groups. Since DNS is a stateless protocol, flows with
truncated packets can still be detected. On the other
side, as web is a stateful protocol, the detection of
web flows drops for truncated packets. Though not
shown, FTP results also were different since FTP
protocol has a special behaviour.
Therefore, we can conclude that stateless
protocols are less sensitive to payload truncation
than stateful ones. Thus, optimizing DPI/DFI
methods through payload truncation could be more
effective for stateless and P2P protocols.
For interpreting the differences between flow and
packet results for the same protocol, flow results are
considered more significant since undetected flows
may contain a huge number of packets thus affecting
packet accuracy. We also noticed that flows detected
at higher truncation length mostly contain a huge
number of packets.
The effects of truncating packet payloads when
using OpenDPI are explored in this paper. The
experiments has shown that, unless just few bytes
(not more than 128 Bytes) were truncated from the
end of the packet payload, payload truncation for
this method will lead to many unknown packets and
flows decreasing the accuracy of the classification.
The obvious interpretation is that by combining DPI
with other technologies (such as behavioural and
statistical modeling), the task of DPI optimization
through truncation may render the identification
method itself inefficient since the non parsed part of
the data may still be needed for the other added
technology. The truncation can still be useful as an
optimization if, instead of classifying all the traffic,
the target is to select some of them based on the
application content and depending on the nature of
the associated protocol.
An apparent contradiction emerged between the
combination of identification technologies and the
optimization through partial payload inspection
procedures. Tradeoffs should be most probably one
of the next steps to explore. Additional experiments
have to be carried out to analyze the sensitivity to
flow truncation, that is, to consider just a selected
number of packets per flow.
This work has been supported by Spanish MICINN
under project TEC2008-06663-C03-02.
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DCNET 2011 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking