Imran Sarwar Bajwa
School of Computer Science, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, U.K.
M. Asif Naeem
Department of Computer Science,University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Ahsan Ali Chaudhri
Director of Academic Programs, Queens Academic Group, Auckland, New Zealand
Shahzad Ali
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science & Technology, Chengdu, China
Keywords: Natural Language Interface, Controlled Natural Language, Natural Language Processing, Class Model,
Automated Object Oriented Analysis, SBVR.
Abstract: The available approaches for automatically generating class models from natural language (NL) software
requirements specifications (SRS) exhibit less accuracy due to informal nature of NL such as English. In the
automated class model generation, a higher accuracy can be achieved by overcoming the inherent syntactic
ambiguities and semantic inconsistencies in English. In this paper, we propose a SBVR based approach to
generate an unambiguous representation of NL software requirements. The presented approach works as the
user inputs the English specification of software requirements and the approach processes input English to
extract SBVR vocabulary and generate a SBVR representation in the form of SBVR rules. Then, SBVR
rules are semantically analyzed to extract OO information and finally OO information is mapped to a class
model. The presented approach is also presented in a prototype tool NL2SBVRviaSBVR that is an Eclipse
plugin and a proof of concept. A case study has also been solved to show that the use of SBVR in automated
generation of class models from NL software requirements improves accuracy and consistency.
In natural language (NL) based automated software
engineering, the NL (such as English) software
requirements specifications are automatically
transformed to the formal software representations
such as UML (Bryant, 2008) models. The automated
analysis of the NL software requirements is a key
phase in NL based automated software modelling
such as UML (OMG, 2007) modelling. In last two
decades, a few attempts have been made to
automatically analyze the NL requirement
specification and generate the software models such
as UML class models e.g. NL-OOPS (Mich, 196),
D-H (Delisle, 1998), RCR (Börstler, 1999), LIDA
(Overmyer, 2001), GOOAL (Perez-Gonzalez, 2002),
CM-Builder (Harmain, 2003), Re-Builder (Oliveira,
2004), NL-OOML (Anandha, 2006), UML-
Generator (Bajwa, 2009), etc. However, the accurate
object oriented (OO) analysis is still a challenge for
NL community (Denger, 2003), (Ormandjieva,
2007), (Berry, 2008). The main hurdle in addressing
this challenge is ambiguous and inconsistent nature
of NLs such as English. English is ambiguous
because English sentence structure is informal.
(Bajwa, 2007) Similarly, English is inconsistent as
majority of English words have multiple senses and
Bajwa I., Naeem M., Chaudhri A. and Ali S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003509801020110
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 102-110
ISBN: 978-989-8425-54-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
a single sense can be reflected by multiple words in
In this paper, the major contribution is three
folds. Firstly, a Semantic Business vocabulary and
Rule (SBVR) (OMG, 2008) based approach is
presented to generate a controlled (unambiguous and
consistent) representation of natural language
software requirements specification. Secondly, we
report the structure of the implemented tool
NL2UMLviaSBVR that is able to automatically
perform object-oriented analysis of SBVR software
requirements specifications. Thirdly, a case study is
solved that was originally solved with CM-Builder
(Harmain, 2003) and the results of the case study are
compared with available tools (used for automated
OOA) to evaluate the NL2UMLviaSBVR tool.
Our approach works as the user inputs a piece of
English specification of software requirements and
the NL to SBVR approach generates SBVR (an
adopted standard of the OMG) (OMG, 2008) based
controlled representation of English software
requirement specification. To generate a SBVR
representation such as SBVR rule, first the input
English text is lexically, syntactically and
semantically parsed and SBVR vocabulary is
extracted. Then, the SBVR vocabulary is further
processed to construct a SBVR rule by applying
SBVR’s Conceptual Formalization (OMG, 2008)
and Semantic Formulation (OMG, 2008). The last
phase is extraction of the OO information (such as
classes, methods, attributes, associations,
generalizations, etc) from the SBVR’s rule based
The remaining paper is structured into the
following sections: Section 2 explains that how
SBVR provides a controlled representation to
English. Section 3 illustrates the architecture of
NL2UMLviaSBVR. Section 4 presents a case study.
The evaluation of our approach is presented in
section 5. Finally, the paper is concluded to discuss
the future work.
SBVR was originally presented for business people
to provide a clear and unambiguous way of defining
business policies and rules in their native language
(OMG, 2008). The SBVR based controlled
representation is useful in multiple ways such as due
to its natural language syntax, it is easy to
understand for developers and users. Similarly,
SBVR is easy to machine process as SBVR is based
on higher order logic (first order logic). We have
identified a set of characteristics of SBVR those can
be used to generate a controlled natural language
representation of English.
2.1 Conceptual Formalization
SBVR provides rule-based conceptual formalization
that can be used to generate a syntactically formal
representation of English. Our approach can
formalize two types of requirements: The structural
requirements can be represented using SBVR
structural business rules, based on two alethic modal
operators (OMG, 2008): “it is necessary that…” and
it is possible that” for example, It is possible that
a customer
is a member. Similarly, the behavioural
requirements can be represented using SBVR
operative business rule, based on two deontic modal
operators (OMG, 2008): “it is obligatory that
and “it is permitted that …” for example, It is
obligatory that a customer
can borrow at most two
2.2 Semantic Formulation
SBVR is typically proposed for business modeling
in NL. However, we are using the formal logic based
nature of SBVR to semantically formulate the
English software requirements statements. A set of
logic structures called semantic formulations are
provided in SBVR to make English statements
controlled such as atomic formulation, instantiate
formulation, logical formulation, quantification, and
modal formulation. For more details, we recommend
user SBVR 1.0 document (OMG, 2008).
2.3 Textual Notations
SBVR provides couple of textual notations.
Structured English is one of the possible SBVR
notations, given in SBVR 1.0 document, Annex C
(OMG, 2008), is applied by prefixing rule keywords
in a SBVR rules. The other possible SBVR notation
is Rulespeak, given in SBVR 1.0 document, Annex
F (OMG, 2008), uses mixfixing keywords in
propositions. Both SBVR formal notations typically
help in expressing the natural language propositions
with equivalent semantics that can be captured
formally represented as logical formulations.
This section explains how English text is mapped to
SBVR representation, object oriented analysis and
finally generation of a class model. The used
approach works in five phases (see figure 1):
Processing natural language specification
Extracting Business Vocabulary from NL text
Generating Business Rules from business
Performing object oriented analysis
Generating UML Class models
Figure 1: The NL2SBVR Approach.
3.1 Parsing NL Software Requirements
The first phase of NL2UMLviaSBVR is NL parsing
that involves a number of sub-processing units
(organized in a pipelined architecture) to process
complex English statements. The NL parsing phase
tokenizes English text and lexically, syntactically
and semantically processes the English text.
3.1.1 Lexical Processing
The NL parsing starts with the lexical processing of
a plain text file containing English software
requirements specification. The lexical processing
phase comprises following four sub-phases:
1. The input is processed to identify the margins of
a sentence and each sentence is stored in an
2. After sentence splitting, each sentence goes
through the tokenization. Tokenization works as
a sentence “A member can borrow at most two
books.” is tokenized as [A] [member] [can]
[borrow] [at] [most] [two] [books] [.]
3. The tokenized text is further passed to Stanford
parts-of- speech (POS) (Toutanova, 2000) tagger
v3.0 to identify the basic POS tags e.g. A/DT
member/NN can/MD borrow/VB at/IN most/JJS
two/CD books/NNS ./. The Stanford POS tagger
v3.0 can identify 44 POS tags.
4. The POS tagged text is further processed to
extract various morphemes. In morphological
analysis, the suffixes attached to the nouns and
verbs are segregated e.g. a verb “applies” is
analyzed as “apply+s” and similarly a noun
“students” is analyzed as “student+s”.
3.1.2 Syntactic Processing
We have used an enhanced version of a rule-based
bottom-up parser for the syntactic analyze of the
input text used in (Bajwa, 2009). English grammar
rules are base of used parser. The text is
syntactically analyzed and a parse tree is generated
for further semantic processing, shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Parsing English text.
3.1.3 Semantic Interpretation
In this semantic interpretation phase, role labelling
(Bajwa, 2006) is performed. The desired role labels
are actors (nouns used in subject part), co-actor
(additional actors conjuncted with ‘and’), action
(action verb), thematic object (nouns used in object
part), and a beneficiary (nouns used in adverb part)
if exists, (see figure 3). These roles assist in
identifying SBVR vocabulary and exported as an
xml file.
A member can borrow at most two books .
Actor Action Quantity Them. Object
Figure 3: Semantic interpretation of English text.
3.2 SBVR Vocabulary Extraction
The similar rules to extract SBVR vocabulary from
English text, we used in (Bajwa, 2011). We have
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
extended the rules to use in NL to UML translation
via SBVR. In NL to SBVR translation phase, the
basic SBVR vocabulary e.g. noun concept,
individual concept, object type, verb concepts, fact
type, etc are identified from the English input that is
preprocess in the previous phase. The extraction of
various SBVR elements is described below:
1. Extracting Object Types: All common nouns
(actors, co-actors, thematic objects, or
beneficiaries) are represented as the object types
or general concept (see figure 4) e.g. belt, user,
cup, etc. In conceptual modelling, the object
types are mapped to classes.
2. Extracting Individual Concepts: All proper
nouns (actors, co-actors, thematic objects, or
beneficiaries) are represented as the individual
Figure 4: An extract of the SBVR metamodel: concepts.
3. Extracting Fact Types: The auxiliary and action
verbs are represented as verb concepts. To
constructing a fact types, the combination of an
object type/individual concept + verb forms a
unary fact type e.g. “vision system
Similarly, the combination of an object
type/individual concept + verb + object type
forms a binary fact type e.g. belt
conveys part is a
binary fact type.
4. Extracting Characteristics: In English, the
characteristic or attributes are typically
represented using is-property-of fact type e.g.
is-property-of customer”. Moreover, the
use of possessed nouns (i.e. pre-fixed by’s or
post-fixed by of) e.g. student’s age or age of
student is also characteristic.
5. Extracting Quantifications: All indefinite articles
(a and an), plural nouns (prefixed with s) and
cardinal numbers (2 or two) represent
6. Extracting Associative Fact Types: The
associative fact types (OMG, 2008) (section (see figure 4) are identified by
associative or pragmatic relations in English text.
In English, the binary fact types are typical
examples of associative fact types e.g. “The belt
conveys the parts”. In this example, there is a
binary association in belt
and parts concepts.
This association is one-to-many as ‘parts’
concept is plural. In conceptual modeling of
SBVR, associative fact types are mapped to
7. Extracting Partitive Fact Type: The partitive fact
types (OMG, 2008) (section (see
figure 4) are identified by extracting structures
such asis-part-of”, “included-in” or “belong-to
e.g. “The user puts two-kinds-of parts, dish and
cup”. Here ‘parts’ is generalized form of ‘dish’
and ‘cup’. In conceptual modeling of SBVR,
categorization fact types are mapped to
8. Extracting Categorization Fact Types: The
categorization fact types (OMG, 2008) (section (see figure 4) are identified by
extracting structures such asis-category-of” or
is-type-of”, “is-kind-of” e.g. “The user puts two-
kinds-of parts, dish and cup”. Here ‘parts’ is
generalized form of ‘dish’ and ‘cup’. In
conceptual modeling of SBVR, categorization
fact types are mapped to generalizations. All the
extracted information shown in figure 5 is stored
in an arraylist for further analysis.
A member can borrow at most two book s
Quant. Noun Modal Verb Quant. Object Quant
Concept Verb Concept Type
Figure 5: Semantic interpretation of English text.
3.3 SBVR Rules Generation
In this phase, a SBVR representation such as SBVR
rule is generated from the SBVR vocabulary in
previous phase. SBVR rule is generated in two
phases as following:
3.3.1 Applying Semantic Formulation
A set of semantic formulations are applied to each
fact type to construct a SBVR rule. There are five
basic semantic formulations proposed in SBVR
version 1.0 (OMG, 2008) but we are using following
three with respect to the context of the scope of
proposed research:
1. Logical Formulation: A SBVR rule can be
composed of multiple fact types using logical
operators e.g. AND, OR, NOT, implies, etc. For
logical formulation (OMG, 2008), the tokens
not’ or ‘no’ are mapped to negation
( a).
Similarly, the tokens ‘that’ & ‘and are mapped
to conjunction
(a ˄ b). The token ‘or’ is
mapped to disjunction
(a ˅ b) and the tokens
imply’, ‘suggest’, ‘indicate’, ‘infer’ are mapped
to implication
(a b).
2. Quantification: Quantification (OMG, 2008) is
used to specify the scope of a concept.
Quantifications are applied by mapping tokes
like “more than” or “greater than” to at least n
quantification; token “less than” is mapped to at
most n quantification and token “equal to” or a
positive statement is mapped to exactly n
3. Modal Formulation: In SBVR, the modal
formulation (OMG, 2008) specifies seriousness
of a constraint. Modal verbs such ascan’ , ‘’ or
may’ are mapped to possibility formulation
represent a structural requirement and the modal
verbs ‘should’, ‘must’ or verb concept “have to
are mapped to obligation formulation
represent a behavioural requirement.
3.3.2 Applying Structured English Notation
The last step in generation of a SBVR is application
of the Structured English notation in SBVR 1.0
document, Annex C (OMG, 2008). Following
formatting rules were used: The noun concepts are
underlined e.g. student
; the verb concepts are
italicized e.g. should be; the SBVR keywords are
bolded e.g. at most; the individual concepts are
double underlined e.g. Ahmad
, England. Attributes
are also italicized but with different colour: e.g.
name. RuleSpeak (OMG, 2008) is the other
available notation in SBVR. The NL2UMLviaSBVR
tool supports both notations.
3.4 Object-oriented Analysis
In this phase, finally the SBVR rule is further
processed to extract the OO information. The
extraction of each OO element from SBVR
representation is described below:
1. Extracting Classes: All SBVR object types are
mapped to classes e.g. library, book, etc.
2. Extracting Instances: The SBVR individual
concepts are mapped to instances.
1. Extracting Class Attributes: All the SBVR
characteristics or unary fact types (without action
verbs) associated to an object type are mapped to
attributes of a class.
2. Extracting Class Methods: All the SBVR verb
concepts (action verbs) associated to a noun
concept are mapped to methods for a particular
class e.g. issue() is method of library class.
3. Extracting Associations: A unary fact type with
action verb is mapped to a unary relationship and
all associative fact types are mapped to binary
relationships. The use of quantifications with the
respective noun concept is employed to identify
multiplicity e.g. library and book(s) will have one
to many association. The associated verb concept
is used as caption of association as shown in
figure 6.
Figure 6: Extracting class associations.
4. Extracting Generalization: The partitive fact
types are specified as generalizations. The
subject-part of the fact type is considered the
main class in generalization and object-part of
the fact types is considered as the sub class.
5. Extracting Aggregations: The categorization fact
types are mapped to aggregations. The subject-
part of the fact type is considered the main class
in aggregation and object-part of the fact types is
considered as the sub class.
3.5 Drawing UML Class Model
This phase draws a UML class model by combining
class diagram symbols with respect to the
information extracted of the previous phase. In this
phase, the java graphics functions (drawline(),
drawrect(), etc) are used to draw the class diagram
A case study is discussed from the domain of library
information systems that was originally presented by
Callan (1994) and later on solved by Harmain
(2003). The problem statement for the case study is
as follows:
A library issues loan items to customers. Each
customer is known as a member and is issued a
membership card that shows a unique member
number. Along with the membership number
other details on a customer must be kept such as
a name, address, and date of birth. The library is
up of a number of subject sections. Each
section is denoted by a classification mark. A
loan item is uniquely identified by a bar code.
There are
two types of loan items, language
tapes, and books. A language tape has a title
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
language (e.g. French), and level (e.g. beginner).
A book has a title, and author(s). A customer may
borrow up to a maximum of 8 items. An item can
be borrowed, reserved or renewed
to extend a
current loan. When an item is issued the
customer's membership number is scanned via a
bar code reader or entered manually.
If the
membership is still valid and the number of items
on loan less than 8, the book bar code is read,
either via the bar code reader or entered
If the item can be issued (e.g. not
reserved) the item is stamped and then issued.
The library must support the facility for an item
to be searched and for a daily update of records.
The problem statement of the case study was
given as input to the NL2UMLviaSBVR tool that is
an Eclipse plugin implemented in java as a proof of
concept. The generated SBVR representation is:
A library issues loan items to each customer.
Each customer is known as a member and is
issued a membership card
that shows a unique
member number
. It is necessary that the
membership number
and other details on a
customer must be kept such as a name, address,
and date-of-birth. The library
is made up of a
number of subject sections
. Each section is
denoted by a classification-mark. A loan item
identified by a bar-code. There are exactly two
types of loan items
, language tapes, and books. A
language tape
has a title-language, and level. A
has a title, and author(s). It is possibility
that each customer
may borrow up to at most 8
items. It is possibility that each item can be
borrowed, reserved or renewed to extend a
current loan
. When an item is issued the
’s membership-number is scanned via a
bar code reader or entered manually. If the
is valid and the number of items on
at most 8, the book’s bar-code is read, either
via the bar code reader
or entered manually. It is
possibility that if the item can be issued the item
is stamped and then issued. It is necessary that
the library
must support the facility for an item to
be searched and for a daily update of records
After generating the SBVR representation, OOA
was performed to extract following information:
There were some synonyms for the used classes
such as Item and Loan_Item, Section and
Subject_Section. Our system keeps only one of the
similar classes. Here, customer and member are also
synonyms, but our system is not able to handle such
similarities. There is only one wrong class that is
Member_Number as it is an attribute. There are two
incorrect associations: “Library support facility” is
not an association and “Library made up of
Subject_sections” is an aggregation but classified as
an association.
Table 1: Object Oriented Analysis results.
Type Count Details
Library, Loan_Items,
Customer, Book,
Language_Tape Member,
name, address, date-of-
classification_mark, title,
author, Level, membership-
number, valid
issue(), show(), denote(),
identify(), extend(), scan(),
enter(), read_barcode(),
stamp(), search(). update()
Library issues Loan_Items;
Member_Card issued to
Member; Library made up
of Subject_sections;
Customer borrow
Loan_items; customer renew
Loan_item; customer
reserve_Loan_item; Library
support facility
Loan Items is type-of
Language_tapes, Loan Items
is type-of Books
Aggregations 00 -
Instances 00 -
A screen shot of a class model generated for the
case study shown in figure 7.
We have done performance evaluation to evaluate
the accuracy of NL2UMLviaSBVR tool. An
evaluation methodology, for the performance
evaluation of NLP tools, proposed by Hirschman
and Thompson (1995) is based on three aspects:
Criterion specifies the interest of evaluation e.g.
precision, error rate, etc.
Figure 7: A class model of case study generated by
Measure specifies the particular property of
system performance someone intends to get at
the selected criterion e.g. percent correct or
Evaluation method determines the appropriate
value for a given measure and a given system.
As we want to compare the results of
performance evaluation with other tools such as
CM-Builder (Harmain, 2003), we have a used a
similar evaluation methodology used for CM-
Builder. Following is the evaluation methodology
used to evaluate the performance of
5.1 Evaluation Methodology
Our evaluation methodology is based on three items,
described in (Harmain, 2003):
a. Criterion
For evaluation of the designed system, a criterion
was defined that how close are the
NL2UMLviaSBVR output to the opinion of the
human expert (named sample results). Different
human experts produce different representations and
can be good or bad analysis. However, we gained a
human expert’s opinion for the target input and used
it as a sample result.
b. Measure
We have used two evaluation metrics: recall and
precision. These metrics are extensively employed to
evaluate NL based knowledge extraction systems.
We can define these metrics as following:
1. Recall: The completeness of the results produced
by system is called recall. Recall can be
calculated by comparing the correct results
produced by the system’s with the human
expert’s opinion (sample results). Recall can be
calculated by using the following formula also
used in (Harmain, 2003):
Where N
is the number of correct results
generated by the tool and N
is the number of
sample results (opinion of human expert).
2. Precision: The second metrics precision
expresses accuracy of the designed system where
system accuracy means the correct number of
results produced by the system. Precision is
measured by comparing designed system’s
number of correct results by all (incorrect and
correct) results produced by the system.
Precision is calculated as:
Where N
is the number of incorrect results
and N
is the number of correct results.
c. Method
To evaluate the results of NL2UMLviaSBVR, each
outcome (class names, attributes names, method
names, associations, multiplicity generalizations,
aggregations, and instance names) of the
NL2UMLviaSBVR’s output was matched with the
expert’s opinion (N
) (sample solution). The
outcome that accurately classified into respective
category was declared correct (N
) otherwise
incorrect (N
). Additionally, the information
that was not extracted (or missed) by the NL2SBVR
tool but it was given in the human expert’s opinion
) was categorized as the missing information
5.2 Evaluation Results
The results of the case studies were used to calculate
recall and precision values as shown in table 2.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: NL2UMLviaSBVR Evaluation results.
xample N
Rec% Prec%
Results 40 35 3 2 87.50 92.10
Average recall for English requirement
specification is calculated 87.5% while average
precision is calculated 92.1%. These results are very
encouraging for the future enhancements.
We have also compared the results of
NL2UMLviaSBVR with other available tools that
can perform automated analysis of the NL
requirement specifications. Recall value was not
available for some of the tools. We have used the
available recall and precision values of the tools for
comparison as shown in table 3:
Table 3: A comparison of performance evaluation -
NL2UMLviaSBVR vs other tools.
NL Tools for Class Modelling Recall Precision
CM-Builder (Harmain, 2003) 73.00% 66.00%
GOOAL (Perez-Gonzalez, 2002) - 78.00%
UML-Generator (Bajwa, 2009) 81.29% 87.17%
NL-OOML (Anandha, 2006) - 82.00%
LIDA (Overmyer, 2001) 71.32% 63.17%
NL2UMLviaSBVR 87.50% 92.10%
Here, we can note that the accuracy of other NL
tools used for information extraction and object
oriented analysis is well below than
Moreover, the various tools’ functionalities (if
available, is automated or user involved) are also
compared with NL2UMLviaSBVR as shown in
Table 4:
Table 4 shows that besides NL2UMLviaSBVR,
there are very few tools those can extract
information such as multiplicity, aggregations,
generalizations, and instances from NL requirement.
Thus, the results of this initial performance
evaluation are very encouraging and support both
the approach adopted in this paper and the potential
of this technology in general.
The primary objective of the paper was to address
the challenge of addressing ambiguous nature of
natural languages (such as English) and generate a
controlled representation of English so that the
accuracy of machine processing can be improved.
Table 4: Comparison of NL2UMLviaSBVR with other
Classes Yes User Yes Yes Yes
Attributes Yes User Yes Yes Yes
Methods No User Yes Yes Yes
Associations Yes User Semi-NL No Yes
Multiplicity Yes User No No Yes
Aggregation No No No No Yes
Generalization No No No No Yes
Instances No No No No Yes
To address this challenge we have presented a NL
based automated approach to parse English software
requirements specifications and generated a
controlled representation using SBVR. Automated
object oriented analysis of SBVR specifications of
software requirements using the NL2UMLviaSBVR
provides a higher accuracy as compared to other
available NL-based tools. Besides better accuracy,
SBVR has also enabled to extract OO information
such as association multiplicity, aggregations,
generalizations, and instances as other NL-based
tools can’t process and extract this information.
Some non-functional requirements in the case
study such as “
If the membership is still valid and the
number of items
on loan less than 8, the book bar code is
read” and “If the item can be issued (e.g. not reserved)
the item is stamped and then issued.” are not part of the
output class model. These are basically constraints
and it is our future work to also generate Object
Constraint language (OCL) for these natural
language constraints.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems