Carlos Javier Hernandez-Castro, Arturo Ribagorda
IT&C Sec. Group (SETI), Comp. Science Dept., Univ. Carlos III, Legan´es, Madrid, Spain
Julio Cesar Hernandez-Castro
School of Computing, Portsmouth University, Portsmouth, U.K.
CAPTCHA, HIP, Common sense, AI, Logic reasoning, Semantic extraction, Data mining, Natural language
CAPTCHAs or HIPs are tests able to tell humans and computers apart, remotely and over an untrustworthy
channel. They rely on abilities that are though to be hard for algorithms, yet easy for humans. General logic
reasoning, based on common sense knowledge, is one of the areas that are still considered hard for AI. On
the other hand, logic reasoning targeting very specific areas has achieved success in AI. In this article, we list
current Semantic and Logic CAPTCHAs and examine how strong they are. We also discuss wether this model
is suited or not for automatic challenge generation and grading.
In a recent congress on Computer Security, one well
known Computer Security expert asked me why just
not use common sense questions to create strong
CAPTCHAs. I tried to explain him all the associ-
ated theoretical problems, but I can tell that he was
not very convinced, thinking that his idea was strong
He is not the only one. Some CAPTCHA de-
signers think alike, and also many programmers
that design their own CAPTCHAs to protect their
sites. There are several on-line discussions about
CAPTCHA user-friendliness, and why not to use
logic-CAPTCHAs to improve it
. In this article,
we intend to present the current situation regarding
Logic and Semantic CAPTCHAs: which ones are be-
ing used, how are they performing, specifically how
strong they are against simple attacks.
1.1 Organization
The rest of the paper is divided into a very brief intro-
duction to the state of the art of CAPTCHAs; an intro-
duction to the state of the art of Logic and Semantic
Some examples at http://www.tylercruz.com/captcha-vs-
human-logic/, at http://www.rubyflow.com/items/209 or at http://
CAPTCHAs, along with a definition of them; a brief
discussion on their security, as well as a more thor-
ough discussion on one of the most used ones; a gen-
eral discussion on Logic and Semantic CAPTCHAs;
and a conclusion, summarizing our results and what
we consider should (not) be future trends in Logic and
Semantic CAPTCHA design.
Any active Internet user has already faced
CAPTCHAs several times. If you have been
asked to pick up images with a certain property from
a set, to read a very distorted word, to hear and
write part of an speech, to drag and drop one image
from a set into a region, or to answer a common
sense question, you have already faced a CAPTCHA
CAPTCHA history commences when engineers
from Yahoo! met a research team at CMU to explain
their problem with bots joining online chats and pro-
moting web addresses. The CMU team came with
an idea for a test for telling humans and computers
apart, and a set of rules that any such a test should
have. Their test (EZ-GIMPY) was put into produc-
tion at Yahoo! with initial success. However, the first
Javier Hernández-Castro C., Ribagorda A. and Cesar Hernandez Castro J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003517001570167
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2011), pages 157-167
ISBN: 978-989-8425-71-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
instance of a CAPTCHA in a production system was
the one at the AltaVista search engine
. Although the
first time that the idea was mentioned was even before
(Naor, 1996).
The original problem that created the need for
CAPTCHAs has aggravated in the recent years.
Nowadays it is not only about preventing spam, but
also about ticket scalping, search engine ranking ma-
nipulation (or SEO, Search Engine Optimization),
dictionary attacks for retrieving account passwords,
automatic registration (for phishing, social network
information gathering, spam through SMS services,
instant messaging, etc.), automatic voting in on-line
polls, creation of on-line traps (as bride profiles in
dating services), aggregation of information from dif-
ferent on-line sources, different scams (through sites
that include reputation rankings, or fake job advertise-
ments in on-line listings for mule recruiting), denial
of service (DoS) through consumption of limited re-
sources (stock booking), etc.
The initial success of CAPTCHAs did not last
very long. Within a few years most text-based
CAPTCHAs were broken. Concern over the strength
of this kind of CAPTCHA impelled research in the
field. But many of the new proposals had several
drawbacks and resulted to be not as strong as intended
by their authors. Examples of CAPTCHAs that were
initially considered hard and resulted not to be so
have been ASIRRA
, Captcha2
, the Google text CAPTCHA, the orig-
inal Hotmail CAPTCHA
, Yahoo! CAPTCHAs (all
three reportedly broken several times), different au-
dio CAPTCHAs, etc. Several others resulted weak as
well: the QRBGS CAPTCHA (Hernandez-Castroand
Ribagorda, 2009a), PHP3BB CAPTCHAs
, Megau-
and other file-exchange services CAPTCHAs,
Used to prevent bots that automatically send URLs to the
search engine for indexing (Broder, 2001).
Presented in (Elson et al., 2007), and broken in (Golle, 2009)
and (Hernandez-Castro et al., 2009).
Presented in (Datta et al., 2005) and broken in (Zhu et al.,
Available at http://www.captcha2.com as of the 8th of Febru-
ary of 2011, and broken at (Hernandez-Castro et al., 2010b)
Introduced in several articles, as (Ahn et al., 2008), and broken
professionally, and academically by (Wilkins, 2010), currently still
in use with variations.
Hotmail is using reCAPTCHA as of January 2011.
References to several ones can be found at http://
blog.phpbb.com/2008/08/28/captchas-in-phpbb/, being the most
common http://www.codeproject.com/KB/web-security/Phpbb-
With a Mozilla Firefox plug-in that bypasses it at
The current situation is that just a few strong’
text-based CAPTCHAs are still on-line, all of them
after several major changes in their design. At the
same time, many on-line services are using partic-
ular and much weaker CAPTCHAs, that are broken
as soon as there is enough interest. A new actor has
also entered the market: the CAPTCHA breaking ser-
vices based in the combination of low-wage workers
and automatic solutions. None of the currently in use
CAPTCHAs are able to counter these services, but
there are a few proposals against them.
2.1 Current Types of CAPTCHAs
There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of dif-
ferent CAPTCHAs out in the Internet, if we sum all
the different types and their variants. Thus, in this
section we will try to present the most representa-
tive categories, citing some examples, so as to give
an overview of the current state of the art.
Of course, evolved text-based CAPTCHAs are
still in use (Table 1). They are typically based in older
designs that have been evolved to prevent different at-
tacks put into practice against them.
Table 1: Text-based CAPTCHA examples.
There are other ideas that can be considered also
variations of text-based CAPTCHAs: using artifi-
cially generated ’handwritten-like’ text (Achint and
Venu, 2008) (Rusu and Govindaraju, 2004), making
the segmentation problem harder (Baird and Riopka,
2005). Breaking away from text-based CAPTCHAs,
Chew and Tygar (Chew and Tygar, 2004) used a set
of labeled images to generate CAPTCHAs challenges
(using Google Images). Others (von Ahn and Dab-
bish, 2004) proposed other image-labeling mecha-
nisms, and other authors have used on-line human-
labeled sets of images (Elson et al., 2007) (Figure 1).
Other image-based CAPTCHAs rely on closed
databases of labeled images (Warner, 2009)
(Hernandez-Castro et al., 2010a) (Datta et al.,
2005). All mentioned image-based CAPTCHAs
have been broken (Hernandez-Castro et al., 2009;
Golle, 2009; Zhu et al., 2010), or their image-base
is considered too small to be secure. There are
other proposals for image-based CAPTCHAs (Hoque
et al., 2006), but their hardness has not properly been
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
A logic evolution from image based
CAPTCHAs has appeared recently, and
is based in video (or animation) based
CAPTCHAs (as in (Hernandez-Castro and Rib-
agorda, 2009b), or http://www.nucaptcha.com/,
http://www.kloover.com/video-captchas/, etc.). One
interesting proposal concerning moving images is
called Emerging Images CAPTCHA (EI) (Mitra
et al., 2009) (Figure 2). There is also another
quite special proposal, the Enhanced CAPTCHA
(Athanasopoulos and Antonatos, 2006), which aims
to prevent the relay problem
Figure 2: Example of a frame of an EI animation, with the
original shape depicted to the right. Example from (Mitra
et al., 2009).
Another comprehensive approach is based in try-
ing to model the behavior of human users of a web-
site, and use that model to tell them apart from
computers. This scheme cannot be always called a
CAPTCHA, as it might lack the Public characteristic.
There are some examples of this kind of tests
, al-
though not yet very common. There are other types
of CAPTCHA that typically mix more than just one
approach. One example of these is the QRBGS (Ste-
vanovic et al., 2008) CAPTCHA, that got wide media
attention (Knight, 2007) (Vaughan-Nichols, 2008).
And, of course, there are CAPTCHAs based on the
supposedly unique ability of humans to understand
common sense and solve logic questions.
A Logic CAPTCHA is one in which challenges are
solving-economy/1835, retrieved on the 1 of August 2010
One provider is http://www.pramana.com/.
based on a question that requires common knowledge,
and sometimes some basic logic, to be answered.
These are some examples:
Most people have ten fingers and ...toes?
What animal quacks? ...
What comes next? ’Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Tomorrow is Saturday. If this is true, what day is
today? ...
Choose the three that are artificial: moon, guitar,
balloon, test, glass, snow
A Semantic CAPTCHA is the one in which the
challenges urge you to complete it (or order it, etc.)
in a way that makes sense, and also can be intended to
involve some kind of reasoning. Of course, the def-
inition of to make sense is not unique, and some an-
swers that would be valid for some individuals might
not be valid for others, including the CAPTCHA de-
signer. Some examples of semantic CAPTCHA ques-
tions are:
Complete with a verb: Stopwatches can
Choose the one that makes more sense: ’A hum-
mingbird is a ...of bird’ from: small, red, type,
subconscious, stone
3.1 Current Logic and Semantic
Most current implementations of Logic and Semantic
CAPTCHAs are quite basic. Let us provide here some
1. The CAPTCHA used at https://
help.tenderapp.com/discussion/new, which
provides 8 pre-programmed questions.
2. The CAPTCHA used at Feedsee (http://
www.feedsee.com/submit.html), which pro-
vides test-type questions (Figure 3). These tests
require the user to select the one or several
answers that are related to a certain category
(numbers, shapes, birds, metal, mythical beings,
continents, etc.). There are 5 words in each list,
so 2
possible answers.
3. Logic CAPTCHA for Kentico CMS
4). This CAPTCHA provides some logic ques-
tions, numerical questions, comparisons, pre-
programmed statements (in file statements.txt)
that can be true or false, etc.
At http://devnet.kentico.com/Blogs/Petr-Passinger/October-
Figure 3: Feedse.com CAPTCHA.
Figure 4: Kentico CMS CAPTCHA.
4. http://www.purple-dogfish.co.uk/free-
stuff/accessible-captcha, also allows just
pre-programmed questions.
5. http://www.vision.to/simple-accessible-logical-
captcha.php, also with pre-defined questions.
6. At xda-developers forum (a well-known site
for development for HTC and Android phones,
among others), they use not one CAPTCHA
but two, a combination of reCAPTCHA and
, a vBulletin
CAPTCHA plug-in
that allows to add pre-programmed questions. In
the case of the xda-developers forums, we have
detected 22 questions pre-programmed. The us-
age of NoSpam! can be tracked in search en-
gines looking for the string NoSpam! Verification
Question, and a search engine as Google reports
approximately 66.400 web-pages containing that
7. http://www.vision.to/simple-accessible-logical-
captcha.php, with pre-programmed questions of
the type ’Please enter the two first letters of: The
lazy dog went to Chihuahua.
8. HumanAuth is a image labeling CAPTCHA, but
because the classification it requests is not direct
(i.e., it is not enough with naming what is in the
picture), but instead requires to decide if the pic-
ture content is something natural or artificial, it
can be considered a logic CAPTCHA too. In
fact, HumanAuth has a version for vision-disabled
people, in which every image is replaced for what
More information on NoSpam! at http://www.vbulletin.org/
A CMS system. More information at http://
Result from Google when queried with ”nospam! verification
question, the 29th of December of 2010.
the image represents, and the challenge has still
the same hardness.
9. BrainBuster
(Figure 5) is a CAPTCHA pro-
grammed in Rail, which includes a module for
storing questions and answers (thus, they have to
be previously input).
10. TextCaptcha
creates different questions based
on different question types, and an internal clas-
sification of certain words (white is a colour,
etc.). Its author claims that it is able to gener-
ate 180,243,205 different questions
. It has been
easily broken (Hernandez-Castro et al., 2011),
and also by an a program accessible on-line
, and
even more easily using out of the box tools
Figure 5: BrainBuster CAPTCHA.
Figure 6: xda-developers forum registration CAPTCHAs.
There is one a bit more elaborated. It relies on
a knowledge base, and rules to create questions (and
answers) based on it. It is egglue currently in broad
use today, which we will discuss in further detail.
4 Egglue CAPTCHA
The Egglue CAPTCHA requests us to complete a sen-
tence with a verb in a way that makes sense. For that,
The BrainBuster project page can be found at https://
github.com/rsanheim/brain buster.
At TextCaptcha.com.
Statements from http://textcaptcha.com/how it works, re-
trieved on the 17th of December of 2010
It can be found at http://textcaptchabreaker.appspot.com/
As in http://joelvanhorn.com/2010/11/10/using-
wolframalpha-to-hack-text-captcha/, but with a lower success
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
we will have to use our common sense, and general
knowledge. The Egglue author explains in the web-
page how it is designed (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Egglue description.
To better grasp the capabilities of Egglue, some
actual questions created by it in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Egglue challenge examples.
We have analyzed the source code of the PHP
module, written by Egglue’s author, that interacts
with the Egglue server. Other developers have cre-
ated a Drupal
module for Egglue. Drupal provides
a statistic of module usage, and the count of use for
this module is currently 1,154 Drupal web-pages
We can try to estimate also the usage of this mod-
ule by querying Google with a string that is charac-
teristic of this module: ”egglue powered”. This is a
bad decision of the Drupal plug-in designer, as it eas-
ily renders a list of web-pages using this CAPTCHA
and, worse, in order of relevance for a search engine.
Anyway, processing this query in different search en-
gines gives us an estimated count of 752 web-pages
Drupal is a very popular open-source CMS system. Drupal
web site is at http://drupal.org/.
All the figures in this section about Egglue usage have been
collected on December 2010.
Figure 9: Egglue Drupal module usage statistics.
in Google, 43 web-pages in AltaVista and 866 web-
pages in Yahoo!.
4.1 Egglue Protocol
Egglue PHP source code connects to the Egglue
server for challenge retrieval and answer evaluation.
We have analyzed its communications using the well-
known Wireshark tool. Egglue’s communications run
over HTTP, and are very straightforward. When a
new challenge is requested from the Egglue server,
its basic constituents are downloaded as an XML file.
Among these, it is an unique identifier (ID), that will
be sent again to the verification server with the pro-
posed answers. Figure 10 shows an example of an
Egglue capture in the moment that it answers with the
challenge-id and the challenge clues.
Figure 10: Egglue challenge id and clues from the Egglue
One error in the implementation of Egglue is that
it does not check for ID reutilization. That means that,
once one correct solution is found, we can reuse the
solution and the ID to bypass the CAPTCHA again.
We can also try different solutions for the same ID till
we find the correct one (Figure 11). Of course, this is
a major failure in its implementation.
The user’s answer is sent to http://
api.egglue.com/verify, posted as a form, with
the following parameters:
remoteip: the IP of the client that is connecting to
the PHP front-end to answer the challenge.
egglue challenge: the ID of the challenge.
egglue response1: the verb for the first challenge
Figure 11: If we pressed the back button on the browser, the
same ID was requested to Egglue, and we could try again to
solve the same challenge.
egglue response2: the verb answered to the sec-
ond challenge sentence.
The verification server sends back the string true
if the answer is consider correct by the Egglue server.
4.2 Attack
Egglue poses us a question that has to be answered
with just a verb. The question has always the same
structure: noun can ... noun, with just one variant:
noun can be also a full subject, like ”pair of pliers”.
On a first look, many questions arise:
How random are those questions?
How many different subjects, direct objects and
relations are in Egglue’s database?
Are there questions with more than one correct
answer? (supposedly affirmative by Egglue’s au-
thor) How many correct answers?
How does Egglue deduct the relationship between
the subject and the direct object?
How does Egglue’s scoring algorithm work?
The answers to these questions will help us know
how strong is Egglue against attacks. For exam-
ple, a low randomness in the subjects, or in the rela-
tions, will make a learning attack successful. Also, if
Egglue’s scoring algorithm is a simple or of both an-
swers, it will be much weaker. We will address these
questions after we analyze the results of our attacks,
in Section 4.4.
The first, most straightforward strategy for de-
bunking Egglue, would be to use some knowledge-
base to answer its questions. Which knowledge base
can be handy for that? There are different ones we
can use:
search engines: for example, for answering noun1
can ... noun2, we can query a search engine
with the string ”noun1 can” noun2, or just noun1
noun2, and explore the results for the regular ex-
pression noun1 can * noun2, parsing whatever
matches the * looking for verbs.
English corpus on-line: there are a few of them,
some even with the ability of matching up to four
words substrings, which would be ideal for our
create our own corpus, by parsing several on-
line text catalogs as, for example, the Gutenberg
One particular problem in English, that is not as
bad in other languages, is being able to tell verbs from
nouns, as many words can be both. As an example,
the word word can be a noun, and also a verb. We took
here a heuristic approach, consulting on-line dictio-
naries, and counting how many definition entries we
found for the word as a noun, and as a verb. Of course
this strategy is not fault-proof, but in general, it gave
us a good rate of verb identification. We also tried
with different alternatives, including lists of verbs,
and querying simultaneously more than one on-line
4.2.1 Type 1 Attack : Search Engines
Our first approach for studying the strength of Egglue
was just to use a search engine to find the correct an-
swers. We tested several search engines, and found
Google to be the best for this purpose, for two impor-
tant reasons:
It returned more, and more significant, results
than the other search engines, and
it allowed us to search using wildcards.
We created a program in Python that downloaded
an Egglue challenge (consisting in two basic chal-
lenges), asked Google using queries related to each
challenge, studied the results, and sent an answer back
to Egglue.
We tested different ways of querying Google, be-
ing all of them combinations of the following basic
noun1 can” * noun2
noun1 can * noun2
noun1 * noun2
noun1 noun2
noun1 can noun2
The more restrictive the query (as in: noun1 can
* noun2”) the more significative the results, but also
the higher chance of not getting any result, so we
As the British National Corpus, at http://bncweb.info/. Un-
luckily, we did not gain access to in on time.
We particulary liked the results from http://
www.hyperdictionary.com/search.aspx?define=program, http://
dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/program 1 and http://
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
added to the (possible) result of these queries, the re-
sults of less restrictive ones (as: noun1 can noun2). If
we found that a query had many results, we requested
Google up to the first three pages of results (returning
20 results per page).
Google did not like much to answer these queries.
Sometimes, it detected us as a bot and made us pass
a CAPTCHA (Figure 12), and other times, it even did
not give us this option.
Figure 12: Sometimes, Google required us to pass its
CAPTCHA to continue getting results for the same query.
There are other ways of querying Google apart
from using its regular web interface. One possible
way is using the Google Web Search API
(now dep-
recated) or the (newer) Custom Search API
. Both
solutions were suboptimal, as the first one returned
different results, in different order, and in less quan-
tity, that the regular (web) search engine, and the sec-
ond one is quota limited. That is why we stick to using
Google’s regular web interface, using HTTP Proxies
and other tools and ideas to minimize the rejection
rate of our queries.
4.2.2 Type 2 Attack : Google + Common Verbs
Sometimes, we were not able to get enough results
from Google as to be able to select a verb, that would
link both parts of the sentence. Initially, in those
cases we sent the string ???’ as an answer, expecting
Egglue’s to not validate it, and for us to have a mark
in the log for that incident.
Of course, a natural idea would be that, in those
cases, we can just send a random verb from the n most
common, instead of a nonsense string. We tried this
approach just as an easy way to marginally improve
the results from the previous attacks. But our results
were not exactly what we expected!.
4.2.3 Type 3 Attack : Common Verbs
A simpler strategy would be to answer using ran-
dom verbs. At first we did not even consider this ba-
sic strategy, but observing some weird results from
Egglue’s validation mechanism, we decided to inves-
tigate into it.
Using all English verbs would be a poor strategy,
but using the ones more common in English could be
interesting. Given a list (taken from the Wikipedia
of the most common verbs in English, we can answer
selecting at random among the n most common.
4.3 Attack Results
The attacks previously described were used to learn
more from the Egglue CAPTCHA internals and
strength. They were put in place in several rounds
between June and October of 2010. We will discuss
their results in this section.
After several series of the type 1 attack, we found
that we did not get significantly different results with
one type of query or the others. The only significant
difference came when all our queries were too restric-
tive, so much as to not get a single verb as a valid
result. Even though we sent the string ’???’ as an an-
swer to Egglue in all these cases, not all of them were
consider wrong. For example, in one of our test runs
(composed of 500 challenges) we got the following
(which include our mark ’???’) as right:
Allen wrenches can (???) shafts, Spanners can
(loosen) nuts
Screwdrivers can (open) locks, Pocket knives can
(???) holes
Carriers can (hold) cats, Paring knives can (???)
Vises can (hold) rods, Razors can (???) holes
This lead us to conclude that the validation mech-
anism was clearly not an and of both sentences be-
ing correctly resolved, but maybe an or, or some kind
of summation of correctness for both sentences that
should pass a certain threshold.
In general, the type 1 attack gave a success ratio
of 50.83% (calculated for our latest test run, with 214
correctly resolved challenges – according to Egglue
out of 421 challenges). If we use the combined type
2 attack, the success ratio raised to 68.66% (103 cor-
rectly answered out of 150). Looking into the logs of
From the article Most common words in
English, retrieved the 2nd of June of 2010
(http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Most common words
in English&oldid=365914607). Note that this verb list is
associated by lemmas, that is, the entry be contains within
it the occurrences of is, was, be, are, etc. This informa-
tion is referenced from the Oxford English Corpus (http://
this result in more detail, we were astonished to see
that it seemed that when we used the most common
verbs in English, the success ratio seemed to increase.
That is why we thought of the type 3 attack, just
choosing randomly among the n most common verbs
in English. Our first test included the first 20 most
common English verbs according to the Wikipedia
They were ordered in descending order of frequency
of appearance, and we tested values of n between 1
(which means just always answering be) and 20 (us-
ing all the 20 most common verbs) – in increments of
1. Figure 13 represents how this strategy behaves for
each value of n (with the detail of each verb added to
the pool).
Figure 13: Success ratio if we answered using the n (1
n 20) most common English verbs.
As we see, we never get results below 50%!. In
fact, if we answer randomly using just the three most
common verbs in English (be, have and do), we cor-
rectly guess the answers 79% of the time!. Of course,
this is not possible in real life, so the validation mech-
anism of Egglue must be too lax to accept verbs when
it should not. In fact, if we check the log correspond-
ing to this situation (the three most common verbs),
we see answers such as:
Choosing randomly among the 3 most common English verbs to answer
Answering strategy : 3
1 : [’Plungers can (?:have) water’, ’Blades can (?:be) flaps’]
0 : [’Electric mixers can (?:have) butter’, ’Highlighters can
(?:have) words’]
1 : [’Paintbrushes can (?:have) colors’, ’Pair of pliers can
(?:have) tabs’]
1 : [’Vacuum pumps can (?:have) air’, ’Highlighters can
(?:be) words’]
1 : [’Scissors can (?:do) ends’, ’Needles can (?:have) veins’]
1 : [’Boats can (?:be) islands’, ’Transformers can
(?:do) impedances’]
1 : [’Scales can (?:do) sizes’, ’Trowels can (?:be) concrete’]
1 : [’Forks can (?:have) eggs’, ’Lenses can (?:do) images’]
1 : [’Ladles can (?:have) fat’, ’Awls can (?:do) holes’]
1 : [’Meters can (?:have) voltage’, ’Notebooks can
(?:be) information’]
1 : [’Chainsaws can (?:do) trees’, ’Calculators can
Retrieved the 2nd of June of 2010, at
http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Most common words in
(?:have) answers’]
1 : [’Pitchforks can (?:have) soils’, ’Screwdrivers can
(?:do) plates’]
1 : [’Sextants can (?:be) altitudes’, ’Pliers can
(?:have) wires’]
1 : [’Switches can (?:be) voltages’, ’Wooden spoons can
(?:do) rice’]
0 : [’Spatulas can (?:do) layers’, ’Pencils can (?:be) holes’]
0 : [’Rakes can (?:be) areas’, ’Toners can (?:be) skin’]
It is very disputable that Forks can have eggs
and that Lenses can do images, but this answer was
marked as correct (1) by Egglue.
After analyzing the formerly discussed Figure 13,
we thought that maybe, a reordering of the set of
verbs, in which the ones that make the success ratio
raise were used first, could even improve our success
of bypassing Egglue. With the aim of being more
precise at which verbs were more successful, we run
a test in which we always answered with the same
verb, for all these 20 most common verbs. We though
Egglue might somehow detect it, and give a nearly
0% success rate in this scenario, but we were wrong.
Figure 14 shows the results from this test. Amaz-
ingly, if you always answer make to Egglue, you solve
it 96.5% of the times. Two other verbs (get and take)
can be used it to solve it over 90% of the time. Not
only that, other six verbs (have, do, put, keep, run,
and go) can be used to solve it more than 80% of the
time. All verbs pass the CAPTCHA more than 30%
of the time, being think the one with the lowest score,
an still impressive 32.5%.
Figure 14: Success ratio of each of the most common En-
glish verbs.
Given that it is considered that a success rate of
0.6% is enough to consider a CAPTCHA broken (Zhu
et al., 2010) (others consider them broken with lower
rates, such as 0.01%) the current implementation of
the Egglue CAPTCHA can be considered completely
broken, using a simple strategy: always answering
make. Or, if you do not like being repetitive, you can
answer randomly among make, get and take, and still
score 95% of the time. A summary of our attack re-
sults can be seen in table 2.
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 2: Egglue attacks and their success ratios.
Attack Success ratio (%)
Search Engine 50.83
S.E. (restr.) & 20 most fr. verbs 68.66
20 most frequent verbs 73.5
3 most frequent verbs 79
make & get & take 95
make 96.5
4.4 Other Egglue Design Problems
Other Egglue versions, or derived CAPTCHAs might
get better at scoring the meaningfulness of a sentence.
If that is the case, we might need to resort to the origi-
nal idea of Data Mining (in our case, no more than an
advance search engine is needed) to bypass it. Even
that might be problematic if the CAPTCHA is really
well designed.
Unluckily with Egglue, this is not the case. When
we tested our first basic automatic attacks against
Egglue, we were surprised of some of our findings.
We though that Egglue was able to do some kind
of data mining for creating a knowledge base, based
on which challenges were created. We expected this
knowledge base to be broad enough, and to cover dif-
ferent areas. Our findings were a bit different:
Many of the objects used for creating the chal-
lenges were related to mechanics, electronics, and
engineering in general. That is, items like ”The
Moon”, or abstract ones like ”Attraction”, do not
appear at all, or rarely.
Many of the subjects are repeated. And worse
than that,
When subjects are repeated, they frequently are
related to the same subset of direct objects.
Not only the subject of the clues is not wide and
uniformly distributed: worse, the number of clues is
not enough. If we count the appearance of the dif-
ferent clues (in Egglue’s terminology, the beginning
and ending of each sentence) in a test round in which
we downloaded 6,000 compound challenges (14,000
sentences), we only found 710 different clues. As
an example, in another test run of 2,000 challenges
(that would be a maximum number of 8,000 different
clues) we found just 676 different clues (Figure 15).
The total number of categories is going to be well un-
der 1500.
Another problem is the frequency in which these
clues appeared. In table 3 you can see the first 15
more frequent clues, and the least 15 frequent ones.
Just the 10 most frequent clues account for 11, 28% of
appearances. Learning how to answer to those with a
fair success rate will also bypass this CAPTCHA.
Figure 15: Number of new clues per every ten compound
challenges (20 sentences).
Table 3: Egglue ratios of clue appearance.
25% most frequent 25% least frequent
Clue # % Clue # %
holes 550 2, 29 clinometers 1 0, 004
screws 312 1, 3 spring balances 1 0, 004
ends 282 1, 17 candles 1 0, 004
paintbrushes 249 1, 03 jointers 1 0, 004
areas 243 1, 01 vessels 1 0, 004
pair of pliers 228 0, 95 grounds 1 0, 004
images 215 0, 89 bars 1 0, 004
water 214 0, 89 sheep 1 0, 004
air 214 0, 89 lists 1 0, 004
nuts 201 0, 83 forces 1 0, 004
signals 199 0, 82 dimensions 1 0, 004
spatulas 185 0, 77 pushpins 1 0, 004
prisms 174 0, 72 hand drills 1 0, 004
hammers 167 0, 69 pulp 1 0, 004
Such a big deviation from a standard distribution
makes Egglue weaker than necessary.
4.4.1 Egglue Scoring Algorithm
Apart from that, we discovered that the scoring al-
gorithm was not very precise. Sentences that clearly
make sense were scored as wrong, wether sentences
that were clearly wrong were scored as right. For
example, during our first basic attacks, we used the
mark ??? for those times in which our (initial) algo-
rithm did not find a verb suitable for answering. Even
though, some of these answers containing ??? were
scored as correct!. It also happened than sometimes
our algorithms incorrectly classified a word as a verb,
and used it for answering the challenge ...and some
of these challenges answers were reported as correct
(!). A few of the answers that were scored as correct,
when they clearly should have not, and correct ones
classified as wrong, are shown in table 4.
The logic and semantic CAPTCHAs will always have
their advocates, as it is simple to think of improved
schemes that will filter typical bots. The problem is
that people designing those schemes will typically not
consider how easy it would be to circumvent them
for a bot, if they became popular enough, or if they
Table 4: Examples of Egglue wrongly scored answers.
Wrongly scored as correct.
Allen wrenches can (???) shafts
Spanners can (loosen) nuts
Knives can (bit) bits
Micrometers can (selected) diameter
Screwdrivers can (open) locks
Pocket knives can (???) holes
Lasers can (remove) tissues
Soldering irons can (buy) wires
Stopwatches can (unlimited) numbers
Magnetic compasses can (indicate) directions
Awls can (make) holes
Wrenches can (cleco) valves
Socket wrenches can (bolts) screws
Screwdrivers can (remove) plates
Forks can (contain) eggs
Hatchets can (get) wood
Wrongly scored as wrong.
Cranes can (reach) trees
Heating pads can (relieve) pain
Notebooks can (?:get
) information
Rakes can (seed) seeds
Smokers can (?:eat) bees
Tape measures can (measure) lengths
Can openers can (punch) holes
Atlases can (map) maps
Notebooks can (provide) information
Spanners can (tighten) nuts
are used to protect an interesting site. Let us give the
following example: on-line journals that allow com-
ments on news, as well as blogs that allow comments
on new posts, are typical sites for bots to wander and
publish their spam. One can argue that, as every en-
try in these systems should be done by an human (the
reporter, or the blog author), then it would be easy for
them to add one or two logic questions derived from
the text. For example, if in my blog about Charles
Darwin I create a new entry about his school years,
then I can easily add the following two questions for
anyone trying to post a comment:
How many siblings did Charles Robert Darwin
With which brother did he attended Edinburgh
Do you consider a general CAPTCHA scheme
like this a good idea? It is a very bad idea: both ques-
tions can be answered with one single word. Even
worse: it is a word that will be in the article!. Even
if we select more complex questions, as At Edinburgh
University, what could Charles not bear? (being cor-
rect answers the sight of blood or suffering), a sub-
string of just three consecutive words from the text
can be used to correctly answer.
Also, the field of data mining is quickly improv-
ing. As an example, IBM has created an application,
based on data mining and parallel computing, that is
able to beat human players when playing the popu-
lar TV game Jeopardy
. It would be hard to base a
CAPTCHA on a private data mining algorithm (thus,
a CATCHA, without the P) that would prevail long
enough. If instead we use a corpus of private knowl-
edge, what is going to assure us that there is not a
public corpus which intersects with ours in a non null
Other possibilities arise. We can think of a new
logic CAPTCHA which questions can be based on
telling the word, in a list, that does not correspond
to the rest. For example: Which word does not belong
to the list: blue green cat red?
. A quick access to
Google Sets
would be enough to answer it (Figure
Figure 16: Start of Google Sets answer for blue green red.
In this article we have presented the state of the art of
logic and semantic CAPTCHAs. We have seen that,
despite their current limitations and weaknesses, there
is a certain amount of hype and misunderstanding of
their capability in telling humans apart from comput-
We have analyzed in more detail one particular
CAPTCHA that is currently being used by hundreds
of web-sites, called Egglue. We have found that the
strength claims made by its author are unfortunately
not withstanding. We have seen that other popu-
lar logic CAPTCHAs (as the TextCaptcha, the Fed-
dsee.com CAPTCHA, BrainBuster, etc.), presented in
this article, share a similar fate.
More information on this subject can be found at http://
Example taken from the word list CAPTCHA at http://
drupal.org/project/captcha pack.
Google Sets can be found at http://labs.google.com/sets.
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
We conclude that there is not a strong enough
logic or semantic CAPTCHA to be put into produc-
tion. Also, designers willing to create new logic and
semantic CAPTCHAs should be aware of the com-
mon pitfalls done when estimating their strength.
We do not recommend to pursue research on this
line of CAPTCHA design. We consider at least un-
certain that a possible logic CAPTCHA is anything
else than a chimera. Instead, we recommend future
CAPTCHA designers to explore other ways of creat-
ing a CAPTCHA that have not to do with logic, se-
mantic, or data mining, because of the many possibil-
ities for CAPTCHAs based on those principles to be
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