an access request was 20.47 ms, where the first re-
quest amounts to 25.02 ms and further requests can
get as fast as 10.87 ms
. This shows that even for
policies of reasonable size, the time required for de-
ciding access requests is satisfying and the DL-based
DRBAC model can be considered to be suited for use
in real-world applications.
We have introduced the Apollon framework, an ex-
tensible policy framework which makes use of on-
tologies for representing and reasoning over security
policies. Apollon has been built to meet in particular
the challenges of pervasive systems, stated in the in-
troduction of this paper: by describing entities in DL
and in combination with easy-to-write syntaxes such
as Manchester DL or Turtle, policy specification is fa-
cilitated and the author’s actual intent, in terms of the
security model, becomes more visible. The DL rep-
resentation of the exemplary policy model described
in this paper allows us to separate the actual policy,
reflecting the security model, from domain knowl-
edge, reflecting assumptions about security mecha-
nisms and devices. Further, by example of a DRBAC
model, we have shown that DL reasoning can be used
to decide acces requests and verify security properties
like SoD. However, we acknowledge that DL alone is
not expressive enough for most policies and should
thus mainly be used for modeling domain knowledge
and reasoning over policies rather than performing the
actual policy decision process.
The modular software architecture allows to only
load the required policy modules, thereby reducing
the footprint of the policy framework to the actually
needed functionality. As part of our future work, we
will take into account context-specific access rights,
add features for security negotiations between peers
in order to support self-protecting systems and con-
tinue our research on policy analysis based on OWL
and reasoning.
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