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In this appendix, we present a detailed view of the
outcome of an attack carried out against BME and in-
volving only the non-collaborative attackers E
. Refer to Section 3 for definitions of BME, at-
tacker behavior against BME, attack traces and cases.
Note that in cases 1, 2 and 3 (shown in Table 6),
’s request is the j-th served by S. In cases 4, 5 and
6, E
is the attacker with knowledge advantage. For
clarity, for cases 4 and 6 (see Table 6) we mark as
* the case in which E
’s request is served first by
S. In case 5, E
’s request is the only served and the
distinction is unnecessary.
A competitive attacker E attacking BME can:
• succeed and compromise a key that A will use;
• fail and realize it (by timeout);
• fail without realizing it, by acquiring the wrong
• fail without realizing it, even though E acquired
the right key.
Honest agents under attack can:
• detect the attack and abandon the protocol before
carrying out step (3);
• realize that the key has been compromised and
keep safe by not using it;
• fail to detect an attack but use their keyssafely, be-
cause all attackers have failed to acquire the cor-
rect key;
• use a compromised key.
Attackers who realize their failure can infer the
α Mislabeled or Unknown Attacker. The attacker
spies two messages from S and none from A in re-
sponse; he deduces that A had opened a single session
and that at least one request to S (in addition to his
own) was an attack. The attacker realizes that he has
either mislabeled as honest one of the active attackers
or that an unknown competitor is active.
β Unknown Attacker. The attacker spies two mes-
sages from S and none from A in response; he de-
duces that A had opened a single session and that at
least one request to S (in addition to his own) was an
attack. However, he has seen no additional requests
of the type (A,X) transit on the network; the attacker
realizes that an unknown competitor is active on the
γ Missed Message: Mislabeled or Unknown At-
tacker. The attacker spies only one message from S