Andrzej Ciarkowski and Andrzej Czyżewski
Multimedia Systems Department, Gdansk University of Technology, ul. Narutowicza 11/12, Gdańsk, Poland
Keywords: Acoustic Echo Cancellation, Doubletalk Detection, Echo Hiding.
Abstract: Echo cancellers typically employ a doubletalk detection (DTD) algorithm in order to keep the adaptive filter
from diverging in the presence of near-end speech signal or other disruptive sounds in the microphone
signal. A novel doubletalk detection algorithm based on techniques similar to those used for audio signal
watermarking was introduced by the authors. The application of the described DTD algorithm within
acoustic echo cancellation system is presented. The comparison of the proposed algorithm with very
common, but simple Geigel algorithm and representing current state-of-the-art Normalized Cross-
Correlation algorithms is performed. Both objective (ROC) and subjective (listening tests) performance
evaluation methods are employed to obtain exhaustive evaluation results in simulated real-world conditions.
The evaluation results are presented and their relevance is discussed. An issue of algorithms’ computational
complexity is emphasized and conclusions are drawn.
Acoustic echo is one of the most important factors
affecting quality and comprehensibility of speech in
communications systems. An important reason for
increased interest in acoustic echo elimination
systems are changing behavioral patterns of
telephony users due to the fact that frequently
traditional phone handsets are becoming replaced by
laptop computers with built-in loudspeaker and
microphone acting as a speakerphone terminal. Such
a configuration, which is inherently echo-prone due
to high coupling between sound source and receiver,
is also common in teleconferencing applications and
car hands-free adapters making the
telecommunications acoustic echo problem even
more tangible.
Acoustic echo appears in the conversation when
speech signal from far-end speaker, reproduced
locally by the loudspeaker is being fed into the
receiver (microphone) and returns to the original
speaker. High amount of echo mixed with signal
from the local (near-end) speaker distorts the
communication, making his speech unintelligible
and forces the far-end speaker to increase his
concentration on understanding the message, which
is not only stressful, but can even lead to dangerous
accidents in case of car hands-free conversation. To
counteract this problem in full-duplex
communications setups acoustic echo cancellation
(AEC) algorithms are used. Such algorithms
typically process the incoming microphone signal in
order to remove from it the estimate of echo signal,
obtained through the transformation of recently
reproduced far-end speaker signal. Most of the AEC
algorithms proposed in the literature use adaptive
filtering in order to estimate the echo path response.
This allows obtaining accurate estimate of echo
signal through filter adaptation and effectively
eliminate the echo from microphone input by simple
signal subtraction, provided that its contents is the
sole echo signal (Kuo, Lee and Tian, 2006). Such an
assumption however is hardly realistic, as besides
the echo signal the microphone signal will typically
contain some amount of noise and most importantly,
the near-end speech from local speaker. The latter
case, which is called doubletalk has to be detected so
that the process of filter adaptation could be stopped.
This prevents the adaptive filter from diverging from
echo path response, which would lead to substantial
distortion of microphone signal. The detection of
such condition is a task of doubletalk detector
(DTD) algorithm, which is considered the most
significant and troublesome element of an AEC
Ciarkowski A. and Czy
zewski A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003524701810186
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP-2011), pages 181-186
ISBN: 978-989-8425-72-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The subsequent section of this paper introduces a
DTD algorithm developed at the Multimedia
Systems Department by the authors, based on audio
signal watermarking techniques. The detailed
description of this algorithm is available in the
literature (Szwoch, Czyzewski and Ciarkowski,
2009) (Szwoch and Czyzewski, 2008), therefore
only brief description in provided. The actual
motivation behind this paper is the objective and
subjective quality evaluation of this algorithm,
especially against current state-of-the-art NCC
In accordance with above-set goal, the next
section is devoted to the description of the
evaluation procedures applied to the DTD
algorithms in order to obtain the results which are
consequently presented and discussed.
Finally, the conclusions regarding the practical
implications of obtained results are drawn.
While most DTD algorithms rely on comparison of
far-end and microphone signals, the proposed
algorithm utilizes a different approach, which is
related to the so called “fragile” watermarking
techniques, typically used for protection of
multimedia contents against tampering. Fragile
watermarking has the property that the signature
embedded into the protected signal is destroyed and
becomes unreadable when the signal is modified. In
case of the double-talk detector algorithm such
signal protected from “tampering” is the far-end
speaker signal, and the tampering is considered an
addition of near-end signal to it. Simultaneously, any
linear modifications to the signal resulting from the
convolution with impulse response of the audio path
should not be considered as tampering, so that the
embedded signature would be detectible in “sole”
echo signal arriving at the microphone and
suppressed in combined echo-and-near-end signal.
The information contents of the signature in this
application is not important, as only the binary
decision whether the signature is present or not is
required. The applied signature embedding and
detection scheme should also be robust against A/D
and D/A conversions, which are inevitable in
telephony application, being at the same time
transparent (i.e. imperceptible) to the listener, not
affecting intelligibility of the speech and perceived
quality of the signal. Finally, minor addition of noise
and non-linear distortions resulting from
imperfections of used analogue elements of audio
path should not impair the ability of the algorithm to
detect presence of signature in echo signal.
The binary decision coming from the signature
detection block of above-described arrangement is
inverse to the expected output from DTD algorithm.
The correct detection of signature in the microphone
signal indicates that near-end speech is not present,
making it possible to control the adaptation process
of adaptive filter. The described concept is presented
in Figure 1. Adaptive filter is used to obtain an
estimate of audio path impulse response h
(n) based
on original far-end speaker signal x(n) and
microphone signal u(n). The far-end speaker signal
provides a subject to filtering with estimated impulse
response yielding echo estimate h
(n), which is
subtracted from microphone signal u(n) yielding in
turn the signal e(n) with cancelled echo. In order to
allow DTD operation the far-end speaker signal x(n)
passes through signature embedding block prior to
reproduction in the loudspeaker, producing the
signal x
(n) with embedded signature. This signature
is being detected in the signature detection block
yielding detection statistic f
(n), which is compared
to the detection threshold T
bringing in result binary
decision y(n) used to control the adaptation process.
Figure 1: General concept of AEC algorithm with DTD
based on audio signal watermarking.
The above-listed requirements regarding the
signature embedding and detection process make the
choice of a suitable watermarking algorithm
problematic. Most commonly used audio
watermarking methods are either limited to digital
domain only or are too susceptible to noise and
reverberation added in the acoustic path. The
research on this subject led to the choice of echo
hiding method, which adds to the signal single or
multiple echoes with short delay (below 30ms), so
the effect perceived by the listener is only a slight
“coloring” of the sound timbre (Gruhl, Lu and
Bender, 1996). In case of watermarking systems the
x(n) x
u(n) v(n)
(a, d,
x(n) x
u(n) v(n)
(a, d,
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
information content of the signature is contained in
the modulations of the embedded echo delay, the
information being not necessary in this case,
therefore constant, predefined echo delay is used
during signature embedding, which eases the
detection process. It was determined that the use of
multiple echoes makes the signature detection more
accurate. A detailed description of the design of
signature embedding and detection procedure is
contained in literature (Szwoch, Czyzewski and
Ciarkowski, 2009).
On the foundation of described DTD algorithm
acoustic echo cancellation system was created in the
form presented in Figure 1. The system includes
adaptive NLMS filter, whose length (filter order) is
determined by the expected echo delay (length of
echo path impulse response h
(n)). Each single
detection of double-talk condition by the DTD block
causes adaptation of the filter to be held for the time
period corresponding to the filter length in order to
prevent the filter from processing near-end speaker
talkspurt “tail” stored within its buffer.
The accuracy of DTD algorithms may be assessed
objectively using the methodology based on
Receiver Operating Characteristic plots proposed by
Cho, Morgan and Benesty (1999). This methodology
expresses the DTD accuracy in terms of the
probability of miss (P
) that describes the risk of not
detecting the doubletalk, and the probability of false
alarm (P
) that describes the risk of declaring a
doubletalk that is not present in the signal. The
evaluation is based on measuring P
performance for
a given false alarm probability P
which is measured
as the portion of far-end speech in which doubletalk
remains declared when there is no near-end speech.
The probability of miss P
is measured as the
portion of near-end speech duration that remains
undetected at different levels of near-end to far-end
speech ratio (NFR).
The evaluation data for all algorithms was
prepared as follows. A single 5s-long speech excerpt
of male speaker was used during all tests as a far-
end sample. For the near-end speakers 4 1s-long
speech excerpts were used (2 male, 2 female). Level
of all the test samples was normalized. For each
NFR value 16 samples were prepared as the
combinations of single far-end speech signal and 4
near-end signals introduced at various time instants
(0.5s, 1.5s, 2.5s, 3.5s). In order to properly simulate
real-life conditions the far-end signal was delayed by
20ms, convolved with pre-recorded room impulse
response of length of 340ms. The impulse response
signal was normalized prior applying the
convolution in order to keep far-end speech level
constant. The actual impulse response is presented in
Figure 2. Finally, white noise at predefined level
was added to the combined near-and-far-end speech
signal. The experiments were conducted at 2 noise
level presets: -30 and -60dB (relative to far-end
speech level).
Figure 2: Room impulse response used for simulation of
echo signal.
For the purpose of performing performance
comparison apart from proposed watermarking-
based DTD algorithm, 2 reference DTDs were used,
namely the Geigel algorithm introduced by
Duttweiler (1978) and more modern Normalized
Cross-Correlation (NCC) DTD as described by
Benesty, Morgan and Cho (2000). All the DTD
algorithms were implemented in MATLAB
environment. The choice of the two above-
mentioned algorithms was dictated by the fact that
the Geigel algorithm, although being very simple, is
very commonly found in the literature as a
“reference” algorithm (including the papers on the
NCC algorithm). On the other hand, the NCC
algorithm is relatively recent advancement in the
family of time-domain-based DTD methods and
demonstrates very good performance, therefore it is
considered a state-of-the-art development.
During the experiments the DTD algorithms
were coupled with NLMS adaptive filter in order to
create functional AEC system. This allowed to
obtain not only the DTD output pattern, but also the
resulting signal with cancelled echo, useful for the
second part of the experiments involving the
listening tests. Moreover, a practical implementation
of NCC DTD relies on the reuse of room impulse
response estimate obtained from the adaptive filter.
The length of the NLMS filter used was L=512 and
the NCC algorithm used the window of length
W=500 to obtain estimates of correlation vectors.
These values were chosen identical to those used by
Cho et al. (1999), so that the direct comparison of
results was possible.
The objective evaluation was performed as
follows. A decision threshold of each algorithm was
adjusted so as to achieve requested probability of
false alarm P
in an iterative process. The values of
were chosen identical to those used by Cho et al.
(1999) – 0.1 and 0.3. Then, with fixed P
, for each
NFR value (in the range -20 to 20dB with step 5dB)
a series of 16 aforementioned simulated echo
excerpts was prepared and probability of miss P
each excerpt was calculated. Therefore, the actual
values plotted in the results section are obtained
as an average over the whole series.
Apart from objective evaluation, also subjective
one was performed in the form of listening tests. The
purpose of such arrangement was to check the
perception of quality of speech subjected to AEC
system based on various DTD algorithms. The group
of 12 experts (PhD students and staff members of
Multimedia Systems Department at GUT) was asked
to assign their scores to some of the excerpts
obtained during objective evaluation. The excerpts
in a single comparison group consisted of the pure
near-end speech signal, unprocessed simulated echo
signal and output signals from AEC system with
each DTD algorithm. All the excerpts within the
group were obtained at the same NFR value, noise
level and consisted of the same near-end speech
signal introduced at fixed moment. Overall 4 groups
were prepared with NFR values of 0 and -15dB and
noise level of -30 and -60dB, therefore each expert
was subjected to the rehearsal of the total of 20
excerpts. The scores used Mean Opinion Score
(MOS) scale (1-5).
The results of objective evaluation are presented in
Figure 3 and Figure 4 for noise levels -30dB and -
60dB, respectively. At the higher noise level and
decision threshold set for false alarm probability
=0.1 all DTD algorithms demonstrate similar
performance. While Geigel algorithm in all
conditions performs the worst, the difference
between NCC and watermarking-based DTD for
=0.3 is almost negligible.
Figure 3: Performance of tested DTD algorithms, noise
level at -30dB.
Figure 4: Performance of tested DTD algorithms, noise
level at -60dB.
When noise level is set at -60dB the proposed
algorithm performs substantially better than the
other two. For the probability of false alarm P
NCC algorithm is only slightly better than Geigel
DTD. This is in clear contradiction to the results
obtained by Cho et al. (1999), however the
conditions of this experiment are quite different. In
the original work, the NCC algorithm used the real
room impulse response, while here it uses the
estimate obtained from adaptive filter. Therefore,
any DTD miss leading to NLMS filter divergence
will in turn have great impact on its performance for
subsequent audio samples. However, the conditions
of this experiment better mimic real-life, whereas
room impulse response is not known a priori.
Another difference from the experiment setup
discussed by Cho et al. (1999) is the length of the
impulse response (340 compared to 256ms),
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
therefore the effect of unmodeled impulse response
“tail” is here far more significant.
The results of objective evaluation are presented
in tables 1-4. The NCC algorithm demonstrates
almost consistent behaviour regardless of applied
noise level. The watermarking-based algorithm is
the most susceptible to noise, however when the
noise level is low its performance is superior to the
other two. The Geigel algorithm consequently
receives lowest scores.
Table 1: MOS values for DTD algorithm comparison;
noise level at -30dB, NFR=0, P
Test signal MOS
eference (sole nea
-end speech) 4.83
eference (unaltered microphone signal) 1.25
EC output with NCC DTD 3.92
EC output with Geigel DTD 2.58
EC output with proposed DTD 3.75
Table 2: MOS values for DTD algorithm comparison;
noise level at -60dB, NFR=0, P
Test signal MOS
Reference (sole near-end speech) 4.92
Reference (unaltered microphone signal) 1.25
AEC output with NCC DTD 3.75
AEC output with Geigel DTD 3.08
AEC output with proposed DTD 4.33
Table 3: MOS values for DTD algorithm comparison;
noise level at -30dB, NFR=-15dB, P
Test signal MOS
eference (sole nea
-end speech) 4.75
eference (unaltered microphone signal) 1.16
EC output with NCC DTD 2.0
EC output with Geigel DTD 1.25
EC output with proposed DTD 1.84
Table 4: MOS values for DTD algorithm comparison;
noise level at -60dB, NFR=-15dB, P
Test signal MOS
eference (sole nea
-end speech) 4.83
eference (unaltered microphone signal) 1.16
EC output with NCC DTD 1.84
EC output with Geigel DTD 1.84
EC output with proposed DTD 3.75
During the preparation of test signals the authors
also paid attention to the execution time of DTD
simulation. These time spans are presented in Table
5. It is notable that the full iteration over all NFR
levels with 16 test signals at each level took over 17
hours with NCC DTD, so it was running on average
88.6 times slower than the real-time. The same data
set was processed by the other DTD algorithms in
just over 4 minutes. Although unoptimized
MATLAB implementations are not credible target
for complexity benchmarking, the disparity in
achieved execution times is outstanding.
Table 5: Execution time of full DTD simulation for tested
DTD algorithm Execution time [s]
NCC 63793
Geigel 259
Watermarking-based 232
The presented DTD algorithm based on audio
watermarking techniques has been exhaustively
evaluated against both very simple-yet-common
Geigel algorithm and more recent and sophisticated
Normalized Cross-Correlation DTD. The evaluation
technique proposed by Cho et al. (1999) was used to
obtain Receiver Operating Characteristic plots of the
aforementioned algorithms, which are the objective
means of DTD comparison, based on the foundation
of the detection theory. The results show that the
proposed novel DTD algorithm performs
comparably (or only slightly worse) to the NCC
algorithm in high-noise conditions, significantly
outperforming it when the near-end background
noise level is low, while both “modern” algorithms
perform better than Geigel algorithm.
The subjective evaluation of the algorithms was
carried out in order to assess the perceived quality of
echo cancellation performed with them. This allows
not only to statistically verify how often the DTD
algorithm result matches the reference pattern, but
also takes into account how the exact conditions of
DTD miss impact the adaptive filter behavior. This
is especially important for the NCC algorithm, as its
“fast” version relies heavily on the reuse of room
impulse response estimated by the adaptive filter.
That factor is also clearly visible in the obtained
ROC plots, which differ from the reference plots
published by Cho et al. (1999), obtained with the
fixed, real impulse response, whenever tests
conducted by the authors used estimated one to
better simulate real-life usage.
The MOS values obtained through the listening
tests confirm the observation that the proposed,
watermarking-based DTD algorithm is more
susceptible to high noise levels that NCC algorithm.
The Geigel algorithm in all test cases was rated the
lowest, which is consistent with the expectations.
An interesting aspect of the experiment was the
preparation of test data, which allowed to observe
the practical effects of computational complexity of
the algorithms. As a direct consequence of its frame-
based operation, the proposed algorithm achieved
lower execution times than Geigel DTD, which
operates sample-by-sample. On the other hand, the
NCC algorithm even in the “fast” version, reusing
adaptive filter’s room impulse estimate instead of
performing cross-correlation matrix inversion
achieved execution times on the order of tens to
hundreds times slower than the watermarking-based
algorithm. This has direct practical implications, as
it restricts the use of NCC algorithm to specialized
hardware implementations, while the watermarking-
based algorithm with execution time on modern PC
machine several times faster than the real-time is
perfectly suited for software implementations. This
makes it a viable choice as a component of AEC
system embedded in e.g. software VoIP terminal.
The hitherto performed evaluation of proposed
watermarking-based algorithm included only
comparison with the representatives of time-domain-
based operation DTD algorithms, therefore the
authors would like to enhance this study in future
research by including also other recent
developments, e.g. the algorithm based on a soft
decision scheme in the frequency domain proposed
by Park and Chang (2010) or frequency-domain
Gaussian-Mixture Model-based DTD algorithm
proposed by Song et al. (2010).
The research was funded by the Polish Ministry of
Science and Higher Education within the grant No.
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In INTERSPEECH 2010, 2778-2781.
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications