Feten Baccar Ben Amar, Bilel Gargouri
MIRACL Laboratory, University of Sfax, FSEGS, B.P. 1088, 3018, Sfax, Tunisia
Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou
MIRACL Laboratory, University of Sfax, ISIMS, B.P. 242, 3021 Sakiet-Ezzit, Tunisia
Keywords: Core Domain Ontology Generation, LMF Standardized Dictionary, Ontology Quality, Arabic Language.
Abstract: The present paper proposes a methodology for generating core domain ontology from LMF standardized
dictionary (ISO-24613). It consists in deriving the ontological entities systematically from the explicit
information, taking advantage of the LMF dictionary structure. Indeed, such finely-structured source
incorporates multi-domain lexical knowledge of morphological, syntactic and semantic levels, lending itself
to ontological interpretations. The basic feature of the proposed methodology lies in the proper building of
ontologies. To this end, we have integrated a validation stage into the suggested process in order to maintain
the coherence of the resulting formalized ontology core during this process. Furthermore, this methodology
has been implemented in a rule-based system, whose high-performance is shown through an experiment
carried out on the Arabic language. This choice is explained not only by the great deficiency of work on
Arabic ontology building, but also by the availability within our research team of an LMF standardized
Arabic dictionary.
Domain ontologies are “engineering artifacts”
describing a set of relevant domain-specific concepts
and their relationships in a formal way. Although the
area of ontology learning aiming to automate the
ontology creation process has been dealt with by
plenty of work, it is still a long way from being fully
automatic and deployable on a large scale (Cimiano
et al., 2009). This is essentially because it is a time-
consuming and difficult task that requires significant
human involvement for the validation of each step
throughout this process.
In order to reduce the costs, research on (semi-)
automatic ontology building from scratch has been
conducted using a variety of resources, such as raw
texts (Aussenac-Gilles et al., 2008), Machine-
Readable Dictionaries (MRDs) (Kurematsu et al.,
2004; Rigau et al., 1998), and thesauri (Chrisment et
al., 2008). Obviously, these resources have different
features, and therefore, each proposed process is
based on a different approach with respect to
principles, design criteria, NLP techniques, etc.
As linguistic information is increasingly required
in ontologies mainly in NLP applications (Buitelaar
et al., 2009), among the considered terminological
resources, MRDs represent one of the most likely
and suitable sources promoting the knowledge
extraction both at ontological and lexical levels.
However, since much information has not yet been
encoded, the access to the potential wealth of
information in dictionaries remains limited to
software applications.
Recently, Lexical Markup Framework (LMF)
(ISO 24613, 2008), which is a standard for the
representation and construction of lexical resources,
has been defined. Basically, its meta-model provides
a common and shared representation of lexical
objects that allows the encoding of rich linguistic
information, including morphological, syntactic, and
semantic aspects (Francopoulo and George, 2008).
It is in this context that we have proposed a new
approach that makes use of LMF standardized
dictionaries to generate domain ontologies (Baccar
Baccar Ben Amar F., Gargouri B. and Ben Hamadou A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003512803960401
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 396-401
ISBN: 978-989-8425-77-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
et al., 2010). Such resource incorporates widely-
accepted and commonly-referenced diversified
linguistic knowledge lending itself to ontological
interpretations. Indeed, finely-structured knowledge
in an LMF-standardized dictionary paves the way
for the constitution of core domain ontology.
Furthermore, the abundance of texts available in the
definitions, explanations and examples are very
interesting to realize the core enrichment and above
all to provide the ontology elements with linguistic
On the other hand, the nature of ontologies as
reference models for a domain requires a high
degree of quality of the respective model. Indeed,
several approaches have been considered in
literature in order to assess ontology construction
methodologies. However, a comprehensive and
consensual standard methodology seems to be out of
reach (Almeida, 2009). Yet, evaluating the ontology
as a whole is a costly and challenging task especially
when the reduction of human intervention is sought.
This can be deemed as a major impediment that may
elucidate the ontologies‟ failure not only to be
reused in others but also to be exploited in final
The ultimate objective of this paper is to show
the way in which an LMF-compliant MRD is
exploited for the core domain ontology generation.
In fact, its systematic organization allowed us to
implement a fully automatic and iterative process for
a direct dictionary transformation of some particular
information into ontological elements. Additionally,
the suggested process includes a validation phase in
order to preserve the quality of the produced
ontology throughout its development life cycle.
Furthermore, the proposed methodology has been
implemented in a rule-based system, whose high-
performance has proven to be trustworthy through
an experiment carried out on an Arabic dictionary
(Baccar et al., 2008).
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 gives a related work overview of
ontology construction based on (semi-) structured
resources. Section 3 presents the proposed
methodology for generating the core domain
ontologies from LMF standardized dictionaries.
Section 4 presents the details of implementation. As
for Section 5, it is devoted to describe our
experimentation as well as to discuss the results
quality. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper with
opening perspectives for future work.
Since ontology engineering has long been a tedious
task requiring considerable human involvement and
effort, many proposals have been suggested to
facilitate knowledge domain acquisition. It is also
widely recognized that taking into account relevant
resources from the very beginning of the ontology
development process yields more effective results.
Accordingly, recent approaches based on a variety
of structured or semi-structured resources, such as
XML documents (Aussenac-Gilles and Kamel,
2009), UML models (Na et al., 2006) and so on,
have been proposed with the aim of producing an
early stage of domain ontology through rule-based
learning techniques. The resulting primary
ontologies, also named core or kernel ontologies,
can help in the quick modeling of the domain
knowledge and could be further extended to obtain a
complete ontology.
Considered as a large repository of quasi-
structured knowledge about language and the world,
MRDs illustrate the building stone for the generation
of conceptual structures ranging from concept
hierarchies, thesauri to ontologies (Jannink, 1999).
Indeed, as noted in (Hirst, 2009), word senses can be
seen as the equivalent of ontological categories, and
lexical relations (e.g., synonymy, antonymy,
hyponymy, meronymy and so on) would correspond
to ontological relations (for example, hypernymy
would stand for subsumption). Nevertheless, since
the MRDs are oriented towards human reader, much
information is not well-structured and therefore its
machine interpretation might not be evident.
Consequently, systems relying on MRDs incorporate
two major problems, one of which is their need for
massive human intervention and the other is their
confinement to limited relations, in almost all cases,
the taxonomic ones.
From another standpoint, being a newly
emerging standard for the creation and use of
computational lexicons, LMF has recently been
defined (Francopoulo and Georges, 2008). Its meta-
model allows the representation of NLP and MRD
lexicons in a systematic organization. Indeed, such
model contains much explicit linguistic information
as well as a lot of implicit information included in
the definitions and examples.
After the introduction of LMF standard, a good
deal of active work, among which we can mention
LexInfo (Buitelaar et al., 2009), LIR (Montiel-
Pensoda et al., 2008) and (Pazienza and Stellato,
2006) models, has been undertaken in response to
the need of increasing the linguistic expressivity of
given ontologies (Buitelaar et al., 2009). The
proposed models try to associate lexical information
with ontological entities, which is a heavy and time
consuming activity considering the plurality and the
heterogeneity of the resort sources. In addition, some
complexity rises when linguistic information is
involved in ontology reasoning (Ma et al., 2010).
3.1 Basic Idea
Thanks to its encompassing of both ontological and
lexical information, an LMF standardized dictionary
offers a very suitable primary knowledge resource to
learn domain ontologies (Baccar et al., 2010).
Accordingly, we have proposed an approach
consisting in firstly building the core of the target
ontology, taking advantage of the LMF standardized
dictionary structure. Secondly, it consists in
enriching such core starting from textual sources
with guided semantic fields available in the
definitions and the examples of lexical entries.
Within our context, the core provides all possible
sets of basic objects in a specific domain that could
be directly derived from systematic organization of
linguistic objects in an LMF standardized dictionary.
But before proceeding to the core building, we have
to create a dictionary fragment by extracting the
relevant part of the whole dictionary. It gathers
lexical entries of related senses to the domain of
interest as well as their semantically related words.
This dictionary fragment represents then the
privileged initial source for generating the target
ontology. Besides, when handling the obtained
ontology, conceptual nodes always keep reference to
lexical information included in the dictionary
fragment (henceforth dictionary).
In order to identify the concepts of a particular
domain, we consider the domain information given
in the dictionary by the SubjectField instances. Since
a concept corresponds to a meaning of a word, we
can directly deduce the concepts of the domain
ontology from particular instances (e.g., Context,
SenseExample) attached to the Sense class. With
regard to concepts properties, the generic LMF
meta-model allows for defining any type of
semantic relationship (e.g. synonymy, hypernymy,
meronymy) between the senses of two or several
lexical entries by means of the SenseRelation class.
Consequently, a relation that connects two or several
senses in the dictionary leads to an ontological
relation linking the corresponding concepts.
3.2 The Proposed Methodology
For the construction of core domain ontology, we
propose an automatic and incremental process. It
consists of three main stages (Figure 1). Firstly, we
identify candidates of concepts and relations relying
on some identification rules that we defined in
advance. Secondly, we check for duplicated
candidates by means of two lists of previously
identified and validated concepts and their
relationships. Finally, through a validation stage
supported by some validation rules, we check
whether the current change is still coherent after the
current change.
Figure 1: The core domain ontology generation process.
3.2.1 Concepts and Relations Identification
In this stage, we identify the concepts and their
relationships from the lexical entries in the LMF
standardized dictionary. According to our
investigation on LMF structure we managed to
define a set of identification rules allowing for the
elicitation of ontological entities. As a result of this
stage, we acquire all candidates of the core elements;
each one is assigned to a given signature. In the
present work, we formally define a signature of a
candidate concept and a candidate relation as follow:
Definition 1. A concept, denoted by C, is defined as
a couple, C = (N, S), where N is the name of C and S
denotes its binary tag whose value is equal either
0if C has no relation with other concepts, or 1
if C is linked to another concept.
Definition 2. A relation, denoted by R, is defined by
a triplet, R = (N, CD, CR), where N is the name of
the relation, CD is the domain of R and CR is the
range of R.
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
3.2.2 Duplication Check
As its name indicates, the goal of this stage is to
check for duplicated candidates. Such verification is
very important since the identification task may
imply several inter-related lexical entries per
iteration. In order to detect duplicated candidates,
the proposed process is based on two lists of
concepts and relations, which are initially empty.
They are intended to contain the concept as well as
the relation signatures, emanated from valid
introduction of new concepts and/or relations into
the resulting core. In addition, we distinguish three
types of duplication: exact duplication, quasi-exact
duplication and implicit duplication. Let £
and £
be the lists of concepts and relations, respectively.
Exact duplication. It refers to the identification of
the same copy of a previously identified candidate.
This type of duplication is denoted by the „
symbol which is formally stated as follow:
Let < C2 = (Name_2, 0) > be a concept candidate,
<C2 = (Name_2, 0) > ≡ <C1=(Name_1, ?) > Iff
< C1 = (Name_1, ?) > ϵ £
such that
Let < R
= (relation
, C1
, C2
) > be a relation
candidate and the concepts <C1
,1) >
and <C2
, 1) > be its two arguments,
< R
= (relation
, C1
, C2
) > < R
= (relation
, C2
) > Iff
< R
= (relation
, C1
, C2
) > ϵ £
, 1) > ϵ £
= (Name_2
, 1 )> ϵ £
such that
< C1
, 1) > < C1
= (Name
, 1) > and
< C2
, 1) > < C2
= (Name
, 1) > and
= relation
Quasi-exact duplication. This duplication denoted
by the „symbol concerns only relation candidates.
A quasi-exact duplicated relation candidate might
not be identical to an already identified candidate
but it represents an equivalent. Formally,
Let < R
, C1
, C2
)> be a relation
candidate and < C1
, 1)> and < C2
, 1) > be its two arguments,
= (relation
, C1
, C2
) > <R
= (relation
, C2
) > Iff
< R
= (relation
, C1
, C2
) > ϵ £
< C1
= (Name_1
, 1) > ϵ £
< C2
= (Name_2
, 1) > ϵ £
such that
< C1
, 1) > < C2
= (Name
, 1) > and
< C1
, 1) > < C2
= (Name
, 1) > and
= relation
= relation) and
symmetric (relation)
To illustrate the quasi-exact duplication with a
concrete example, we consider the case of married-
to symmetric relationship, for instance R1 =
(married-to, Man, Woman). Hence, a candidate
relation with the R2 = (married-to, Woman, Man)
signature is considered as a quasi-exact duplicated
relationship and should be ignored.
Implicit duplication. It also concerns only relation
candidates. An implicit duplicated candidate is a
completely different candidate but whose knowledge
can be inferred from existing core elements.
Formally, let < R
= (relation
, C1, C2) > be a
relation candidate and < C1= (Name_1
, 1) > and
< C2 = (Name_2
, 1) > be its arguments,
< R
= (relation, C1, C2) > is an implicit duplicated
relation Iff
< C3 = (Name_3
, ?) > ϵ £
=(relation, C2, C3)> ϵ £
=(relation, C3, C1
)> ϵ £
such that
(transitive (relation) ) and ( R
and R
For example, if we have two identified relations,
R1 = (is-a, Dog, Pet) and R2 = (is-a, Pet, Animal),
then we can derive the R3 = (is-a, Dog, Animal)
relation candidate. Hence, a candidate with R3
signature is an implicit duplicated relationship that
must be removed from the relations list.
In all duplication types, the duplicated candidates
should be ignored. Therefore, the constructed core
domain ontology does not store unnecessary or
useless entities. This quality criterion is also called
conciseness (Gómez-Pérez, 2004).
It is worth mentioning that the final lists of
concepts and relations are very helpful not only for
the core construction, but also for its enrichment.
Particularly, in the enrichment task, we will consider
only the orphan concepts (i.e., whose binary tag is
equal to 0) in order to link them to either old or new
concepts. Indeed, the first stage of this process may
introduce a good number of concepts that are not
involved in any relations. Likewise, the list of
relations is needed for the enrichment stage so as to
check the coherence of the whole ontology.
Once duplication check is performed, a further
validation stage is required to verify whether the
resulting core remains coherent when the candidate
is added to it.
3.2.3 Validation Stage
The automatic addition of non-duplicated candidates
to the ontology core could bring about errors. In
order to maintain the coherence of the built core, the
integration of a validation stage into the proposed
process is necessary. In other words, a concept or a
relation is automatically added to the output core
structure only when the latter is still coherent.
Gómez-Pérez has identified different kinds of errors
in taxonomies: inconsistency, incompleteness, and
redundancy errors (Gómez-Pérez, 2004).
Incompleteness Error. It occurs if the domain of
interest is not appropriately covered. Typically, an
ontology is incomplete if it does not include all
relevant concepts and their lexical representations.
Furthermore, partitions are incompletely defined if
knowledge about disjointness or exhaustiveness of a
partition is omitted.
Redundancy Error. It is a type of error that occurs
when redefining expressions that were already
explicitly defined or that can be inferred using other
Inconsistency Error. This kind of error can be
classified in circularity errors, semantic
inconsistency errors, and partition errors.
Circularity Errors. A circularity error is
identified, if a defined class in an ontology is a
specialization or generalization of itself. For
example, the concept Woman is a subclass of the
concept Person which is a subclass of the
concept Woman.
Semantic Inconsistency Errors. It refers to an
incorrect semantic classification. For example,
the concept Car is a subclass of the concept
Partition Errors. A class partition error occurs, if
a class is defined as a common subclass of
several classes of a disjoint partition. For
example, the concept Dog is a subclass of the
concepts Pet_Animal and Wild_Animal which
are disjoint subclasses of the concept Animal.
In the current stage, we are interested in kinds of
errors that can be automatically detected (i.e.,
without human expert involvement). Redundancy
verification has already been dealt with in the
second stage of this process. As for the completeness
assessment, it could not be done at this early stage of
domain ontology development. Therefore, only
inconsistency errors, particularly those of circularity
and partition types, are addressed in the present
work. After the check of the resulting core, we
proceed to the update of the concepts and relations
lists as well as the ontology core.
The methodology for core domain ontology
generation from LMF-standardized dictionaries is
implemented by a Java-based tool that enables users
to automatically build the core structures formalized
in OWL-DL, a sublanguage of OWL (Dean and
Schreiber, 2004). Indeed, an OWL-DL formalized
ontology can be interpreted according to description
logics, and DL-based reasoning software (e.g.,
RacerPro or Pellet) can be applied to check its
consistency or draw inferences from it. To take
advantage of this, we have decided to incorporate
the Pellet reasoner into our system. Indeed, it is an
open-source Java-based OWL-DL reasoner tool
(Sirin et al., 2007). Its consistency checking ensures
that an ontology does not contain any contradictory
facts. After the loading of the built OWL file, Pellet
determines if the ontology is actually consistent by
calling the isConsistent()method, whereby its
boolean return shall decide whether the addition
operation could be performed in the resulting core.
The assessment of the high performance of the
developed system as well as the good quality of the
obtained ontologies is shown through the experiment
carried out on the Arabic dictionary. The latter‟s
standard model (Baccar et al., 2008) and
experimental version has been worked out by our
research team. This dictionary is covering various
domains, of which animals, plants, astronomy and
sports are but a few. Besides, thanks to LMF meta-
model, our dictionary would certainly be an
extendable resource that could be incremented with
entries and lexical properties, extracted from other
sources (e.g., Arabic lexicons, text corpora).
As far as the evaluation of the obtained results is
concerned, we can obviously see that besides the
fully automated level, many important benefits are
noticeable in the proposed approach. Indeed, we can
firstly point out that all concepts and relations
represented in the core domain ontology are relevant
to the considered domain. In fact, the LMF-
standardized dictionaries are undeniably widely-
accepted and commonly-referenced resources;
thereby they simplify the task of labeling concepts
and relationships. Moreover, there is no ambiguity
insofar as we check the duplication of core ontology
elements before their construction. In addition, no
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
inferred knowledge is explicitly represented. Finally,
there are no consistency errors since we managed to
check the coherence of the generated ontology with
a specialized tool. Furthermore, a series of statistical
studies were conducted on various domains toward
the comparison of the obtained core ontologies with
the corresponding handcrafted expected domain
ontologies. We found out that about 80% of all
concepts and 30% of all relations can be deduced
and formalized without human expert involvement.
The main contribution of the current research work
is to propose a novel approach for the domain
ontology generation starting from an LMF
standardized dictionaries (ISO-24613). Firstly, it
consists in building an ontology core. Secondly, the
constructed core will be further enriched with
additional knowledge included in the text available
in the dictionary itself. The originality of this
approach lies in the use of a unique, finely-
structured source and rich in lexical as well as
conceptual knowledge.
Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations
have shown that the constructed core elements stand
for basic structures of a good quality, prone to be
further fleshed out with the additional information.
We expect to at the end create rich and valuable
semantic resources that are suitable for NLP tasks.
The next challenges deal with how to exploit the
wealth of information in the handled dictionary and
preserve in the same time the good quality of
yielding ontologies. Indeed, although systematic
organization provided by LMF structure, much
implicit information still needs to be analyzed
toward digging out more ontological knowledge.
That is why, ongoing work deals with the
investigation on words bearing other relationship to
the dictionary entry. We also plan to support the
enrichment mechanism with rules maintaining the
coherence of domain ontologies throughout their
construction process.
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