Jorge Bernal Bernabe
, Juan M. Marin Perez
, Jose M. Alcaraz Calero
Felix J. Garcia Clemente
, Gregorio Martinez Perez
and Antonio F. Gomez Skarmeta
Departamento de Ingenieria de la Informacion y las Comunicaciones, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Cloud and Security Lab, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol, U.K.
Departamento de Ingenieria y Tecnologia de Computadores, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Keywords: Authorization system, Cloud computing, Multi-tenancy, Trust model, Semantic web.
Abstract: The provision of security services is a key enabler in cloud computing architectures. Focusing on multi-
tenancy authorization systems, the provision of different models including role based access control (RBAC),
hierarchical RBAC (hRBAC), conditional RBAC (cRBAC) and hierarchical objects (HO) is the main objective
of this paper. Our proposal is based on the Common Information Model (CIM) and Semantic Web technolo-
gies, which have been demonstrated as valid tools for describing authorization models. As the same language
is being used for the information and the authorization models they are both well aligned and thus reducing
the potential mismatch that may appear between the semantics of both models. A trust model enabling the
establishment of coalitions and federations across tenants is also an objective being covered as part of the
research being presented in this paper.
Nowadays, many businesses are evolving to start us-
ing Cloud Computing (Hayes, 2008) architectures as
a new way of managing data centers, enabling effi-
cient provisioning of virtual IT architectures. Such
virtual resources are dynamically created and disman-
tled on-demand, providing new pay-as-you-go busi-
ness models for the usage of infrastructures.
To achieve an effective management of the data
centers, cloud computing has provided a well-known
logical stack. This stack is divided in three different
layers: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as
a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
From the point of view of the cloud provider, the ac-
cess control model in the IaaS layer becomes a critical
aspect to be considered in order to have a fine control
over the usage of the architecture.
Current cloud vendor providers such as Amazon
, GoGrid
and Rackspace
rely on mere au-
thentication schemes which do not provide access
control services to the resources managed beyond to-
tal access as administrator to the whole system. Dur-
ing the last few months, some authorization systems
Amazon EC2 available at
GoGrid available at
Rackspace available at
have appeared trying to solve this issue. However,
current solutions lack of enough expressiveness to
describe some real authorization business policies,
which can be a differentiating key for the selection
of one cloud provider or another.
The main aim of this paper is to describe an autho-
rization system suitable for cloud computing archi-
tectures which solve some of these lacks, providing a
multi tenancy authorization system with high level of
expressiveness in the definition of grants. Moreover,
the establishment of business alliances (coalitions and
federations) by means of a trust model is also consid-
ered as part of the proposal.
This paper has been structured as follows: section
2 provides a related work overview. Section 3 pro-
vides an introduction of the languages used in this ap-
proach. Section 4 describes the authorization model.
Section 5 explains the architecture and the process
carried out for authorization. Finally, section 6 pro-
vides some conclusions and states of direction.
Some novel authorization models for cloud com-
puting have recently appeared during the last year.
Thus, (Alcaraz-Calero et al., 2010a) has provided
Bernal Bernabe J., M. Marin Perez J., M. Alcaraz Calero J., J. Garcia Clemente F., Martinez Perez G. and F. Gomez Skarmeta A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003525703330338
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2011), pages 333-338
ISBN: 978-989-8425-71-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
an advanced multi-tenancy authorization model with
RBAC support based on authorization statements de-
fined by means of paths. (Danwei et al., 2009) has
provided another authorization system based on us-
age control access model (UCON) (Park and Sandhu,
2004) and negotiation technologies.
While the previous authorization systems are suit-
able for cloud computing, they may lack of enough
expressiveness for defining high level authorization
policies. This lack of expressivenesscan be addressed
under the usage of the Semantic Web technologies
and ontological approaches since they provide a sig-
nificant level of expressiveness. Some authoriza-
tion systems have been proposed under Semantic
Web. Thus, (Alcaraz-Calero et al., 2010b) provides a
complete multi-tenancy authorization model for dis-
tributed system with support for RBAC, hRBAC, cR-
BAC and authorization policies. (Perez et al., 2011)
proposed other semantic-aware multi-tenancy autho-
rization system for grid architectures.These previous
proposals are not directly designed for cloud comput-
ing but they may be considered as the basis for the de-
signing of a semantic-aware authorization model for
cloud computing.
Regarding semantic-aware proposals designed for
cloud computing, (Hu et al., 2009) analyses existing
access control methods and present a new Seman-
tic Access Control Policy Language (SACPL) for de-
scribing access control policies in cloud computing
environment. Although, this is a prominent research
work, authors only provide simple RBAC support and
they do not describe the semantics of the authoriza-
tion model proposed hampering the evaluation of the
quality of such approach.
A model is used to represent authorization related
concepts as well as the resources to be protected by
the authorization system. This model is represented
by means of ontologies, since they provide high ex-
pressiveness to define the different concepts and their
semantics. The ontologies being represented in this
model have been defined using the Ontology Web
Language 2 (OWL 2). This is a W3C standard which
enables the specification of ontologies. The Semantic
Web Rule Language (SWRL) (Horrocks et al., 2004)
is used to represent rules on the Semantic Web and it
extends OWL 2 in order to provide a way to express
conditional knowledge. These languages have a com-
mon basic logic formalism called Description Logic.
This formalism provides a highly expressive language
for describing semantic features such as inheritance
among concepts and properties, transitiveness and re-
flexiveness in properties, disjointness of concepts and
conditional knowledge.
In order to represent the resources to be protected
by the authorization system, we chose a reference
model to generate the ontology which models the con-
cepts and semantics of the underlying managed vir-
tual infrastructure. The Common Information Model
(CIM) (Bumpus et al., 2000) created by the DMTF
has been selected as base model for our authorization
system. Several reasons have motivated this choice:
it is a quite complete information model, it supports
extensibility mechanisms and it is an standard infor-
mation model. Moreover, there are related standards
and technologies grouped under the WBEM specifi-
cations which allow to dynamically gather the cur-
rent state of the underlying infrastructure by means of
CIM. Additionally, this information model has been
used in several research works like (Debusmann and
Keller, 2003), (Mao et al., 2006), among others, and it
is used in a wide variety of large systems such as SAP,
Microsoft Windows and VMWare, among others.
CIM provides many concepts and relationships to
represent an information system. However, the model
used in our authorization system is intended to rep-
resent only the managed resources and not all the in-
formation is really needed. Thus, a subset of CIM
is used. The concrete subset depends on the ele-
ments and capabilities of the virtual infrastructure to
be managed. Common concepts managed in cloud in-
frastructure include virtual machines (VMs), virtual
networks which interconnect the VMs, volumes at-
tached to the VMs, etc. The model should contain
enough concepts and relationships to define the dif-
ferent elements to be protected by the authorization
system. The model can also be extended to incorpo-
rate specific concepts making use of the extensibility
mechanisms provided by CIM.
Different representations of CIM in OWL are
provided in several works like (Majewska et al.,
2007), (Heimbigner,2004) and (Alcaraz-Calero et al.,
2010b). In this paper, the approach proposed by
(Alcaraz-Calero et al., 2010b) has been selected to
perform the representation of CIM in OWL. This ap-
proach is available at the XCIM2OWL Sourceforge
Authorization decisions are taken based on some priv-
ileges defined for some subjects on some resources.
In this approach, privileges are established by means
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
of authorization statements. An authorization state-
ment basically establishes that a subject has a privi-
lege on a resource. It can be represented by the 3-
tuple (Subject, Privilege, Resource).
In order to support a Role-based Access Control
(RBAC) model, a subject can be either a user or a role.
These authorization statements can be represented in
the model by means of the set of CIM concepts and
relationships depicted in Figure 1.
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Figure 1: UML diagram of authorization concepts.
Subjects are represented by the
concepts. The association of subjects to priv-
ileges is accomplished via the
association. The resources of the underlying virtual
infrastructure that are protected are similarly defined
via the
association. This asso-
ciation connects with the
which is the common root superclass in CIM. This
enables the definition of any element of the model as
target for authorization.
These elements of the model represent a positive
authorization statement. When a user tries to perform
some action on a given resource in the system, the au-
thorization system searches the model for the set of
concepts and relationships. If no positive authoriza-
tion statement is found in the model, then the access
to the resource will be denied, i.e. a ’deny by default’
policy is followed.
In this approach, SWRL is used to define rules
based on the concepts represented in the model. In
particular, two different kinds of rules are consid-
ered: rules and meta-rules. Rules are used to map
the authorization statements represented by the tuples
to the corresponding concepts and relationships of the
model which represent the specified semantics of the
statement. In turn, meta-rules are rules which are de-
fined to extend the semantics of the model, thus en-
abling support for different authorization features.
One of these features is Role-based Access Con-
trol (RBAC) support, which enables the definition of
privileges for roles. A meta-rule is defined to provide
the RBAC semantics by propagating the privileges as-
signed to a role to the identities belonging to that role.
Rule 1 shows this meta-rule in SWRL abstract syntax.
Role(?r) AuthorizedPrivilege(?p) authorizedSub ject(?p, ?r) (1)
Identity(?i) memberO fCollection(?i, ?r) (2)
authorizedSubject(?p, ?i) (4)
Rule 1: Role privileges propagation meta-rule.
The first line of Rule 1 defines a role which has
some privilege associated. Line 2 selects the identi-
ties which are members of that role and the rule con-
sequent establishes the
ation to grant the privilege to these identities.
Hierarchical Role-based Access Control (hRBAC)
extends RBAC with the ability to define role hier-
archies. In our approach, these hierarchies can be
defined by means of the
sociation. Privilege inheritance is achieved by es-
tablishing the semantics of this hierarchical relation-
ship in the model. The definition in OWL of the
property as transitive makes
the system to consider any instance belonging to any
role, also belonging to its parent roles in the hierarchy.
Then, for any given instance, rule 1 will propagate the
privileges in the role hierarchy.
Enabling object hierarchies in the model provides
a higher expressiveness to the authorization system.
This feature enables the definition of privilegesaffect-
ing a given object to be inherited by its children ob-
jects in the hierarchy. For example, privileges affect-
ing a directory would also apply to its subdirectories
and files. This approach can also be applied to com-
pound objects (e.g. a privilege defined over a network
may also affect to each element which forms part of
such a network). This feature is achieved by incor-
porating the corresponding semantics to the model
and by defining meta-rules which establish the priv-
ilege propagation. In CIM, associations used to es-
tablish ’part of and dependency relationships share
the common root
ciations, respectively. The definition of these two root
associations as transitive in OWL enables the autho-
rization system to recognize all subcomponents and
dependent objects through the whole hierarchy. The
SWRL meta-rules which propagate the privileges are
defined in a similar way as rule 1.
Conditional RBAC is also supported in this ap-
proach. It is done by enabling the granting of priv-
ileges according to some conditions. In order to
provide this feature, the authorization statements are
now represented by a 4-tuple (Subject, Privilege, Re-
source, Conditions). This means that the permissions
defined in the statement only apply when the speci-
fied conditions are fulfilled. The expressiveness pro-
vided by SWRL has been used to provide this feature,
including some antecedents to the rule which maps
the statement to the model. Rule antecedents are gen-
erated from the conditions specified by the adminis-
trator in the 4-tuple. Authorization statements which
does not specify any condition will result in a rule
with an empty antecedent.
Finally, multi tenancy support is also needed in
this environment, since usually multiple entities share
the same cloud provider and it has to ensure a secure
access to the information. This feature is provided
in our authorization system by keeping the authoriza-
tion models of the different administrative domains
isolated at the level of knowledge. Supporting this
multi tenancy feature, also implies a new extension
to the authorization statements, adding the concept of
Issuer, which represents the entity which defines the
statement. Thus, the authorization statements are now
represented by the 5-tuple (Issuer, Subject, Privilege,
Resource, Conditions). This tuple can be read as ’The
entity Issuer states that the user or role Subject has
the permissions defined by Privilege over the element
Related to the multi tenancyfeature, coalition sup-
port is also provided in our approach by enabling dif-
ferent organizations to collaborate in the Cloud. Trust
relationships among differentdomains can be defined,
meaning that an entity is able to access the knowl-
edge of another entity if a trust relationship is estab-
lished. The management of these different entities
knowledge will be further explained in section 5.
This section describes the cloud architecture designed
for the authorization model described in sections
3 and 4. As can be seen in figure 2, the cloud
computing defines a stack composed of three lay-
ers: Infrastructure-as-a-Service(IaaS), Platform-as-a-
Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (Saas). In-
frastructure as a Service is the delivery of computer
hardware, i.e. servers, networking technology, stor-
age, and data center space, as a service. The layer
also includes the delivery of on-deman virtualization
infrastructures to manage the resources. The func-
tionality of managing these virtual infrastructures is
provided by means of an
Our semantic-aware authorization architecture,
which is depicted in Figure 2, has been designed
to be suitable for the IaaS layer. The architec-
ture, following a multi-tenancy approach, provides
access control to the infrastructure resources man-
aged by the IaaS according to the authorization rules
defined previously by customers. Our solution ex-
,1#'3%$* %&+%+,*$-.)*
!" !"
Figure 2: Semantic Authorization Architecture for Cloud.
tends the already existing IaaS API solutions in or-
der to cope with a fine grain authorization mecha-
nism based on a high level of expressiveness. Thus,
when a customer invokes the
trying to ac-
cess to a resource of the virtual infrastructure, the
module captures the request and deliv-
ers it to the
in order to eval-
uate whether the customer has grants to access to the
resource or not. After checking the access control,
, in case of an affirmative response
from the
, forwards the re-
quest again to the IaaS API which performs the cor-
responding action.
As explained in section 4, the authorization rules
required to perform the authorization decision are ob-
tained from the authorization statements. The state-
ments are configured and inserted in the system by
users (either customers and/or system administrators)
making use of the
Authorization API
. This API,
taking these statements definitions as input, translates
them as authorization rules in SWRL format in or-
der to be later stored in a central repository called
Knowledge Base(KB)
. The KB holds all the autho-
rization informationneeded to carry out the authoriza-
tion decision. It includes, the authorization rules and
the information model defining the virtual infrastruc-
ture being managed.
Since the
requires infor-
mation about the underline virtual environment, the
information stored at the
Knowledge Base
has to be
kept up to date with the information managed by the
IaaS. The
module is the authorization
system component in charge of obtaining this kind of
information from the IaaS API and translating it to
the CIM-based ontology model used in the KB, as de-
scribed in section 3.
The authorization service is composed of two
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
main components the
Authorization Engine
Trust Manager
. The former can be seen as the
core of the authorization system since it takes autho-
rization decisions reasoning over the SWRL rules and
the ontology model. The latter manages the privacy of
the information of the different organizations which
make use of the cloud infrastructure according to the
trust relationships existing between them.
5.1 Trust Management
A collaboration agreement between two organizations
can be represented by means of a trust relationship (A
trusts B). This means that a user of the organization
B can access to the authorization rules as well as to
the managed resources from organization A. This en-
ables users of the organization B to define his own
authorizations rules taking into account the particular
domain information and the authorizationmodel of A.
Thus, if there is a trust relationship between A and
B, the
Authorization Engine
can use the autho-
rization rules as well as the ontology model hold in
the KB defined for A when a authorization decision
has to be taken for an organization B. This allows or-
ganizations to control the access to their authorization
information and the resources of the IaaS layer they
use. Keeping the information model and the autho-
rization rules private implies that nobody outside of
the established agreement will be able to define or use
rules allowing members of untrusted organizations to
access to private resources. By default nobody trusts
anyone else unless there is an explicit statement of
this. Only a user of a given domain can insert or
remove rules regarding her domain. As a result, the
Trust Manager
controls the privacy of all the infor-
mation stored in the
Knowledge Base
is in charge of selecting the
information to be used to make the authorization de-
cision. This choice is done taking into account the
Issuer to provide multi-tenancy in the cloud envi-
ronment. There is one KB for each organization
containing its own domain model and rules as well
as the knowledge of its trusted organizations. The
is also responsible of managing the
life cycle of the different KBs according to the trust
relationships between the organizations.
When a user tries to access to a resource,
the request reaches firstly to the
. The
takes the request and forwards it to the
. Then, the
Trust Manager
selects the corresponding KB according to the organi-
zation to which the request target belongs. Once the
Authorization Engine
knows about the appropri-
ate KB where performing the authorization query it
reasons over the model and rules deriving the autho-
rization decision. Then, the authorization response is
sent back to the
which forwards it to
the IaaS-API that finally grantees or denies the access
to the resource based on the decision.
5.2 Reasoning Process
The information about the underline virtual infras-
tructure as well as the authorization model and
constraints are specified as an OWL ontology.
performs authorization decisions based
on the reasoning process performed by an OWL and
SWRL reasoner. During the reasoning process, the
reasoner uses the knowledge base which contains the
OWL ontology model together with the authorization
rules and meta rules defined in form of SWRL rules.
At these stage, two kinds of reasoning can be identi-
fied: OWL reasoning and SWRL reasoning. Whereas
the former deal with operations of querying, valida-
tion and inference about the ontology, the latter con-
sists on performing inference with SWRL rules. The
inference process (about both the OWL ontology and
the SWRL rules) generates new knowledge updating
the KB. Validation is also performed, checking the
ontology for inconsistencies or constraint violations.
Usually during the reasoning process, the SWRL
authorization rules infers new OWL AuthorizedPrivi-
lege instances which represent an authorization defi-
nition according to our CIM based model depicted in
Figure 1. Thus, these instances are present in the KB
as the result of the inference from a rule represent-
ing an authorization statement. To perform the de-
cision, the
component queries the rea-
soner looking for these OWL instances in the KB.
Listing 1 shows the authorization query which looks
for the privilegeallowing a subject to access to a given
target when he tries to perform certain action.
PARAMS (subject, target , action )
WHERE AuthorizedPrivilege(?p) action(?p, ,#action)
Identity(?s) instanceID(?s, #subject)
authorizedSubject(?p, ?s) authorizedTarget(?p, #target)
Listing 1: Authorization query.
The query explores the KB looking for an
instance which is associated
with the given subject and target. The query has three
parameters: the subject or identity which is trying
to access, the target representing the cloud resource
which is being accessed, and the action performed
against the target. If the query does not return any
privilege instance, the
denies the sub-
ject accessing the target (deny by default).
A multi-tenancy semantic-aware authorization model
based on CIM has been proposed for cloud comput-
ing scenarios. This authorization model enables high-
level authorization policies while overcoming certain
lacks of expresiveness of its predecessors and provid-
ing support for advanced authorization features such
as RBAC, hRBAC, cRBAC, HO and authorization
policies. Semantic Web tecnologies has been demon-
strated as useful for describing authorization models.
Moreover, the usage of the same language for ex-
pressing both information and authorization models
avoid any mismatch between the semantics of the in-
formation model and the semantics of the authoriza-
tion model, which in turn, is a a potential problem
available in most of the current authorization propos-
As a future work, the implementation of an au-
thorization plug-in for the Eucalyptus open source
cloud provider, in which the authorization model ex-
plained here can be inserted in production scenarios
is a desised result. It is also expected for the com-
ing months to perform intensive performance anal-
ysis of the authorization model proposed in order
to stablish an analitical comparison of the trade-off
between language expressiveness and system perfor-
mance. Moreover, another expected work is the ex-
tension of the authorization model proposed in order
to include conflict detection capabilities in cloud com-
puting architectures.
This work has been partially funded by the project
”Secure Management of Information across multiple
Stakeholders (SEMIRAMIS)” CIP-ICT PSP-2009-3
250453, within the EC Seven Framework Programme
(FP7). Thanks also to the Funding Program for Re-
search Groups of Excellence granted by the Seneca
Foundation (04552/GERM/06). Authors also thank to
the the Seneca Foundation for the post-doctoral grant
15714/PD/10 sponsoring Jose M. Alcaraz Calero. Fi-
nally, authors would like to specially thanks Nigel Ed-
wards for his great contribution to the authorization
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SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography