to known base classes to log information on a low
level. If additional information about the application
design exists, customized aspects can be developed.
OBJC has several tools for analyzing binary
applications at runtime. F-Script is a well-known
tool revealing enough information about almost any
application to allow easy integration of AOP into
existing applications.
As in the definition of AOP, the term cross cutting
concern can be perfectly applied to usability
engineering interests. The concept of AOP therefore
is perfectly suitable for adding data collection
facilities to existing applications for usability testing.
AOP is also easily portable to other programming
languages and the application within this paper just a
sample for how easy it is to reduce the effort for
usability testing. A best case scenario reduces code
to a single implementation of a shared concern
across all relevant classes without increasing code
complexity. Still the evaluation of the gathered data
is a challenging task. Automatic processing of
collected data is essential as large volumes can
easily be gathered. Several usage patterns like
repetitive operations on a single element were
identified hinting at usability issues. Also the
detection of heavily used features can be used to
further increase the user satisfaction by optimizing
these workflows and every change can be evaluated
afterwards for its effectiveness. A downside of the
easy application of AOP is related to privacy
concerns. Collected data should always be
anonymized and the least amount of sensitive
information should be recorded. A user notification
and opt-in mechanism is mandatory, in order to
avoid negative user experiences.
We thank Karl Heinz Struggl for the technical
support in implementation of the sample application.
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ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business