A multi-tenancy semantic-aware authorization model
based on CIM has been proposed for cloud comput-
ing scenarios. This authorization model enables high-
level authorization policies while overcoming certain
lacks of expresiveness of its predecessors and provid-
ing support for advanced authorization features such
as RBAC, hRBAC, cRBAC, HO and authorization
policies. Semantic Web tecnologies has been demon-
strated as useful for describing authorization models.
Moreover, the usage of the same language for ex-
pressing both information and authorization models
avoid any mismatch between the semantics of the in-
formation model and the semantics of the authoriza-
tion model, which in turn, is a a potential problem
available in most of the current authorization propos-
As a future work, the implementation of an au-
thorization plug-in for the Eucalyptus open source
cloud provider, in which the authorization model ex-
plained here can be inserted in production scenarios
is a desised result. It is also expected for the com-
ing months to perform intensive performance anal-
ysis of the authorization model proposed in order
to stablish an analitical comparison of the trade-off
between language expressiveness and system perfor-
mance. Moreover, another expected work is the ex-
tension of the authorization model proposed in order
to include conflict detection capabilities in cloud com-
puting architectures.
This work has been partially funded by the project
”Secure Management of Information across multiple
Stakeholders (SEMIRAMIS)” CIP-ICT PSP-2009-3
250453, within the EC Seven Framework Programme
(FP7). Thanks also to the Funding Program for Re-
search Groups of Excellence granted by the Seneca
Foundation (04552/GERM/06). Authors also thank to
the the Seneca Foundation for the post-doctoral grant
15714/PD/10 sponsoring Jose M. Alcaraz Calero. Fi-
nally, authors would like to specially thanks Nigel Ed-
wards for his great contribution to the authorization
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