ap-
proaches (c.f. Section 5). For instance, we
will analyze the revision history in order to com-
pare the evolution of structure compared to hybrid
Provide more validators (e.g., boolean, date),
which are the basis for advanced controls facili-
tating the input of structured data.
Support advanced visualizations of structured
data, which also can be used for navigating the
wiki contents.
Improve the way relationships between pages are
handled (c.f. Section 2.3).
Provide type (tag) suggestions beside attribute
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