Stefan Popoveniuc
KT Consulting, Gaithersburg, MD, U.S.A.
John Kelsey
NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, U.S.A.
Eugen Leontie
The George Washington University, Washington, DC, U.S.A.
Voting, Privacy, Blind signature.
Electronic poll books can rapidly check the eligibility of a voter due to their ability to quickly search lists.
However, they also introduce a factor of concern: if the electronic poll book records the order of sign-ins and
the voting machine or optical scanner records the order in which the voters cast their ballots, ballot secrecy
can be compromised. Worse, if the time at which each voter signs-in and the time at which each ballot is
cast are recorded, ballot secrecy is lost. It is surprisingly difficult to avoid saving such timing information, for
example in event logs, and even more difficult to verify that no such information is saved. In addition, due
to operational complexities, even the more efficient electronic poll books can act as a bottleneck in the voting
process. We propose a simple technique to address these concerns, by allowing voters to sign-in from home,
and print out a bar-coded ticket to be presented at the check-in table. Using blind signatures, this ticket need
not reveal information on the voter’s identity to the check-in table at the precinct. The ticket proves than the
voter is authorized to vote on a particular ballot style without disclosing her identity.
Most often legislative regulations (such as the Voting
System Standards (vot, ) and Help America Vote Act
of 2002) impose strict requirements for the secrecy
preserving properties of an election system. These
define confidentiality as a general requirement of the
voting system to ”protect the secrecy of the vote such
that the system cannot reveal any information about
how a particular voter voted”(vot, ). Protecting the
confidentiality of the cast ballots has become increas-
ingly difficult with the introduction of electronic vot-
ing equipment. Either by design, or unintentionally,
computers keep time stamps of many of the opera-
tions they perform, like the creation, modification,
or access of a file or a database record. Even the
most diligent programmers have a difficult time writ-
ing code which is supposed to lose all traces of the or-
Work was made possible in part by grants NSF CNS-
0831149, NSF CNS-0934725l and AFOSR FA9550-09-1-
der in which some operations happen. This is increas-
ingly difficult because programmers typically reuse a
large amount of previously compiled code (like the
underlying operating system, the file system, etc.),
and because, for debugging purposes, programmers
have been taught to keep detailed logs for all the op-
erations that their code performs.
If manual, i.e. paper-based, poll books are used,
it is easy not to record the order in which the voters
checked-in. The check-in judge should only make a
check mark next to the voter’s name and should not
keep a separate log of the time when the voter arrived.
Manual poll books are losing popularity in favor of
electronic poll books, which have a series of advan-
tages: no paper is used to print the poll book; the voter
can go to any check-in judge (there is no A-M, N-Z
division), or even to any precinct; last minute updates
to voting roles are easier; and last but not least, there
is a trend of doing everything electronically.
The precise order in which the voters arrive at the
polling place is likely to be recorded by the electronic
Popoveniuc S., Kelsey J. and Leontie E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003520202810286
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2011), pages 281-286
ISBN: 978-989-8425-71-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
poll books at the check-in table. This information can
(but should not) be used in conjunction with the or-
der in which ballots are cast, which may be obtained
either from the optical scanner or from the DRE ma-
chines (hand counted paper ballots do not suffer from
these time stamp issues). Having the two orders, ev-
ery cast vote may be easily traced to a certain voter,
or to a small number of voters, violating the secrecy
of the ballot.
The obvious approach to preventing this linkage
is to control the information stored by the electronic
poll book and by the voting machine or optical scan-
ner, and to restrict what information may be output
by those devices. This is a sensible precaution, but
it is hard to do well, and even harder to verify. Even
if the specifications state that no machine shall record
the order of check-ins or votes, and even if the stan-
dard reports generated by the machines are always in
alphabetical order and contain no time or ordering in-
formation, it is all but impossible for any observer to
know whether such information has been stored in-
side the machines, and might be accessed later to re-
construct how everyone voted. When the electronic
poll books must be online, this becomes even harder.
As with many situations involving privacy, it seems
better not to collect the data in the first place than to
collect it, and try to keep it secret.
In electronic voting systems, there are two ways
to prevent the voting system from ever having enough
information to link voter identities to ballots: hide the
vote, or hide the voter. When hiding the vote, the vot-
ing machine does not get to see the clear-text vote that
the voter wants to cast, but only an encrypted version
of it. Designing such ballots is possible, as proven
by systems such as Prˆet `a Voter (Chaum et al., 2005).
Since only encrypted ballots are available to the vot-
ing machine, they cannot provide a tally at the end of
the day. Moreover, hand countable paper ballots may
not be available, and the only way to tally the votes
may be to decrypt them by a special mechanism (e.g.
a mixnet or homomorphic tallying - see Section 4).
This paper focuses on the “hide the voter ap-
proach. The main idea is that voters check-in from
home, and they get an anonymous credential that is
used as an entry ticket at the polling place. Since
the order in which the voters check-in from home is
presumably different from the order the voters cast
votes at the polling place, and since the identity of
the voter is not available to the electronic machines at
the check-in table, the correlation between the voter’s
identity and the ballot she casts is lost.
Inspired by the airline industry, we suggest separating
the steps required for validating voters. In the first
step, within a given time frame before and during the
election, voters are allowed to go to a designated web
site, type in their name and address (or username and
password, etc), see if their voter registration status is
valid, and print a check-in card that has a bar code
on it, similar to an airline boarding pass. The card
may contain the name of the voter and her address,
along with a unique token which is digitally signed.
The same party that manages electronic poll books
can issue the check-in cards.
The second validation occurs when the voter gets
to the polling place. She presents her check-in card,
which is scanned by a bar code reader. The check-
in card allows the bearer to cast one vote. The reader
checks to see if the digital signature from the bar code
is correct, and if the same card has been scanned be-
fore. The check-in judge may ask the voter for a photo
ID, check that the information on the check-in card
is consistent with the one on the ID, and check that
the voter looks like the picture on the ID. The voter’s
identity is not available to the electronic device at the
polling station. We assume the check-in human judge
has limited memory and does not keep written logs of
the people it sees.
The scanners do not need to be connected to a cen-
tral server (but they be if preventing of double voting
is desired - as opposed to detection). The bar codes
can be be explicitly linked to cast clear text ballots.
At the end of the day, when all data is uploaded to
a central server, double spent bar codes (at different
precincts) can easily be detected and the cast ballots
eliminated (however, linking double votes to a human
voter is impossible). The server can cast her ballot at
any polling place where her bar code can be read.
2.1 Blind Signatures
Anonymous credentials allow users to authenticate
themselves in a multi-party environment. A crypto-
graphic token issued by one party can be presented
by an individual to another party as proof of her iden-
tity or recognized as an authorization to perform an
action. A simple way of obtaining an anonymous
credential (a token) is by the use of blind signatures
(Chaum, 1982). A token consists of a random num-
ber that the voter generates, long enough such that it
is unique (e.g. a 128 random bit token is unique with
high probability), along with some other information
(section 2.2).
The token is used in a blind signature algorithm
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
that does not allow the voter to derive a second
signed token, similar to protocols used in electronic
cash(Chaum, 1982). For example, a token t is ran-
domly generated by the voter and a collision resis-
tant one-way function h(t) is blinded by the voter and
sent to the authentication server along with the voter
authentication credentials (e.g. name and address, or
username and password).
The server checks the authentication credentials
and, if valid, signs the blinded value and marks the
voter as being checked-in. Depending on which bal-
lot style the voter is assigned to, the server may use
a different private key to sign the blinded token. The
server does not have access to the value, since it is
blinded. This offers information-theoretic protection.
The server sends back to the voter the signed, blinded
value. The voter un-blinds it, and obtains h(t) which
is now signed. She checks that the signed value is
h(t) she sent to the server and that the digital signa-
ture is correct. The voter prints the signed value and
the token t, and brings them to the check-in station
at a polling place during voting day. The signed to-
ken is scanned and the voter may be asked to provide
some form of identification (e.g. a government-issued
photo ID). The check-in judge checks that this is the
first time the token has been presented (to prevent the
reuse of the token), that the digital signature is valid
and that it corresponds to the precinct and ballot style
assigned to the voter’s address.
Definitions: M is a large message space, the voter
chooses tokens in this space with a high probability of
being unique and R is a finite set of random strings
as required by the blinding scheme:
h is a collision resistant one-way hash function.
sig, valid, (pri, pub): a public/private key signa-
ture mechanism such that s = sig(pri, h(m)) does
not leak knowledge of pri and valid(pub, s, m) =
true holds if s was derived from m and pri.
b : M xR M is the blinding mechanism. It is
used in conjunction with its reverse function un-
blinding ub : M xR M . Given b(m, r), one can
not infer anything about m, but used in conjunc-
tion with the signing mechanism, one can com-
pute ub(s(pri, b(m, r)), r) = s(pri, m) and it is not
possible to derive s(pri, m) from s(pri, b(m, r))
without r.
Here are the steps taken by the voter to check-in:
1. The voter chooses 2 random values: t M , and
a random blinding factor r R . She computes
h(t), then blinds the hashed token σ = b(h(t), r);
she sends σ to the check-in server.
2. If the check-in server validates the user cre-
dentials, it signs σ and, sends sig(pri, σ) =
sig(pri, b(h(t), r)) back to the voter.
3. After unblinding the signature, ub(s(pri, σ), r) the
user has the signed token ρ = s(h(t)). Using a lo-
cal application (such as a browserplugin), the user
prints the check-in ticket (ρ and t) using electron-
ically recognizable markup (like a 2D barcode) .
4. At the polling place, a scanner reads ρ and t,
checks valid(ρ, pub, t), checks if the token was
used before, and records t.
The check-in server that signed the tokens has ac-
cess to the order in which the voters check-in from
home, and the electronic poll book at the polling place
has access to the order of the signed tokens, but the
two machines cannot match the two orders anymore.
The order in which the voters checked-in from home
is different from the order they come into the polling
place, and the check-in server never got to see the to-
ken in clear-text (but only in blinded form). The elec-
tronic poll book at the polling place sees the token in
clear-text, signed, but never gets to see the identity of
the voters. The check-in judge does get to see this
identity, but it is not entered into the electronic poll
The private key that is used by the server to sign
the blinded token is unique to the ballot style belong-
ing to the voter. A different private key is used for
each ballot style. Since the server has access to the
complete identity of the voter, it can easily identify
the ballot style corresponding to that voter, and thus
use the appropriate private key.
If a voter loses her signed token, she must provide
either the token or the blinding factor to the sing-in
server, so it can obtain the hash and put it on a black-
list. For situations in which the voter loses her signed
token, forgets the token and the blinding factor, an ad-
ditional recovery mechanism must be developed. For
example, the voter may distribute the blinding fac-
tor to a number of trustees using a threshold secret
sharing technique, such that only a quorum can re-
construct them. The voter may have to prove (in zero-
knowledge) to the sign-in server that she distributed
the same values to the trustees.
A possible attack against the simple token con-
struction may involve a coercer that collects valid
signed tokens from voters and uses them to cast multi-
ple ballots by himself. The same person comes to var-
ious polling places multiple times and presents differ-
ent authorization tokens that are validly signed. This
is possible since the anonymous token is completely
independent from the voter’s identity, and the check-
in judge that verifies the voter’s identity and the va-
lidity of the token has no way to link the two. The
next section presents a specially constructed token
that makes this attack impractical.
2.2 Linking user Credentials with
Token Generation
We present a special construction of the token that
includes some attributes of the voter’s identity. The
token contains partial information about the voter’s
identity, not enough to uniquely identify a voter, but
enough to haveher identity validated by a poll worker.
In addition to a unique random number that the
voter generates, the token also contains some incom-
plete information about the voter’s identity. For ex-
ample, the token can contain the first letter of the last
name and the last letter of the first name, or it can
contain the sex and an interval for the date of birth, or
it can say that the last name contains at least 4 vow-
els and a “T”. This way, the poll worker that checks
the validity of the token and the ID of the voter, can
also check that the identity of the voter is consistent
with the partial information in the token. At the same
time, the full identity of the voter is still not available
to the electronic system that checks the signed token,
and the information that is available is not enough to
uniquely identify a voter.
To ensure that the blinded token contains partial
attributes of the identity of the voter that is doing the
check-in from home, a simple zero-knowledge pro-
tocol can be used: the voter is asked to create 100
tokens, each with partial information about her iden-
tity. The server receives 100 blinded tokens, and, be-
fore signing one of them, the server asks the voter to
un-blind some random 99 blinded tokens, and checks
that all of the opened ones contain partial informa-
tion about the voters identity (to which the check-in
server has access to). The server can be fairly sure that
the un-blinded token which was not opened contains
partial information about the same voter. An attacker
that presents one identity in clear-text to the server,
but includes partial attributes about another identity
in the blinded token will be detected with probabil-
ity 99%. It is easy to see how this probability can be
increased to a value as close to 1 as desired.
Thus, the token contains partial information about
the voter’s identity, and the poll books at the polling
place do get access to this partial information. How-
ever, this information should be common to a num-
ber of voters, such that the check-in scanner cannot
uniquely identify the voter. To be able to sell her vot-
ing credential, a voter would have to find another per-
son in her jurisdiction for which this partial informa-
tion on her token fits with the identity of the fraudu-
lent voter. It is up to the legal framework to decide
how to deal with both the voter who gave her token to
somebody else, and with the person who tries to use
someone else’s token.
Another approach to detecting an illegitimate use
of a token, is to minimally change the protocol by ask-
ing the voter to print on a second page the blinding
factor used in the blind signature protocol. At random
(or if suspicion arises), the check-in judge may ask
the voter to provide her blinding factor. The barcode
scanner would read the barcode with the blinding fac-
tor, contact the signing server, and obtain the identity
of the voter from the server. The server can obtain
this identity, since it has the clear-text token and the
blinding factor, and the voter presented her creden-
tials along with the blinded token. Thus the check-in
judge can check the identity that was presented to the
server for this token, against the identity of the voter
who tries to use the token. A mismatch would trig-
ger an alarm and both actors for this fraud may suffer
Only a small fraction of the voters would have
their blinding factor scanned by the check-in judge.
For these voters, the time of check-in and their full
identity is available to the voting system. The order
of the cast ballots does not precisely correspond to the
order in which the voters come to the polling place.
Rather, for one of the voters for which the identity is
available to the check-in judge, a number of cast bal-
lots in a certain time frame are possible. Thus ballot
confidentiality might still be preserved.
Like with many other security products, it may be dif-
ficult to convince voters and election officials to adopt
our technique solely on the privacy properties which it
offers. This section presents additional practical ben-
efits of our proposal, properties which may be used
to convince both voters and election officials that it
makes their tasks faster and easier. These properties
may be presented as the basic features of the new poll
book system, and the privacy enhancements would be
transparent to the voter and to the election officials.
Waiting in line is one of the most common com-
plaints of voters. It is not uncommon for voters to
wait in lines for up to 4-5 hours. Voters may be dis-
couraged by the size of the line, and decide not to cast
a ballot. Reducing the size of the line by expediting
the check-in process is highly desirable. Checking-in
from home may substantially reduce the size of the
Assume we have a voting system that uses elec-
tronic poll books. The check-in process generally
goes as follows. The check-in judge asks the voter
for her full name and, using a touch screen and a sty-
lus, types the first three letters of the last name and
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
the first letter of the first name. This usually narrows
down the set of registered voters to only a handful of
persons. The voter is then asked for the full name, and
the check-in judge checks to see if the name is the one
that came up on the electronic poll book. The judge
also visually checks the sex and the age of the voter.
If there is some suspicion that the voter is not who
she says she is, the judge can also ask the voter for
a photo ID (depending on location providing a photo
ID may be optional). The electronic poll book prints
a check-in ticket, which is handed to the voter. The
voter has to sign the ticket and take it to the ballot is-
suing table. The voter surrenders the check-in ticket
in exchange for a paper ballot, if optical scan is used,
or an activation token, if a DRE is used.
This entire process can be time consuming. The
check-in table is often the stop which causes lines
to build-up. Other stops are the voting booth where
the voter fills in her ballot and eventually the scanner
where the voter deposits her paper ballot. In our ex-
perience, it is common that the check-in table is the
only place where there is a line.
Our technique simplifies the check-in process,
and, consequently, the waiting lines at the check-in
table would be significantly reduced. The voters that
check-in from home may have a dedicated line which
would encourage more voters to use this faster option.
This would be beneficial for voters, for election offi-
cials and for ballot confidentiality too.
Ron Rivest suggested preliminary voting (Rivest,
2005) as a method of shortening the time it takes a
voter to make her selection on the ballot. The voter is
allowed to fill-in her ballot from home and print out
a representation of her choices (e.g. a 2D barcode).
Each voter has to go to a polling place and can bring
with her a pre-voted ballot. The DRE scans the bar
code and pre-fills the electronic ballot with the indi-
cated choices. Even if a coercer forces the voter to
bring a certain pre-vote in the booth, the voter is al-
lowed to make any number of modifications and to
select her own favorite candidates. Rivest’s work is
also geared towards eliminating long waiting lines at
polling places and is complimentary to our technique.
While Internet voting would certainly eliminate
waiting in line to vote altogether, its is hardly a wide
accepted method due to its known downsides (coer-
cion and viruses). Since polling place voting is still
mainstream, voter registration and verification is still
a stringent but unaddressed problem.
Controversies about using computers in the voting
process has been reported as early as 1969 (Bergholz,
1969) and secure electronic voting has been proposed
by Chaum as early as 1981. Both mix networks
(Chaum, 1981) and blind signature (Chaum, 1982)
were proposed by Chaum. Both methods suggest
voting as one of the application which would benefit
from such general privacy techniques, and are still to-
day two of the three general ways of verifiably count-
ing cast votes. The third method, homomorphic coun-
ters (Benaloh and Yung, 1986), was first proposed by
Benaloh in 1986.
Over the past decade, a series of end-to-end ver-
ifiable voting systems (Popoveniuc et al., 2010) was
been proposed. We briefly present some of these sys-
Andrew Neff proposed MarkPledge (VoteHere
Inc., 2003), a voting system that uses a DRE with
a regular printer attached. MarkPledge is based on
the subtle observation that a zero knowledge proof is
valid only if the prover does not know the challenge
a-priori. The system commits to the ballot that the
voter is about to cast, and then the voter challenges
the DRE to prove that the commitment contains the
correct vote. MarkPledge also produces “valid” sim-
ulated proofs for all the other candidates, such that the
receipt contains valid proofs for all candidates.
Scantegrity II (Chaum et al., ) uses a regular opti-
cal scan ballot, with confirmation numbers printed in
invisible ink. The voter marks the oval next to the can-
didate and gets the confirmation number for her vote.
The voter only gets to learn the confirmation number
for the selected candidates. Scantegrity II asks the
voter to write down by hand this confirmation num-
ber, which may be a usability concern.
Benaloh suggested a simple way to prove that
an encrypted vote is correctly constructed (Benaloh,
2008): present the voter with an encryption and al-
low the voter to challenge the encryption if she wishes
to, and check that the encryption contains her favorite
candidates. Helios (Adida, 2008) uses the Benaloh
challenge principle and is geared towards Internet vot-
ing. VoteBox (Sandler et al., 2008) is also based on
the Benaloh challenge, but is designed in the context
of polling place voting.
The majority of proposed voting systems, includ-
ing ones which were used in binding elections such
as MarkPledge, Scantegrity II and Helios, but also
VoteBox and BingoVoting(Bohli et al., 2007) allow
the voting machine to know the clear text choices a
voter makes, even if the receipt they provide is privacy
preserving. Knowing the choices that the voter made,
along with either the order in which the votes were
cast or the time when they were cast is a real threat to
ballot secrecy, as this information can be corroborated
with the order and times when the voter’s checked-in.
Partial redaction of user information is often used
in privacy preserving database systems and known as
k-anonymity (Samarati and Sweeney, 1998). It re-
quires that enough information is taken out of records
such each combination of values occurs k or more
times, such that linking personal data with any such
records is difficult.
While there has been much progress on the in-
tegrity aspect of elections, to our knowledge, our cur-
rent work is the first to address the secrecy problems
related to electronic poll books.
We propose a technique which addresses a confiden-
tiality problem caused by the use of electronic poll
books in conjunction with any type of electronic vot-
ing machines: the identity of the voters is available
to the electronic poll books along with the order in
which the voters check-in; the options of the voters
are available to the voting machines, along with the
order in which the ballots are cast. Matching the two
orders may result in binding voters’ identities with
their selections. To dissociate the two orders, we pro-
pose a technique based on blind signatures, with the
token used in the protocol containing a small amount
of information about the voters identity.
Incidentally, our technique also addresses one of
the biggest practical problems for polling places:
waiting in lines. Our technique reduces the amount
of time a voter spends waiting in line before her cre-
dentials are checked and her ballot is issued. Also,
our method does not require massive technology re-
placements, relying mainly on existing infrastructure.
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SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography