when the development of the software applications
is nearly finished.
This usability study represents an essential input for
all further activities of the AVL InMotion
development. It shows the current weaknesses and
strengths of the application and even of the
companies’ software development process.
It shows that it is essential to integrate usability
engineering at a very early stage of development to
ensure cost-effectiveness and to even have the
possibility to integrate most findings into the final
product. This will of course involve a change from
an engineering-centered corporate culture to a more
user-centered one, but will further enhance the long-
term growth-perspective and customer satisfaction
of a product.
The responsible development departments were
extremely pleased with the results and plan to
integrate the recommendations into the next product
version. Increased user efficiency and reduced
development costs will ensure the long-term success
of AVL InMotion.
Special thanks to the profound support of the
software engineering team of AVL.
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Importance of their Provision for Software Projects at the Correct Time