another with the options "Products", "Services", etc..
Thus the comment could be directed towards those
who are better able to respond to requests.
In figure 5 we can see the presence of several
online means of gathering feedback, where “e-mail”
is the most present in the studied websites.
Figure 5: Identified Online Communication Features.
Beyond the studied means there are others who
appear more sporadically, such as: FAQs, RSS,
link-sharing and "ideas”. The client seeks certain
responses (through the FAQ's), know at the time (via
RSS) and share the link which is a way to get the
company to friends. The suggestions could also be
encompassed as a "Contact Form" but we chose not
to make this inclusion as the "Suggestions" does not
require contact client/company and vice versa, but
just something to be done by the customer. Even if
the suggestion has a great acceptance by the
company as much as a thank you replies will be.
By analyzing the results, we may infer the existence
of a high concern about the use of systems that allow
obtaining customer feedback through the companies
This is probably the recognition that companies
are giving more attention to comments made by
customers, so they can react promptly, meeting their
The development of systems for customer
feedback has been taking increasing interest and
importance to organizations (Raymond, 2010). The
enhancement of the company’s presence alongside
their customers made by the Internet, allowed the
use of a new and diverse array of tools to gather
feedback in a very cost efficient manner. Thus, this
has also helped the widespread use of these same
From the results analysis emerges that: the
telephone number exists almost in an equal amount
of times as the e-mail, being the only technological
mean that can be at the same level as the more
traditional means.
While undergoing the present study, it was
possible to verify that companies are increasingly
using websites as a mean for obtaining customer
feedback. However, in their majority, there are some
difficulties in maximizing all available means,
including the use of online tools and the use of
social networks. It's certainly very relevant in the
future to study successful cases of using various
means in order to serve as a guideline for other
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ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business