on presumed coupled interference at the receiver. In
such a case, users are always aware of channel
conditions as they choose their transmission
parameters. Further, costing (pricing) effect is
imposed on users’ choices to encourage cooperation
and deter selfish behaviors hence both local and
global utility are attainable.
The reminder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 reviews related works; Section 3
gives the system model; JRPA algorithm is
presented in Section 4 while simulation results are
given in Section 5 and finally, conclusion is drawn
in Section 6.
Most protocols proposed in literature ((Luo et al.,
2010, Hayajneh and Abdallah, 2004, Grilo and
Nunes, 2003) and references therein) considers
power control, rate adaptation or joint rate-power
control in centralized infrastructures WNs where a
centralized station determines and dictates the
power/rate for data transmission in the network.
Such protocols may not be applicable in ad hoc
networks where all stations are at free will to choose
their transmission parameter based on their own
preferences. This may lead to greedy behavior
wherein users adapt their transmission power with
sole objective of achieving individual desired
throughput without considering others users’
interests (Olwal et al., 2009). Such schemes require
much power to sustain a stable SINR in deep fading
environment and causes high interference.
Furthermore, such algorithms tend to diverge in case
of no feasible power allocation due to hard SINR
requirements. However, this divergence problem is
easily solved by adaptive SINR based on coupled
interference at the receiver.
Due to the distributed and heterogeneous nature
of ad hoc network, it is often challenging to design
distributed algorithms that can achieve the global
optimal NUM solution. The difficulty in distributed
algorithm design often lies in the coupling nature of
the NUM problem. NUM problems generally
assume that user’s utilities are uncoupled, i.e., each
utility depends only on local variables (Li Ping et al.,
2009). However, in problems where cooperation or
competition is modeled using the objective function,
each user’s utility depends on both its local variables
and local variables of other users in the network
(Hayajneh and Abdallah, 2004, Wang et al., 2006).
In (Chee Wei et al., 2006, Palomar and Mung,
2006), these NUM problems are formulated as
coupled optimization. Dual decomposition with
significant message passing is used to solve such
coupled NUM problems where the coupling in the
objective function is transferred to coupling in the
constraints. However this requires strict convexity
and exhibits slow convergence. In (Huang, 2005,
Huang et al., 2006), “reverse engineering” with
limited message passing is proposed that solves
coupled NUM problems without need for strict
Similar to (Huang, 2005, Huang et al., 2006), our
proposed algorithm considers limited message
passing strategy based on “reverse engineering” to
solve the formulated coupled interference NUM
problem. The proposed JRPA dynamically adjust the
users’ choices of transmission power to curb the
influence of coupled interference. Such dynamic
adjustments exploit the locally observable network
channel conditions and cost charges attached to that
transmit power choice. The users are hence
cognizant of the current link condition while
determining their data rates. Moreover, due to the
ineluctable cooperation, every user’s strategy to
maximize its utility maximizes the utility of other
network users, thus improving global network
Supermodular game theory is used to show the
existence, convergence and optimality of user’s
utility functions (Saraydar et al., 1999) since in such
games, each player strives to increase its strategy
while increases other players’ strategies as well.
Such a game contains Nash Equilibrium (NE), and
does not necessarily require assumption of convexity
in order to attain NE (Ozdaglar, 2010, Levin, 2003).
3.1 Problem Formulation
Consider an ad hoc network with N stations where
i transmits to node
on a single hop
subjected to path loss, shadowing and multi path
fading dynamics (Olwal et al., 2009). Assume
further that all the nodes in the network are within
the transmission range of their neighbors such that a
node’s transmission interferes with other nodes in
the network. Consider a set of transmission power
and set of data rates
defined as follows:
min 2 3 max
, , ,...,pppp p=
min 2 3 max
, , ,...,rrrr r=
r are the minimum and maximum
data rates while
p and
are the minimum and
WINSYS 2011 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems